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ABSTRACT This comparative study of conventional (hot air) drying and microwave drying of the onion was carried out on a hot air pilot plant drier for conventional drying where all characteristics (temperature, humidity, and velocity) could be adjusted and controlled. A data logger connected to a computer captured all data. And for microwave drying, a drying tunnel Fitted with a forward/backward movement was used. Mass loss and product surface temperature were monitored for both processing. Factors controlled where: frequency of movement, microwave power, air extraction rate. Other elements included shape (slices/pieces) and variety of product Drying duration and maximum drying rate constituted comparative criterion for the processes. Quality was measured by the reducing sugars and polyfructans content. Analysis of variance for the microwave drying process suggests that the effective factors were microwave power followed by onion variety and shape respectively. For quality criterion by far the most effective was variety, followed by the interaction of shape and the forward-backward movement of the conveyor. For conventional drying the most effective factor was air temperature for drying duration, and variety for maximum drying rate. 相似文献
《Drying Technology》2013,31(7):1411-1424
Drying experiments were conducted on raw potato slices, using atmospheric pressure superheated steam and hot air as drying media at 170 and 240°C. Mass changes of the material were continuously measured, the conditions of cross section near the surfaces were observed with an electron microscope, also color changes of their surface were measured during drying. The respective drying methods and temperature conditions were compared and it was found that, in the case of superheated steam drying, moisture content temporarily increases due to steam condensation in the initial stage of drying, therewith, as well as starch gelatinization rapidly develops. Meanwhile, in case of hot air drying, starch gelatinization occurs more slowly than with superheated steam drying and that non-gelatinized starch granules remain on the surface when drying was completed. Furthermore, surface color measurements showed that samples dried by superheated steam were more reddish than ones dried by hot air and the surfaces were more glossy, because no starch granules remain on the surface in case of superheated steam drying. 相似文献
Drying experiments were conducted on raw potato slices, using atmospheric pressure superheated steam and hot air as drying media at 170 and 240°C. Mass changes of the material were continuously measured, the conditions of cross section near the surfaces were observed with an electron microscope, also color changes of their surface were measured during drying. The respective drying methods and temperature conditions were compared and it was found that, in the case of superheated steam drying, moisture content temporarily increases due to steam condensation in the initial stage of drying, therewith, as well as starch gelatinization rapidly develops. Meanwhile, in case of hot air drying, starch gelatinization occurs more slowly than with superheated steam drying and that non-gelatinized starch granules remain on the surface when drying was completed. Furthermore, surface color measurements showed that samples dried by superheated steam were more reddish than ones dried by hot air and the surfaces were more glossy, because no starch granules remain on the surface in case of superheated steam drying. 相似文献
ABSTRACT Extensive studies on microwave drying of multicomponent materials have been carried out in order to determine dielectric properties of metalsiloxane sols, define the healing and drying characteristics of metalsiloxane sols and gels, develop the mathematical model of thermal processing, and design the continuous microwave dryer that could be used in an industrial scale 相似文献
Sundaram Gunasekaran 《Drying Technology》2013,31(5):1039-1047
A laboratory microwave oven was used to dry high-moisture corn samples. The microwave oven was operated in both continuous and pulsed modes at 250 W of magnetron power setting. In the pulsed mode, two magnetron power-on times of 10 s and 15 s were used each with different power-off times in the range of 20 s to 75 s. Drying was more rapid in the continuous mode than in the pulsed mode. But, the continuous mode required much higher total magnetron power-on times. In the pulsed mode, longer power-on times generally resulted in slightly faster drying; and the power-off times did not strongly influence the drying rate. Longer power-on times should be followed by relatively longer power-off times. For a given on-time, increase in power-off time helps to decrease the total power-on time required for drying. When the microwave oven was operated at 10 s of power-on and 75 s of power-off pulsing, it resulted in the lowest total power-on time. 相似文献
《Drying Technology》2013,31(8):1961-1974
The scleroglucan polysaccharides are mainly used in the petroleum industry but also have applications in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. For most of these applications, the dissolution rate of hydrocolloïds is an important qualitative criterion. In this study, the kinetics of scleroglucan drying was investigated with the aim of improving the hydration capacity and the dissolution rate of the polymer. Two conventional methods (hot air and vacuum drying) were compared with a new drying process: dehydration by successive pressure drops, or DDS (Déshydratation par Détentes Successives). This process involves processing the polymer in a series of cycles that consist in placing it in desiccated air then subjecting it to an instantaneous (200 msec) decompression to a vacuum (50 mbar). Two parameters were varied: pressure (P: 4.5–7.5 bars) and processing time at this pressure (t = 5–10 sec). During each decompression, a certain quantity of water is eliminated by vaporisation, improving the diffusion of water by capillary action during hydration. Our results showed that processing time at high-pressure (P) has a significant effect on the drying kinetics. In contrast, processing pressure was not a critical parameter. The results showed that hot air and vacuum drying of scleroglucan are less effective techniques. 相似文献
