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结合当今城市地下空间开发发展趋势探讨了城市地下空间规划和设计思路,提出城市地上地下空间一体化设计策略;以杭州城西科创新城核心区规划设计为范例,综合规划、建筑、交通、景观等学科,为多角度、深层次地研究城市新区地上地下空间规划和设计提供有益的探索和思考.  相似文献   

在城市地下空间规模化开发利用的背景下,城市地下空间的管理对于地下空间开发利用品质的提升有重要意义,通过对浙江省地下空间开发利用管理实践的研究,明确浙江省在地上地下一体化规划管控、一体化信息系统建设、一体化权属登记、一体化建设管理与安全使用管理方面要进行积极地探索;通过地上地下一体化管理的方式,统筹地上地下空间的开发利用,提升地下空间开发利用水平,推动城市功能品质的整体提升。  相似文献   

简述了地下城市综合体的特征,从城市的视角研究了城市自身与地下城市综合体的关系,提出了合理开发规划地下城市、地上地下设计一体化、充分体现环境特色等地下城市综合体科学设计的路径。  相似文献   

刘莉 《福建建筑》2011,(5):24-26
城市地下空间中的景观布置合理可以提升地下空间的环境品质,减少人们对于城市地上地下空间的差异感,从而促进地下空间的使用与开发。文章论述了城市地下空间景观环境的构成要素及设计原则,进一步探讨了不同类型地下空间的景观营造方法,以期营造出多样化、生态化、人性化、艺术化的城市地下空间景观。  相似文献   

顾及城市规划、建设、管理等政府部门需求,结合城市空间基础数据实际情况,基于三维GIS(geographic infor-mation system)开发了地上地下一体化三维系统.研究了多模态时空数据集成管理、地下三维管线自动建模、工程地质建模分析、城市空间产权管理关键技术和功能,为城市实景三维场景组织调度、地下空间可视化应用以及城市立体空间精细化管理提供决策支持.以成都市数据为例,验证了系统的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

由于地下空间开发的特殊性,现有的地下空间开发常出现与地面空间产生断裂与关联度低的情况。针对此问题,尝试探讨将空间叙事手法植入地上地下空间一体化设计的可能性,并以广州新中央商务区的天环商场为例进行深入分析,探讨了空间叙事手法的运用,怎样在布局上让地上、地下、公园三者之间的空间逻辑能有所连接;同时,归纳出天环商场如何在地上地下交会节点的处理上具备采用确立空间叙事主题、以人为主体的体验模式、营造叙事感知氛围,以及与周边街景相融合的叙事场所等方面主要策略,并因而强化了地上与地下之间的延续性。最后,指出将空间叙事手法运用于地上地下空间一体化设计既补充了城市设计层面的空间叙事研究,也不失为我国未来地下空间设计的一个新选择。  相似文献   

城市空间的立体化开发,已被证明是克服城市矛盾、改善城市环境的一种有效途径。本文从立体化设计的视角探讨地下空间与地上空间之间的密切联系,从功能、交通、环境三个层面提出了兰州西关什字具体的城市设计手段。提出兰州城市建设应尽快形成城市上、下部空间协调发展的立体化观念,通过设计策略调和地上地下空间开发中产生的各种矛盾,发展地下空间并进行三维城市规划,使城市高效有序发展。  相似文献   

随着我国城市建设发展由粗放式扩张逐步进入精细化完善的新阶段,开发与利用城市地下空间作为城市公共功能的补充,更加集约的城市空间资源利用已经成为城市建设关注的重点。如何切合城市发展需求、解决各类城市问题与矛盾、强化空间利用效益以及完善地上地下功能联系成为城市地下空间建设与开发的重点课题。文章通过扬州市广陵新城核心区的地下空间利用规划实例,针对城市重点区域地下空间开发提出以"立体开发、网络复合"为主导策略的编制思路,对地下空间利用的网络化开发模式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

老城地下空间的开发利用有利于缓解城区的空间矛盾,激发城市空间活力,近年来逐渐成为提升老城人居环境的重要手段。与此同时,大数据技术和人工智能作为新时代城市空间科学规划开发的助力器,可为地下空间建设提供有力的技术保障。因此,老城地上地下一体化信息系统地研究和开发具有重要的研究价值和实践意义。本文基于国内外城市地下空间信息化系统的资料收集和调研,提取比重较高的影响因子,引入大数据集成处理技术,结合机器算法与相关评价方法,拟开发适用于老城地下空间开发管理的地上地下一体化发展决策及数据支撑平台,旨在为实现老城空间集约化发展和数字化管理提供数据支撑和决策参考,从而推进老城更新与城市风貌保护及发展。  相似文献   

