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针对传统的交替方向隐式(ADI)方法求解中子扩散方程,在仿真中难以满足实时性要求这一问题,提出了以组件为单位划分网格以保证计算速度,并通过对ADI方法进行调整,引入调整因子使扩散方程强制守恒.为了验证该方法的可行性,以秦山二期核电厂为对象建立了仿真模型,结果表明,调整后的ADI方法能够满足计算精度和速度要求,可以用于反...  相似文献   

针对特定类型核动力反应堆的特点,以DRAGON程序为反应堆组件均匀化参数计算内核,以CITATION程序、NGFM程序、MCNP程序为堆芯物理计算内核、以COBRA程序为堆芯热工水力计算内核,以自主开发的组件少群均匀化参数加工处理程序DOCS和反应堆-物理热工计算主程序DCNMC为接口程序和计算内核管理程序,开发形成一套具有较好通用性的特定类型反应堆堆芯物理-热工计算分析软件,并以特定反应堆为对象,完成计算模型开发、初步验证与校正。结果表明:该程序包可用于某特定堆堆芯物理-热工计算分析,精度满足要求。  相似文献   

采用谐波展开法进行堆芯三维功率分布的在线监测,将堆芯三维功率分布用中子扩散方程的谐波进行展开,并利用堆内探测器读数信息进行展开系数的求解;采用非线性半解析节块法结合Krylov子空间法进行全堆芯谐波的求解,其计算时间约为采用细网差分法结合Krylov子空间法求解的1/100。基于谐波展开法理论开发堆芯三维堆芯功率分布在线监测系统NECP-ONION,采用国内典型压水堆电厂实测数据对该系统进行验证。结果表明,组件平均功率的在线监测系统重构值与电厂测量值之间均方根误差小于2%,基于谐波展开法开发的在线监测系统具有很高的计算精度。  相似文献   

堆芯物理分析程序CORE是1个少群、一维、二维、三维稳态节块法程序,用于压水堆堆芯设计和分析。COSINE软件包是大型压水堆国家重大专项软件自主化课题中的一部分,CORE是COSINE软件包的1个子程序系统,CORE第1版采用节块展开法(NEM)进行二维、三维扩散计算,采用差分法进行一维扩散计算,截面处理采用插值表的方式,燃耗计算采用带预估修正的宏观燃耗计算方法,精细功率重构采用调制方法。目前CORE的核心模块已完成,并进行了初步测试验证,结果表明其扩散求解模块基本满足功能和精度要求。  相似文献   

1引言70年代前,中子扩散方程主要采用有限差分方法求解。利用差分方法求解时,为了保证一定的计算精度,必须使网格很小,这样必然会耗费大量的计算时间和计算机内存,特别是三维问题的计算几乎无法实现[1]。70年代后期,发展起一类先进节块方法,这类方法计算速...  相似文献   

节块格林函数法的微扰计算   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
李富  王亚奇 《核动力工程》1999,20(2):103-105
在反应堆物理设计和分析时,经常要进行微扰计算,以快速分析堆芯中子截面扰动下反应性的变化量。本文从微扰计算的普遍公式出发,给出了节块格林函数法(NGFM)下微扰计算的具体公式。通过对比验算,验证了NGFM下的微扰公式,并且证明微扰计算需要的是节块法的数学共轭解而不是物理共轭解。  相似文献   

燃耗后的反应堆堆芯截面参数偏离了原来的数值,尽管用燃耗表对其进行了修正,但由于修正过程中的近似,仍使得截面参数的可靠性受到怀疑。文中提出:在用芯内中子探测器读数重构出“测量的”全堆热群中子通量密度分布的基础上,约束堆芯截面参数,并采用节块格林函数法对其进行校准的一套完整方法。截面参数经校准后,可以使理论模型计算结果与实际测量值相一致。仿真结果说明了此方法的可行性。  相似文献   

利用优化方法寻找压水堆最优的燃料装载格式,优化的目标函数为堆芯的功率峰因子,用物理原则指导下的直接搜索法寻找优化解。通过堆芯内燃料组件互换来搜索功率峰因子最小的燃料装载格式。搜索分两段进行:第一阶段是布置堆芯内部的新组件,以得到具有较小功率峰因子的合理装载格式;第二阶段是在上述合理装载格式基础上,布置堆芯内有燃耗的组件,以进一步降低堆芯的功率峰因子,得到优化装载格式。在优化过程中,可分别采用或随意组合采用3/2群粗网扩散理论和两群节块格林函数扩散理论计算每次换料后的反应堆两维功率分布及其它反应堆状态量,不仅保证了结果的准确性,而且可以节省CPU时间。除上述优化计算外,还能作燃耗、调临界硼浓度等计算。计算程序是采用FORTRAN-Ⅳ算法语言编制。  相似文献   

