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采用硝酸回流方式在碳纳米管表面构造缺陷及含氧官能团,处理后的碳纳米管在氯金酸溶液中超声震荡,经过氢气热还原将氧化态的金还原为0价态的金.扫描电子显微图片及红外吸收光谱表明酸处理成功地在碳纳米管管壁及端部构造了缺陷及羟基、羧基等含氧亲水官能团.形貌表征表明在碳纳米管管壁尤其是端部成功地掺杂了纳米粒子,并且X射线光电子谱表明该纳米粒子是0价态的金.掺杂后碳纳米管的拉曼光谱中G带波数增大说明对碳纳米管掺杂金为P型掺杂.采用介电电泳法分别将碳纳米管原样与掺金碳纳米管样品组装到金电极之间,掺杂使碳纳米管与金电极之间的接触电阻得到明显的降低,电阻值平均降幅高达69.20%.  相似文献   

将碳纳米管有效地集成到微纳器件上实现组装是碳纳米管在众多领域得以应用的先决条件,组装后较高的接触电阻成为影响碳纳米管器件性能的重要因素,为了降低碳纳米管与电极之间的接触电阻,采用高温退火法对组装后的碳纳米管进行处理.首先,通过介电电泳法组装碳纳米管;其次,利用正交试验设计和方差分析研究高温退火过程中退火温度、保温时间和升温速率对降低碳纳米管接触电阻的影响,并获得了降低接触电阻的最优参数组合;最后,对退火前后碳纳米管的I-V特性进行测量、分析.结果表明:高温退火可以简单、高效地降低碳纳米管的接触电阻,退火温度是影响降阻效果的主要因素,退火处理后接触电阻的下降幅度最高可达91.59%,组装的碳纳米管退火前后的I-V特性曲线均呈现良好的线性.  相似文献   

制备了金纳米粒子/碳纳米管复合膜修饰的玻碳电极(GNP/CNT/GC),研究该电极上对苯二酚的电化学行为。结果表明:复合膜修饰玻碳电极综合了碳纳米管和金纳米粒子的电催化活性,提高了对苯二酚电化学反应的可逆性,增强了电化学信号,与空白玻碳电极相比,氧化电流增加6倍;对苯二酚在GNP/CNT/GC电极上的电化学反应:低浓度(5×10~(-5)mol/L)时对苯二酚的电极反应受扩散过程控制,而高浓度(5×10~(-4)mol/L)时对苯二酚的电极反应受吸附过程控制。此外还研究了碳纳米管用量,复合膜的层数,扫速等条件对电化学响应信号的影响。  相似文献   

为了使碳纳米管表面产生某些含氧官能团,使其疏水性表面变为亲水性表面,采用兼具有酸性和氧化性的硝酸和硫酸水溶液对碳纳米管进行表面氧化处理,并利用红外光谱表征了碳纳米管的表面结构.制备了初始浓度为0.5g/L的碳纳米管悬浮液,运用复合电沉积方法在不锈钢基体表面制备碳纳米管薄膜,同时在硫酸镍基础电解液中研究了沉积时间对镍晶粒在碳纳米管薄膜上沉积的表面形貌和微观结构的影响.结果表明:经过混酸氧化处理后的碳纳米管表面拥有丰富的羧基和羟基等含氧官能团;沉积初期镍晶粒在碳纳米管薄膜中的结晶形态呈颗粒状,其结晶位置仅位于碳纳米管表面少数部位,随着沉积时间的延长,镍晶粒在碳纳米管薄膜中逐渐形成准连续的金属层.此外,碳纳米管的存在促进了镍晶粒(111)晶面的生长,影响了特征峰相对强度的变化及晶粒尺寸的减小.  相似文献   

以碳纳米管(CNTs)为原料,采用电沉积方法制备了染料敏化太阳能电池的对电极。研究了电沉积过程中外加电压、水浴温度、沉积时间对CNTs对电极及其组装电池性能的影响。用扫描电子显微镜对CNTs薄膜的表面形貌进行表征,通过电池的短路电流密度、开路电压、填充因子和光电转换效率等指标来表征CNTs对电极组装电池的性能。结果表明,当外加电压为20V、电沉积时间为10min、水浴温度为65℃时,CNTs对电极组装的电池光电转换性能最佳,为3.77%。  相似文献   

