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《Pattern recognition letters》2003,24(9-10):1513-1521
Today, texture analysis plays an important role in many tasks, ranging from remote sensing to medical imaging and query by content in large image data bases. The main difficulty of texture analysis in the past was the lack of adequate tools to characterize different scales of textures effectively. The development in multi-resolution analysis such as Gabor and wavelet transform help to overcome this difficulty. This paper describes the texture classification using (i) wavelet statistical features, (ii) wavelet co-occurrence features and (iii) a combination of wavelet statistical features and co-occurrence features of one level wavelet transformed images with different feature databases. It is found that, the results of later method are promising.  相似文献   

Texture segmentation using wavelet transform   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Texture analysis such as segmentation and classification plays a vital role in computer vision and pattern recognition and is widely applied to many areas such as industrial automation, bio-medical image processing and remote sensing. This paper describes a novel technique of feature extraction for characterization and segmentation of texture at multiple scales based on block by block comparison of wavelet co-occurrence features. The performance of this segmentation algorithm is superior to traditional single resolution techniques such as texture spectrum, co-occurrences, local linear transforms, etc. The results of the proposed algorithm are found to be satisfactory.  相似文献   

张力娜  李小林 《计算机应用》2013,33(8):2334-2336
针对含纹理的自然图像在图像分解时,结构图像的边缘信息容易被当作纹理分解到纹理图像中,致使结构图像的边缘不清晰,检测到的边缘不准确,提出了基于小波分解的偏微分方程(PDE)图像分解及边缘检测模型。首先利用小波变换阈值提取部分纹理信息,再利用改进的保边缘的偏微分方程图像分解模型进一步分解图像并提取边缘。实验结果表明,新方法提高了图像分解的质量,纹理信息提取充分,结构图像有较好的分片光滑性和较清晰的边缘,检测到的结构边缘更准确。  相似文献   

We propose an approach to the texture classification problem using a set of two-dimensional (2-D) wavelet filters that are nonseparable and oriented for improved characterization of diagonally oriented textures. Channel energies are estimated at the output of both the new filter bank and a standard discrete wavelet frames (DWF) filter bank. Classification results obtained using each individual method and in combination are presented. The results show that the oriented filter set results in finer discrimination providing complementary texture information to the DWF by making use of its orientation selectivity. As a result, a combination of the features from the output of two filter banks improved the classification accuracy significantly with a smaller number of features  相似文献   

将四元数小波变换(QWT)和多分形相结合进行纹理分类,充分利用了QWT的旋转不变特性和纹理图像的多分形特性,能弥补传统的应用小波变换进行纹理分类时缺乏将输入图像分解成多个方向的不足。通过对UIUC数据库中的纹理图像分类,表明四元数小波与多分形相结合的方法具有较高的分类精度,平均分类正确率可达96.69%,是一种合理有效的纹理分类方法。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的纹理分类的方法,该方法把基于无抽样小波变换的特征提取器和基于欧几里得距离的分类器进行了合并。把方差、偏态系数、峰态系数、三者的联合及谱直方图作为描述纹理图像不相重叠的图像窗的特征。一个使用线性转换矩阵的特征提取器对分类导向的特征做进一步的提取。利用基于欧几里得距离的分类器,每个纹理图像不相重叠的图像窗被确定到属于它的那一类。基于最小分类错误训练方法的特征提取器和分类器设计的合并使分类错误达到了最小化。使用该方法对25类BrodTex纹理图像进行了评估,分类精确度达到90%以上。  相似文献   

基于小波包变换和蚁群算法的纹理分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种小波包变换和蚁群算法相结合的纹理分类新方法。首先采用小波包变换提取纹理图像的纹理特征向量,然后用蚁群算法进行训练和分类。实验表明小波包变换和蚁群算法应用到纹理分类领域,是一次有效的尝试。  相似文献   