压水堆核电站运行堆芯物理过程的PC仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于涛  罗璋琳  龚学余  曹雷 《核动力工程》2002,23(4):91-94,101
阐述了PWR核电站堆芯的模型化问题,建立了适用于微机仿真的核电站的临界堆中子动力学模型,温度效应中子动力学模型和堆芯热传递模型。应用所建模型,建立传递函数,用微机仿真并对仿真结果进行分析。  相似文献   

JMCT是基于蒙特卡罗方法的中子输运程序,具有几何建模精细、截面数据准确、物理过程真实等特点,计算结果具有更高的精度。通过开发临界硼浓度搜索、输运-热工-燃耗耦合功能模块,使JMCT具备了堆芯物理计算功能。本文利用JMCT程序对CASL项目提出的堆芯物理基准题库VERA进行模拟,获得了keff、控制棒价值、反应性系数等启动物理参数以及硼降曲线等堆芯运行参数。JMCT计算结果与蒙特卡罗程序KENO-Ⅵ以及MC21进行了对比,结果符合良好,证明了JMCT具有堆芯物理计算能力,并具有较高的精度。  相似文献   

系统仿真软件可以模拟运行工况变化对系统整体运行带来的影响,在系统瞬态分析和安全研究中起着重要的作用。Aspen HYSYS软件是世界知名的油气过程仿真和优化的系统软件,具有强大的二次开发功能,可以用于反应堆系统仿真。在植入熔盐物性、修改熔盐换热模型的基础上,建立并调用点堆模型的动态链接库,尝试将HYSYS与点堆耦合起来,弥补HYSYS无法对熔盐堆等反应堆进行仿真的缺憾。在此基础上,对中国科学院上海应用物理研究所的熔盐堆设计进行了系统仿真,给出了熔盐堆在不同的运行工况下的系统响应分析结果,并与RELAP5仿真结果进行比较。结果表明,耦合程序有较高的可用性,能够达到预期的效果。  相似文献   

The effect of Pu-rich agglomerates in U-Pu mixed oxide (MOX) on the reactivity analysis of light water reactor MOX core physics experiments was studied with the continuous-energy Monte Carlo calculation code MVP II. First, the following three different models were compared in the analysis of a representative unit cell of a MOX core tested at the KRITZ reactor: a Lattice model where Pu-rich agglomerates were assumed to exist in a fixed pitch, a statistical geometry (STG) model of MVP II, and a Random model where the random distribution of Pu-rich agglomerates was directly modeled. Since the three models gave comparable results, the STG model was used in parametric calculations to systematically understand the reactivity effect depending on the characteristics of Pu-rich agglomerates. In addition, the selected unit cells composing the MOX cores and one representing MOX core tested at the EOLE criticality facility were analyzed with the measured characteristics of Pu-rich agglomerates in MOX fuel. Consequently, the reactivity differences between the calculations assuming the homogeneous Pu distributions and those considering Pu-rich agglomerates were less than 0.0005 Δk/k/k', indicating that the effect of Pu-rich agglomerates was small on the reactivity analysis of the MOX cores tested in the EOLE facility.  相似文献   

A new hybrid resonance self-shielding treatment method in reactor physics field is developed by integrating equivalence theory and ultra-fine-group slowing-down calculation from the theoretical point of view. In the conventional equivalence theory, scattering source approximation and taking no account of resonance interference effect cause prediction error of effective cross-section. By reviewing the derivation scheme of neutron flux in the equivalence theory, the essence of the ultra-fine-group treatment is effectively incorporated. A new form of energy-dependent flux is based on multi-term rational equation, but the scattering source can be solved by the way similar to the slowing-down equation. The accurate non-fuel flux is also considered without direct heterogeneous calculation. The new method can also efficiently eliminate the multi-group condensation error by a semi-analytical reaction rate preservation scheme between ultra-fine and multi-group treatments. The present method is implemented in Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. lattice physics code GALAXY. From comparisons of neutronics parameters between GALAXY and a continuous energy Monte-Carlo code, applicability of the new method for lattice physics calculations is confirmed. GALAXY achieves high accuracy with short computation time. Therefore, it can be efficiently applied to generation of the nuclear constants used in the nuclear design and safety analysis of commercial light water reactors.  相似文献   

