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This paper presents empirical results of an analysis on the role of prosody in the recognition of dialogue acts and utterance mood in a practical dialogue corpus in Mexican Spanish. The work is configured as a series of machine-learning experimental conditions in which models are created by using intonational and other data as predictors and dialogue act tagging data as targets. We show that utterance mood can be predicted from intonational information, and that this mood information can then be used to recognize the dialogue act.  相似文献   

Although protocol analysis can be an important tool for researchers to investigate the process of collaboration and communication, the use of this method of analysis can be time consuming. Hence, an automatic coding procedure for coding dialogue acts was developed. This procedure helps to determine the communicative function of messages in online discussions by recognizing discourse markers and cue phrases in the utterances. Five main communicative functions are distinguished: argumentative, responsive, informative, elicitative, and imperative. A total of 29 different dialogue acts are specified and recognized automatically in collaboration protocols. The reliability of the automatic coding procedure was determined by comparing automatically coded dialogue acts to hand-coded dialogue acts by a human rater. The validity of the automatic coding procedure was examined using three different types of analyses. First, an examination of group differences was used (dialogue acts used by female versus male students). Ideally, the coding procedure should be able to distinguish between groups who are likely to communicate differently. Second, to examine the validity of the automatic coding procedure through examination of experimental intervention, the results of the automatic coding procedure of students, with access to a tool that visualizes the degree of participation of each student, were compared to students who did not have access to this tool. Finally, the validity of the automatic coding procedure of dialogue acts was examined using correlation analyses. Results of the automatic coding procedure of dialogue acts of utterances (form) were related to results of a manual coding procedure of the collaborative activities to which the utterances refer (content). The analyses presented in this paper indicate promising results concerning the reliability and validity of the automatic coding procedure for dialogue acts. However, limitations of the procedure were also found and discussed.  相似文献   

The derivation, manipulation and verification of analytical models from raw data is a process which requires a transformation of information across different levels of abstraction. We introduce a concept for the coupling of data classification and interactive visualization in order to make this transformation visible and steerable for the human user. Data classification techniques generate mappings that formally group data items into categories. Interactive visualization includes the user into an iterative refinement process. The user identifies and selects interesting patterns to define these categories. The following step is the transformation of a visible pattern into the formal definition of a classifier. In the last step the classifier is transformed back into a pattern that is blended with the original data in the same visual display. Our approach allows in intuitive assessment of a formal classifier and its model, the detection of outliers and the handling of noisy data using visual pattern‐matching. We instantiated the concept using decision trees for classification and KVMaps as the visualization technique. The generation of a classifier from visual patterns and its verification is transformed from a cognitive to a mostly pre‐cognitive task.  相似文献   

Modern communication environments have changed the cognitive patterns of individuals, who are now used to the interaction of information encoded in different semiotic modalities, especially visual and linguistic. Despite this, the main premise of Corpus Linguistics is still ruling: our perception of and experience with the world is conveyed in texts, which nowadays need to be studied from a multimodal perspective. Therefore, multimodal corpora are becoming extremely useful to extract specialized knowledge and explore the insights of specialized language and its relation to non-language-specific representations of knowledge. It is our assertion that the analysis of the image-text interface can help us understand the way visual and linguistic information converge in subject-field texts. In this article, we use Frame-based terminology to sketch a novel proposal to study images in a corpus rich in pictorial representations for their inclusion in a terminological resource on the environment. Our corpus-based approach provides the methodological underpinnings to create meaning within terminographic entries, thus facilitating specialized knowledge transfer and acquisition through images.  相似文献   

Many software projects spend a significant proportion of their time developing the User Interface (UI), therefore any degree of automation in this area has clear benefits. Such automation is difficult due principally to the diversity of architectures, platforms and development environments. Attempts to automate UI generation to date have contained restrictions which did not accommodate this diversity, leading to a lack of wide industry adoption or standardisation. The authors set out to understand and address these restrictions. We studied the issues of UI generation (especially duplication) in practice, using action research cycles guided by interviews, adoption studies and close collaboration with industry practitioners. In addressing the issues raised in our investigation, we identified five key characteristics any UI generation technique would need before it should expect wide adoption or standardisation. These can be summarised as: inspecting existing, heterogeneous back-end architectures; appreciating different practices in applying inspection results; recognising multiple, and mixtures of, UI widget libraries; supporting multiple, and mixtures of, UI adornments; applying multiple, and mixtures of, UI layouts. Many of these characteristics seem ignored by current approaches. In addition, we discovered an emergent feature of these characteristics that opens the possibility of a previously unattempted goal - namely, retrofitting UI generation to an existing application.  相似文献   

