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针对垃圾焚烧热电联产时,采用中温中压及中温次高压蒸汽参数对全厂投资及经济性的影响进行研究。以日处理规模为600 t·d-1的生活垃圾焚烧设施作为研究对象,从主机设备参数、主机设备投资额、经济指标、营业收入及投资回收期等5个方面进行分析。研究结果表明,采用中温次高压参数时,垃圾焚烧设施热电联产全厂热效率较采用中温中压参数时提高1.7%,热电联产时全年总收入较采用中温中压参数时提高11.5%,且经济性更好,静态投资回收期约为4.73年。  相似文献   

热电联产是一种热能和电能联合生产的高效能源生产方式。普通火电厂燃烧煤炭后,只产生电。在发电过程中,大量的热能被循环水带走,白白地排放到大气中,能源利用率仅为35%左右。而热电厂不仅可以提供电能,还能提供工业用蒸气和住宅暖气用热水,热效率一般都在45%以上。通常意义上的垃圾焚烧电厂、淤泥电厂、秸秆电厂等均为热电厂。  相似文献   

关于热电联产电厂热电单耗分摊的讨论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
热电联产是节约能源,保护环境的一种重要供热方式,热电单耗分摊的重要性不容置疑,用建立在“现代节能理论”基础上的单耗分析理论对热电单耗进行分析,并与传统文革方法进行比较,得出了合理的结论。  相似文献   

热电联产是节能技术 ,有条件的地方应该大力推行采用 ,但未经详细论证进行可行性研究 ,则有可能达不到国家规定的指标而被否定 ,或达不到预期的经济、环保效益。文章对热电联产的适用范围作了分析探讨 ,提供有关情况供采用热电联产的电厂参考。  相似文献   

热电联产的节能探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就国家计委等四部委发下的(1998)220号文《关于发展热电联产的若干规定》进行商榷,并就热电联产的节能界定指标提出看法。  相似文献   

陈尊理 《节能技术》2002,20(6):38-40
本文对几个热电机组的数据进行分析后认为,假如没有达到规定的技术指标,热电联产不能提高能源利用率,也不能降低环境污染,这种现象如普遍存在,将会影响热电联产事业的发展。  相似文献   

1前言我省林业企业的地理位置比较偏僻,大多数林业局电力需求由自身解决,如何建设或改造自备电厂,使之一厂多能,一机多效,在完成发电的同时达到供汽,供热的目的,充分提高设备和能源的利用率,扩大产业经营范围,改善生产条件,提高企业经济效益,是一个很有研究价值的课题。通过我们带岭电厂的建设和改造的实践过程,浅谈一下体会。带岭电厂是1963年在原柴油电站的基础上过渡建设的。建厂初期只是单独发电生产,当时又没有考虑到热电联产的问题,所以在很长一段时间内经济效益低下。1983年开始进行集中供热建设,先后投资I000多万元…  相似文献   

李成启 《现代节能》1996,12(3):19-20
热电联产对于提高一次能源利用率是一个有效途径。作者分析比较了各种热电联产方式的节效果;指出了热电联产建设中应考虑的问题。  相似文献   

扬州石化厂干气资源用于热电联产的项目分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以扬州石化厂干气资源作为锅炉燃料的热电联产项目为例,介绍了主要技术要点及其应用效果。为类似石化企业的全厂热效率的提高指出了方向。  相似文献   

热电冷联产的热经济性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
顾昌 《中国能源》1994,(3):31-34

生物质气化与废弃物焚烧联合发电的技术经济分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了生物质气化与废弃物焚烧联合发电技术项目,确定了该项目经济效益的评价指标,定量计算了项目的投资回收期、净现值和内部收益率。同时还对燃料费用、上网电价和固定资产变化引起的敏感性进行分析。结果表明,该联合发电技术的动态投资回收期为9.05a,净现值为2770万元,内部收益率为15.82%,三个经济指标均符合行业标准。从经济角度看是完全可行的。  相似文献   

低品质余热回收利用热经济性分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
俞启云  胥建群 《节能》2009,28(9):15-18
回收低品质余热用于制冷,减少制冷机组所需的低压蒸汽,节省煤量,同时自备电厂供热机组供汽量减少,热电比减小,煤耗增加,两者的差值是余热利用后净节省煤量。通过计算发现,考虑余热回收利用对自备电厂的影响.回收制冷机组投资成本需3a的时间,而按以往计算只需1a,其两者数据结果偏差较大。因此,分析余热回收利用实际问题时,需考虑多方面因素对企业的影响。  相似文献   

何晓红  舒斌 《节能》2012,31(12)
综述火电厂低温余热利用技术的特点及应用现状,并对各种技术进行了对比分析,其中集中式吸收式热泵供热技术在当前应用最广泛,是最具发展前景的技术。苇湖梁电厂低温余热利用项目是集中式吸收式热泵125MW水冷机组技术在国内的首次工程应用,项目具有显著的节能效果,可实现年节约标煤41688t,节水65.88万t。  相似文献   

