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刘清泉  潘春跃 《材料导报》2003,17(1):36-38,71
室温熔盐,又称离子液体,它在很大的室温范围内都是液态,具有宽的电化学窗口、高而稳定的电导率、挥发程度低、质量轻、热稳定、不燃烧等一系列有机溶剂所不具备的优点。在二次电池、电化学电容器、电镀等领域展现出良好的应用前景。本文介绍了室温熔盐(RTMS)的制备方法,着重阐述了氯化铝型RTMS的一些性质和研究现状,对新型RTMS的研究进展也作了详细的介绍。  相似文献   

熔盐镀钨的历史与发展趋势   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
详细讨论了熔盐镀钨技术的发展。分卤化物,含氧酸盐及卤-氧混合物体系进行论述,并在此基础上提出了熔盐镀钨技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The thermal stability of combustion-synthesized metastable solid solutions of zirconia and transition metals was investigated. When heated to 800°C or higher, these solutions decomposed to a mixture of monoclinic ZrO2 and the transition metal oxide. Both Fe- and Co-doped solid solutions behaved similarly with respect to decomposition. The extent of decomposition was highly dependent on the temperature. In situ X-ray diffraction studies provided details on the decomposition process.  相似文献   

In this paper are reported the characteristicsand nature of metal fog in molten cryolite-aluminamixtures on the basis of laboratory experiments andquantum chemistry studies.The metal fog is thefinely divided metal particles in the molten salts,and it dissolves partly in the molten cryolite to formatomic clusters,such as(Al_nNa_m)~(x+) type.  相似文献   

综述了低温熔盐铝电解的研究进展.根据原料,将低温铝电解的研究划分为以先获得铝离子及铝的络合离子,再进行电解的传统低温铝电解和将固态Al2O3在低温熔盐中直接电化学还原的新低温铝电解.分析了传统方法电解质组成的改变对电解质物理化学性质的影响.指出了传统低温铝电解氧化铝的溶解度小且溶解速度慢、电解质导电性差以及阴极结壳是实现低温铝电解所要解决的主要问题,分析了新电解方法的缺点和解决手段,提出了今后的研究方向.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to describe the local structure of lanthanide fluoride melts of nuclear interest. An experimental approach combining NMR and EXAFS spectroscopy, both sensitive to the microstructure of solid or liquid materials, is presented. These techniques can be used to determine the coordination number, the nature of neighbors, and then to identify the complex formation. NMR and EXAFS spectroscopy have been applied to the molten LaF3–LiF and LuF3–LiF systems. The influence of melt compositions and temperature was studied. Paper presented at the Seventh International Workshop on Subsecond Thermophysics, October 6–8, 2004, Orléans, France.  相似文献   

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    铝对于钢具有阴极保护作用,且能抗高温腐蚀,但由于其在水溶液中的还原电位低于氢,因而铝镀层不能从水溶液中制备,其应用受到了限制.采用熔盐电镀法,对低碳钢在AlCl3-NaCl熔盐中电镀铝锰合金的工艺及镀层组织结构、性能进行了研究.结果表明:本工艺可获得平滑、光亮、致密,与碳钢基体附着良好的合金镀层;镀层的锰含量随熔盐中锰含量的增加而增加,当锰含量在10%~30%时,镀层为铝固溶体与非晶态的混合相,大于31%时,为非晶态相,混合相到非晶态相的转换点在30%~31%;镀层由微米级的球状物堆砌而成,在3%NaCl溶液中具有优良的耐蚀性,其平均腐蚀率仅是热镀锌层的1/10.  相似文献   

    低温熔盐电沉积羟基磷灰石复合涂层的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    为了提高羟基磷灰石涂层的结合强度,在AlCl3-NaCl-TiCl3低温熔盐体系中加入HA微粒,复合电沉积制备Al-Ti/HA复合涂层,并对涂层的表面形貌、结构和结合强度进行了研究.结果表明: HA微粒均匀分散在Al-Ti合金镀层中,其共沉积量随电流密度的减小和熔盐中HA浓度的增大而增强;涂层的结合强度随HA共沉积量的增大而增强,当HA的共沉积量为40.1%(质量分数)时,Al-Ti/HA复合涂层的结合强度达到28.1 MPa.  相似文献   

    介绍了熔盐电沉积纳米碳粉、碳膜等方面的新进展.熔融碳酸盐能够分解出碳,实现纳米碳粉、非晶碳膜及高结晶度石墨膜的快速制备.熔盐组成、熔盐温度、沉积电位(电流)及沉积基体等都有可能影响碳沉积物的形态、微观结构及尺寸.  相似文献   

    两种合金在氯化物熔盐中腐蚀行为研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
    马宏芳  朱明  赵云苗  夏瑾 《材料导报》2014,28(14):109-113
    氯化物熔盐是太阳能热发电储热系统具有前景的储热介质,但其对金属材料具有很强的腐蚀性。研究了太阳能热发电系统两种常用材料316L不锈钢和Inconel 625合金在900℃的NaCl、KCl、MgCl2和CaCl2熔盐中的腐蚀行为,采用XRD、带有能谱分析系统的扫描电镜分析了腐蚀产物的相组成和形貌。研究结果表明:两种材料在氯化物熔盐中均腐蚀严重,但在碱土金属氯化物熔盐(MgCl2、CaCl2)中的腐蚀程度要比它们在碱金属氯化物熔盐(NaCl、KCl)中严重得多。与Inconel 625合金相比,316L不锈钢在同种氯化物熔盐中的腐蚀速度较快。造成这种现象的原因是316L不锈钢表面的腐蚀产物FeCr2O4和Fe3O4比Inconel 625合金表面的腐蚀产物更易在氯化物熔盐中溶解。研究结果将有助于太阳能热发电系统的选材和发展腐蚀防护技术。  相似文献   