通过对现场生产环境的试验,找出了仪表空气于燥系统压力波动的原因,提出了有效的解决、预防措施. 相似文献
ABSTRACT The drying mechanism and diffusion coefficient of water in spherical droplets (1.73 – 2.08 mm diameter) of tomato concentrates were successfully interpreted and modelled by using Fick's law. Solids content of the initial concentrate (5–15% w/w), and drying temperature (60° – 100° C) were varied but the drying air was kept at constant velocity and humidity. The effective moisture diffusivity was estimated from the drying rate curves and expressed by an Arrhenius relation. Further, it was observed that case hardening has a large effect on the diffusion process causing the effective diffusional distance and the rate of moisture accumulation in the hardened crust to vary with the moisture content, according to a sorption controlled mechanism. 相似文献
A model is formulated to describe the drying of a slab of porous material in a combined microwave and convective environment. The model describes the evolution of temperature, pressure, moisture and power distributions that occur during the drying process. The microwave internal heat source is calculated from electromagnetic theory with varying dielectric properties. The inclusion of pressure in the model allows the physical phenomena of “water pumping”, often observed in microwave drying systems, to be accounted for. The influence of sample size; on the drying kinetics 1s examined and found to be an important parameter during the drying process. In particular the effect of resonance on the moisture and temperature profiles and the need for careful consideration of surface mass transfer coefficients are investigated. Simulation results are presented for the combined microwave and convective drying of a homogeneous, isotropic porous material. 相似文献
《Drying Technology》2013,31(3-4):485-506
Heat and mass transfer phenomena during the combined microwave-convective batch spouted bed drying are analyzed. Wheat was chosen as a test material. The governing equations, including consideration of internal heat generation and thermodiffusion are formulated and solved using the numerical method of lines. The model allowed variable material transport and dielectric properties. The parameters investigated include electric field strength, electromagnetic field frequency, inlet air temperature, and superficial air velocity. Representative drying and temperature curves as well as moisture and temperature profiles are presented and discussed. 相似文献
Heat and mass transfer phenomena during the combined microwave-convective batch spouted bed drying are analyzed. Wheat was chosen as a test material. The governing equations, including consideration of internal heat generation and thermodiffusion are formulated and solved using the numerical method of lines. The model allowed variable material transport and dielectric properties. The parameters investigated include electric field strength, electromagnetic field frequency, inlet air temperature, and superficial air velocity. Representative drying and temperature curves as well as moisture and temperature profiles are presented and discussed. 相似文献
ABSTRACT The influence of microwave power (0 to 8.0 W/g, dry basis) and hot air temperature (25°C to 95 °C) on drying rate and product temperature of diced apples (from 31 % to 5% moisture content, dry basis) in a laboratory microwave and spouted-bed combined dryer was investigated. Product temperature initially increased sharply to a plateau about 12 to 15°C above the spouted bed air temperature at a microwave input power 6.4 W/g. This temperature remained almost constant thereafter. Uniform microwave heating was achieved as evidenced by uniform product color and product temperature. Drying rates increased with increasing spouted-bed air temperature or microwave power level, But higher microwave power caused more darkening of the product. Drying of the diced apples in the microwave and spouted bed drying system exhibited two falling rates periods. The influence of air temperature on effective moisture diffusivity followed an Arrhenius type equation. The activation energies were 23.7 kJ/mol and 26.7 kJ/mol for the first and second falling rate periods, respectively. 相似文献
The influence of microwave power (0 to 8.0 W/g, dry basis) and hot air temperature (25°C to 95 °C) on drying rate and product temperature of diced apples (from 31 % to 5% moisture content, dry basis) in a laboratory microwave and spouted-bed combined dryer was investigated. Product temperature initially increased sharply to a plateau about 12 to 15°C above the spouted bed air temperature at a microwave input power 6.4 W/g. This temperature remained almost constant thereafter. Uniform microwave heating was achieved as evidenced by uniform product color and product temperature. Drying rates increased with increasing spouted-bed air temperature or microwave power level, But higher microwave power caused more darkening of the product. Drying of the diced apples in the microwave and spouted bed drying system exhibited two falling rates periods. The influence of air temperature on effective moisture diffusivity followed an Arrhenius type equation. The activation energies were 23.7 kJ/mol and 26.7 kJ/mol for the first and second falling rate periods, respectively. 相似文献
