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This paper presents the results of an intercomparison for extremity dosemeters organised by the European radiation dosimetry group in 2009. In total, 59 systems were tested during this exercise including ring, stall and wrist dosemeters. A total of 1652 dosemeters were irradiated in the selected fields of photons and beta radiation qualities on appropriate phantoms (ISO finger and pillar phantom) in the dose quantity H(p)(0.07). All irradiations were carried out in selected accredited reference dosemetry laboratories (Seibersdorf Laboratories, Austria and IRSN, France). The results show that, especially at low-energy beta radiations ((85)Kr) and for beta irradiations with large angles of incidence (60°), many tested systems show pronounced under responses. On the other hand, for photon irradiations down to energies of 16 keV most systems showed good results. A participants meeting was held at IM2010 with discussion on both general aspects of this intercomparison and specific problems.  相似文献   

In recent years, several papers dealing with eye lens dosimetry have been published as epidemiological studies are implying that the induction of cataracts occurs even at eye lens doses of less than 500 mGy. For that reason, the necessity to monitor the eye lens may become more important than it was before. However, only few dosemeters for the appropriate quantity H(p)(3) are available. Partial-body dosemeters are usually designed to measure the quantity H(p)(0.07) calibrated on a rod phantom representing a finger while a slab phantom much better represents the head. Therefore, in this work it was investigated whether dosemeters designed for the quantity H(p)(0.07) calibrated on a rod phantom can also be worn on the head (close to the eyes) and still deliver correct results (H(p)(0.07) on a head). For that purpose, different types of partial-body dosemeters from routine use were irradiated at different photon energies on both a rod and a slab phantom. It turned out that their response values are within ±5% independent of the phantom if the quantity value for the respective phantom is used. Thus, partial-body dosemeters designed for the quantity H(p)(0.07) calibrated on a rod phantom may be worn on the head and used to monitor the eye lens dose due to photon radiation via the measurement of H(p)(0.07) on the head.  相似文献   

The photon energy response of different RADOS (Mirion Technologies) personal dosemeters with MTS-N (LiF:Mg,Ti) and MCP-N (LiF:Mg,Cu,P) thermoluminescence (TL) detectors was investigated. Three types of badges were applied. The irradiation with reference photon radiation qualities N (the narrow spectrum series), and S-Cs and S-Co nuclide radiation qualities, specified in ISO 4037 [International Organization for Standardization (ISO). X and gamma reference radiations for calibrating dosemeters and doserate meters and for determining their response as a function of photon energy. ISO 4037. Part 1-4 (1999)], in the energy range of 16-1250 keV, were performed at the Dosimetry Laboratory Seibersdorf. The results demonstrated that a readout of a single MTS-N or MCP-N detector under the Al filter can be used to determine Hp(10) according to requirements of IEC 61066 [International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Thermoluminescence dosimetry systems for personal and environmental monitoring. International Standard IEC 61066 (2006)] for TL systems for personal dosimetry. The new RADOS badge with the experimental type of a holder (i.e. Cu/Al filters) is a very good tool for identifying the radiation quality (photon energy).  相似文献   

Characteristics necessary to specify an ISO 6980 Series 1 reference radiation field were determined for a commercially available 85Kr beta-particle source, using a BEAM EGS4 Monte Carlo code. The characteristics include residual maximum beta energy, E(res), and the uniformity of the dose rate over the calibration area. The E(res) and the uniformity were also determined experimentally, using an extrapolation ionization chamber (EC) and a 0.2 cm3 parallel plate ionization chamber, respectively. The depth-dose curve measured with the EC gave a value 0.62 MeV for the E(res). Series 2 90Sr + 90Y and Series 1(85) Kr beta-particle sources calibrated for H(p)(0.07) at the secondary standard dosimetry laboratory (SSDL) of STUK were used to determine the energy and angular responses of DIS-1 direct ion storage dosemeters. The averaged zero angle H(p)(0.07) responses to the 90Sr + 90Y and 85Kr reference radiations were 135 and 80%, respectively. The responses were normalized to 100%, H(p)(0.07) response to 137Cs photon radiation.  相似文献   

An intercomparison of ring dosemeters has been organised with the aim of assessing the technical capabilities of available extremity dosemeters and focusing on their performance at clinical workplaces with potentially high extremity doses. Twenty-four services from 16 countries participated in the intercomparison. The dosemeters were exposed to reference photon ((137)Cs) and beta ((147)Pm, (85)Kr and (90)Sr/(90)Y) fields together with fields representing realistic exposure situations in interventional radiology (direct and scattered radiation) and nuclear medicine ((99 m)Tc and (18)F). It has been found that most dosemeters provided satisfactory measurements of H(p)(0.07) for photon radiation, both in reference and realistic fields. However, only four dosemeters fulfilled the established requirements for all radiation qualities. The main difficulties were found for the measurement of low-energy beta radiation. Finally, the results also showed a general under-response of detectors to (18)F, which was attributed to the difficulties of the dosimetric systems to measure the positron contribution to the dose.  相似文献   

