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使用堆用蒙特卡罗程序RMC进行临界计算时采用了传统的裂变源迭代法,即每代源中子按照真实物理过程产生、存库和再抽样。传统裂变源迭代法的计算代之间存在较大的相关性,导致了方差低估计现象,同时总体方差未实现最优化。为实现源中子在空间和能量上的最佳分布,并消除方差低估计现象,提出了能量偏倚的最佳源偏倚方法。该方法基于最佳分层抽样法,结合香农熵诊断和组统计方法,对源中子的空间和能量进行偏倚,实现了全局减方差的计算效果。在RMC程序中开发了能量偏倚的最佳源偏倚方法,并对典型压水堆组件进行测试,计算结果证明了该方法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

为提高蒙特卡罗程序在松散耦合系统临界安全计算中的可靠性与准确性,需要对计算结果进行源收敛判定。本文提出了一种考虑裂变源分布及统计偏差权重因子的改进型香农熵的收敛判定方法,将裂变源迭代过程中相邻代际之间裂变源分布的相对偏差、源迭代过程中裂变源分布的蒙特卡罗统计标准差作为裂变源分布的权重,建立了改进型的香农熵收敛指标,弥补了传统香农熵对于局部裂变源收敛细节考虑的不足。将改进型的香农熵收敛指标应用在经合组织核能机构发布的乏燃料棒栅元和松散耦合铀溶液平板基准问题上。结果表明,对比传统香农熵源收敛判定指标,改进型的香农熵对裂变源迭代收敛过程更为敏感,能够更加直观和准确地判定裂变源分布伴随源迭代的收敛性。对于收敛速度慢的典型算例,应用传统香农熵判定收敛性时给出了伪收敛的结论,而改进型香农熵能准确地判定源迭代达到收敛时的迭代次数。  相似文献   

吴屈  范潇  王刚  王侃 《原子能科学技术》2017,51(7):1232-1238
堆用蒙特卡罗程序(RMC)不断被研发以适应于反应堆大规模精细模拟计算。在临界计算中,反应堆中子注量率、功率密度等分布不均匀导致其统计偏差的波动性增大,进而导致反应堆物理对称区域计算结果出现不对称性。蒙特卡罗堆芯计算不对称性主要由统计方差造成,减小方差波动可降低堆芯计算不对称程度。本工作在RMC临界计算中增加均匀裂变源方法,并对Hoogenboom-Martin基准题进行计算验证。结果表明,改进的方法在降低堆芯方差波动性与低功率区域方差方面效果显著。  相似文献   

采用堆用蒙特卡罗程序(RMC)进行反应堆屏蔽计算时,面临着深穿透的技术难题。通过分析中子在屏蔽层中的输运过程,证明了各能群的中子都满足穿透率守恒。在RMC中开发了基于穿透率守恒的自适应局部减方差方法,该方法可以快速计算出指数重要性函数和等梯度重要性函数,对中子的空间位置和能量值同时进行偏倚,高效地求解出深穿透区域的能谱分布。用工程常用的混凝土和水屏蔽层进行测试,计算结果证明:该方法可以高效地求解深穿透问题,提高RMC的计算效率。  相似文献   

反应堆屏蔽计算是粒子输运数值计算的难点问题之一。由于仅有少量处于堆芯外围组件的高能中子能到达屏蔽层外,如果对源粒子采用无偏抽样,大量的计算时间用于模拟无用的源粒子,计算效率很低。偏倚抽样是提升蒙特卡罗模拟计算效率的重要途径,包含源偏倚、输运偏倚和碰撞偏倚等。MCNP程序的权窗发生器可为输运偏倚和碰撞偏倚提供参数,但不包含源偏倚。本文利用正向蒙特卡罗计算权窗发生器产生的重要性函数,生成源偏倚参数以及与之匹配的权窗系数,在屏蔽计算中取得了很好的效果。本文的方法与MCNP的权窗功能完全兼容,使用方便。  相似文献   

利用蒙特卡罗法不能直接计算复杂结构系统的中子输运,如屏蔽层的穿透问题,这是因为输运程序不可能预知中子穿透屏蔽层的适当路线。本研究工作对输运计算中的探测器贡献分布进行估计,并应用这一分布进行散射方向偏倚,使探测器能有效地探测到中子。在一些简单模型中采用该偏倚程序进行测试计算,证实了该程序的基本功能。本文所采用的偏倚程序是一个很强的偏倚工具,能用来计算厚而复杂的结构,如漏流效应、天空回散照射等等。  相似文献   

