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随着生物医学技术的发展,组织样本经常被多种荧光标记物标记,需要通过光谱成像的方法区分出样本中不同的成分。本文在共聚焦显微镜基础上,介绍了一种由精密丝杠和步进电机控制的狭缝机构实现光谱成像的方法,讨论了狭缝缝片的具体设计和狭缝运动精度对光谱带宽和波长准确度的影响。  相似文献   

在激光扫描共聚焦显微成像技术基础上引入了光谱成像技术以便区分生物组织中的不同荧光成分。采用分光棱镜对荧光进行光谱展开,在光谱谱面处设置两个可移动缝片形成出射狭缝,两个步进电机带动安装其上的两个缝片设置系统在整个工作波长(400~700 nm)内的光谱带宽,其最小光谱带宽优于5 nm。用488 nm激光和低压汞灯实际测量了几条谱线对应的狭缝位置并和理论值做了比较,结果显示实际狭缝位置和理论值的差值均小于0.1 mm。在全光谱和50 μm出射狭缝(对应2.5 nm光谱带宽)对老鼠肾脏组织进行了共聚焦光谱成像实验,获得了老鼠肾脏组织中DAPI标定的细胞核图像和Alexa Fluor®488标定的肾脏小球曲管图像,实现了对老鼠肾脏组织不同成分的区分。实验结果表明:提出的系统能够进行共聚焦光谱成像,扩大了共聚焦显微镜的适用范围。  相似文献   

Ratiometric quantification of CFP/YFP FRET enables live-cell time-series detection of molecular interactions, without the need for acceptor photobleaching or specialized equipment for determining fluorescence lifetime. Although popular in widefield applications, its implementation on a confocal microscope, which would enable sub-cellular resolution, has met with limited success. Here, we characterize sources of optical variability (unique to the confocal context) that diminish the accuracy and reproducibility of ratiometric FRET determination and devise practical remedies. Remarkably, we find that the most popular configuration, which pairs an oil objective with a small pinhole aperture, results in intractable variability that could not be adequately corrected through any calibration procedure. By quantitatively comparing several imaging configurations and calibration procedures, we find that significant improvements can be achieved by combining a water objective and increased pinhole aperture with a uniform-dye calibration procedure. The combination of these methods permitted remarkably consistent quantification of sub-cellular FRET in live cells. Notably, this methodology can be readily implemented on a standard confocal instrument, and the dye calibration procedure yields a time savings over traditional live-cell calibration methods. In all, identification of key technical challenges and practical compensating solutions promise robust sub-cellular ratiometric FRET imaging under confocal microscopy.  相似文献   

Evaluation of spectral imaging for plant cell analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fluorescence imaging at high spectral resolution is now a practical reality and has great promise in plant cell biology. Emission spectral curve data can be used computationally to distinguish spectrally similar fluorophores, or to remove autofluorescence, and to spectrally analyse autofluorescent molecules, which are especially abundant in plant tissues. Examples of these applications in plant cells are given, and a comparison is made between the current offerings in spectral imaging laser scanning confocal microscopes.  相似文献   

Automated imaging of extended tissue volumes using confocal microscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Confocal microscopy enables constitutive elements of cells and tissues to be viewed at high resolution and reconstructed in three dimensions, but is constrained by the limited extent of the volumes that can be imaged. We have developed an automated technique that enables serial confocal images to be acquired over large tissue areas and volumes. The computer-controlled system, which integrates a confocal microscope and an ultramill using a high-precision translation stage, inherently preserves specimen registration, and the user control interface enables flexible specification of imaging protocols over a wide range of scales and resolutions. With this system it is possible to reconstruct specified morphological features in three dimensions and locate them accurately throughout a tissue sample. We have successfully imaged various samples at 1-mum voxel resolution on volumes up to 4 mm3 and on areas up to 75 mm2. Used in conjunction with appropriate embedding media and immuno-histochemical probes, the techniques described in this paper make it possible to routinely map the distributions of key intracellular structures over much larger tissue domains than has been easily achievable in the past.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3-D) imaging in confocal microscopes is considered in terms of 3-D transfer functions. This leads to an explanation of axial imaging properties. The axial response was observed in both object-scanning and beam-scanning microscopes and the influence of off-axis examination investigated. By simple processing of multi-detector signals, imaging in both the axial and transverse directions can be improved.  相似文献   

Autofluorescence (AF) originating from the cytoplasmic region of mammalian cells has been thoroughly investigated; however, AF from plasma membranes of viable intact cells is less well known, and has been mentioned only in a few older publications. Herein, we report results describing single- and two-photon spectral properties of a strong yellowish-green AF confined to the plasma-membrane region of transformed human hepatocytes (HepG2) grown in vitro as small three-dimensional aggregates or as monolayers. The excitation-emission characteristics of the membrane AF indicate that it may originate from a flavin derivative. Furthermore, the AF was closely associated with the plasma membranes of HepG2 cells, and its presence and intensity were dependent on cell metabolic state, membrane integrity and presence of reducing agents. This AF could be detected both in live intact cells and in formaldehyde-fixed cells.  相似文献   