城市对于地下空间开发所关注的焦点,已由扩充商业容量转变为发掘其所具备的公共空间价值。苏州平泷路地下空间为了达成建构地下公共空间与特色街区的开发目标,针对特色街区的影响因素,提出解决与对应影响因素的项目设计思路。为了确保开发过程中,项目能确实发展为平江新城的公共活动平台,平泷路地下空间以设置专业沟通平台,坚持合理与科学化发展的方式作为核心策略。同时,在项目计划初期阶段,从区域开发的角度优化调整相关的规划与建筑设计;在商业策划阶段,藉由制订主题、调整空间业态与经营定位的方式,精准定位未来运营方向;在设计概念阶段,增设了文化活动空间,为城市文化活动的产生保留余地;在设计深化与施工阶段,对内部重要与竖向节点进行重点设计,使平泷路地下空间最终能成为一个舒适、安全与安心的城市步行环境。最后,指出以公共空间开发为主,结合空间主题与城市文化设计的地上地下一体化开发模式,能够创造出地下空间街区的特色,并建议此模式可作为我国未来开发地下空间的参考。  相似文献   

城市绿地与地下空间复合开发的整合规划设计策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘志强  洪亘伟 《规划师》2012,28(7):72-76
随着我国城市化的不断推进,城市土地资源日趋紧张,而城市绿地与其他城市功能用地存在着严重矛盾。研究在分析城市绿地与地下空间的各自功能后,提出复合开发的模式;在分析其概念及意义的基础上,初步建立起包括功能有机整合、空间构成立体聚合、渗透互动3个维度的整合规划设计策略。城市绿地与地下空间复合开发的整合规划设计策略实现了绿地与地下空间互相支持、互相补充,实现了城市绿地与地下空间的有机整合,对扩大城市空间容量、缓解土地利用矛盾、改善城市环境等方面具有重大意义,从而促进城市的可持续发展。  相似文献   

A longitudinal study of open space zoning and development in Hong Kong   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study evaluates the land-use zoning and development of open space in the hyper-dense, land-hungry city of Hong Kong. The existing literature has generally found that its open space provision is unsatisfactory in both quality and quantity. The study fills the research gap by undertaking an archive research and interpreting the past zoning data from a total of 1573 statutory town plans published between 1965 and 2006. It elucidates how the current ungenerous provision of public open space can be attributed to a number of historical, political and institutional factors including: inefficient division of government responsibilities, lack of public representation, pro-growth planning ideology, revenue-maximizing land sale policy and privatization of urban space. This study concludes that the development of public open space has been prejudiced under the statutory planning system and land allocation process. It suggests that the shrinking of public open space may cause excessive development density that aggravates the deteriorating urban climate in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

太湖新城地下空间遵循"先规划后建设、先地下后地上、先生态后业态"的原则,致力打造一体化、有特色、可持续发展的标杆项目,成为国内第一个绿色三星大型独立地下空间.本工程集市政设施建设、地下空间开发、轨道交通衔接、综合管廊连通、周边地块联接、生态城市建设、智慧城市运营、城市景观提升、安全防灾系统于一体,针对设计和管理做了一系...  相似文献   

To ensure the sustainable exploitation of underground space, it is necessary to investigate factors influencing the development potential of urban underground space (DPUUS) before excavation and construction. Despite its significance, only few researches have been conducted to explore influence factors for DPUUS up to now. To fill this gap, this paper proposes the model of DPUUS, and investigates key factors affecting DPUUS using Gulou District in Nanjing for a case study. The results of structural equation modeling (SEM) indicates that: (1) Geological features, land price and location condition, economic development level, development advantages of underground space, and ‘compatibility with urban planning’ are proved to be the five key influence factors for and have positive effect on DPUUS. (2) Among the five influence factors for DPUUS, ‘development advantages of underground space’ exerts the strongest effect on DPUUS, followed by ‘land price and location condition’, ‘economic development level’, ‘geological features’ and ‘compatibility with urban planning’. Finally, both favorable and unfavorable factors influencing DPUUS of different sub-districts in Gulou District are discussed.  相似文献   

城市居住区地下空间的开发利用是城市建设和经济发展到一定阶段 ,出现土地紧张和环境恶化结果后的一种解决方案。本文针对城市居住区地下空间的开发利用的综合效益、功能规划、开发模式等进行分析和探讨 ,以期能对未来居住区地下空间的开发提供一条前瞻性的构想  相似文献   