Fuel cells can be attractive for use as stationary combined heat and power (CHP) systems. Molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC) power plants are prime candidates for the utilization of fossil based fuels to generate high efficiency ultra clean power. However, fuel cells are considerably more expensive than comparable conventional technologies and therefore a careful analysis of the economics must be taken. This work presents analysis on the feasibility of installing both a FuelCell Energy DFC® 1500MA and 300MA system for use at Adams Thermal Systems, a manufacturing facility in the U.S. Midwest. The paper examined thoroughly the economics driving the appropriateness of this measure. In addition, a parametric study was conducted to determine scenarios including variation in electric and natural gas rates along with reduced installation costs.  相似文献   

The development of industrial ecology has led company managers to increasingly consider their company's niche in the regional system, and to develop optimization plans. We used emergy-based, ecological-economic synthesis to evaluate two optimization plans for the Jiufa Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Plant, Shandong China. In addition, we performed economic input–output analysis and energy analysis on the system. The results showed that appropriately incorporating a firm with temporary extra productivity into its regional system will help maximize the total productivity and improve ecological-economic efficiency and benefits to society, even without technical optimization of the firm itself. In addition, developing a closer relationship between a company and its regional system will facilitate the development of new optimization opportunities. Small coal-based CHP plants have lower-energy efficiency, higher environmental loading, and lower sustainability than large fossil fuel and renewable energy-based systems. The emergy exchange ratio (EER) proved to be an important index for evaluating the vitality of highly developed ecological-economic systems.  相似文献   

Combined cycle power plants (CCPPs) have an important role in power generation. The objective of this paper is to evaluate irreversibility of each part of Neka CCPP using the exergy analysis. The results show that the combustion chamber, gas turbine, duct burner and heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) are the main sources of irreversibility representing more than 83% of the overall exergy losses. The results show that the greatest exergy loss in the gas turbine occurs in the combustion chamber due to its high irreversibility. As the second major exergy loss is in HRSG, the optimization of HRSG has an important role in reducing the exergy loss of total combined cycle. In this case, LP‐SH has the worst heat transfer process. The first law efficiency and the exergy efficiency of CCPP are calculated. Thermal and exergy efficiencies of Neka CCPP are 47 and 45.5% without duct burner, respectively. The results show that if the duct burner is added to HRSG, these efficiencies are reduced to 46 and 44%. Nevertheless, the results show that the CCPP output power increases by 7.38% when the duct burner is used. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to study the performance of a combined heat and power (CHP) system that uses two power generation units (PGU). In addition, the effect of thermal energy storage is evaluated for the proposed dual‐PGU CHP configuration (D‐CHP). Two scenarios are evaluated in this paper. In the first scenario, one PGU operates at base‐loading condition, while the second PGU operates following the electric load. In the second scenario, one PGU operates at base‐loading condition, while the second PGU operates following the thermal load. The D‐CHP system is modeled for the same building in four different locations to account for variation of the electric and thermal loads due to weather data. The D‐CHP system results are compared with the reference building by using conventional technology to determine the benefits of this proposed system in terms of operational cost and carbon dioxide emissions. The D‐CHP system results, with and without thermal storage, are also compared with that of single‐PGU CHP systems operating following the electric load (FEL), following the thermal load (FTL), and base‐loaded (BL). Results indicate that the D‐CHP system operating either FEL or FTL in general provides better results than a single‐PGU CHP system operating FEL, FTL, or BL. The addition of thermal storage enhances the potential benefits from D‐CHP system operation in terms of operational cost savings and emissions savings. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

电厂热电负荷优化分配是指在全厂总调度负荷下,根据各机组的热力性能确定各机组应承担的热电负荷,使得全厂效益最大或能耗最小的一种最优化问题.不同于燃煤热电厂,燃机电厂9F型机组由于设计为燃气轮机加蒸汽轮机的组合方式运行,因此在联合循环热力性能模型建立上较为复杂.提出了将余热锅炉新蒸汽参数作为中间变量,建立了机组天然气燃料消耗与电负荷、热负荷之间的关系模型,确定了优化计算的目标函数和边界约束条件,并采用非线性规划方法求解.模拟与实际运行结果均表明,该优化分配方法能有效降低燃机电厂燃料消耗水平,可以为同类型燃机电厂热电负荷优化分配提供参考.  相似文献   

Utilizing the combined heat and power (CHP) systems to produce both electricity and heat is growing rapidly due to their high efficiency and low emissions in domestic, commercial, and industrial applications. In the first two categories among available drivers, due to the compact size and low weight, microturbines are attractive choice. In this paper, by using an energy–economic analysis the type and number of the required microturbines for the specific electricity and heat load curves during a year were selected. For performing this task an objective function annual profit (AP) was introduced and maximized. The operation strategy and the payback period of the chosen system was also determined in this study.  相似文献   

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