在基于蒙特卡罗粒子输运方法的反应堆模拟中,如裂变堆、聚变裂变混合堆等,达到可接受的统计误差需要大量的计算时间,这已成为蒙特卡罗方法的挑战问题之一,需通过并行计算技术解决。为解决现有方法中通信死锁的问题并保证负载均衡性,设计了基于双向遍历的临界计算并行算法。该方法基于超级蒙特卡罗核计算仿真软件系统SuperMC进行实现,以池式钠冷快堆BN600基准模型进行验证,并与MCNP进行对比。测试结果表明,串行和并行计算结果一致,且SuperMC并行效率高于MCNP。  相似文献   

从齐次中子输运方程出发,推导了计算α本征值的数学表达式,并给出了三种蒙特卡罗期望估计式,它们分别是:径迹长度期望估计;碰撞期望估计;逃逸期望估计。不同模型的计算结果表明,期望估计方法的计算效率可比MCNP中的(α,k)回归迭代方法有量级的提高。尤其对含慢化材料的次临界模型,期望估计方法有着特殊的优势。  相似文献   

基于微扰计算的蒙特卡罗临界搜索方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于微扰计算,提出一种新的蒙特卡罗临界搜索方法。该方法仅需要对初始系统进行一次临界计算,利用临界计算结果及微扰计算结果,对有效增殖因子变化曲线进行估计,并以此为基础得到临界搜索的结果。计算结果表明,该方法可有效、准确地对临界搜索问题进行计算,并有效地克服了传统方法的不足。  相似文献   

反应堆屏蔽计算是粒子输运数值计算的难点问题之一。由于仅有少量处于堆芯外围组件的高能中子能到达屏蔽层外,如果对源粒子采用无偏抽样,大量的计算时间用于模拟无用的源粒子,计算效率很低。偏倚抽样是提升蒙特卡罗模拟计算效率的重要途径,包含源偏倚、输运偏倚和碰撞偏倚等。MCNP程序的权窗发生器可为输运偏倚和碰撞偏倚提供参数,但不包含源偏倚。本文利用正向蒙特卡罗计算权窗发生器产生的重要性函数,生成源偏倚参数以及与之匹配的权窗系数,在屏蔽计算中取得了很好的效果。本文的方法与MCNP的权窗功能完全兼容,使用方便。  相似文献   

In slow source convergence problems, it is often difficult to ascertain whether the source iteration has converged or not. In order to solve this problem, a new “sandwich method” has been proposed. The essence of this method is that a finally converged eigenvalue keff is approached starting from two kinds of initial source guesses which give higher and lower neutron multiplication factors. It is especially important for evaluating nuclear criticality safety to know how to choose a biasing source to obtain an upper limit for keff . In this paper, (1) an example is shown to explain the difficulties in ascertaining the source convergence, (2) a method is proposed to obtain the upper and lower limit curves for keff by biasing the initial source distribution, (3) the sandwich method is applied to four benchmark problems proposed by the source convergence group of the OECD/NEA Working Party on Nuclear Criticality Safety.

Our calculation results show that the sandwich method is an effective means to confirm source convergence in such slow convergence problems. Appendix is prepared to support the method theoretically.  相似文献   

本文介绍了蒙特卡罗程序AMPX-KENO系统的铀富集厂核临界安全计算机中的应用,并为此作了大量临实验数据的验证计算和可用于实际生产的临界安全参数计算。  相似文献   

在采用锰浴法对放射性同位素中子源的发射率进行测量时,MnSO4溶液中55Mn仅俘获部分源中子,故需考虑对未被55Mn俘获部分的修正。用蒙特卡罗粒子输运程序MCNP对中子源强标准装置的锰浴系统进行模拟计算,对实验测量结果进行修正,并通过由国际计量局(BIPM)组织的中子源强度国际比对,验证了计算所建立模型的可靠性。利用MCNP程序的微扰计算功能,通过考虑MnSO4溶液的密度、源及其承托物材料的密度、源的位置、锰浴半径以及反应截面的改变对计算结果的影响,对模拟计算结果的不确定度进行了详细评定,提供了一种蒙特卡罗模拟计算结果不确定度的评定方法。  相似文献   

