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上 线性码c的汉明重量谱为序列 ,其中,dr是c的r维子码的最小支撑重量。第VI类5维q元线性码的汉明重量谱,按照新的必要条件可以分成6个子类。运用有限射影几何方法研究VI-2类的5维q元线性码的汉明重量谱,确定VI-2类5维q元线性码的几乎所有汉明重量谱。 相似文献
首先给出了环R=Fp+vFp+v2Fp上线性码及其对偶码的结构及其Gray象的性质.定义了环R上线性码的各种重量计数器并讨论了它们之间的关系,特别的,确定了该环上线性码与其对偶码之间关于完全重量计数器的MacWilliams恒等式,利用该恒等式,进一步建立了该环上线性码与其对偶码之间的一种对称形式的MacWilliams恒等式.最后,利用该对称形式的MacWilliams恒等式得到了该环上的Hamming重量计数器和Lee重量计数器的MacWilliams恒等式,利用不同的方法推广了文献[7]中的结果. 相似文献
利用"乘法型共享技术",Langford给出了一种无可信中心的(t2-t 1,n)门限DSS签名方案。结合"加法型共享技术"和"乘法型共享技术"的思想,文中提出了一种新的无可信中心门限DSS签名方案,与(t2-t 1,n)门限签名方案相比较,该方案只需2t-1个签名者。 相似文献
Ideal secret sharing schemes with multiple secrets 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
We consider secret sharing schemes which, through an initial issuing of shares to a group of participants, permit a number of different secrets to be protected. Each secret is associated with a (potentially different) access structure and a particular secret can be reconstructed by any group of participants from its associated access structure without the need for further broadcast information. We consider ideal secret sharing schemes in this more general environment. In particular, we classify the collections of access structures that can be combined in such an ideal secret sharing scheme and we provide a general method of construction for such schemes. We also explore the extent to which the results that connect ideal secret sharing schemes to matroids can be appropriately generalized.The work of the second and third authors was supported by the Australian Research Council. 相似文献
On the size of shares for secret sharing schemes 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
A secret sharing scheme permits a secret to be shared among participants in such a way that only qualified subsets of participants can recover the secret, but any nonqualified subset has absolutely no information on the secret. The set of all qualified subsets defines the access structure to the secret. Sharing schemes are useful in the management of cryptographic keys and in multiparty secure protocols.We analyze the relationships among the entropies of the sample spaces from which the shares and the secret are chosen. We show that there are access structures with four participants for which any secret sharing scheme must give to a participant a share at least 50% greater than the secret size. This is the first proof that there exist access structures for which the best achievable information rate (i.e., the ratio between the size of the secret and that of the largest share) is bounded away from 1. The bound is the best possible, as we construct a secret sharing scheme for the above access structures that meets the bound with equality.This work was partially supported by Algoritmi, Modelli di Calcolo e Sistemi Informativi of M.U.R.S.T. and by Progetto Finalizzato Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo of C.N.R. under Grant Number 91.00939.PF69. 相似文献
1 Introduction(k ,n) thresholdschemesare proposedbyBlakley[1 ] andShamir[2 ] respectively .Assoonastheywereproposed ,theywerepaidattentiontobe causeoftheirimportantusesinmanyaspectssuchaskeymanagementinsecrecycommunication ,securitycalculation ,datasecurity ,securitymanagementoffinancenet,etc .[3~ 1 0 ] A (k,n) thresholdsecrecysharingschemeisasfollows:Dividingagivensecretsintonsharessuchthat( 1 )knowingkormoresharesonecanobtains;and( 2 )knowingk- 1orfewsharesonecannotde termines.LetP ={P… 相似文献
自A.Shamir和G.R.Blakley于1979年各自独立地提出“秘密共享”的思想及方法以后,现已出现了多种秘密共享方案。这些方案可适应不同的环境要求,然而,这些方案都是在域上建立的,当所面临问题的背景结构不构成域时会遇到麻烦。本文提出了一种新的秘密共享方案,该方案直接在整数环Z上实现,不需要对环Z作任何扩张,因而具有较高的有效性。其安全性基于Hash函数的安全性和大整数分解的难解性。 相似文献
On Matroid Characterization of Ideal Secret Sharing Schemes 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Jovan Dj. Golic 《Journal of Cryptology》1998,11(2):75-86
A characterization of ideal secret sharing schemes with an arbitrary number of keys is derived in terms of balanced maximum-order
correlation immune functions. In particular, it is proved that a matroid is an associated matroid for a binary ideal secret
sharing scheme if and only if it is representable over the binary field. Access structure characterization of connected binary
ideal schemes is established and a general method for their construction is pointed out.
Received 16 April 1993 and revised 10 October 1996 相似文献
László Csirmaz 《Journal of Cryptology》1997,10(4):223-231
A secret sharing scheme permits a secret to be shared among participants of an n-element group in such a way that only qualified subsets of participants can recover the secret. If any nonqualified subset
has absolutely no information on the secret, then the scheme is called perfect. The share in a scheme is the information that a participant must remember.
In [3] it was proved that for a certain access structure any perfect secret sharing scheme must give some participant a
share which is at least 50\percent larger than the secret size. We prove that for each n there exists an access structure on n participants so that any perfect sharing scheme must give some participant a share which is at least about times the secret size.^1 We also show that the best possible result achievable by the information-theoretic method used here is n times the secret size.
^1 All logarithms in this paper are of base 2.
Received 24 November 1993 and revised 15 September 1995 相似文献
谭晓青 《信息安全与通信保密》2007,(5):27-29
论文基于线性码提出了一个非交互的可验证秘密分享方案,利用线性码的一致校验矩阵来验证每一个秘密分享者从秘密分配者Dealer处所获得子秘密的合法性,各子秘密拥有者独立验证,无须合作。 相似文献