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We consider a distributed system where each node keeps a local count for items (similar to elections where nodes are ballot boxes and items are candidates). A top-k query in such a system asks which are the k items whose global count, across all nodes in the system, is the largest. In this paper, we present a Monte Carlo algorithm that outputs, with high probability, a set of k candidates which approximates the top-k items. The algorithm is motivated by sensor networks in that it focuses on reducing the individual communication complexity. In contrast to previous algorithms, the communication complexity depends only on the global scores and not on the partition of scores among nodes. If the number of nodes is large, our algorithm dramatically reduces the communication complexity when compared with deterministic algorithms. We show that the complexity of our algorithm is close to a lower bound on the cell-probe complexity of any non-interactive top-k approximation algorithm. We show that for some natural global distributions (such as the Geometric or Zipf distributions), our algorithm needs only polylogarithmic number of communication bits per node. An extended abstract of this paper appeared in Proc. 13th Int. Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity, SIROCCO 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4056, pp. 319–333.  相似文献   

Maximal clique enumeration is a fundamental problem in graph theory and has been extensively studied. However, maximal clique enumeration is time-consuming in large graphs and always returns enormous cliques with large overlaps. Motivated by this, in this paper, we study the diversified top-k clique search problem which is to find top-k cliques that can cover most number of nodes in the graph. Diversified top-k clique search can be widely used in a lot of applications including community search, motif discovery, and anomaly detection in large graphs. A naive solution for diversified top-k clique search is to keep all maximal cliques in memory and then find k of them that cover most nodes in the graph by using the approximate greedy max k-cover algorithm. However, such a solution is impractical when the graph is large. In this paper, instead of keeping all maximal cliques in memory, we devise an algorithm to maintain k candidates in the process of maximal clique enumeration. Our algorithm has limited memory footprint and can achieve a guaranteed approximation ratio. We also introduce a novel light-weight \(\mathsf {PNP}\)-\(\mathsf {Index}\), based on which we design an optimal maximal clique maintenance algorithm. We further explore three optimization strategies to avoid enumerating all maximal cliques and thus largely reduce the computational cost. Besides, for the massive input graph, we develop an I/O efficient algorithm to tackle the problem when the input graph cannot fit in main memory. We conduct extensive performance studies on real graphs and synthetic graphs. One of the real graphs contains 1.02 billion edges. The results demonstrate the high efficiency and effectiveness of our approach.  相似文献   

Although top-k queries over uncertain data in centralized databases have been studied widely in recent years, it is still a challenging issue in distributed environments. In distributed environments, such as Peer-to-Peer (P2P) systems and sensor networks, there exists an inherent uncertainty on the data objects due to imprecise measurements and network delays. Therefore, it is necessary to study the problem of how to efficiently retrieve top-k uncertain data objects over distributed environments with minimum network overhead. In this paper, we propose a novel approach of processing uncertain top-k queries in large-scale P2P networks, where datasets are horizontally partitioned over peers. In our approach, each peer constructs an Uncertain Quad-Tree (UQ-Tree) index for its local uncertain data, while the P2P network constructs a global index by summarizing the local indexes. Based on the global index, we propose a spatial-pruning algorithm to reduce communication costs and a distributed-pruning algorithm to reduce computation costs. Extensive experiments are conducted to verify the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed methods in terms of communication costs and response time.  相似文献   

Finding typical instances is an effective approach to understand and analyze large data sets. In this paper, we apply the idea of typicality analysis from psychology and cognitive science to database query answering, and study the novel problem of answering top-k typicality queries. We model typicality in large data sets systematically. Three types of top-k typicality queries are formulated. To answer questions like “Who are the top-k most typical NBA players?”, the measure of simple typicality is developed. To answer questions like “Who are the top-k most typical guards distinguishing guards from other players?”, the notion of discriminative typicality is proposed. Moreover, to answer questions like “Who are the best k typical guards in whole representing different types of guards?”, the notion of representative typicality is used. Computing the exact answer to a top-k typicality query requires quadratic time which is often too costly for online query answering on large databases. We develop a series of approximation methods for various situations: (1) the randomized tournament algorithm has linear complexity though it does not provide a theoretical guarantee on the quality of the answers; (2) the direct local typicality approximation using VP-trees provides an approximation quality guarantee; (3) a local typicality tree data structure can be exploited to index a large set of objects. Then, typicality queries can be answered efficiently with quality guarantees by a tournament method based on a Local Typicality Tree. An extensive performance study using two real data sets and a series of synthetic data sets clearly shows that top-k typicality queries are meaningful and our methods are practical.  相似文献   

