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The antimicrobial effectiveness of non-thermal plasma is scientifically accepted. Applications can be found in medicinal sterilisation processes. However, the effects of plasma treatments on plant food with regard to nutritional value are not yet sufficiently investigated. To study the interactions of plasma immanent reactive species with secondary plant metabolites, lamb’s lettuce (Valerianella locusta) was exposed to an atmospheric pressure plasma jet. Changes in the phenolic profile were compared to experiments with pure substances to determine the influence of the food matrix. Whereas pure flavonoids showed a strong time-dependent decrease, not originating from photo- or thermodesorption processes, the content of diosmetin in lamb’s lettuce significantly increased. Regarding phenolic acids, plasma exposure led to a strong reduction in lamb’s lettuce, while the concentration of pure monophenols changed little within the same period of time. Treatments with plasma-similar temperatures and UV radiation suggest that due to plasma-reactive species concomitant disintegration of cell membranes and oxidation of released cellular compounds are taking place. Time-dependent changes of the leaf surface morphology due to plasma-induced erosion have been observed by scanning electron microscopy.  相似文献   

The amount of phenolic acids, flavonoids and betalains in Andean indigenous grains, quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), kañiwa (Chenopodium pallidicaule) and kiwicha (Amaranthus caudatus), was determined. The total amount of phenolic acids varied from 16.8 to 59.7 mg/100 g and the proportion of soluble phenolic acids varied from 7% to 61%. The phenolic acid content in Andean crops was low compared with common cereals like wheat and rye, but was similar to levels found in oat, barley, corn and rice. The flavonoid content of quinoa and kañiwa was exceptionally high, varying from 36.2 to 144.3 mg/100 g. Kiwicha did not contain quantifiable amounts of these compounds. Only one variety of kiwicha contained low amounts of betalains. These compounds were not detected in kañiwa or quinoa. Our study demonstrates that Andean indigenous crops have excellent potential as sources of health-promoting bioactive compounds such as flavonoids.  相似文献   

The antioxidant activities of crude extract and its derived soluble fractions from the flower of Sophora viciifolia were evaluated in five different test systems (DPPH, ABTS, FRAP, reducing power and inhibition of lipid peroxidant models) for the first time. The ethylacetate soluble fraction exhibited the highest antioxidant effect. Correlation analysis suggested that the flavonoids might be the major contributors for the high antioxidant activity of this flower. In addition, 11 compounds were isolated from this flower, and the antioxidant capacities of 5 flavonoids were evaluated by DPPH assay. Compound 3 (luteolin) had a significant DPPH radical-scavenging activity, and was also present at the highest concentration (5.56 mg/g dry sample), implying an important role of 3 for the antioxidant activity of this flower. The study suggests that the flower of S. viciifolia can provide valuable functional ingredients and can be used for the prevention of diseases related to various oxidant by-products of human metabolism.  相似文献   

The aerial parts of Sideritis syriaca ssp. syriaca (Lamiaceae) were extracted, after defatting, with diethyl ether, ethyl acetate and n-butanol. The antioxidant activities of the extracts were evaluated through in vitro model systems, such as 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) and Co(II) EDTA-induced luminol chemiluminescence. In both model systems the ethyl acetate extract was the most effective. Phytochemical analysis of ethyl acetate extract showed the presence of two new isomeric compounds (1 and 1′), identified as 1-rhamnosyl, 1-coumaroyl, dihydrocaffeoyl, protocatechuic tetraester of quinic acid, as well as chlorogenic acid (2), apigenin 7-O-glucoside (3), apigenin (4), 4′-O-methylisoscutellarein 7-O-[6′′′-O-acetyl-β-D-allopyranosyl-(1 → 2)-β-d-glucopyranoside] (5), isoscutellarein 7-O-[6′′′-O-acetyl-β-D-allopyranosyl-(1 → 2)-β-d-glucopyranoside] (6), 4′-O-methylisoscutellarein 7-O[β-d-allopyranosyl-(1 → 2)-β-d-glucopyranoside] (7) and 4′-O-methylisoscutellarein 7-O-[β-d-allopyranosyl-(1 → 2)-6′′-O-acetyl-β-d-glucopyranoside] (8). The above compounds were identified by spectroscopic methods.  相似文献   