The novel DIS-1 dosemeter developed by RADOS is based on ionisation chambers with so-called Direct Ion Storage (DIS). The dosemeter can measure Hp(10) and Hp(0.07) of photon and Hp(0.07) of beta irradiation. The characteristics of the commercially available DIS-1 dosemeter were studied at the Paul Scherrer Institute, particularly in respect to the requirements laid down in the Swiss Dosimetry Ordinance. Detailed tests were carried out in terms of linearity, photon and beta responses, angle dependence, long-term stability of the signal, reproducibility and environmental conditions. The DIS-1 dosemeter has been qualified by the authority to conform to the requirements of the Swiss Dosimetry Ordinance for personal photon and beta dosemeters. It is now used as a legally approved personal dosemeter system at PSI.  相似文献   

Bubble detectors have become a mature technology and are used as neutron dosemeters in a wide range of applications. At the SCK-CEN and Belgonucléaire they are used as official personal neutron dosemeter for the personnel. In the European Commission (EC) project of Evaluation of Individual Dosimetry in Mixed Neutron and Photon Radiation Fields (EVIDOS), a whole range of neutron dosemeters were irradiated in workplace fields in nuclear installations in Europe, including two types of bubble detectors. The responses of the bubble detectors are compared with the reference values determined using a directional spectrometer and a reference instrument to measure Hp(10).  相似文献   

As a result of investigations and intercomparison measurements organised from 1996 to 1999 by PTB, several types of personal dosemeters, all based on TLD, were selected by the dosimetry services for the measurement of the personal dose equivalent H(p)(0.07) in beta and/or photon radiation fields. These dosemeters have now the status of legal personal beta partial-body dosemeters. Workplaces at which beta radiation might significantly contribute to the doses to the extremities are to be found today with increasing frequency in radiation therapy, radiation source production and nuclear power plants. Quality assurance for beta personal dosemeters is stipulated by guidelines for the official dosimetry service and is carried out by way of the intercomparison measurements organised periodically by the PTB. The results are evaluated based on the recommendations of the German Commission on Radiological Protection (SSK). The procedure of these intercomparison measurements will be explained in detail. The experience gained from three series of comparisons with seven types of fingerring dosemeters will be described and the results will be presented. The anonymity of the dosemeter types and of the participants in the intercomparison will be preserved.  相似文献   

Two types of thin LiF:Mg,Cu,P detectors, GR-200F and MCP-Ns, have been characterised for use in the design of an extremity dosemeter for mixed beta-photon radiation fields. Both detectors consist of an extremely thin layer of sensitive material with effective thicknesses of 5 and 8 mg cm(-2), respectively, held in a 5 mg cm(-2) PVC ring holder. Dosimetric performance was analysed according to the ISO 12794 standard and compared with 240 mg cm(-2) TLD-100 measurements. In particular, the energy response was obtained for ISO narrow X-ray spectra, (137)Cs, (60)Co, (204)Tl and (90)Sr/(90)Y. From these measurements a mean calibration factor was calculated to estimate H(p)(0.07). Subsequently, the performance of the dosemeters was checked for a set of 10 different mixed photon and beta-photon fields. The study shows that the proposed dosemeters can estimate H(p)(0.07) in a wide range of mixed beta-photon fields with a maximum deviation from the given dose of 30% and an overall uncertainty of the order of 25% (k = 1). However, the results also highlight a large variability among the different thin detectors and, thus, the standard TLD-100 material is recommended whenever the workplace does not include low-energy beta radiation.  相似文献   

We are introducing a new high-capacity thermoluminescent dosemeter (TLD) system to measure the whole body values of H(p)(10) and H(p)(0.07) from photons for use in individual monitoring services. Small and light-weight badges allow a convenient application in a wide variety of workplaces with photon radiation from 20 keV to at least 7 MeV. The main advantage of this system will be the large capacity of ~ 100,000 dosemeters per month at costs equivalent to the current film monitoring. The hot-pressed thin-layer TL detector (LiF:Mg,Ti) is welded onto an aluminium substrate and provided with a data matrix code for automatic processing. The detector holder has been optimised, that no additional filter is necessary. The new designed TLD reader with readout times <10 s will allow a large throughput and a considerable degree of automation.  相似文献   