Cities worldwide tend to overlook an invaluable asset that lies beneath their surfaces. Most cities and urban regions are unaware of the benefits underground space use has to offer, both for climate inflicted and spatial constraints: In many cities, infrastructure development is being outpaced by population growth. Climate change effects are requiring radical new approaches in terms of coping with for example excessive rainfall. The available space at the surface is rapidly being used up and the biggest danger is that built-up spaces are taking over the public green spaces of cities thereby threatening livability and quality of life. Urban underground space forms a societal asset, which is often unappreciated and underestimated in terms of the role it can play within dynamic city environments and associated challenges.This paper will explore the ways in which urban underground space can be optimally integrated into the dynamic urban context. It also explores the often contradictory functions that make underground space use complicated from a planner’s perspective. The first-come-first-served strategy of underground space use has left many cities wondering how they are going to cope with the self-inflicted “chaos” under the surface. The often mono-functional uses of the underground lead to sub-optimal space use. Most cities and urban regions are unaware of the benefits underground space use has to offer. In guiding the future use of urban underground space, a comprehensive policy framework guiding its development is lacking on which decisions can be based. This often leads to the non-sustainable use of this important asset. It will be argued that both vision and planning are needed to be able to make the best use of this underrated underground real estate.The authors will also debate that just understanding the potential of underground space is not enough. Realising its actual potential and facilitating its development will require a spatial dialogue between many stakeholders, including planners, engineers, developers and public decision makers.  相似文献   

从景观生态的角度看城市地下空间   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
白如玉 《规划师》2006,22(9):87-88
在快速的城市化进程中,城市空间已不敷使用,在规划中必须采用向下的立体化发展的方式,创造新的可持续空间.地下空间的开发与利用已成为一个非常重要的课题.欧美与日本等国所开发的地下空间具有较高的质量,不仅具有交通功能,还具备了休闲游憩的功能.城市地下空间的开发必须采取有效的方式,将景观生态元素融入城市地下空间不失为吸引入潮的方法之一.  相似文献   

以南京涉农镇街的发展为例,指出了当前农村地区镇街普遍存在的土地供给与发展需求之间的主要矛盾及其内在原因。简要介绍了城市总体规划对涉农镇街在空间布局、产业发展和公共服务设施规划方面的要求后,以南京所开展的涉农镇街城乡统筹规划、土地综合整治规划为例,从经济性分析、土地整治和空间节约利用等方面提出了破解涉农镇街土地利用发展矛盾的规划对策。  相似文献   

地下空间开发作为解决城市建设用地紧张的重要手段近年来在广州得到了迅速发展,如何科学、有效地利用地下空间成果是城市管理的重要课题。城市地下空间设施普查可以为城市地下空间的规划、管理提供重要的基础数据。本文系统地论述了地下空间设施的数据标准、测量精度、成图标准及数据建库,给出了广州市地下空间设施普查的工作方法和技术路线,并通过珠江新城试验区的普查测绘的应用和实践证明了其合理性和可操作性。  相似文献   

Underground urbanization aids sustainability by contributing to the optimization of land use plans, diversification of urban functions, safeguarding of utility supplies and enrichment of social life. Underground space as a valuable land resource can be integrated into a general urban resources management scheme and development policy, by rationalizing resource supply according to economic demand, and by coordinating stakeholders from the public administration, private developers and users. After benchmarking best practices in administration and management, from seven cities (Helsinki, Singapore, Hong Kong, Minneapolis, Tokyo, Shanghai and Montreal), critical success factors are extracted to guide a pilot project implementation.The way to incorporate underground space planning into conventional urban planning process is exemplified by a pilot project of Suzhou City in China, which investigated thoroughly the supply potential of its underground space resource as well as the demand potential of the urban economy on underground space development. The core value of the case study in Suzhou City is based on active involvement of provincial and municipal governments, who supported territorial data collection, administrative consultation and the development of GIS-based decision-making tools. The typicality of the present case study refers to an old Chinese city with a modern Central Business District owning important economic functions for the Yangtze region. Underground Space in Suzhou City is considered as a new land resource manageable with a quantitative and spatial inventory for future allocation. An economic model putting forward a “3D land value” index will be illustrated for underground building projects. This index helps to regulate underground space development according to the resource supply potential and economic demand potential.This strategic framework including potential analysis, local implementation and instrumental innovation was developed from an international cooperation program named “Deep City project” between Switzerland and China. Further discussions on considering societal impacts affected by underground space use indicate future research directions for underground space operations management.  相似文献   

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