采用化学气相沉积法(CVD)在覆盖有催化剂薄膜的硅片表面直接制备出碳纳米管阵列,使用透射电镜(TEM)和场发射扫描电镜(FESEM)对其进行了检测,并探讨了实验条件对碳管形貌的影响。结果表明:所制备的碳管具有明显的取向性,能够形成致密有序的碳纳米管阵列;制备催化剂所用的硝酸铁溶液浓度为2mol/L时,最适宜碳管阵列的生长;匀胶机的转速提高,可减小催化剂颗粒直径,增强颗粒分散性,有利于碳管生长;碳纳米管的直径随反应温度的升高和时间的延长而增加,680℃为最佳反应温度;碳管生长模式为顶部生长和底部生长。  相似文献   

以Ni O/γ-Al2O3为催化剂,甲烷气为碳源,采用催化化学气相沉积法制备碳纳米管。利用热重分析法研究了甲烷气氛下Ni O/γ-Al2O3催化剂的还原行为,考察了甲烷裂解温度和反应时间对碳纳米管产率的影响,观察分析了碳纳米管微观结构。结果表明:在甲烷还原的Ni基催化剂上,通过化学气相沉积法裂解温度750℃反应40 min,可以得到管径为20 nm左右的碳纳米管;裂解温度对碳纳米管结构影响不大,但过高裂解温度使碳纳米管产率降低。  相似文献   

电沉积法制备高孔率泡沫金属的电流密度控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
针对高孔率泡沫金属的电阻特性,通过电流密度随时间的变化转换为镀区内的位置分布,建立了稳恒状态下,带状高孔率泡沫金属与阳极平行电沉积的理论模型,进而推导出表观电流密度分布的表达式,并对电化学步骤控制的泡沫金属电沉积进行了设备优化设计,使得泡沫金属电沉积的电流密度控制在最佳范围,保证泡沫金属的质量。这一工作,为电沉积法制备高孔率泡沫金属的设备制造和在线控制提供了理论依据,具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

为了对电沉积法制备多孔金属的设备制造和在线控制提供理论指导,针对多孔金属的电阻特性,初次建立了垂直方式运动状态下,带状多孔金属材料连续多级恒电流密度电沉积模型,推导出阳极长度、形状、安装位置、运行速度和总电流的计算公式,对电沉积法制备多孔金属材料的生产线设计和在线控制具有应用价值.  相似文献   

采用阴极恒电压法在ITO导电玻璃表面沉积了PbS薄膜,并用X-射线衍射仪(XRD)对薄膜的结构进行了表征,研究了沉积电压对薄膜的晶相组成的影响.结果表明:在U=3.0 V时,可制备出沿(111)晶面取向生长的立方相PbS薄膜;随沉积电压从3.0 V增加到4.5 V,薄膜的生长取向从(111)晶面变为(200)晶面,且PbS衍射峰的强度越来越强,到18 V时达到最强.  相似文献   

A simple and low-cost electroless deposition technique is used to prepare nickel-doped carbon nanotubes under different doping conditions, and to explore the influence of different nickel doped samples on the electrical contact properties of carbon nanotubes. First, the original carbon nanotubes are subjected to mixed acid oxidation, sensitization and activation treatment. Subsequently, the nickel chloride hexahydrate is used as the main salt and dimethylamine borane is used as the reducing agent to prepare the electroless deposition solution. And then, the prepared carbon nanotube dispersion is dropped into the electroless deposition solution to obtain the sample of nickel-doped carbon nanotubes. Morphological characterization indicates that the nanoparticles with different particle sizes and doping amounts could be doped on the surface of carbon nanotubes under different deposition conditions. The X-ray energy spectrum shows that the main component of the doped nanoparticles is nickel, and the further X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy reveals the constituent valence state of nickel. However, the Raman spectra indicate that the doping type of nickel-doped carbon nanotubes by this deposition method is the P-type. Finally, the electrical contact performance test results show that the electrical contact properties between gold electrodes and nickel-doped carbon nanotubes with different particle sizes and doping contents are different, but that all of them can be improved to a certain extent. According to the order of nanoparticles with a small particle size and a moderate amount, those with a moderate particle size and a moderate amount, and those with a large particle size and a large amount in the nickel-doped sample, the average value of the contact resistance decreases by 32.70%, 71.63% and 49.33%, respectively.  相似文献   

A novel powder catalyst Cu-Cr-O applied to the synthesis of carbon nanotubes(CNTs) was developed, which was prepared via ammonia precipitation method. Techniques of thermo-gravimetric/ differential scanning calorimeter(TG-DSC), X-ray diffraction(XRD) as well as scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and transmission electron microscopy(TEM) have been employed to characterize the thermal decomposition procedure, crystal phase and micro structural morphologies of the as-synthesized materials, respectively. The results show that carbon nanotubes are successfully synthesized using Cu-Cr-O as catalyst when the precursors are calcined at 400, 500, 600, and 700 ℃. The results indicate that the calcination of the Cu-Cr-O catalyst at 600 ℃ is an effective method to get MWCNT with few nano-tube defects or amorphous carbons.  相似文献   