Individual monitoring regulations in Switzerland are based on the ICRP60 recommendations. The annual limit of 20 mSv for the effective dose applies to the sum of external and internal radiation. External radiation is monitored monthly or quarterly with TLD, DIS or CR-39 dosemeters by 10 approved external dosimetry services and reported as H(p)(10) and H(p)(0.07). Internal monitoring is done in two steps. At the workplace, simple screening measurements are done frequently in order to recognise a possible incorporation. If a nuclide dependent activity threshold is exceeded then one of the seven approved dosimetry services for internal radiation does an incorporation measurement to assess the committed effective dose E(50). The dosimetry services report all the measured or assessed dose values to the employer and to the National Dose Registry. The employer records the annually accumulated dose values into the individual dose certificate of the occupationally exposed person, both the external dose H(p)(10) and the internal dose E(50) as well as the total effective dose E = H(p)(10)+E(50). Based on the national dose registry an annual report on the dosimetry in Switzerland is published which contains the statistics for the total effective dose, as well as separate statistics for external and internal exposure.  相似文献   

A preliminary assessment of the occupational dose to the intervention radiologist received in fluoroscopy computerised tomography (CT) used to guide the collection of lung and bone biopsies is presented. The main aim of this work was to evaluate the capability of the reading system as well as of the available whole-body (WB) and extremity dosemeters used in routine monthly monitoring periods to measure per procedure dose values. The intervention radiologist was allocated 10 WB detectors (LiF: Mg, Ti, TLD-100) placed at chest and abdomen levels above and below the lead apron, and at both right and left arms, knees and feet. A special glove was developed with casings for the insertion of 11 extremity detectors (LiF:Mg, Cu, P, TLD-100H) for the identification of the most highly exposed fingers. The H(p)(10) dose values received above the lead apron (ranged 0.20-0.02 mSv) depend mainly on the duration of the examination and on the placement of physician relative to the beam, while values below the apron are relatively low. The left arm seems to receive a higher dose value. H(p)(0.07) values to the hand (ranged 36.30-0.06 mSv) show that the index, middle and ring fingers are the most highly exposed. In this study, the wrist dose was negligible compared with the finger dose. These results are preliminary and further studies are needed to better characterise the dose assessment in CT fluoroscopy.  相似文献   

Among the activities of EURADOS Working Group 2 formed by experts from several European countries is the harmonisation of individual monitoring as part of radiation protection of occupationally exposed persons. Here, we provide information about thermoluminescent detectors (TLDs) applied by the European dosimetric services and the dosimetric characteristics of dosemeters in which these detectors are applied. Among 91 services from 29 countries which responded to the EURADOS questionnaire, 61 apply dosemeters with TLDs for the determination of personal dose equivalent H(p)(10) for photons and beta radiation, and 16 services use TLDs for neutron albedo dosemeters. Those most frequently used are standard lithium fluoride TLDs (mainly TLD-100, TLD-700, Polish MTS-N and MTS-7, Russian DTG-4), high-sensitive lithium fluoride (GR-200, MCP-N) and lithium borate TLDs. Some services use calcium sulphate and calcium fluoride detectors. For neutron dosimetry, most services apply pairs of LiF:Mg,Ti TLDs with (6)Li and (7)Li. The characteristics (energy response) of individual dosemeters are mainly related to the energy response of the detectors and filters applied. The construction of filters in dosemeters applied for measurements of H(p)(10) and their energy response are also reviewed.  相似文献   

H(p)(3) has been defined as the operational quantity for eye lens dosimetry. H(p)(3)/ka conversion coefficients were evaluated at the GSF (Germany) in a 30x30x15 cm(3) 4-elements ICRU slab phantom for various energies and incident angles through Monte Carlo. The ISO report 12,794 suggests to employ a PMMA water filled phantom, of the same dimensions, for dosemeter calibration in terms of H(p)(3). The present paper briefly summarises the main aspects of a study carried out at ENEA-Radiation Protection Institute (Bologna, Italy) to provide practical procedures for the calibration of dosemeters in terms of H(p)(3). Tabulations of a new set conversion coefficients and air kerma backscatter factors are provided as a function of energy and incident angle. The paper demonstrates that a more accurate approach to the dosimetric assessment in terms of H(p)(3) could be rather simply introduced employing a reduced phantom.  相似文献   