Graph-based methods are developed to efficiently extract data information. In particular, these methods are adopted for high-dimensional data classification by exploiting information residing on weighted graphs. In this paper, we propose a new hyperspectral texture classifier based on graph-based wavelet transform. This recent graph transform allows extracting textural features from a constructed weighted graph using sparse representative pixels of hyperspectral image. Different measurements of spectral similarity between representative pixels are tested to decorrelate close pixels and improve the classification precision. To achieve the hyperspectral texture classification, Support Vector Machine is applied on spectral graph wavelet coefficients. Experimental results obtained by applying the proposed approach on Airborne Visible/Infrared Imaging Spectrometer (AVIRIS) and Reflective Optics System Imaging Spectrometer (ROSIS) datasets provide good accuracy which could exceed 98.7%. Compared to other famous classification methods as conventional deep learning-based methods, the proposed method achieves better classification performance. Results have shown the effectiveness of the method in terms of robustness and accuracy.  相似文献   

基于离散平稳小波和非下采样方向滤波器组的纹理分类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合小波变换的多尺度性和Contourlet变换的多方向性,提出了一种新的基于离散平稳小波变换和无下采样方向滤波器组(stationary wavelet transform and nonsubsampled directional filter banks,SWT-NSDFB)的纹理分类方法,采用具有平移不变性的离散平稳小波先进行多尺度分解;然后对每层分解得到的高频子带采用非下采样方向滤波器组进行多方向分解,再计算低频子带和各层方向子带的能量作为纹理特征;最后用支持向量机实现纹理分类。实验结果表明,该  相似文献   

提出了基于小波分析和偏最小二乘(Partial Least Squares,PLS)基础上的化学计量学方法用于示波计时电位同时测定铅和铊的研究。利用小波变换可方便地从dE/dt-E信号中滤噪,提取与去极剂浓度变化有关的信号,获得利于多组分测定的示波图。该方法为示波过程分析奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   

提出了基于小波分析和偏最小二乘(Partal Least Squares,PLS)基础上的化学计量学方法用于示波计时电位同时测定铅和铊的研究。利用小波变换可方便地从dE/dt-E信号中滤噪,提取与去极剂浓度变化有关的信号,获得利于多组分测定的示波图。该方法为示波过程分析奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   

小波变换与概率神经网络的心电图分类   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
提出了一种实时高效的心电图分类理论与方法。首先对心电图进行六尺度小波分解,将含有主要噪声的尺度进行系数置零,再将剩余层进行小波重构,从而达到除噪的目的。利用数学形态学定位心电图P、Q、R、S、T波位置,并提取计算各波间距离和斜率等12个特征值作为概率神经网络的输入向量,从而实现心电图的六分类。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a scheme for texture classification and segmentation. The methodology involves an extraction of texture features using the wavelet packet frame decomposition. This is followed by a Gaussian-mixture-based classifier which assigns each pixel to the class. Each subnet of the classifier is modeled by a Gaussian mixture model and each texture image is assigned to the class to which pixels of the image most belong. This scheme shows high recognition accuracy in the classification of Brodatz texture images. It can also be expanded to an unsupervised texture segmentation using a Kullback-Leibler divergence between two Gaussian mixtures. The proposed method was successfully applied to Brodatz mosaic image segmentation and fabric defect detection.  相似文献   

针对小波阈值法在去除遥感图像高斯噪声时,所存在的由于过度"扼杀"小波系数而引起的模糊边缘问题,以及P-M模型通常会使图像的灰度趋于分段常量而产生所谓的"块状"效应问题。提出小波域偏微分方程(PDE)遥感图像去噪模型,该模型通过对遥感图像进行小波分解,保持低频子带信息,而只对含有噪声、图像边缘的高频子带进行基于子带方向特性的非线性异性扩散,使模型在有效去除高斯噪声的同时,能够很好地保护遥感图像中的边缘特征和细节纹理信息,避免了去噪后的结果图像出现分段常量现象。实验结果表明,对于相同的遥感图像高斯噪声,基于所提出混合模型的去噪图像的PSNR较基于类零树的Bayes阈值法和P-M模型提高了1~2dB。  相似文献   

纹理分析在遥感、医学图像处理、计算机视觉及基于纹理的按内容检索的图像数据库等许多重要领域均有着广泛的应用.引入多小波理论,提出了基于多小波分解的纹理图像分类.通过一系列的实验并与单小波进行比较,实验结果表明,多小波分解比金字塔小波分解或小波包分解其分类准确率更优.  相似文献   