The authors formulate the criteria for drawing dataflow diagrams and describe the placement and routing algorithms used in a system called MONDRIAN. A generalized approach to the question of software diagrams is proposed based on the authors' experience with MONDRIAN and a metasystem approach to the creation of CASE (computer-aided software engineering) environments. A formal approach to the definition of software objects and their graphical representation is given. The use of location constraints as a basis for generalized layout algorithms is discussed  相似文献   

Language Resources and Evaluation - Despite the growing interest in Question Generation, evaluating these systems remains notably difficult. Many authors rely on metrics like BLEU or ROUGE instead...  相似文献   

There is still a lack of full integration between current Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and medical guidelines that encapsulate evidence-based medicine. Thus, general practitioners (GPs) and specialised physicians still have to read document-based medical guidelines and decide among various options for managing common non-life-threatening conditions where the selection of the most appropriate therapeutic option for each individual patient can be a difficult task. This paper presents a simulation framework and computational test-bed, called V.A.F. Framework, for supporting simulations of clinical situations that boosted the integration between Health Level Seven (HL7) and Semantic Web technologies (OWL, SWRL, and OWL-S) to achieve content layer interoperability between online clinical cases and medical guidelines, and therefore, it proves that higher integration between EHRs and evidence-based medicine can be accomplished which could lead to a next generation of healthcare systems that provide more support to physicians and increase patients’ safety.  相似文献   

Metaphor makes our thoughts more vivid and fills our communication with richer imagery. Furthermore, according to the conceptual metaphor theory (CMT) of Lakoff and Johnson (Metaphors we live by. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1980), metaphor also plays an important structural role in the organization and processing of conceptual knowledge. According to this account, the phenomenon of metaphor is not restricted to similarity-based extensions of meanings of individual words, but instead involves activating fixed mappings that reconceptualize one whole area of experience in terms of another. CMT produced a significant resonance in the fields of philosophy, linguistics, cognitive science and artificial intelligence and still underlies a large proportion of modern research on metaphor. However, there has to date been no comprehensive corpus-based study of conceptual metaphor, which would provide an empirical basis for evaluating the CMT using real-world linguistic data. The annotation scheme and the empirical study we present in this paper is a step towards filling this gap. We test our annotation procedure in an experimental setting involving multiple annotators and estimate their agreement on the task. The goal of the study is to investigate (1) how intuitive the conceptual metaphor explanation of linguistic metaphors is for human annotators and whether it is possible to consistently annotate interconceptual mappings; (2) what are the main difficulties that the annotators experience during the annotation process; (3) whether one conceptual metaphor is sufficient to explain a linguistic metaphor or whether a chain of conceptual metaphors is needed. The resulting corpus annotated for conceptual mappings provides a new, valuable dataset for linguistic, computational and cognitive experiments on metaphor.  相似文献   

维吾尔语三音节词韵律特征声学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从文本分析模块入手,利用“维吾尔语语音声学参数库”,选择了以开音节和闭音节结尾的333个三音节词的韵律参数,包括元音时长、音高和音强进行了统计分析,归纳了其元音时长、音高和音强分布模式,探讨了维吾尔语三音节词的韵律节奏模式与三音节词重音之间的关系问题,其目的是为了提高语音合成的自然度即更好的为自然语言处理服务。本项研究对维吾尔语语言乃至整个阿尔泰语系语言的韵律研究具有较高的参考价值。  相似文献   

Literature review on prosody reveals the lack of corpora for prosodic studies in Catalan and Spanish. In this paper, we present a corpus intended to fill this gap. The corpus comprises two distinct data-sets, a news subcorpus and a dialogue subcorpus, the latter containing either conversational or task-oriented speech. More than 25 h were recorded by twenty eight speakers per language. Among these speakers, eight were professional (four radio news broadcasters and four advertising actors). The entire material presented here has been transcribed, aligned with the acoustic signal and prosodically annotated. Two major objectives have guided the design of this project: (i) to offer a wide coverage of representative real-life communicative situations which allow for the characterization of prosody in these two languages; and (ii) to conduct research studies which enable us to contrast the speakers different speaking styles and discursive practices. All material contained in the corpus is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.  相似文献   

《Control Engineering Practice》2009,17(10):1115-1125
The Fault Tree Handbook has become the de facto standard for fault tree analysis (FTA), defining the notation and mathematical foundation of this widely used safety analysis technique. The Handbook recognises that classical combinatorial fault trees employing only Boolean gates cannot capture the potentially critical significance of the temporal ordering of failure events in a system. Although the Handbook proposes two dynamic gates that could remedy this, a Priority-AND and an Exclusive-OR gate, these gates were never accurately defined. This paper proposes extensions to the logical foundation of fault trees that enable use of these dynamic gates in an extended and more powerful FTA. The benefits of this approach are demonstrated on a generic triple-module standby redundant system exhibiting dynamic behaviour.  相似文献   