Individual dosimetry service based on thermoluminescence (TLD) detectors has started its activity at the Institute of Nuclear Physics (IFJ) in Krakow in 1965. In 2002, the new Laboratory of Individual and Environment Dosimetry (Polish acronym LADIS) was established and underwent the accreditation according to the EN-PN-ISO/IEC 17025 standard. Nowadays, the service is based on the worldwide known standard thermoluminescent detectors MTS-N (LiF:Mg,Ti) and MCP-N (LiF:Mg,Cu,P), developed at IFJ, processed in automatic thermoluminescent DOSACUS or RE2000 (Rados Oy, Finland) readers. Laboratory provides individual monitoring in terms of personal dose equivalent H(p)(10) and H(p)(0.07) in photon and neutron fields, over the range from 0.1 mSv to 1 Sv, and environmental dosimetry in terms of air kerma K(a) over the range from 30 μGy to 1 Gy and also ambient dose equivalent H*(10) over the range from 30 μSv to 1 Sv. Dosimetric service is currently performed for ca. 3200 institutions from Poland and abroad, monitored on quarterly and monthly basis. The goal of this paper is to identify the main activities leading to the highest radiation exposures in Poland. The paper presents the results of statistical evaluation of ~ 100,000 quarterly H(p)(10) and K(a) measurements performed between 2002 and 2009. Sixty-five per cent up to 90 % of all individual doses in Poland are on the level of natural radiation background. The dose levels between 0.1 and 5 mSv per quarter are the most frequent in nuclear medicine, veterinary and industrial radiography sectors.  相似文献   

Amongst the dosemeters offered by the Health Protection Agency (HPA) Personal Dosimetry Service are finger rings, which use the Harshaw? DXTRAD element. This paper describes restricted-type testing carried out by HPA on the previously untried combination of the LiF:Mg,Cu,P material and a thicker filter (42 mg cm(-2)). The tests were based on ISO 12794 [International Organization for Standardization. ISO 12794:2000 nuclear energy--radiation protection--individual thermoluminescence dosemeters for the extremities and eyes. ISO (2000)] and included energy and angle dependence of response for photons. The conclusion was, for photon dosimetry applications the thicker filter is acceptable for use in the HPA service.  相似文献   

The gamma radiation fields of the reference irradiation facility of the Dosimetry Laboratory Seibersdorf with collimated beam geometry are used for calibrating radiation protection dosemeters. A close-to-reality simulation model of the facility including the complex geometry of a (60)Co source was set up using the Monte Carlo code MCNP. The goal of this study is to characterise the radionuclide gamma calibration field and resulting air-kerma distributions inside the measurement hall with a total of 20 m in length. For the whole range of source-detector-distances (SDD) along the central beam axis, simulated and measured relative air-kerma values are within +/-0.6%. Influences on the accuracy of the simulation results are investigated, including e.g., source mass density effects or detector volume dependencies. A constant scatter contribution from the lead ring-collimator of approximately 1% and an increasing scatter contribution from the concrete floor for distances above 7 m are identified, resulting in a total air-kerma scatter contribution below 5%, which is in accordance to the ISO 4037-1 recommendations.  相似文献   

This paper summarises the experience gained by the Ciemat External Dosimetry Service (EDS) in the environmental dosimetry intercomparisons organised by the US Department of Energy. During the three latest intercomparisons. important dosimetry aspects such as energy calibration, energy response, dosimetric quantities and signal stability have been tested by the Ciemat EDS on up to seven different thermoluminescent (TL) materials, including hypersensitive phosphors, and employing several dosimetric systems. In last year's intercomparison, in addition to TL dosemeters the Ciemat EDS sent a set of silicon diode active dosemeters, usually used as personal dosemeters, to be tested in environmental conditions without intervention for more than 3 months. All the results obtained from different dosemeters have undergone an exhaustive analysis process in order to find some conclusions that may help to increase the knowledge of field performance of these devices in real but controlled environmental conditions.  相似文献   

The personal dose equivalent, H(p)(d), is the quantity recommended by the International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements (ICRU) to be used as an approximation of the protection quantity effective dose when performing personal dosemeter calibrations. The personal dose equivalent can be defined for any location and depth within the body. Typically, the location of interest is the trunk, where personal dosemeters are usually worn, and in this instance a suitable approximation is a 30 × 30 × 15 cm(3) slab-type phantom. For this condition, the personal dose equivalent is denoted as H(p,slab)(d) and the depths, d, are taken to be 0.007 cm for non-penetrating and 1 cm for penetrating radiation. In operational radiation protection a third depth, 0.3 cm, is used to approximate the dose to the lens of the eye. A number of conversion coefficients for photons are available for incident energies up to several megaelectronvolts, however, data to higher energies are limited. In this work, conversion coefficients up to 1 GeV have been calculated for H(p,slab)(10) and H(p,slab)(3) both by using the kerma approximation and tracking secondary charged particles. For H(p)(0.07), the conversion coefficients were calculated, but only to 10 MeV due to computational limitations. Additionally, conversions from air kerma to H(p,slab)(d) have been determined and are reported. The conversion coefficients were determined for discrete incident energies, but analytical fits of the coefficients over the energy range are provided. Since the inclusion of air can influence the production of secondary charged particles incident on the face of the phantom, conversion coefficients have been determined both in vacuo and with the source and slab immersed within a sphere in air. The conversion coefficients for the personal dose equivalent are compared with the appropriate protection quantity, calculated according to the recommendations of the latest International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) guidance.  相似文献   

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