针对多孔物料在微波冷风时而干燥过程中出现流速变化对干燥速率无影响区间或称为Re自模化区这一现象,采用集总参数分析法,从理论上对多孔物料的微波对流干燥过程进行量化分析,找出Re自模化区的范围。结合实验结果,对这一现象的成因作出解释,从而获得一些有益的结论。 相似文献
Abstract Two charges of green radiata pine sapwood lumber were dried, either using superheated steam under vacuum (90°C, 0.2 bar abs.) or conventionally using hot moist air (90/60°C). Due to low density of the drying medium under vacuum, the circulation velocity used was 10 m/s for superheated steam drying and 5.0 m/s for moist air drying, and in both cases, the flow was unidirectional. In drying, stack drying rate and wood temperatures were measured to examine the differences between the superheated steam drying and drying using hot moist air. The experimental results have shown that the stack edge board in superheated steam drying dried faster than in the hot moist air drying. Once again due to the low density of the steam under vacuum, a prolonged maximum temperature drop across load (TDAL) was observed in the superheated steam drying, however, the whole stack dried slower and the final moisture content distribution was more variable than for conventional hot moist air drying. Wood temperatures in superheated steam drying were lower. 相似文献
ABSTRACT Microwave drying characteristics of sliced foods were investigated using potatoes (Solarium tuberosum) as a test model. Sliced samples were dried to 7-10% moisture content at microwave power levels between 2.2 W/g and 3.6 W/g (raw material). Moisture and temperature changes during drying were monitored. Semi-empirical models were developed that followed temperature and moisture changes during microwave drying. Sliced potatoes experienced three distinct periods: a warming-up period with little removal of moisture; a constant temperature period in which most of the drying took place; and a heating up period in which the drying rate decreased and sample temperature increased rapidly, often causing partial charring. Product temperature during the second period of microwave drying increased with sample thickness and microwave power. Drying rates were not affected by slice thickness, but increased with the microwave power/mass ratio. Product charring towards the end of drying may be avoided by reducing microwave power and increasing ambient air velocity. 相似文献
《Drying Technology》2013,31(10):2469-2485
A modelling and simulation study regarding the heat transfer in hot pressing as well as in impulse drying of paper has been performed. The study is focused on modelling the heat transfer from a hot surface to a moist paper sheet and the heat transfer inside the paper sheet. The model is based on solving the equation for unsteady heat transfer by conduction. The model was compared with experimental data from a heated laboratory platen press and data from the experimental paper machine EuroFEX at the Swedish Pulp and Paper Research Institute (STFI) in Stockholm. The results in this study showed that a rather simple heat transfer model could be used to simulate the heat transfer in cases in which the temperature was moderate and the applied pressure did not exceed 0.5 MPa. It was also concluded that a paper could be regarded as a semi-infinite body for basis weights above 110 g/m2, considering the assumptions used in the model. It was also shown that a laboratory press could simulate heat transfer in hot pressing and impulse drying with a high degree of accuracy. 相似文献
Abstract It is common knowledge that sample size and drying temperature are two of the most important factors affecting the drying rate and quality of food. However, what is less commonly known are how these two factors interact relative to each other and their effects on the drying behaviour of potato. These effects were evaluated under controlled drying conditions using a thermogravimetric analyser. The least-squares method was used to fit a model to the experimental data and the response variables (slope of the first drying stage, transition moisture content and slope of the second drying stage) were determined systematically. Central composite design was applied for response surface modelling of the factors and regression methodology was used to analyse the results. The results showed that both temperature and sample dimension have significant (P=0.01) effect on drying behaviour of potato. Sample dimension significantly affected the transition moisture content, whilst both temperature and sample dimension significantly affected the slopes of the first and second stage of drying. 相似文献
Volumetric and thickness shrinkage evaluated by direct measurement and n-heptane displacement were determined during convective and freeze drying of Golden delicious apples. For convective drying, the influence of blanching and diameter/thickness ratio of the apple disks used were analysed at different levels of moisture content under constant conditions. It was found that shrinkage of dried samples, both by convection and by freeze-drying, is anisotropic to a level which depends on sample geometry (ratio diameter/thickness) used. Blanching did not affect shrinkage results.
Based on results obtained a new model to predict bulk density of materials during drying is proposed, showing a better fit to experimental data than previous models reported in the literature. This model was further used to predict changes in apple porosity during drying. 相似文献
Based on results obtained a new model to predict bulk density of materials during drying is proposed, showing a better fit to experimental data than previous models reported in the literature. This model was further used to predict changes in apple porosity during drying. 相似文献