Three- and 4-week-old Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), the red flour beetle, and Tribolium confusum (du Val), the confused flour beetle, were exposed at five different temperature-relative humidity (r.h.) combinations to a volatile formulation of the insect growth regulator (IGR) hydroprene (called Pointsource™). Typical effects associated with IGR exposure, such as arrested larval growth, morphological deformities in adults, twisted and deformed wings, and incomplete adult emergence were produced in both species. Tribolium castaneum and T. confusum were susceptible to Pointsource™, but T. castaneum appeared to be the more susceptible species. More 3-week-old larvae of both species were arrested in that stage compared to the 4-week-old larvae. Nearly all of the 3- and 4-week-old T. castaneum larvae that were able to complete development to the adult stage quickly died after they emerged and were grossly morphologically deformed. In contrast, some emerged adult T. confusum remained alive after they emerged and were not deformed in any manner or had only twisted and incomplete wings. A greater percentage of larvae of both species were arrested in the larval stage and more adults died after they emerged in exposure studies conducted at 32°C, 75% r.h. as compared with 32°C, 30% r.h., but the reverse was true for exposures conducted at 27°C. Pointsource™ appears to have excellent potential for use in controlling Tribolium species within indoor facilities.  相似文献   

The main goal of this investigation was to study the efficacy of X-ray doses (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 kGy) on inoculated Escherichia coli O157: H7, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella enterica and Shigella flexneri on shredded iceberg lettuce. The second goal was to study the effect of X-ray on the inherent microflora counts and visual color of shredded iceberg lettuce during storage at 4 °C for 30 days. Treatment with 1.0 kGy X-ray significantly reduced the population of E. coli O157: H7, L. monocytogenes, Salmonella enterica and S. flexneri on shredded iceberg lettuce by 4.4, 4.1, 4.8 and 4.4-log CFU 5 cm−2, respectively. Furthermore, more than a 5 log CFU reduction of E. coli O157: H7, L. monocytogenes, S. enterica and S. flexneri was achieved with 2.0 kGy X-ray. Treatment with X-ray reduced the initial microflora on iceberg lettuce and kept them significantly (p < 0.05) lower than the control during storage at 4 °C and 90% RH for 30 days. Treatment with X-ray did not significantly (p > 0.05) change the green color of iceberg lettuce leaves. Treatment with X-ray significantly reduced selected pathogens and inherent microorganisms on shredded iceberg lettuce leaves, which could be a good alternative to other technologies for produce (lettuce) industry.  相似文献   

The flavonoids composition of kumquat (Fortunella japonica) crude juice, obtained from uripe and ripe fruits, were investigated by reverse-phase LC-DAD-ESI-ITMS analysis. Thirteen compounds (C- and O-glycosyl flavonoids) were identified. Acacetin 3,6-di-C-glucoside (1), vicenin-2 (2), lucenin-2 4′-methyl ether (3) narirutin 4′-O-glucoside (4) and apigenin 8-C-neohesperidoside (5) were identified for the first time in kumquat juice. Furthermore, we report on the remarkable antioxidant properties of crude juice, of selected flavonoids fractions and of the main component, phloretin 3′,5′-di-C-glucoside (6).  相似文献   

The phenolic composition from different morphological parts of Helichrysum obconicum was investigated for the first time and 50 different phenolic compounds were detected. Phenolic acid conjugates, mainly mono- and di-caffeoylquinic acid derivatives, were the major components; some flavonoid derivatives were also detected in small amounts. Their separation and identification was performed by a high-performance liquid chromatography/electron spray ionisation tandem ion trap mass spectrometry method, with special emphasis on MSn fragmentation. The presence of di- and tricaffeoylshikimic acid isomers in Helichrysum species extracts was reported for the first time, the spectra of these compounds were mainly characterised by the presence of a [caffeoylshikimic acid-H] ion at m/z 335. A lamiridosins-di-O-hexoside, an unusual component in Asteraceae species, was also detected.  相似文献   

New types of bread were produced employing baker’s yeast, kefir or Lactobacillus casei immobilized on brewer’s spent grains. Bread was produced either by the straight-dough or the sourdough method. All the studied biocatalysts and their corresponding sourdoughs were found efficient for breadmaking. Good rising was achieved and the produced breads had good overall quality and remained fresher for longer, compared to commercial type baker’s yeast bread. The best results were obtained for sourdough breads, with higher moisture retention during baking, lower rates of water evaporation and staling, and maintenance of freshness for longer (4–5 days). Consumer evaluation showed bigger preference for the sourdough breads as far as aroma, taste and overall quality were concerned, justified by the GC-MS analysis of volatiles that revealed a different aroma profile, with more compounds identified than in breads produced by the straight-dough method, obviously due to variations in microbial populations.  相似文献   