A theoretical analysis of a new technique for fluorescence lifetime measurement, relying on (near steady state) excitation with short optical pulses, is presented. Application of the technique to confocal microscopy enables local determination of the fluorescence lifetime, which is a parameter sensitive to the local environment of fluorescent probe molecules in biological samples. The novel technique provides high time resolution, since it relies on the laser pulse duration, rather than on electronic gating techniques, and permits, in combination with bilateral confocal microscopy and the use of a (cooled) CCD, sensitive signal detection over a large dynamic range. The principle of the technique is discussed within a theoretical framework. The sensitivity of the technique is analysed, taking into account: photodegradation, the effect of the laser repetition rate and the effect of non-steady-state excitation. The features of the technique are compared to more conventional methods for fluorescence lifetime determination.  相似文献   

Confocal spectral imaging (CSI) microscope systems now on the market delineate multiple fluorescent proteins, labels, or dyes within biological specimens by performing spectral characterizations. However, we find that some CSI present inconsistent spectral profiles of reference spectra within a particular system as well as between related and unrelated instruments. We also find evidence of instability that, if not diagnosed, could lead to inconsistent data. This variability confirms the need for diagnostic tools to provide a standardized, objective means of characterizing instability, evidence of misalignment, as well as performing calibration and validation functions. Our protocol uses an inexpensive multi-ion discharge lamp (MIDL) that contains Hg+, Ar+, and inorganic fluorophores that emit distinct, stable spectral features, in place of a sample. An MIDL characterization verifies the accuracy and consistency of a CSI system and validates acquisitions of biological samples. We examined a total of 10 CSI systems, all of which displayed spectral inconsistencies, enabling us to identify malfunctioning subsystems. Only one of the 10 instruments met its optimal performance expectations. We have found that using a primary light source that emits an absolute standard "reference spectrum" enabled us to diagnose instrument errors and measure accuracy and reproducibility under normalized conditions. Using this information, a CSI operator can determine whether a CSI system is working optimally and make objective comparisons with the performance of other CSI systems. It is evident that if CSI systems of a similar make and model were standardized to reveal the same spectral profile from a standard light source, then researchers could be confident that real-life experimental findings would be repeatable on any similar system.  相似文献   

The effects of fluorescence saturation on imaging in confocal microscopy have been studied. To include saturation it was necessary to deviate from the widely assumed linear relationship between the fluorescence and the illumination intensity. The lateral response for a point-like object, as well as the optical sectioning power, decreases depending on the degree of saturation. For very high illumination intensities the response for a saturated point object approached that of a conventional fluorescence microscope in which the fluorescence was not saturated. The decrease in the axial confocal response has been confirmed qualitatively by experiment.  相似文献   

The relationship between integrated fluorescence intensity and integrated absorbance was measured in Feulgen-stained pigeon erythrocyte nuclei hydrolysed for different periods of time and stained at different dye concentrations. In conventional as well as confocal quantitative fluorescence microscopy the relationship between the integrated fluorescence intensity and the integrated absorbance shows a maximum. This is due to inner filtering and re-absorption of the excitation light and emission light respectively. In conventional quantitative fluorescence microscopy the relationship is influenced by the numerical aperture of the objective lens. Under confocal observation, as measured with the BIO-RAD MRC-500 Confocal Imaging System, no influence of the numerical aperture of the objective lens on the relationship between the integrated fluorescence intensity and the integrated absorbance could be observed.  相似文献   

Multimode fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) microscopy was applied to study the plasma membrane organization using different lipidated green fluorescent protein (GFP)‐fusion proteins co‐expressed in cowpea protoplasts. Cyan fluorescent protein (CFP) was fused to the hyper variable region of a small maize GTPase (ROP7) and yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) was fused to the N‐myristoylation motif of the calcium‐dependent protein kinase 1 (LeCPK1) of tomato. Upon co‐expressing in cowpea protoplasts a perfect co‐localization at the plasma membrane of the constructs was observed. Acceptor‐photobleaching FRET microscopy indicated a FRET efficiency of 58% in protoplasts co‐expressing CFP‐Zm7hvr and myrLeCPK1‐YFP, whereas no FRET was apparent in protoplasts co‐expressing CFP‐Zm7hvr and YFP. Fluorescence spectral imaging microscopy (FSPIM) revealed, upon excitation at 435 nm, strong YFP emission in the fluorescence spectra of the protoplasts expressing CFP‐Zm7hvr and myrLeCPK1‐YFP. Also, fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) analysis indicated FRET because the CFP fluorescence lifetime of CFP‐Zm7hvr was reduced in the presence of myrLeCPK1‐YFP. A FRET fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) analysis on a partially acceptor‐bleached protoplast co‐expressing CFP‐Zm7hvr and myrLeCPK1‐YFP revealed slow requenching of the CFP fluorescence in the acceptor‐bleached area upon diffusion of unbleached acceptors into this area. The slow exchange of myrLeCPK1‐YFP in the complex with CFP‐Zm7hvr reflects a relatively high stability of the complex. Together, the FRET data suggest the existence of plasma membrane lipid microdomains in cowpea protoplasts.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional (3-D) transfer function is a useful concept for describing image formation in confocal scanning microscopy. From it we can derive the corresponding 2-D transfer function for in-focus imaging. In confocal transmission this can be derived analytically. The 1-D transfer function for on-axis imaging, which can be expressed in an analytical form even for confocal fluorescence with differing wavelengths of excitation and fluorescence, can be derived from the 3-D transfer function. The 2-D transfer function for in-focus imaging in confocal fluorescence microscopy with a finite-sized detector is also presented, which is shown to exhibit sign changes and can therefore result in reversals of image contrast.  相似文献   