We study here fundamental issues involved in top-k query evaluation in probabilistic databases. We consider simple probabilistic databases in which probabilities are associated with individual tuples, and general probabilistic databases in which, additionally, exclusivity relationships between tuples can be represented. In contrast to other recent research in this area, we do not limit ourselves to injective scoring functions. We formulate three intuitive postulates for the semantics of top-k queries in probabilistic databases, and introduce a new semantics, Global-Topk, that satisfies those postulates to a large degree. We also show how to evaluate queries under the Global-Topk semantics. For simple databases we design dynamic-programming based algorithms. For general databases we show polynomial-time reductions to the simple cases, and provide effective heuristics to speed up the computation in practice. For example, we demonstrate that for a fixed k the time complexity of top-k query evaluation is as low as linear, under the assumption that probabilistic databases are simple and scoring functions are injective. Research partially supported by NSF grant IIS-0307434. An earlier version of some of the results in this paper was presented in [1].  相似文献   

Ranking queries, also known as top-k queries, produce results that are ordered on some computed score. Typically, these queries involve joins, where users are usually interested only in the top-k join results. Top-k queries are dominant in many emerging applications, e.g., multimedia retrieval by content, Web databases, data mining, middlewares, and most information retrieval applications. Current relational query processors do not handle ranking queries efficiently, especially when joins are involved. In this paper, we address supporting top-k join queries in relational query processors. We introduce a new rank-join algorithm that makes use of the individual orders of its inputs to produce join results ordered on a user-specified scoring function. The idea is to rank the join results progressively during the join operation. We introduce two physical query operators based on variants of ripple join that implement the rank-join algorithm. The operators are nonblocking and can be integrated into pipelined execution plans. We also propose an efficient heuristic designed to optimize a top-k join query by choosing the best join order. We address several practical issues and optimization heuristics to integrate the new join operators in practical query processors. We implement the new operators inside a prototype database engine based on PREDATOR. The experimental evaluation of our approach compares recent algorithms for joining ranked inputs and shows superior performance.Received: 23 December 2003, Accepted: 31 March 2004, Published online: 12 August 2004Edited by: S. AbiteboulExtended version of the paper published in the Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Very Large Databases, VLDB 2003, Berlin, Germany, pp 754-765  相似文献   

Continuous processing of top-k queries over data streams is a promising technique for alleviating the information overload problem as it distinguishes relevant from irrelevant data stream objects with respect to a given scoring function over time. Thus it enables filtering of irrelevant data objects and delivery of top-k objects relevant to user interests in real-time. We propose a solution for distributed continuous top-k processing based on the publish/subscribe communication paradigm—top-k publish/subscribe over sliding windows (top-k/w publish/subscribe). It identifies k best-ranked objects with respect to a given scoring function over a sliding window of size w, and extends the publish/subscribe communication paradigm by continuous top-k processing algorithms coming from the field of data stream processing.In this paper, we introduce, analyze and evaluate the essential building blocks of distributed top-k/w publish/subscribe systems: first, we present a formal top-k/w publish/subscribe model and compare it to the prevailing Boolean publish/subscribe model. Next, we outline the top-k/w processing tasks performed by publish/subscribe nodes and investigate the properties of supported scoring functions. Furthermore, we explore potential routing strategies for distributed top-k/w publish/subscribe systems. Finally, we experimentally evaluate model properties and provide a comparative study investigating traffic requirements of potential routing strategies.  相似文献   

Top-k queries on large multi-attribute data sets are fundamental operations in information retrieval and ranking applications. In this article, we initiate research on the anytime behavior of top-k algorithms on exact and fuzzy data. In particular, given specific top-k algorithms (TA and TA-Sorted) we are interested in studying their progress toward identification of the correct result at any point during the algorithms’ execution. We adopt a probabilistic approach where we seek to report at any point of operation of the algorithm the confidence that the top-k result has been identified. Such a functionality can be a valuable asset when one is interested in reducing the runtime cost of top-k computations. We present a thorough experimental evaluation to validate our techniques using both synthetic and real data sets.  相似文献   

Top-k query in a wireless sensor network is to find the k sensor nodes with the highest sensing values. To evaluate the top-k query in such an energy-constrained network poses great challenges, due to the unique characteristics imposed on its sensors. Existing solutions for top-k query in the literature mainly focused on energy efficiency but little attention has been paid to the query response time and its effect on the network lifetime. In this paper we address the query response time and its effect on the network lifetime through the study of the top-k query problem in sensor networks with the response time constraint. We aim at finding an energy-efficient routing tree and evaluating top-k queries on the tree such that the network lifetime is significantly prolonged, provided that the query response time constraint is met too. To do so, we first present a cost model of energy consumption for answering top-k queries and introduce the query response time definition. We then propose a novel joint query optimization framework, which consists of finding a routing tree in the network and devising a filter-based evaluation algorithm for top-k query evaluation on the tree. We finally conduct extensive experiments by simulation to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithms, in terms of the total energy consumption, the maximum energy consumption among nodes, the query response time, and the network lifetime. The experimental results showed that there is a non-trivial tradeoff between the query response time and the network lifetime, and the joint query optimization framework can prolong the network lifetime significantly under a specified query response time constraint.  相似文献   

