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金刚石涂层工具一直是金刚石膜工具应用研究的主流。制约其产业化的主要因素是涂层的附着力低和微晶金刚石涂层工具的加工精度差。通过对衬底的有效预处理和CVD沉积过程控制的研究,开发在硬质合金基体上沉积高结合强度、低粗糙度的金刚石涂层新技术,对于实现CVD金刚石涂层刀具高效、高精度切削加工具有重要意义。对旨在提高金刚石涂层附着力的预处理技术,本文探索了将酸蚀脱钴+等离子体刻蚀处理衬底法。利用优化的沉积工艺,在酸浸+等离子刻蚀处理的YG6刀片上沉积的两层金刚石复合膜表面粗糙度为0.13μm,附着力压痕测试临界载荷大于1500N。金刚百涂层工具的切削加工性能明显高予无涂层硬质合金工具。在加工ZAlSi12合金时,单层和两层金刚石涂层车刀片的切削寿命分别是无涂层车刀片切削寿命的21倍和28倍。  相似文献   

研究了固体粉末渗硼+碱酸两步预处理硬质合金基体的表面组织、形貌、粗糙度。实施优化的微米.纳米为0.1402μm金刚石复合涂层沉积工艺,得到表面平整、光滑、平均粗糙度的优质金刚石复合涂层。该涂层与基体附着力高,压痕测试其临界载荷大于1500N,金刚石复合涂层刀具加工ZAlSi12合金试验表明其切削寿命是无涂层刀具的41倍。  相似文献   

YG6金刚石涂层刀片衬底真空渗硼预处理新技术研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文研究了真空渗硼预处理硬质合金基体的表面组织、形貌、粗糙度,并在处理过的YG6刀片基体上,用强电流直流伸展电弧等离子体CVD法沉积金刚石薄膜涂层。结果表明,真空渗硼预处理不仅可以有效的消除或控制钴在金刚石沉积时的不利影响,而且,还显著粗化硬质合金基体表面。因此,提高了金刚石薄膜的质量和涂层的附着力。  相似文献   

真空渗硼预处理在CVD金刚石-硬质合金涂层工具中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用固体粉末真空渗硼工艺,研究了硬质合金工具表面真空渗硼预处理对金刚石涂层附着力的影响,研究结果表明,硬质合金工具通过固定粉末真空渗硼处理,表面生成具有较高稳定性的以CoWB、CoB为主的渗层,经过长时间的金刚石涂层后,硬质合金工具表面出现Co3B和W2Co21B6相,没有单质Co相出现,克服了金刚石沉积中硬质合金表面钴的不利影响,使标志金刚石涂层附着力的压痕测试的临界载荷达到了1500N,并且有着较好的重现性。  相似文献   

沉积温度对硬质合金金刚石涂层附着力影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用宝痕实验、扫描电镜与激光Raman光谱分析,实验研究了酸浸硬质合金基底上金刚石涂层的附着力随沉积温度的变化。结果表明,涂层质量随沉积温度降低而显著恶化,涂层应力则随沉积温度提高而上升。从提高涂层附着力的角度考虑,存在一个最佳沉积温度。在较低的沉积温度下,涂层自身的质量较低、力学性能较差,在载荷作用下易于破坏。提高沉积温度,涂层自身的质量可得到改善,但基底中的钴向基底表面扩散的倾向加大,而且热应力增大,会严重降低涂层与基底的附着力。除硬质合金基底的预处理工艺处,沉积工艺对金刚石涂层的组织、性能以及附着力均有重要影响。  相似文献   

采用压痕实验、扫描电镜与激光Raman光谱分析,实验研究了酸浸硬质合金基底上金刚石涂层的附着力随沉积温度的变化.结果表明,涂层质量随沉积温度降低而显著恶化,涂层应力则随沉积温度提高而上升.从提高涂层附着力的角度考虑,存在一个最佳沉积温度.在较低的沉积温度下,涂层自身的质量较低、力学性能较差,在载荷作用下易于破坏.提高沉积温度,涂层自身的质量可得到改善,但基底中的钴向基底表面扩散的倾向加大,而且热应力增大,会严重降低涂层与基底的附着力.除硬质合金基底的预处理工艺外,沉积工艺对金刚石涂层的组织、性能以及附着力均有重要影响.  相似文献   

