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我国的河道综合治理项目起步于上世纪90年代,治理经验不足,部分综合治理项目存在许多负面影响,其根本原因在于在河道综合治理过程中只考虑了河道治理的排洪蓄水等物质功能,却忽视了滨河景观效能以及对河道的生态保护。文章以瓯江干流水生态系统保护与修复总体规划项目为例,通过分析、归纳等方法提出在河道综合治理基础上的滨水景观设计理论。  相似文献   

当前我国处在城镇化快速发展阶段,城市水涝、水资源保护和水污染治理等问题越来越受到人们的关注,实现水环境的安全和景观功能从对立到统一的转变就显得尤为重要。基于此,该文分析了城市河道水环境景观设计的对策。  相似文献   

安徽省宿州市灵璧县城区水环境治理工程共治理河道12条,全长约36km。本次工程设计,灵璧县环城河(环城河口~城东闸段)河长约4km,河道宽10m,河两岸为居民区,污水直接入河,水体浑浊呈深黑色,水质较差,河面及河岸存在生活垃圾和漂浮物,河道堵塞严重。景观专业的设计目标是建设成为生态环境、人文环境以及社会环境等功能复合一体的城市绿肺和生命动脉,实现自然、城市与人三位一体的生态环境系统。  相似文献   

以许昌市清潩河综合治理工程为例,采用防洪、生态、景观多方面相融合理念进行城市河道修复治理,对平面、纵断面、横断面、护坡材料、景观设施和植被种植等各方面进行修复设计,治理后的城市河道防洪功能、生态功能和景观功能得到提升,同时带动河道附近周边区域的经济发展,该方法应用研究可为日后城市河道修复治理提供参考。  相似文献   

冯潇  马俊峰  周曦 《中国园林》2012,28(4):23-28
中国内陆存在着广泛的干旱地区,这些地区因为气候的原因形成了许多长期干涸的季节性泄洪河道。另外,随着水资源的枯竭和灾害性气候的增多,越来越多的河流呈现出泄洪河道的特征。泄洪河道内存在大量不协调的现象,近年来已经成为城市景观改造的重要对象。从防洪策略、生态补偿策略、水体景观营建策略、景观特质营建策略和景观功能营建策略5个层面出发,综合探讨了干旱地区泄洪河道重点河段景观设计的主要问题与对策。  相似文献   

河道即河水流经的路段,河道本身就是自然景观,有和谐、稳定的结构和功能,河道景观经过精心的人为设计,一方面可以改善城市的面貌,另一方面能带来生态、经济等附加效益。但如今一些河道景观设计仅满足人们的视觉美感及休闲娱乐,却忽略了其生态的可持续发展。  相似文献   

以洪泽县东九道绿化景观设计为例,将"湿地文化""文物文化""歌舞文化""饮食文化""运动文化"结合起来,对洪泽县东九道现状进行了研究,并从文化、功能、空间、景观、交通等方面,提出了完善道路绿地景观,重塑河道景观的方案。  相似文献   

城市河道治理已从传统的功能治理发展为生态治理。泉州市梧垵溪下游河道整治工程是城市河道生态治理的典型案例之一,其通过采取划定生态蓝线、拓宽生态河道、减少裁弯取直、砌筑生态挡墙、保护生态河床、开展清淤疏浚、截污纳管、创新支护技术、生态补水、提升景观绿化以及实施河长制等一系列生态治理和管理措施,大大改善了河道生态水环境,既提高了防洪排涝标准、提升了水质,又与周边环境相协调。  相似文献   

河道是城市重要的生态基础设施和生态廊道,其独特的自然风貌是城市中靓丽的风景线。以包头市四道沙河综合治理景观设计为例,从现状问题、恢复河流功能、塑造城市空间格局、提升城市的品住等方面分析河道治理的必要性,以恢复融各种生态功能于一体的自然生态廊道为设计理念,采用生态设计的手法,强调空间布局与地域文化的互衍,营造滨河生态文明景观廊道,形成城市中一条水清、岸绿、生物繁衍、生生不息的生命的河流;蜿蜒曲折、自然舒展的生动的河流;与城市共生共荣、保持良好生态机能的生机的河流。  相似文献   

阐述了城市河道景观的设计原则,对城市河道景观设计的方法进行了研究,提出了城市河道景观设计存在的问题以及具体的应对方法,并对城市河道景观设计趋势进行了说明预测,指出建造人工河道景观时应遵循自然,以生态化为目标,实现河流的自然、美观。  相似文献   

探索河流生境的基本结构,研究河流生境结构与河流景观功能之间的关系,有利于创造一种接近自然的河流景观,为建设人类与自然并存的河流新景观有积极的意义。本文通过重庆肖家河景观设计实践,在解析河流生境的概念、内涵和基本结构特征的基础上,讨论恢复河流生境在河流景观设计中的具体应用。  相似文献   

张长青 《山西建筑》2010,36(26):28-29
针对我国河流当前出现的问题,分析了城市河流景观设计应注意的内容,阐述了河流景观区设计的重点,并以某滨河公园改造工程的三个景点为例,介绍了城市河流滨水景观的设计思路,以期指导实践,营造宜人的城市滨河景观。  相似文献   