The top-k query on uncertain data set has been a very hot topic these years, and there have been many studies on uncertain top-k queries. Unfortunately, most of the existing algorithms only consider centralized processing environments, and they are not suitable for the large-scale data. In this paper, it is the first attempt to process probabilistic threshold top-k queries (an important uncertain top-k query, PT-k for short) in a distributed environment. We propose 3 efficient algorithms. The serial distributed approach adopts a new method, which only requires a few amount of calculations, to serially process PT-k queries in distributed environments. The global sorting first algorithm for PT-k query processing (GSP) is designed for improving the computation speed. In GSP, a distributed sorting operation is performed, and then we compute the candidates for PT-k queries in parallel. The query results can be computed by using a novel incremental method which can reduce the number of calculations. The local filtering first algorithm for PT-k query processing is designed for reducing the network overhead. Specifically, several filtering strategies are proposed to filter out redundant data locally, and then the incremental method in GSP is used to process the PT-k queries. Finally, the effectiveness of our proposed algorithms is verified through a series of experiments.  相似文献   

Multi-dimensional top-k dominating queries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The top-k dominating query returns k data objects which dominate the highest number of objects in a dataset. This query is an important tool for decision support since it provides data analysts an intuitive way for finding significant objects. In addition, it combines the advantages of top-k and skyline queries without sharing their disadvantages: (i) the output size can be controlled, (ii) no ranking functions need to be specified by users, and (iii) the result is independent of the scales at different dimensions. Despite their importance, top-k dominating queries have not received adequate attention from the research community. This paper is an extensive study on the evaluation of top-k dominating queries. First, we propose a set of algorithms that apply on indexed multi-dimensional data. Second, we investigate query evaluation on data that are not indexed. Finally, we study a relaxed variant of the query which considers dominance in dimensional subspaces. Experiments using synthetic and real datasets demonstrate that our algorithms significantly outperform a previous skyline-based approach. We also illustrate the applicability of this multi-dimensional analysis query by studying the meaningfulness of its results on real data.  相似文献   

Sensor fusion is the combining of sensory data from disparate sources such that the resulting information is in some sense better than would be possible when these sources were used individually. The natural uncertainty exists in these data because sensors are not precise enough. Hence, the intuitive method to store this kind of data is using uncertain database. Finding the top-k entities according to one or more attributes is a powerful technique when the uncertain database contains large quantity of data. However, compared to top-k in traditional databases, queries over uncertain database are more complicated because of the existence of exponential possible worlds. We propose a method to process entity–based global top-k aggregate queries in uncertain database, which returns the top-k entities that have the highest aggregate value. Our method has two levels, entity state generation and G-topk-E query processing. In the former level, entity states, which satisfy the properties of x-tuple, are generated one after the other according to their aggregate values, while in the latter level, dynamic programming–based global top-k entity query processing is employed to return the answers. Comprehensive experiments on different data sets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solutions.  相似文献   

In this paper we present results on the problem of maintaining materialized top-k views and provide results in two directions. The first problem we tackle concerns the maintenance of top-k views in the presence of high deletion rates. We provide a principled method that complements the inefficiency of the state of the art independently of the statistical properties of the data and the characteristics of the update streams. The second problem we have been concerned with has to do with the efficient maintenance of multiple top-k views in the presence of updates to their base relation. To this end, we provide theoretical guarantees for the nucleation (practically, inclusion) of a view with respect to another view and the reflection of this property to the management of updates. We also provide algorithmic results towards the maintenance of a large number of views, via their appropriate structuring in hierarchies of views.  相似文献   

Centrality metrics have proven to be of a major interest when analyzing the structure of networks. Given modern-day network sizes, fast algorithms for estimating these metrics are needed. This paper proposes a computation framework (named Filter-Compute-Extract) that returns an estimate of the top-k most important nodes in a given network. We show that considerable savings in computation time can be achieved by first filtering the input network based on correlations between cheap and more costly centrality metrics. Running the costly metric on the smaller resulting filtered network yields significant gains in computation time. We examine the complexity improvement due to this heuristic for classic centrality measures, as well as experimental results on well-studied public networks.  相似文献   