为了改善硬质合金刀具的耐磨性,采用U.S.E^TM工艺生产了高性能的多晶金刚石涂层。通过对WC-6Co%基体表面进行了预处理使得金刚石涂层与基体通过机械夹持作用产生很强的粘附力。用气蚀试验研究了微米结构和纳米结构的多晶金刚石膜的磨损性能。研究了金刚石结构(形态、晶拉度和晶粒取向、粗糙度)、涂层厚度以及涂层与界面之间的粘附性能对磨损机理的影响。在金刚石涂层工具的寿命和使用性能方面,纳米晶金刚石结构在工业应用上显示了很大的潜力。具有平滑表面的纳米结构金刚石比微米结构金刚石更适合做合适的基体(甚至形状复杂的预成形件)的涂层材料。通过增加涂层厚度,强度和断裂韧性等综合性能较好的薄膜(3μm)其优异的耐磨性能进一步提高。  相似文献   

两种预处理对硬质合金金刚石涂层附着力的影响对比研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
制约金刚石薄膜涂层工具走向市场化的关键问题是金刚石薄膜与硬质合金衬底的附着力低。困难来自于硬质合金的粘结相钴。消除钴对涂层附着力不利影响的措施很多。其中 ,真空渗硼和施加铜过渡层处理是两种较为有效的方法。本实验的目的就是要比较两种预处理对金刚石涂层附着力的影响。我们利用强电流直流伸展电弧等离子体CVD设备对真空渗硼和施加铜过渡层处理的刀片同时进行了金刚石薄膜沉积。通过激光喇曼、压痕和切削实验对其涂层的附着力进行分析、对比。结果表明 ,真空渗硼和施加铜过渡层处理均可有效地提高硬质合金金刚石涂层的附着力(未处理试样涂层的附着力 <60 0N。施加铜过渡层处理试样附着力 <15 0 0N ,真空渗硼预处理试样附着力≥ 15 0 0N)。但两者相比较而言 ,真空渗硼预处理法具有更好的效果  相似文献   

硬质合金金刚石涂层工具基体前处理有效方法探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用两种溶液浸蚀硬质合金表面,分别选择性刻蚀WC和Co.这不仅强粗化了硬质合金表面,而且,还能抑制CO在金刚石沉积过程中的负作用,从,而,提高了金刚石薄膜的质量和涂层的附着力。  相似文献   

采用偏压增强热丝CVD(HFCVD)法,通过引入惰性气体Ar,在经过甲醇新预处理方法处理后的硬质合金衬底表面成功沉积了微晶/纳米金刚石复合涂层。对金刚石复合涂层的表面形貌、成分、表面粗糙度进行了分析和研究。研究结果表明:新的预处理方法能够提高金刚石薄膜与衬底之间的附着强度。Ar的引入使得金刚石薄膜二次形核率更高,颗粒也更加细小,纳米金刚石复合涂层不但具有高的附着强度,而且具有非常低的表面粗糙度。对于拓展纳米金刚石涂层在精密加工领域中的应用具有一定的作用。  相似文献   

Multilayer cubic boron nitride (c-BN) coatings represent a new deposition method that can improve adhesion on metal substrates. The multilayer c-BN system in this study consisted of a TiAlN interlayer (2– 3.5 μm), boron carbide (~ 1 μm), and a c-BN (~ 2 μm) gradient layer. This multilayer c-BN structure, exceeding 5 μm in thickness, showed outstanding adhesion in atmospheric conditions even with high residual stress. Compared to monolayer c-BN coatings, the multilayer c-BN films had lower elastic moduli, and their critical loads were twice as high. The adhesion of the multilayer c-BN system was significantly improved because of the induced stress relaxation.  相似文献   

《CIRP Annals》2019,68(1):65-68
Micro-crystalline diamond (MCD) coatings were deposited on cemented carbide inserts at different temperatures using hot filament chemical vapor deposition technique. For investigating the effect of the developed diamond crystallinity on the fatigue strength and wear behaviour of the prepared MCD coated inserts, inclined impact tests and milling investigations were conducted correspondingly. Raman spectra were recorded for capturing the crystalline phases after the film deposition and their potential changes after the impact and milling experiments induced by the mechanical and thermal loads. Thus, the explanation of the cutting performance of the employed diamond coated inserts with various crystalline phases was enabled.  相似文献   

为提高硬质合金刀具上金刚石涂层的结合性能,采用热丝化学气相沉积法在YG 8硬质合金基体上沉积高、低梯度硼掺杂微米金刚石(high gradient boron-doped micron crystal diamond, HGBMCD;low gradient boron-doped micron crystal diamond, LGBMCD)涂层和无硼掺杂的微米金刚石(micrometer crystal diamond, MCD)涂层,探究沉积过程中硼掺杂浓度的梯度大小对金刚石涂层的形核和生长性能的影响。结果表明:随着硼的掺入,金刚石的形核密度增大,生长6 h后的金刚石晶粒更均匀细小,其中LGBMCD的晶粒尺寸大部分在2~3 μm;而石墨相在梯度硼掺杂金刚石涂层中的生长会被抑制,HGBMCD中IDia/IG高达14.65,残余应力仅为–0.255 GPa,且Co2B、CoB等硼钴化合物含量随硼掺杂梯度的减小而增大;金刚石涂层的残余应力因硼的掺入逐渐从压应力转变成拉应力,残余应力大小先减小后增大;洛氏压痕显示,随着硼的掺入,金刚石涂层的结合性能提高,LGBMCD的结合性能最好,在1 470 N下可达到HF2级。因此,适当的硼掺杂梯度有利于提高金刚石涂层的质量和结合性能。   相似文献   

