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研究在Windows95/98下,采用MFC VC++6.0进行编程,以实现利用Microsoft视窗电话编程接口(TAPI)系统软件控制调制调解器,从而实现在两台安装有调制解调器的计算机间通过电话线进行数据传输。采用了TAPI进行数据通信,给出了系统软件实现的思想和流程图。  相似文献   

IP—PCA(Protocol converter A)是一个协议转换器,主要实现中国七号信令IP协议的转换。设计目标是把16条PCM(2M/S)的中国七号信令转换为1条(10/100M/S)自适应IP信今协议的以太网接口,把电话交换设备通过IP—PCA连到IP网上去,使电话用户能够通过IP网进行长途电话业务。根据TCP/IP的体系结构和功能及分层模型,IP—PCA分为四层:应用层、TCP/UDP、IP、数据链路层。各层按照其相关协议来设计IP—PCA。  相似文献   

Telegraph technology permitted, for the first time ever, the almost instantaneous synchronization of one place with another far distant one. This synchronization made the introduction of a uniform national standard time possible. The origins of a specialized time-distribution technology, in the beginnings of telegraphy and the experimental instruments designed for the US Coast Survey's longitude expeditions in the 1840s and 1850s, are examined. Further developments on into the 1890s are discussed, by which time the technology had matured from crude beginnings as a specialized scientific tool to become, as an aspect of Western Union's business, the most successful and widely used means of disseminating time to the business community and the general public  相似文献   

多导体配电线路感应雷过电压分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为分析多导体架空线负载感应雷过电压及架空地线屏蔽特性,利用傅里叶变换计算雷电流的频谱分布,根据求多导体传输线负载响应的BLT方程,在频域内求其外电磁场激励下的电报方程,计算多导体配电线路感应雷过电压的频域响应,再根据傅里叶反变换求得负载端的暂态响应。配电线路感应雷过电压特性及架空地线屏蔽作用的分析结果表明,线路垂直排列时,感应雷在负载端引起的差模干扰较大,大地电导率越小架空地线的屏蔽作用越好。  相似文献   

郑启泉 《广东电力》2002,15(1):61-63
介绍了职业安全卫生管理体系的基本思想,特点和应用,阐述了职业卫生管理体系与ISO9000质量保证体系的ISO14000环境管理体系的联系和区别,提出了态度溻力企业实施职业安全卫生管理体系的设想。  相似文献   

安健环及风险管理是企业现代管理的重要内容,各企业相继通过了包括OSHAS18000、ISO9000、NOSA等多个系列的认证标准。经过对国内电力行业安健环管理及现状进行调研分析,在对国际安健环及风险管理系统进行研究基础上,提出系统的建设目标、建设内容,以及与其他管理系统之间的关系,以期帮助企业切实提高安健环及风险管理水平。  相似文献   

Policy for the safety of the United States must include an awareness of the importance of rural and frontier areas to urban areas. Water, power, and food are not available in sufficient amounts to support urban areas and are routinely shipped in from rural areas. National plans should address the increased costs of operating in rural areas and the increased burdens placed on most health and safety workers who work longer hours and take fewer days off. Other factors are also important, such as the status of regional hospitals (e.g. critical access, secondary, tertiary) and the type of Emergency Medical Service (volunteer versus paid), and the availability of HAZMAT teams and decontamination units. Regional infrastructure plays a part. It can include access to public transportation, highway systems, and the telecommunications network, as well as basic climate and geographical considerations, which includes proximity to a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) that may provide resources for responding to disasters and terrorist attacks. Finally, it is important to take into consideration the base population, its median income, and the region's status as a health professions shortage area or otherwise medically underserved area  相似文献   

在对青海电力系统先后使用的汇接式电话会议系统和交互式会议电话系统在接入方式、会议模式、通话效果等方面进行比较的前提下,充分肯定了交互式电话会议系统的两大优势:即通过提供一个全新的自由开放式语音会议通信平台,可以使与会者随时随地通过手中的话机参与会议,同时也为电力突发事件(如电力故障的分析、处理)提供了适时、便捷的会议召集手段。文中还介绍了交互式电话会议系统的网络结构、应用模式和在青海电力系统中的应用情况。  相似文献   

将传统电信网络中业务、控制与传输分离开的软交换技术,实现了IP网络和传统公用交换电话网(PSTN)的融合互通。在众多信令网关设备中,信令资源板为其最重要的组成部分。介绍了以MPC8260通信处理器为核心的软交换信令资源板的设计方案,详细说明了以MPC8260处理器最小系统设计的通用处理平台及100Mbit/s以太网通信接口LXT972。  相似文献   

A biographical sketch of the teaching career of W.E. Ayrton is presented. William Edward Ayrton (1847-1908) studied at University College in London, England, and then was admitted to the recruit course of the Indian Telegraph Department, where he studied with William Thomsom at Glasgow. Working in India, Ayrton attained some fame as a telegraph engineer by his research. In 1873, he was appointed Professor of Physics and Telegraphy at the Imperial College of Engineering, an institution newly founded by the Japanese Government Public Works Department. The course eventually evolved into the Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Tokyo. In the well-equipped physical laboratory of his own design, Ayrton carried out original research in collaboration with John Perry. Ayrton's experience as the first electrical engineering professor in Japan became the stepping-stone to his later career in England  相似文献   