Fumigations were conducted using a continuous flow-through laboratory process to maintain constant concentrations of ethyl formate and low levels (<0.8%) of respiratory carbon dioxide. The procedure minimised the effects of sorption by exposing test insects without media and minimised the effect of carbon dioxide by use of continuous flow. The concentration×time (Ct) products of ethyl formate for adult Sitophilus oryzae, Tribolium castaneum and Rhyzopertha dominica at 25 °C and 70% relative humidity for the 6 h exposure were, respectively: (1) LD50 107.8, 108.8 and 72.8 mg h L−1 and (2) LD99.5 207.4, 167.1 and 122.2 mg h L−1. Endpoint mortality was reached within 24 h of initial exposure.  相似文献   

The shelf life of red mullet and goldband goatfish during ice storage were studied in terms of sensory, microbiological and chemical changes. The sensory acceptability limit was 8 days for goldband goatfish (Upeneus moluccensis) and 11 days for red mullet (Mullus barbatus) stored in ice. The TVC level was correlated with sensory assessment. The TVC exceeded 7 log cfu g−1 after 8 days for goldband goatfish, and 11 days for red mullet. At the end of storage period, pH, TVB-N, TBA, FFA and PV for red mullet were 7.84, 47.19 mg/100 g, 0.69 mg MA kg−1, 1.17% oleic acid and 1.58 meq O2/kg and for goldband goatfish they were 7.53, 43.97 mg/100 g, 0.74 mg MA kg−1, 1.62% oleic acid and 1.68 meq O2/kg, respectively. In red mullet, agmatine, serotonin, histamine and dopamine became the dominant amines, reaching 7.30, 5.97, 2.52 and 2.31 mg/100 g, respectively. Also the dominant amines for goldband goatfish were 4.37, 3.88, 3.38 and 2.00 mg/100 g for histamine, agmatine, dopamine and putrescine, respectively.  相似文献   

Twelve indigenous and exotic isolates of Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae were evaluated for their virulence and their ability to suppress populations of Callosobruchus maculatus in stored cowpea. LT50 values ranged from 3.11 to 6.12 days following immersion in aqueous suspensions containing 1×108 conidia ml−1. Indigenous isolates that had been recovered from C. maculatus were more virulent in laboratory bioassays than exotic isolates from other insects. The two isolates with the shortest LT50 values were compared in dose-response assays by immersion and by exposure to cowpea grains treated with dry conidia. In both assays B. bassiana 0362 was consistently more virulent than M. anisopliae 0351. By immersion, LC50 values on day 6 post-treatment were 9.10×104 and 7.10×105 conidia ml−1 for B. bassiana 0362 and M. anisopliae 0351, respectively. Exposure to treated grains gave LC50 values of 1.15×107 and 4.44×107 conidia g−1 grain for B. bassiana 0362 and M. anisopliae 0351, respectively. In 1 kg batches of cowpea stocked with 50 adult C. maculatus, B. bassiana 0362 at both 1×107 and 1×108 conidia g−1 grain led to significant adult mortality and reduced F1 emergence relative to untreated populations. At 1×108 conidia g−1 the effect of the fungus persisted into the F1 generation. The net reproductive rates, R0, measured 26 days after insects were released were 5.16 and 7.32 for the high and low doses compared to 9.52 for the untreated control.  相似文献   

H. Ölmez  S.D. Temur 《LWT》2010,43(6):964-970
The effects of ozone (2 mg/L), chlorine (100 mg/L) and organic acid (0.25 g/100 g citric acid plus 0.50 g/100 g ascorbic acid) treatments at 10 °C for 2 min on the removal of Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes cells embedded inside biofilms on the surface of lettuce leaves were studied. None of the sanitizing treatments were found effective in removing the bacterial biofilms. Initiation of biofilms was observed after 24 h of incubation. Bacterial cells appeared as individual cells, rather than clusters after 6 h incubation, thus 99.9% reductions in both E. coli and L. monocytogenes counts were achieved with all the three treatments. However, after 48 h incubation, none of the treatments resulted in higher than 90% reduction in microbial counts. Biofilm formation was demonstrated for the 48 h incubated samples with SEM images.  相似文献   