Urban land and rural land are typically represented as homogenous and mutually exclusive classes in land change analyses. As a result, differences in urban land use intensity, as well as mosaic landscapes combining urban and rural land uses are not represented. In this study we explore the distribution of urban land and urban land use intensity in Europe and the changes therein. Specifically, we analyze the distribution of built-up land within pixels of 1 km2. At that resolution we find that most built-up land is distributed over predominantly non-built-up pixels. Consistently, we find that most urban land use changes between 2000 and 2014 come in small incremental changes, rather than sudden large-scale conversions from rural to urban land. Using urban population densities, we find that urban land use intensity varies strongly across 1 km2 pixels in Europe, as illustrated by a coefficient of variation of 85%. We found a similarly high variation between urban population densities for most individual countries and within areas with the same share of built-up land. Population changes have led to different combinations of urban land expansion and urban intensity changes in different study periods (1975–1990, 1990–2000, and 2000–2015) and countries. These findings suggest that land use change models could be improved by more nuanced representations of urban land, including mosaic classes and different urban land use intensities.  相似文献   

This paper aims at providing an account of juridical acts that forms a suitable starting point for the creation of computational systems that deal with juridical acts. The paper is divided into two parts. This second part of the paper deals in some detail with the operation of juridical acts. Topics dealt with include: power and competence, capacity, form requirements, partial validity, avoidance and representation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to stimulate interest within the civil engineering research community for developing the next generation of applied artificial neural networks. In particular, it identifies what the next generation of these devices needs to achieve, and provides direction in terms of how their development may proceed. An analysis of the current situation indicates that progress in the development of artificial neural network applications has largely stagnated. Suggestions are made for advancing the field to the next level of sophistication and application, using genetic algorithms and related techniques. It is shown that this approach will require the design of some very sophisticated genetic coding mechanisms in order to develop the required higher-order network structures, and will utilize development mechanisms observed in nature such as growth, self-organization, and multi-stage objective functions. The capabilities of such an approach and the way in which they can be achieved are explored with reference to the problems of: (a) determining truck attributes from the strain envelopes they induce in structural members when crossing a bridge, and; (b) developing a decision support system for dynamic control of industrialized manufacturing of houses.  相似文献   

In recent years, Twitter has become one of the most important microblogging services of the Web 2.0. Among the possible uses it allows, it can be employed for communicating and broadcasting information in real time. The goal of this research is to analyze the task of automatic tweet generation from a text summarization perspective in the context of the journalism genre. To achieve this, different state-of-the-art summarizers are selected and employed for producing multi-lingual tweets in two languages (English and Spanish). A wide experimental framework is proposed, comprising the creation of a new corpus, the generation of the automatic tweets, and their assessment through a quantitative and a qualitative evaluation, where informativeness, indicativeness and interest are key criteria that should be ensured in the proposed context.From the results obtained, it was observed that although the original tweets were considered as model tweets with respect to their informativeness, they were not among the most interesting ones from a human viewpoint. Therefore, relying only on these tweets may not be the ideal way to communicate news through Twitter, especially if a more personalized and catchy way of reporting news wants to be performed. In contrast, we showed that recent text summarization techniques may be more appropriate, reflecting a balance between indicativeness and interest, even if their content was different from the tweets delivered by the news providers.  相似文献   

With the advancement of Semantic Technologies, large geospatial data sources have been increasingly published as Linked data on the Web. The LinkedGeoData project is one of the most prominent such projects to create a large knowledge graph from OpenStreetMap (OSM) with global coverage and interlinking of other data sources. In this paper, we report on the ongoing effort of exposing the relational database in LinkedGeoData as a SPARQL endpoint using Virtual Knowledge Graph (VKG) technology. Specifically, we present two realizations of VKGs, using the two systems Sparqlify and Ontop. In order to improve compliance with the OGC GeoSPARQL standard, we have implemented GeoSPARQL support in Ontop v4. Moreover, we have evaluated the VKG-powered LinkedGeoData in the test areas of Italy and Germany. Our experiments demonstrate that such system supports complex GeoSPARQL queries, which confirms that query answering in the VKG approach is efficient.  相似文献   


An evaluation method is proposed based on walkthrough analysis coupled with a taxonomic analysis of observed problems and causes of usability error. The model mismatch method identifies usability design flaws and missing requirements from user errors. The method is tested with a comparative evaluation of two information retrieval products. Different profiles of usability and requirements problems were found for the two products, even though their overall performance was similar.  相似文献   

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