In this paper, we define a new class of queries, the top-k multiple-type integrated query (simply, top-k MULTI query). It deals with multiple data types and finds the information in the order of relevance between the query and the object. Various data types such as spatial, textual, and relational data types can be used for the top-k MULTI query. The top-k MULTI query distinguishes itself from the traditional top-k query in that the component scores to calculate final scores are determined dependent of the query. Hence, each component score is calculated only when the query is given for each data type rather than being calculated apriori as in the top-k query. As a representative instance, the traditional top-k spatial keyword query is an instance of the top-k MULTI query. It deals with the spatial data type and text data type and finds the information based on spatial proximity and textual relevance between the query and the object, which is determined only when the query is given. In this paper, we first define the top-k MULTI query formally and define a new specific instance for the top-k MULTI query, the top-k spatial-keyword-relational(SKR) query, by integrating the relational data type into the traditional top-k spatial keyword query. Then, we investigate the processing approaches for the top-k MULTI query. We discuss the scalability of those approaches as new data types are integrated. We also devise the processing methods for the top-k SKR query. Finally, through extensive experiments on the top-k SKR query using real and synthetic data sets, we compare efficiency of the methods in terms of the query performance and storage.  相似文献   

A co-location pattern is a set of spatial features whose instances frequently appear in a spatial neighborhood. This paper efficiently mines the top-k probabilistic prevalent co-locations over spatially uncertain data sets and makes the following contributions: 1) the concept of the top-k probabilistic prevalent co-locations based on a possible world model is defined; 2) a framework for discovering the top-k probabilistic prevalent co-locations is set up; 3) a matrix method is proposed to improve the computation of the prevalence probability of a top-k candidate, and two pruning rules of the matrix block are given to accelerate the search for exact solutions; 4) a polynomial matrix is developed to further speed up the top-k candidate refinement process; 5) an approximate algorithm with compensation factor is introduced so that relatively large quantity of data can be processed quickly. The efficiency of our proposed algorithms as well as the accuracy of the approximation algorithms is evaluated with an extensive set of experiments using both synthetic and real uncertain data sets.  相似文献   

李淼  谷峪  陈默  于戈 《软件学报》2017,28(2):310-325
随着地理位置定位技术的蓬勃发展,基于在线位置服务技术的应用也越来越多.提出一种查询类型——反向空间偏好top-k查询.类似于传统的反向空间top-k查询,对于给定的空间查询对象,该查询返回使该对象满足top-k属性得分的那些用户.但不同的是,该对象的属性不是自身具有的特性,而是通过计算该对象与其他偏好对象之间的空间关系(如距离)而确定.这种查询在市场分析等许多重要领域具有需求,例如,根据查询结果,分析出某个地区中某个设施受欢迎的程度.但是,由于大量空间对象的存在导致对象之间空间关系的计算代价非常高,如何实时地计算出对象的空间属性得分,给查询处理带来很大的挑战.针对该问题提出优化的查询处理算法包括:数据集剪枝、数据集批量处理、基于权重的用户分组等策略.通过理论分析和充分的实验验证,证明了所提出方法的有效性.与普通方法相比,这些方法能够大幅度提高查询处理的执行时间和I/O效率.  相似文献   

Top-k monitoring queries are useful in many wireless sensor network applications. A query of this type continuously returns a list of k ordered nodes with the highest (or lowest) sensor readings. To process these queries, a well-known approach is to install a filter at each sensor node to avoid unnecessary transmissions of sensor readings. In this paper, we propose a new top-k monitoring method, named Distributed Adaptive Filter-based Monitoring. In this method, we first propose a new query reevaluation algorithm that works distributedly in the network to reduce the communication cost of sending probe messages. Then, we present an adaptive filter updating algorithm which is based on predicted benefits to lower down the transmission cost of sending updated filters to the sensor nodes. Experimental results on real data traces show that our proposed method performs much better than the other existing methods in terms of both network lifetime and average energy consumption.  相似文献   

We study an important data analysis operator, which extracts the k most important groups from data (i.e., the k groups with the highest aggregate values). In a data warehousing context, an example of the above query is “find the 10 combinations of product-type and month with the largest sum of sales”. The problem is challenging as the potential number of groups can be much larger than the memory capacity. We propose on-demand methods for efficient top-k groups processing, under limited memory size. In particular, we design top-k groups retrieval techniques for three representative scenarios as follows. For the scenario with data physically ordered by measure, we propose the write-optimized multi-pass sorted access algorithm (WMSA), that exploits available memory for efficient top-k groups computation. Regarding the scenario with unordered data, we develop the recursive hash algorithm (RHA), which applies hashing with early aggregation, coupled with branch-and-bound techniques and derivation heuristics for tight score bounds of hash partitions. Next, we design the clustered groups algorithm (CGA), which accelerates top-k groups processing for the case where data is clustered by a subset of group-by attributes. Extensive experiments with real and synthetic datasets demonstrate the applicability and efficiency of the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

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