城市河流是城市系统的重要组成部分[1],随着城市化进程的推进,河道被侵占、水质污染、水环境退化等问题日益突出,严重影响城市经济社会的可持续发展。近年来,城市河流治理逐渐成为一项重要课题,河道治理措施研究的重心也从河道行洪、航运等的基本功能向重视河流的生态治理与修复转变。本文以过芸溪流域河道治理工程为例,探讨河道防洪与城市景观工程相结合的城市河流治理措施。  相似文献   

西北干旱地区城市河道景观工程建设管理绩效评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在西北干旱地区,城市河道是城市的生态线、生命线、景观线。如何开展城市河道景观工程建设管理绩效评估是河道建设保证城市河道生态水文安全、改善人居环境质量、提升城市河道可持续发展能力的关键科学问题。以西北干旱地区国家级园林城市库尔勒市为例,基于全生命周期理论、扎根理论和ANP法,首先从规划设计、建设实施、绿化养护三个阶段构建了城市河道景观工程可持续建设管理绩效评价体系;其次,基于可拓物元法对库尔勒市杜鹃河景观工程可持续建设管理绩效进行评价,确定评价等级为"良";最后,依据评价结果提出库尔勒市河道景观工程可持续建设管理提质增效策略,可为其他城市河道景观工程建设实践提供参考。  相似文献   

In the past, river engineering works have often caused channel instability and adversely affected the river's conservation and amenity value. Recent guidelines have advocated a more natural approach to river engineering practice which retains habitat diversity within the river system. While a more natural approach is desirable, geomorphological guidance is required to ensure that the advocated changes are feasible and sustainable, both in the long and short term. The key requirement for sound environmental river engineering is a basic understanding of the natural processes controlling channel shape and dimensions. Examples are given in the paper to illustrate how such knowledge can be used to (a) stabilize rivers, (b) design environmentally-acceptable and stable flood-alleviation schemes, and (c) restore previously canalized rivers. The basis of the geomorphological input in the assessment and design process is a river survey which determines the factors controlling channel characteristics and how it will respond to planned changes.  相似文献   

刘金鹏  杨名 《城市建筑》2014,(21):350-350
木古河已变为典型的深圳城市河流之一,现状行洪断面不足,水质污染严重,河道空间受挤压。本文通过对防洪排涝、水质改善、景观绿化工程的可行性分析,对木古河进行了综合整治建设,以达到“河畅、水清、岸绿”的效果。  相似文献   

城市河道综合整治规划设计探索   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
针对城市河道综合整治问题,结合工程实例,阐述了城市滨水区规划的原则、景区性质及发展目标,探讨了城市空间布局、景点设计、植物配植规划、防洪规划、交通规划等规划构思,论述了河道整治和滨水地带规划建设可持续发展的途径.  相似文献   

Riparian zone is a typical ecotone that connects terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. At the same time, environmental stress magnifies here and the natural regulation of rivers is extremely active. In other words, the most dynamic and vibrant interactions between rivers and landscapes occur in riparian zones. However, the construction of dams and the operation of reservoirs have turned many riparian zones into river/reservoir alternation interfaces, influenced the shaping of hydrological and water environment, and the basin ecosystem as well. By introducing the definition and ecological characteristics of river/reservoir interface, this paper proposes the strategies and technical framework for the ecological design of river/reservoir interface. By studying the ecosystem restoration project of river/reservoir interface of Pengxi River in Three Gorges Reservoir Area of Chongqing, which emphasizes the comprehensive element design, structural design, functional design, and process design, this paper aims to provide a reference for related research and practice on river ecosystem restoration. The results of ecological performance analysis showed that the restored ecosystem of the Wuyangba river/reservoir interface has an obvious increase in habitat type diversity and biodiversity, a strong ability of plant communities to adapt to seasonal water level fluctuation, and an improvement in purifying non-point source pollution. The project demonstrates the coordination and symbiosis of interface ecological restoration and waterfront landscape construction and optimization. The project offers an innovative effort in exploring ecosystem restoration design and practice of river/reservoir interfaces. The design strategies and framework can be a reference for other ecosystem restoration cases that are affected by water level fluctuation in river/reservoir interfaces.  相似文献   

Large rivers with beautiful landscapes were dreamlands to the author. However, every time upon his arrival to riversides, he was shocked for the heavily polluted rivers that are dirty, messy, and smelling. Engineered dikes and dams made of concrete and steels for a greater height and hardness are built by cities along rivers. As more highways and railways built along rivers, vehicles run at a faster speed, scaring any life who wants to or has to access the water. Most of the tributaries are no longer free flow but end up as hard ditches and the water is polluted heavily. Forests and wetlands are being damaged and eroded. All of these are resulted from humans’ material desires and lack of respect for nature. Nevertheless, ecological civilization may encourage people to appreciate the beauty of nature and get a thorough understanding on river ecosystems and their services, accompanied by systematic planning and implementation of territorial ecological restoration. Moreover, laws and regulations on large river management should be put in place, and efforts should be made to break the worship of grey engineering approaches to flood control. It is expected that nature-based ecological approaches for a better resilience and sustainability in flood management can be more effective to ensure water safety.  相似文献   

赵伟  孙东利  田川 《山西建筑》2014,(6):191-192
依托某河道景观桥工程实例,简明扼要的分析了悬臂施工工艺及整体支架施工工艺对于变截面连续梁桥的应用范围,对比论证了在中等跨径条件下,对于跨越城市景观河道的变截面连续梁桥采用整体式支架施工方案的优势,具有一定的参考性。  相似文献   

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