The vectorization method was studied to achieve a high efficiency for the precise physics model used in the continuous energy Monte Carlo method. The collision analysis task was reconstructed on the basis of the event based algorithm, and the stack-driven zone-selection method was applied to the vectorization of random walk simulation. These methods were installed into the vectorized continuous energy MVP code for general purpose uses. Performance of the present method was evaluated by comparison with conventional scalar codes VIM and MCNP for two typical problems. The MVP code achieved a vectorization ratio of more than 95% and a computation speed faster by a factor of 8–22 on the FACOM VP-2600 vector supercomputer compared with the conventional scalar codes.  相似文献   

参考辐射是辐射剂量监测仪器校准工作必备的条件, 60 Co单源照射装置是产生参考辐射场的重要设备。本文利用蒙特卡罗方法对 60 Co单源照射装置产生的辐射场的均匀性和散射辐射进行模拟计算,完成照射装置中散射腔、准直光阑和快门体等部分的设计并利用PTW电离室对辐射场进行测量。结果表明,辐射场中散射辐射和均匀性与模拟结果符合较好,满足设计要求。  相似文献   

A mesh-input-free on-the-fly source convergence indicator is proposed for Monte Carlo source iterations by the power method. This indicator consists of two step computations of source particle centers. In the first step, the geometric center of all source particles is computed. The spatial domain is then divided into eight subdomains by the xy, yz, and zx planes that intersect at the geometric center. In the second step, a new geometric center is computed for the source particles in each of the eight subdomains. Therefore, nine centers are obtained at each cycle of source iterations and the distances to the corresponding centers at the initial cycle are computed, yielding the nine center-distances sum (NCDS). NCDS was compared against entropy indicators defined on a fixed mesh. Visual inspection reveals that the overall trend of NCDS is as sound as the entropy indicators. The feasibility of NCDS is shown by the step-refined on-thefly convergence diagnosis with Wilcoxon rank sum.  相似文献   

一次屏蔽计算对于评估工作人员的辐射剂量、确保反应堆压力容器(RPV)及堆内构件在整个反应堆寿期内的安全性、防止混凝土屏蔽体及其外部部件和结构被过度活化具有重要意义。本文推导了TORT程序三维源分布计算公式和源几何转换方法,编写了相应的程序模块,并在秦山一期、CAP1400和CAP1700计算模型上进行了验证和应用。结果表明,本文推导的理论模型和开发的程序是正确的,为后续提高一次屏蔽设计精度提供了基础。  相似文献   

Containment spray tests for elemental iodine vapor removal were conducted under simulated BWR LOCA condition with large-scale JAERI Model Containment. The tests were carried out to determine the behavior of gas phase iodine removal by spray water containing carbonic acid, the mixing effect in the sump pool, and iodine deposition onto the containment wall.

In the tests, a half-life of the iodine concentration decrease in gas phase was obtained as 6–12min and an iodine partition coefficient was also obtained as 80–160 by the spray washout under pH range of 5.3–5.9. The effect on the mitigation of pH decrease of spray water caused by the iron corrosion process was discussed from the experiments. Results obtained from the tests were compared with those calculated by a code MIRA-PB.  相似文献   

A pebble bed reactor generally has double heterogeneity consisting of two kinds of spherical fuel element. In the core, there exist many fuel balls piled up randomly in a high packing fraction. And each fuel ball contains a lot of small fuel particles which are also distributed randomly. In this study, to realize precise neutron transport calculation of such reactors with the continuous energy Monte Carlo method, a new sampling method has been developed. The new method has been implemented in the general purpose Monte Carlo code MCNP to develop a modified version MCNP-BALL. This method was validated by calculating inventory of spherical fuel elements arranged successively by sampling during transport calculation and also by performing criticality calculations in ordered packing models. From the results, it was confirmed that the inventory of spherical fuel elements could be reproduced using MCNP-BALL within a sufficient accuracy of 0.2%. And the comparison of criticality calculations in ordered packing models between MCNP-BALL and the reference method shows excellent agreement in neutron spectrum as well as multiplication factor.

MCNP-BALL enables us to analyze pebble bed type cores such as PROTEUS precisely with the continuous energy Monte Carlo method.  相似文献   

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