The behavioural responses of Sitophilus granarius, S. oryzae and S. zeamais to synthetic 4S,5R-sitophinone alone and in combination with volatiles from kibbled carob have been investigated with a view to the development of a single lure to attract all three species. Sitophilus zeamais and S. oryzae were shown to respond to 4S,5R-sitophinone at amounts as low as 0.025 ng. Sitophilus granarius gave a significant response to 50 ng 4S,5R-sitophinone. Volatiles from kibbled carob were also shown to attract all three species. This is the first time that attraction of S. zeamais and S. oryzae to carob volatiles has been demonstrated. Fresh lures containing 4S,5R-sitophinone and carob volatiles attracted significantly more insects in pitfall bioassays for all three species than when either component was used alone. However, after 6 weeks a significant increase in response compared to the control was found only for S. oryzae and S. zeamais. The effect of insect age on response to the pheromone and carob volatiles was also studied for all three species. The response to carob volatiles decreased with increasing insect age for all three species. A significant response to 4S,5R-sitophinone was found only for 1-2-day-old adults of S. oryzae and S. zeamais but for all ages tested of S. granarius. The effect of the combination of pheromone and carob volatiles also decreased with increasing insect age.  相似文献   

For the first time, an ecological survey of wine yeasts present in grapes growing in two vineyards located in the region of “Serranía de Ronda” (Málaga, southern Spain) has been carried out. During the 2006 and 2007 vintages, grapes from different varieties were aseptically collected and allowed to ferment spontaneously in the laboratory. From a total of 1586 colonies isolated from microvinifications, 1281 were identified according to ITS polymorphisms and their identity confirmed by sequencing of the D1/D2 region of 26S rDNA. Most of the isolates (84%) corresponded to thirteen different non-Saccharomyces species with Kluyveromyces thermotolerans, Hanseniaspora guilliermondii, Hanseniaspora uvarum and Issatchenkia orientalis accounting for 42.7% of the total. Mitochondrial DNA restriction analysis from the Saccharomyces cerevisiae isolates revealed a low diversity since only eleven different profiles were found, nine of them corresponding to local strains and two to commercial ones that had been used in different campaigns and that very likely were disseminated from the winery to the adjacent vineyard. A different distribution of strains was found in the three grape varieties studied.  相似文献   

St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) herb is used as a herb-tea or as a food supplement because of its antidepressive properties. St. John’s wort, grown under different levels of UV-B radiation, was analysed for its concentrations of flavonoids, tannins and hypericin. A high level of UV-B radiation increased leaf concentrations of flavonoids from 6.31 to 9.00/100 g in dry matter (DM) and of tannins from 26.6 to 31.4/100 g in DM. The concentration of hypericin in leaves exposed to enhanced UV-B radiation (0.08/100 g in DM) was lower than that of leaves exposed to reduced UV-B radiation (0.09/100 g in DM). We conclude that the concentrations of bioactive substances in St. John’s wort herb can be altered by regulating the environment during plant growth.  相似文献   

The confused flour beetle, Tribolium confusum, and the Mediterranean flour moth, Ephestia kuehniella, are important pests of stored grain products. The insecticidal effect of three strains (UK 76 [=Nemasys], USA/SC, and Hawaii) of the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema feltiae was determined in the laboratory, in wheat, against these pests. The nematodes were applied at three dose rates: 100, 300 and 900 nematodes/insect individual. The Hawaii strain was most virulent against T. confusum adults and larvae, with a significant dose effect in the case of the larvae. Larval mortality of this species reached 79% and 100% after 7 and 14 d of exposure to the nematodes, respectively, at the highest dose applied. On the other hand, adult mortality of T. confusum did not exceed 66%. In the case of E. kuehniella larvae, USA/SC performed best causing 52% and 69% mortality after 7 and 14 d exposure, respectively, at the highest dose tested. Since very few data are available on the effect of entomopathogenic nematodes against these pests, it is concluded that the Hawaii and USA/SC strains of S. feltiae should be further investigated as promising biological control agents for T. confusum and E. kuehniella.  相似文献   

Eleven blackcurrant cultivars grown with pesticide (PT) and without pesticide treatment (PF) were evaluated to compare the differences in plant growth and physical condition, total anthocyanin content, ascorbic acid content, total antioxidant capacity, effect on prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production and anticancer cell proliferation activities. Results showed that the yield and growth of PT blackcurrants were higher. However, PF blackcurrants contained a higher amount of ascorbic acid, and displayed an increased inhibition against cancer cells compared to PT blackcurrants, indicating that PF blackcurrants have an increased potential to deliver health-promoting benefit for consumers. Significant differences were observed between blackcurrant cultivars in relation to plant growth and physical condition, total anthocyanin content and PGE2 assay, highlighting the importance of cultivar selection.  相似文献   

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