质量、环境和职业健康安全标准构筑了现代化管理平台,文章着重介绍了环境和职业健康安全两项标准的产生、要求以及如何认证注册。  相似文献   

现阶段随着配电网中分布式电源、储能、电动汽车的逐渐增加,配电网的运行工况变得越来越复杂多变.为了准确地判断配电网实时运行状况及健康状态,及时地发现配电网运行中的缺陷问题并制定合理的安全管控措施,提出一种计及网络结构的配电网健康状态评估方法.首先,基于配电设备运行的电气量和非电气量参数进行配电设备健康指数计算,利用成功流...  相似文献   

本文阐述了世界高坝发展历史、现状、高坝作用及未来建设和运行所面临的问题与挑战。针对高坝在流域尺度下需要解决的重大关键技术课题,分析提出了合理高度、安全标准、评价方法、多源信息融合、智能健康诊断及高坝永续利用等方面的发展趋势。从工程、社会和环境及流域综合效益等方面考虑,未来特高坝最大可接受的合理高度为300 m级,提高安全标准将是必然趋势。安全评价方法将是定值分析与风险分析的融合发展。正向仿真模拟、信息化反馈分析、风险链辨识、失事路径分析将为高坝安全性评价和安全管理决策提供有效手段。建立健全风险分级防控和隐患排查治理体系,开展高坝状态监测、健康诊断、缺陷修复、泥沙治理,维护大坝健康是实现流域高坝安全“双重预防”的重要保证,有利于高坝长期稳定安全永续利用。  相似文献   

架空输电线路由于长期经受荷载以及恶劣环境等作用,混凝土电杆构件会出现混凝土保护层开裂、钢筋锈蚀等现象,严重影响输电线路安全稳定运行。依据混凝土电杆特点及现有研究成果,提出了输电线路混凝土电杆安全性的3阶段评估体系;并针对输电线路混凝土电杆提出安全状态评价方法;最后提出了输电线路混凝土电杆基于结构可靠性理论的安全性能评定方法。这些研究成果的提出,基本上建立了一套输电线路混凝土电杆安全性评估体系,为准确掌握输电线路混凝土电杆健康水平,完善设备状态检修工作内容,确保输电线路安全稳定运行具有现实意义。  相似文献   

张电  谭胜兰 《华东电力》2006,34(12):91-93
通过对电力系统远动规约和公话交换网的研究,提出理论模型,即通过公话交换网建立通道,并将其用于电力系统通信通道,经过适当改进,运用于实际工程中,得到了满意的结果.这为边远山区,资金紧张的地区和新建变电站、开关站实现实时数据传输的要求提出了一种可行的方案,有一定的推广实用价值.  相似文献   

探讨和研究电网安全事故的影响因素及控制已成为预防电网安全事故发生的热点问题。为揭示电网安全事故发生的深层机理,基于事故致因理论,采用质性分析和灰色关联分析的方法,分析中国电网安全事故的关键致因。研究发现,电网安全事故的影响因素主要包括主体因素(认知因素、行为因素和身体因素)、过程因素(组织氛围因素和组织过程因素)、对象因素(设备可靠性低和设备管理松懈)及情境因素(作业环境因素和非作业环境因素)。灰色关联分析表明:电网安全事故的致因因素可以分为红色危险因素(r≥0.8)、橙色警备因素(0.7≤r<0.8)和黄色警告因素(r<0.7),其中,组织氛围因素、认知因素和行为因素是电网安全事故的关键致因因素。在此基础上提出电网安全事故管理的政策建议,以期推动中国电网安全发展进程。  相似文献   

过去的迎峰度夏(冬)用电高峰时期,有序用电应急指挥只能采用负控喊话、负控中文信息和电话通知的方式。为提高电力营销管理服务水平,加强与用户的沟通,采用基于MAS服务的现代化通信手段,运用多种主流框架技术研发了"有序用电信息发布系统"。该系统实现了以方便、灵活、快捷的方式将有序用电指令及时送达电力客户,从而达到用户能及时调整用电方案,合理安排用电的目的。  相似文献   

基于IP电话技术实现的电力调度通信系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
江毅  吕为  李建岐 《电网技术》2003,27(7):56-59
为了对传统的基于电路交换的电话调度通信系统进行升级改造,提出了一种基于IP电话(VoIP)技术的电力IP调度通信系统,介绍了该系统的工作原理及主要部件的实现方案。该系统将计算机电话集成技术(CTI)应用于电力调度通信网中,以软件调度模块替代现有的硬件调度台,使调度通信系统和调度自动化系统融合在一起,在系统方案的选择构造中还充分考虑了我国电力调度通信系统的现状和实际应用。  相似文献   

This paper investigates electrical effects due to reliability phenomena associated with the downscaling of transistors in advanced technologies, particularly Random Telegraph Signal (RTS) and Random Dopant Fluctuations (RDF). RDF and RTS are becoming important issues in sub-60 nm technologies, mainly in memories, where transistor sizes are smaller. This paper presents a comprehensive evaluation of the impact of the joint effect of RTS and RDF on 6T-SRAM cells. Based on 3-D atomistic simulation of the device structure, doping profile, and trap location, the random threshold voltage variation caused by the joint effect of RDF and RTS is evaluated. The derived threshold voltage variation is then used to statistically evaluate the performance variation at the circuit level. Finally, the impact of assuming a normal distribution for the threshold voltage variation caused by RDF and RTS is studied. The results obtained running Monte Carlo simulations raffling the value of the variation of the threshold voltage from a database obtained by 3-D atomistic simulation are compared to the results obtained running Monte Carlo simulations considering the variation of the threshold voltage as a Normal distribution. The results show that for a 6T-SRAM designed with 45 nm technology the read noise margin distributions are very similar between the two cases, making the Normal distribution a good approximation for the V th variations. Nevertheless, the performance variation induced at the circuit level does not necessarily follow a normal distribution.  相似文献   

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