金属纳米颗粒和碳纳米管是两种重要的纳米材料,要实现碳纳米管的大批量制备,必须首先解决催化剂连续投放问题和催化剂与产物及时导出的问题.通过特殊的反应装置和工艺可以实现碳纳米管的连续制备,从而达到低成本大批量制备碳纳米管的目的.本文采用一个简单的方法合成了铁钴(Fe/Co)纳米颗粒,并采用化学气相沉积法实现了碳纳米管的批量合成,纳米颗粒的尺寸分布均匀,碳纳米管管径均匀、高纯度、结构完美.合成的碳纳米管机械强度高,同时还有独特的金属或半导体导电性.  相似文献   

Single crystal silicon was found to be very beneficial to the growth of aligned carbon nanotubes by chemical vapor deposition with C2H2 as carbon source. A thin film of Ni served as catalyst was deposited on the Si substrate by the K575X Peltier Cooled High Resolution Sputter Coater before growth. The growth properties of carbon nanotubes were studied as a function of the Ni catalyst layer thickness. The diameter, growth rate and areal density of the carbon nanotubes were controlled by the initial thickness of the catalyst layer. Steric hindrance between nanotubes forces them to grow in well-aligned manner at an initial stage of growth. Transmission electron microscope analysis revealed that nanotubes grew by a tip growth mechanism. Funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 50435030)  相似文献   

基于第一性原理的密度泛函理论,利用非平衡格林函数方法本文研究了氮原子与SW(Stone-Wales)缺陷组成的复合缺陷对碳纳米管几何结构及电子透射系数的影响。结果显示SW缺陷和掺杂都对单壁管的几何结构和电子性能有显著的影响。对于半导体性(8,0)碳纳米管,复合缺陷增强了体系的输运性能,但是输运特性明显受到杂质原子的位置的影响。  相似文献   

金属粒子掺杂的多壁碳纳米管气敏性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分别利用化学还原和电化学镀覆方法,对经过浓硫酸浓硝酸混合液酸化预处理的多壁碳纳米管进行Pd和Cu的掺杂,并制备成电流型气敏传感器.以甲醛、苯、甲苯、二甲苯作为测试气体,通过电化学分析仪测试它们在不同气体种类和体积分数下的响应.实验结果表明,传感器在常温下具有较高的灵敏度和重复性,金属粒子的掺杂使传感器的灵敏性和选择性都有较大的改变.影响气敏特性的主要因素包括:碳纳米管自身的结构缺陷、气体分子与金属团簇的反应、金属粒子形成的局部催化活性中心.  相似文献   

A method of electroless plating was utilized to deposit Cu, Ni, Co, Ag on the surface of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) respectively, in order to prepare millimeter-wave absorbing materials. Field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) were used to observe morphologies and chemical compositions of the samples respectively. Millimeter-wave radiometer imaging detection was employed to measure the absorbing properties of the samples. FE-SEM and EDS results demonstrate the effectiveness of successful metal deposition. The results of millimeter-wave radiometer imaging detection reveal that the millimeter-wave absorbing properties of electroless-silver plating are better than other kinds of samples.  相似文献   

镍基纳米碳管复合镀层的摩擦磨损性能   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用化学镀方法制备镍基纳米碳管复合镀层,用扫描电镜分析了镀层的表面形貌,并用销-盘式磨损试验机研究了复合镀层在干摩擦条件下的摩擦磨损行为.结果表明:纳米碳管均匀地嵌入在镍基体中,镍基纳米碳管复合镀层具有优良的耐磨性能;由于纳米碳管的自润滑作用,复合镀层的摩擦系数随着纳米碳管体积分数的增加而逐渐降低.  相似文献   

采用正交实验对流动催化热分解法制备碳纳米管的反应温度,噻吩体积分数和氢气流速进行了条件优化,给出了优化后的工艺参数,根据透射电镜(TEM)的检测结果对反应产物进行了分析,讨论了上述3个工艺参数对产物的影响。  相似文献   

The ultrafine platinum nanoparticles deposited on the surfaces of carbon nanotubes (Pt/CNTs) were prepared by a chemical precipitation method and used as the catalyst of proton exchange membrane fuel cell. The depositing process parameters such as the solution pH value, Pt content and treatment temperature were analyzed. The experimental results show that the optimum process parameters to prepare Pt/CNTs are the solution pH value of 7.0, the theoretical Pt content of 25% (mass fraction) and the heating temperature of 500~C, under the conditions the best performance of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell can be obtained and its voltage can reach 580 mV at a current density of 500 mA/cm2.  相似文献   

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