    电磁场作用下的金属凝固与成形   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
    综述了电磁场在金属凝固成形过程中的主要应用及其基本原理,指出了应用计算机数值模拟方法求解材料电磁加工问题的重要性及其今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

    轻型钢结构建筑物造型美观大方、建设周期短、工程造价低等优点,因而广泛应用与各类工业厂房、仓库、体育馆等场所。而这类建筑物与普通砖混结构、框架结构建筑物的防雷设计有所不同。笔者通过对工程设计实际经验总结,针对金属屋面防雷设计的相关问题做出粗浅探讨。  相似文献   

    The application of carbides in catalysis, batteries, aerospace fields, etc. has been continuously expanded and deepened, which is attributed to the diversified physicochemical properties of carbides via a tune-up of their morphology, composition, and microstructure. The emergence of MAX phases and high entropy carbides with unparalleled application potential undoubtedly further stimulates the research upsurge of carbides. The traditional pyrometallurgical or hydrometallurgical synthesis of carbides inevitably faces the shortcomings of complex process, unacceptable energy consumption, extreme environmental pollution, and beyond. The molten salt electrolysis synthesis method with the superiorities of straightforward route, high efficiency, and environmental friendliness has demonstrated its validity in the synthesis of various carbides, which naturally initiates more research. In particular, the process can achieve CO2 capture while synthesizing carbides based on the excellent CO2 capture capability of some molten salts, which is of great significance for carbon neutralization. In this paper, the synthesis mechanism of carbide by molten salt electrolysis, the process of CO2 capture and carbides conversion, the latest research progress in the synthesis of binary, ternary, multi-component, and composite carbides are reviewed. Finally, the challenges, development perspectives, and research directions of electrolysis synthesis of carbides in molten salts are featured.  相似文献   

    Molten alkali metals are shown to be in the domain of the newly developed linear regularity that is valid for pure compressed liquids and liquid mixtures. It holds in the range of melting to boiling temperature and shows deviations as the critical temperature is approached. The agreement with experimental data is better than 1.4% when it is used to predict the density of molten Li, Na, K, Rb, and Cs metals. A reasonable conformity with the ISM statistical mechanical equation of state is manifested.  相似文献   

    A new model based on rough hard-sphere theory is proposed for the thermal conductivity of molten salts. The model incorporates a smooth hard-sphere contribution using the properties of argon, as well as characteristic parameters based on the melting point of the molten salt. It is demonstrated that it is possible to correlate the thermal conductivity of monovalent and multivalent molten salts within experimental error using this approach. Furthermore, in salts with a common anion, the single adjustable parameter in the model exhibits regular behavior with the molecular weight of the salt. It is also shown that the thermal conductivity of several molten-salt mixtures can be predicted without any mixture parameters.  相似文献   

    室温氯化铝-有机熔盐电沉积铝的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    范春华  李冰  江卢山 《材料保护》2007,40(10):50-53
    介绍了室温有机氯化铝熔盐中铝电沉积的研究发展状况,分析了铝在不同室温熔盐中的电沉积机理;着重介绍了铝在有机烷基吡啶、烷基咪唑啉、三甲基苯胺氯化物、苄基三甲基氯化铵有机烷盐中的电沉积情况;介绍了这些熔盐的理化性质、铝电沉积时的电流密度、电流效率和沉积层的厚度以及这些熔盐在工业生产应用中的利弊.  相似文献   

    Superconducting Nb–Sn coatings are produced by zero-current Sn deposition on Nb at 800–1070 K from KCl + NaCl and CsCl + KCl + NaCl eutectic melts containing SnCl2. Their phase composition and superconducting properties are studied. This approach offers the possibility of producing single-phase Nb3Sn coatings perfect enough to be used as working layers of superconducting microwave systems.  相似文献   

    硝酸熔盐储热材料在太阳能利用中的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    随着全球经济的快速发展,能源危机日渐凸显,太阳能作为可再生能源的一种,越来越受到人们的重视.因此,如何高效利用太阳能资源值得深究.熔盐具有良好的蓄热特性,在石化、电池及冶金行业中发挥着很大的作用,尤其可以作为传热蓄热介质应用于太阳能热发电和太阳能制氢中.其中硝酸盐的特性较为适合用于熔盐储热材料.主要针对硝酸熔融盐体系,一是介绍了硝酸熔融盐体系在太阳能方面的应用,二是介绍了国内外学者对此体系的物化性质研究,如工作温度范围、热力学性质及热稳定性等.通过对比,总结了不同混合熔融盐各项性能的异同.指出了硝酸熔融盐性能深入研究的方向,为硝酸熔盐在能源开发利用和环境保护等方面发挥更重要的作用提供了重要参考.  相似文献   

    Interaction of gallium cations with oxygen anions in the NaCl-KCl molten equimolar mixture and NaCl-KCl-CsCl eutectic salt mixture as influenced by the activity of the oxygen ions in the melt was studied at 823–1023 K by potentiometric titration in an electrochemical cell with two platinum-oxygen electrodes and a solid electrolyte membrane. The form of occurrence of gallium in the molten salts and the proceeding chemical reactions were discussed. The solubility of gallium oxychloride was determined, and the thermodynamic characteristics of its formation were calculated.__________Translated from Radiokhimiya, Vol. 47, No. 3, 2005, pp. 242–244.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Smolenskii, Bove, Khokhryakov, Osipenko, Bychkov.  相似文献   

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