The perturbation theory based on the transport calculation has been applied to study sensitivity of neutron multiplication factors (keff's) to neutron cross sections used for the reactivity analysis of UO2 and MOX core physics experiments on light water reactors. The studied cross sections were neutron capture, fission and elastic scattering cross sections, and a number of fission neutrons, ν. The obtained sensitivities were multiplied to relative differences in the cross sections between JENDL-4.0 and JENDL-3.3 in order to estimate the reactivity effects. The results show that the increase in keff, 0.3%Δk/kk′, from JENDL-3.3 to JENDL-4.0 for the UO2 core is mainly attributed to the decreases in the capture cross sections of 238U. On the other hand, there are various contributions from the differences in the cross sections of U, Pu, and Am isotopes for the MOX cores. The major contributions to increase in keff are decreases in the capture cross sections of 238U,238Pu, 239Pu, and those to decrease in keff are decreases in ν of 239Pu and increases in the capture cross sections of241Am. They compensate each other, and the difference in keff between JENDL-3.3 and JENDL-4.0 is less than 0.1%Δk/kk′ and relatively small.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to develop a feedback reactivity measurement technique in the Japanese prototype fast breeder reactor Monju and to validate calculation methodology to forecast the nuclear feedback phenomena. A feedback reactivity measurement technique has been developed based on a reactivity model featuring components that depend on the reactivity coefficients, denoted as reactor power (KR) and reactor vessel inlet temperature (Kin). This technique can precisely measure the two reactivity components simultaneously and was applied to the feedback reactivity experiment conducted in the Monju system start-up test in May 2010. A thorough evaluation considering all possible biases and uncertainties demonstrated that the reactivity coefficients can be evaluated with a measurement uncertainty smaller than 3%. The evaluated reactivity coefficients were simulated considering the temperature distribution in the core. The calculated and measured values of KR agreed within 1%, and the value of Kin was consistent with that reported in a previous isothermal temperature coefficient experiment. The measured and calculated fuel subassembly outlet temperatures also agreed well within 0.2°C, which supports the validity of the temperature calculation.  相似文献   

As the basis and fundamentals of nuclear technology, reactor physics has an important role to play; recent requirements for reliability and accountability to realize a higher level of safety have been encouraging researchers and engineers to study and develop more advanced and sophisticated numerical methods and calculation codes. Many of the outstanding research and developments are presented in scientific journals, including the Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology. Some topics have been covered in this summary from the latest activities in the field of reactor physics.  相似文献   

压水堆核电站堆芯集中参数模型的微机仿真   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
阐述了PWR核电站堆芯的模型化问题,提适用于微机仿真的核电站堆芯的物理数学模型,将核电站堆芯分为三大块分别建立模型,中子动力学模块,反应性反馈模块,堆芯热力学模块,建立系统传递函数,运用MATLA仿真,得到良好结果。  相似文献   

The High Performance Light Water Reactor (HPLWR) is the European version of the various supercritical water cooled reactor proposals. The paper presents the activity of KFKI-AEKI in the field of neutronic core design within the framework of the "HPLWR Phase 2" FP-6 and the Hungarian “NUKENERG” projects. As the coolant density along the axial direction shows remarkable change, coupled neutronic-thermohydraulic calculations are essential which take into account the heating of moderator in the special water rods of the assemblies. A parametrized diffusion cross section library was prepared for the HPLWR assembly with the MULTICELL neutronic transport code. The parametrized cross sections are used by the KARATE program system, which was verified by comparative Monte Carlo calculations. Preliminary loadings of the HPLWR core were assessed, which contain insulated assemblies with Gd burnable absorbers. The fuel assemblies have radial and axial enrichment zoning to reduce hot spots.  相似文献   

The risk of large-break loss of coolant accident (LBLOCA) is that core will be exposed once the accident occurs, and may cause core damages. New phenomena may occur in LBLOCA due to passive safety injection adopted by AP1000. This paper used SCDAP/RELAP5 4.0 to build the numerical model of AP1000 and double-end guillotine of cold leg is simulated. Reactor coolant system and passive core cooling system were modeled by RELAP5 modular. HEAT STRUCTURE component of RELAP5 was used to simulate the fuel rod. The reflood option in RELAP5 was chosen to be activated or not to study the effect of axial heat conduction. Results show that the axial heat conduction plays an important role in the reflooding phase and can effectively shorten reflood process. An alternative core model is built by SCDAP modular. It is found that the SCDAP model predicts higher maximum peak cladding temperature and longer reflood process than RELAP5 model. Analysis shows that clad oxidation heat plays a key role in the reflood. From the simulation results, it can be concluded that the cladding will keep intact and fission product will not be released from fuel to coolant in LBLOCA.  相似文献   

SOMPAS是上海核工程研究设计院有限公司(SNERDI)开发的堆芯在线监测系统,其中子学计算核心为SNERDI最新开发的堆芯核设计系统SCAP。SCAP在SOMPAS中应用前必须进行全面的测试,特别是与电厂实测值比较,以验证确认其精度、可靠性和适用性等。测试验证对象为我国自主开发的300 MWe级核电站,涵盖秦山一期和恰希玛1、2号机组总共32个循环的电厂实测数据。数值计算结果表明,SCAP具有很高的计算精度和可靠性,满足作为中子学计算核心在SOMPAS中应用的要求。  相似文献   

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