The improved resolution and sectioning capability of a confocal microscope make it an ideal instrument for extracting three-dimensional information especially from extended biological specimens. The imaging properties, also with finite detection pinholes are considered and a number of biological applications demonstrated.  相似文献   

Confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) provides optical sectioning of a fluorescent sample and improved resolution with respect to conventional optical microscopy. As a result, three-dimensional (3-D) imaging of biological objects becomes possible. A difficulty is that the lateral resolution is better than the axial resolution and, thus, the microscope provides orientation-dependent images. However, a theoretical investigation of the process of image formation in CSLM shows that it must be possible to improve the resolution obtained in practice. We present two methods for achieving such a result in the case of 3-D fluorescent objects. The first method applies to conventional CSLM, where the image is detected only on the optical axis for any scanning position. Since the resulting 3-D image is the convolution of the object with the impulse-response function of the instrument, the problem of image restoration is a deconvolution problem and is affected by numerical instability. A short introduction to the linear methods developed for obtaining stable solutions of these problems (the so-called regularization theory of ill-posed problems) is given and an application to a real image is discussed. The second method applies to a new version of CSLM proposed in recent years. In such a case the full image must be measured by a suitable array of detectors. For each scanning position the data are not single numbers but vectors. Then, in order to recover the object, one must solve a Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. A method for the solution of this equation is presented and the possibility of achieving super-resolution is demonstrated. More precisely, we show that it is possible to improve by about a factor of 2 the resolution of conventional CSLM both in the lateral and axial directions.  相似文献   

We describe a real-time white light reflection con-focal microscope incorporating an optical fibre bundle and characterise the optical performance of the bundle. The use of an incoherent light source enables us, for the first time, to present speckle-free endoscopic reflected light confocal images. The system has potential application for in vivo studies.  相似文献   

We present recent data on dynamic imaging of Rac1 activity in live T-cells. Förster resonance energy transfer between enhanced green and monomeric red fluorescent protein pairs which form part of a biosensor molecule provides a metric of this activity. Microscopy is performed using a multi-functional high-content screening instrument using fluorescence anisotropy to provide a means of monitoring protein–protein activity with high temporal resolution. Specifically, the response of T-cells upon interaction of a cell surface receptor with an antibody coated multi-well chamber was measured. We observed dynamic changes in the activity of the biosensor molecules with a time resolution that is difficult to achieve with traditional methodologies for observing Förster resonance energy transfer (fluorescence lifetime imaging using single photon counting or frequency domain techniques) and without spectral corrections that are normally required for intensity based methodologies.  相似文献   

We have used a multiple-laser confocal microscope with lines at 325, 442, 488, 514 and 633 nm to investigate optical sectioning of botanical specimens over a wide range of wavelengths. The 442-nm line allowed efficient excitation of Chromomycin A3, with minimal background autofluorescence, to visualize GC-rich heterochromatin as an aid to chromosome identification. Sequential excitation with 442- and 488-nm light enabled ratio imaging of cytosolic pH using BCECF. The red HeNe laser penetrated deep into intact plant tissues, being less prone to scattering than shorter blue lines, and was also used to image fluorescent samples in reflection, prior to fluorescence measurements, to reduce photobleaching. Chromatic corrections are more important in confocal microscope optics than in conventional microscopy. Measured focus differences between blue, green and red wavelengths, for commonly used objectives, were up to half the optical section thickness for both our multi-laser system and a multi-line single-laser instrument. This limited high-resolution sectioning at visible wavelengths caused a loss in signal. For ultraviolet excitation the focus shift was much larger and had to be corrected by pre-focusing the illumination. With this system we have imaged DAPI-stained nuclei, callose in pollen tubes using Aniline Blue and the calcium probe Indo-1.  相似文献   

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