The manufacturing of chemical vapour deposition (CVD) diamond coated shaft type cutting tools is demanding due to the complex design of the cutting edges and the cobalt content of the cemented carbide. The influencing parameters of substrate, pre-treatment and diamond film on the tool cutting performance are discussed. The optimised manufacturing route of CVD diamond coated thread milling drills is identified with the use of material and tribological tests. Following the optimised production of the tools, the thread milling drills are then applied in the machining of AlSi17Cu4Mg, whereby the tool performance is characterised with respect to their wear behaviour, the process forces and temperatures as well as the workpiece quality.  相似文献   

A new combination of two- and three-layer coatings on carbide-cutting instruments can be obtained by forming a boride-containing underlayer (CoWB) by a diffusion process, and by chemical vapour deposition (CVD) of TiC-TiCN or TiC-Al2O3 on the CoWB.The effect is shown of the thickened cobalt net structure on the increase in WC grains and on the decrease in contact surface between the grains of (Ti, Ta, W)C after repeated heating and chemical treatment of the carbide alloy.Comparative tests of cutting on steel and cast iron were carried out using various types of coated cutting plates. Combined coatings are found to prolong the lifetime of carbide instruments by more than 200% in comparison with the coating obtained by CVD alone.  相似文献   

《Acta Materialia》2003,51(11):3085-3094
Hard and wear-resistant titanium nitride coatings were deposited by pulsed high energy density plasma technique on cemented carbide cutting tools at ambient temperature. The coating thickness was measured by an optical profiler and surface Auger microprobe. The elemental and phase compositions and distribution of the coatings were determined by Auger microprobe, x-photon electron spectroscope, and X-ray diffractometer. The microstructures of the coatings were observed by scanning electron microscope and the roughness of the sample surface was measured by an optical profiler. The mechanical properties of the coatings were determined by nanoindentation and nanoscratch tests. The tribological properties were evaluated by the cutting performances of the coated tools applied in turning hardened CrWMn steel under industrial conditions. The structural and mechanical properties of the coatings were found to depend strongly on deposition conditions. Under optimized deposition conditions, the adhesive strength of TiN film to the substrate was satisfactory with the highest critical load up to more than 90 mN. The TiN films possess very high values of nanohardness and Young’s modulus, which are near to 27 GPa and 450 GPa, respectively. The wear resistance and edge life of the cemented carbide tools were improved dramatically because of the deposition of titanium nitride coatings.  相似文献   

化学脱钴对硬质合金沉积金刚石薄膜的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采用HFCVD系统,以CH4和H2为反应气体,分别在YG3、YG6、YG10、YG13硬质合金上沉积了金刚石薄膜,研究了化学脱钴处理对不同钴含量硬质合金沉积金刚石薄膜的影响.通过对105个样品的实验结果进行统计分析发现,YG3所得金刚石薄膜样品具有足够结合强度的比例为89%;而YG6、YG10 和YG13所得样品的相应值分别为24%、7%和0%.相反,YG3、YG6、YG10 和YG13所得金刚石薄膜严重破坏的比例分别为0%、64%、72%和79%.研究表明,化学腐蚀脱钴处理能够解决金刚石涂层形核率低的问题,但难以解决高钴硬质合金的附着性差的问题.  相似文献   

In situ substrate cleaning by ion etching prior to physical vapor deposition of hard coatings alters topography and composition of the surface to be coated. Within this work, the influence of Ar ion etching on the surface topography of cemented carbide cutting inserts with different geometries was investigated. The surface of cutting inserts before and after ion etching was evaluated by different scanning electron microscopy techniques to illuminate the effect of ion etching on both, the cutting edges and the flat surface. Additionally, profilometric measurements were carried out to determine changes of the surface roughness and to quantify the removed material by measuring the step height between the etched and un-etched surface. Surface roughness and thickness of the removed layer increased with etching time at constant bias voltage, while the applied voltage had only a minor influence. In addition, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy mappings indicated changes of the surface composition by ion etching due to preferential sputtering of the cobalt binder phase.  相似文献   

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