针对传统图像放大处理过程中基于线性插值方法通常导致边缘模糊问题,分析了各向同性扩散模型和各向异性扩散模型在图像处理中的优缺点,提出了一种线性扩散和P-M方程自适应结合的图像放大综合模型。该模型对图像非平滑区域采用各向异性扩散模型处理,而平滑区域则采用各向同性扩散模型处理。实验结果表明,该综合模型在保持图像边缘锐度的同时提高了图像的清晰度,能够有效提高放大图像的主观视觉质量和客观SNR及PSNR。  相似文献   

In this paper, an intelligent diagnosis for fault gear identification and classification based on vibration signal using discrete wavelet transform and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is presented. The discrete wavelet transform (DWT) technique plays one of the important roles for signal feature extraction in the proposed system. The abnormal transient signals will show in different decomposition levels and can be used to recognize the various faults by the DWT figure. However, many fault conditions are hard to inspect accurately by the naked eye. In the present study, the feature extraction method based on discrete wavelet transform with energy spectrum is proposed. The different order wavelets are considered to identify fault features accurately. The database is established by feature vectors of energy spectrum which are used as input pattern in the training and identification process. Furthermore, the ANFIS is proposed to identify and classify the fault gear positions and the gear fault conditions in the fault diagnosis system. The proposed ANFIS includes both the fuzzy logic qualitative approximation and the adaptive neural network capability. The experimental results verified that the proposed ANFIS has more possibilities in fault gear identification. The ANFIS achieved an accuracy identification rate which was more satisfactory than traditional vision inspection in the proposed system.  相似文献   

基于复小波和支持向量机的纹理分类法*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对图像纹理分类问题,提出了一种将二元树复小波变换与支持向量机相结合的分类方法,通过二元树复小波变换对纹理图像进行四层分解,提取各子频带小波系数模的均值和标准方差组成特征向量,利用支持向量机作为分类器实现纹理图像分类。对20类Brodatz纹理图像的分类实验表明,提出的方法具有较高的分类精度,在有限训练样本的情况下比传统的分类算法平均正确率有10%左右的提高,体现了该方法的有效性和良好的泛化能力。  相似文献   

海涛  席志红 《计算机应用》2015,35(4):1084-1088
针对增强图像中的弱边缘、细节纹理和消除二阶偏微分方程在图像平滑部分的阶梯效应问题,提出一种各向异性四阶偏微分方程耦合二阶偏微分方程的图像放大算法。算法通过像素的局部方差自适应约束阈值,实现图像中不同结构的各向异性四阶扩散,增强弱边缘和细节纹理,去除平滑部分阶梯效应,同时耦合改进的总变差方法和受梯度约束的冲激滤波器对边缘进行增强,放大算法采用双正交映射实现图像退化模型的约束。仿真实验证明该算法能够很好地增强边缘、细节和纹理,去除阶梯效应。与其他二阶偏微分方程放大算法比较,算法具有较好的主观视觉效果,算法放大图像的峰值信噪比(PSNR)和平均结构相似性测度(MSSIM)也高于其他二阶偏微分方程算法,其中平滑部分较多图像的PSNR比基于改进的总变差放大算法提高1 dB左右,细节纹理较多的图像提高0.5 dB以上。该算法的放大图像更加自然,弱边缘和细节能够得到分辨率增强。  相似文献   

Texture segmentation using hierarchical wavelet decomposition   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
E.  Z. 《Pattern recognition》1995,28(12):1819-1824
This paper presents a texture segmentation algorithm based on a hierarchical wavelet decomposition. Using Daubechies four-tap filter, an original image is decomposed into three detail images and one approximate image. The decomposition can be recursively applied to the approximate image to generate a lower resolution of the pyramid. The segmentation starts at the lowest resolution using the K-means clustering scheme and textural features obtained from various sub-bands. The result of segmentation is propagated through the pyramid to a higher resolution with continuously improving the segmentation. The lower resolution levels help to build the contour of the segmented texture, while higher levels refine the process, and correct possible errors.  相似文献   

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