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The sustainability of agroforestry systems in Amazonia was assessed from their litter dynamics and decomposition. Litter fall and litter stocks were determined from July 1997 to March 1999 in four sites in central Amazonia: a primary rainforest, a 13-year-old secondary forest, and two sites of a polyculture forestry system which consisted of four planted tree species of commercial use amidst upcoming secondary growth. The average annual litter fall in the undisturbed primary rainforest (FLO) was 8.4 t ha–1 year–1, which is within the range of litter fall in other rainforests in the region. It was similar in one of the two polyculture sites (8.3 t ha–1 year–1), but lower in the secondary forest and in the second polyculture site. In the litter fall in secondary forest and agroforestry sites, the leaf portion was higher (76–82% of total litter fall) than in FLO, due to reduced fine matter and wood fall. Leaf litter fall variability was much lower in the plantation sites than in the forests, which is explained by the much more homogeneous stand structure of the plantations. The quality of the produced litter, measured as C/N ratio, differed significantly between the primary forest site and one polyculture and the secondary forest site. The cumulative input of nitrogen through litter fall was 144 kg ha–1 year–1 in FLO, and 91–112 kg ha–1 year–1 in the polycultures and the secondary forest. Litter fall was not correlated with soil parameters, but had a significant linear regression with canopy closure. For the primary rainforest, litter fall was also (inversely) correlated with monthly rainfall. Litter fall was higher in the first year (1997–1998; an El Niño period) than in 1998–1999. Litter stocks on the forest floor were highest in the secondary forest (24.7 t ha–1), and much lower in the polyculture sites (15.1–16.2 t ha–1) and the primary forest (12.0 t ha–1). There were no differences in the relative N content (C/N ratio) of the litter stocks between the sites, but the larger stocks led to higher absolute N contents in the litter layer in the secondary forest. From the monthly values of litter stocks (S) and litter fall (P), the decomposition coefficient k e=P/S was calculated, which was, on average, highest for the primary forest (0.059), followed by the polyculture systems (0.040–0.042), and by the secondary forest (0.024). Thus, due to low decomposition rates, the secondary forest site showed large litter accumulations in spite of a relatively low litter fall. In contrast, the primary forest showed high litter fall but low stocks, due to high decomposition rates. The decomposition coefficients of the polyculture systems ranged between the primary and the secondary forest. The reduced decomposition rates in the man-managed agroecosystems indicate quantitative and/or qualitative changes in the decomposer communities of these systems that lead to a higher build-up of litter stocks on the forest floor. However, the decomposer systems in the polyculture sites still were more functional than in the site of non-managed secondary growth. Thus, from a soil biological viewpoint, ecologically sustainable low-input agroforestry in Amazonia will benefit from the application of these polyculture systems.  相似文献   

Agricultural practices and land use significantly influence soil carbon storage. The processes that are affected by land use and management are generally understood, but uncertainties in projections are high. In this paper, we investigate the long-term effects of chronosequential land use change from grassland to cropland and vice versa on soil carbon stock dynamics in four fields on a Swedish farm. Between 1850 and 1920, three of the fields were converted from grassland into cropland, and one was converted back to grassland in 1971. The fourth (control) field is a grassland that has never been ploughed. In 1937, the four fields were sampled at 111 points in a regular grid (25 or 50 m) and the dried soil samples were stored at our Department. In 1971 and 2002, the original grid points were revisited and re-sampled. Land use changes affected the soil C stock significantly. In 1937, carbon stocks were significantly smaller in the arable fields than in the grassland soil. In the field that was converted from arable back to grassland, soil C increased significantly at an average rate of about 0.4 Mg ha−1 year−1. A soil C balance model (ICBM) driven by standard meteorological data and soil carbon input estimated from yield records described soil carbon dynamics reasonably well, although the range of simulated relative changes in C stocks between 1937 and 2002 in the four fields (from −7.4 to +8.8%) was narrower than those measured (from −19.5 to +16.5%). There are only few long-term studies in Northern Europe available for quantifying the effect of land use change on soil carbon stocks and the results presented here are therefore useful for improving predictions of changes in soil carbon driven by land use change.  相似文献   

To determine P loadings, added through poultry litter, sufficient to cause downward movement of P from the cultivated layer of a sandy soil, six rates of poultry litter were applied annually for four years to a site in central England. (total loading 0 – 1119 kg P ha-1). A single extra plot also received an extra 1000 kg ha-1 as triple superphosphate (TSP; total loading 2119 kg P ha-1) and three other treatments received 200 – 800 kg ha-1 P as TSP only. Annual soil sampling in 30-cm increments to 1.5-m depth provided information on P build-up in the topsoil and P movement to depth. There were strong linear trends between P balance (P applied – P removed in crops) and total P, Olsen bicarbonate extractable P and water-soluble P in the topsoil. Phosphorus from TSP and poultry litter fell on the same regression lines, suggesting that both would be equally effective as fertilizer sources. We calculated that 100 kg ha-1 surplus total P would increase the Olsen extractable P content by c. 6 mg kg-1 and the water-soluble P by c. 5 mg kg-1. Thus, relatively large amounts of P would need to be applied to raise soil P status. We found some evidence of P movement into the soil layers immediately below cultivation depth. However, neither soil sampling nor soil solution extracted through Teflon water samplers showed evidence of movement into the deep subsoil (1 m) despite large P loadings.  相似文献   

Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems - Linking nutrient balances and flows to soil nutrient stocks creates a valuable indicator for sustainability assessment in agricultural land-use systems....  相似文献   

Land use in general and particularly agricultural practices can significantly influence soil carbon storage. In this paper, we investigate the long-term effects of management changes on soil carbon stock dynamics on a Swedish farm where C concentrations were measured in 1956 at 124 points in a regular grid. The soil was re-sampled at 65 points in 1984 and at all grid points in 2001. Before 1956 most of the fodder for dairy cattle was produced on the farm and crop rotations were dominated by perennial grass leys and spring cereals with manure addition. In 1956 all animals were sold; crop rotations were thereafter dominated by wheat, barley and rapeseed. Spatial variation in topsoil C concentration decreased significantly between 1956 and 2001. C stocks declined in fields with initially large C stocks but did not change significantly in fields with moderate C stocks. In the latter fields, soil C concentrations declined from 1956 to 1984, but increased slightly thereafter according to both measurements and simulations. Thus, the decline in C input due to the altered management in 1956 was partly compensated for by increasing crop yields and management changes, resulting in increased C input during the last 20 years. A soil carbon balance model (ICBM) was used to describe carbon dynamics during 45 years. Yield records were transformed to soil carbon input using allometric functions. Topsoil C concentrations ranging between 1.8 and 2.4% (depending on individual field properties) seemed to be in dynamic equilibrium with C input under recent farming and climatic conditions. Subsoil C concentrations seemed to be unaffected by the management changes.  相似文献   

Environmental problems associated with raw manure application might bemitigated by chemically or biologically immobilizing and stabilizing solublephosphorus (P) forms. Composting poultry litter has been suggested as a means tostabilize soluble P biologically. The objectives of this study were to assessthe nutrient (N, P) value of different-age poultry litter (PL) compostsrelativeto raw poultry litter and commercial fertilizer and determine effects ofpoultrylitter and composts on corn (Zea mays) grain yield andnutrient uptake. The research was conducted for two years on Maryland'sEastern Shore. Six soil fertility treatments were applied annually to aMatapeake silt loam soil (Typic Hapludult): (1) a check without fertilizer, (2)NH4NO3 fertilizer control (168 kg Nha–1), (3) raw poultry litter (8.9 Mgha–1), (4) 15-month old poultry litter compost (68.7Mg ha–1), (5) 4-month old poultry litter compost(59 Mg ha–1) and (6) 1-month old poultry littercompost (64 Mg ha–1). We monitored changes inavailable soil NO3-N and P over the growing season and post harvest.We measured total aboveground biomass at tasseling and harvest and corn yield.We determined corn N and P uptake at tasseling.Patterns of available soil NO3-N were similar between raw PL-and NH4NO3 fertilizer-amended soils. LittleNO3-N was released from any of the PL composts in the first year ofstudy. The mature 15-month old compost mineralized significant NO3-Nonly after the second year of application. In contrast, available soil P washighest in plots amended with 15-month old compost, followed by raw PL-amendedplots. Immature composts immobilized soil P in the first year of study. Cornbiomass and yields were 30% higher in fertilizer and raw PL amendedplotscompared to yields in compost-amended treatments. Yields in compost-amendedplots were greater than those in the no-amendment control plots. Corn N and Puptake mirrored patterns of available soil NO3-N and P. Corn Puptakewas highest in plots amended with 15-month old compost and raw PL, even thoughother composts contained 1.5–2 times more total P than raw PL. There wasalinear relationship between amount of P added and available soil P, regardlessof source. The similar P availabilities from either raw or composted PL,coupledwith limited crop P uptake at high soil P concentrations, suggest that raw andcomposted PL should be applied to soils based on crop P requirements to avoidbuild-up of available soil P.  相似文献   

选取天然盐渍土在不同粉煤灰配合比条件下进行三轴试验、压缩试验和溶陷试验,研究粉煤灰对天然盐渍土的改良特性规律。试验结果表明:同种类盐渍土在一定条件下,盐渍土的抗剪强度随着粉煤灰配合比的增加逐渐增加;粉煤灰可改良盐渍土的压缩特性,压缩系数变化较大的垂直压力在400kPa之前,粉煤灰掺量越多,改良效果越好。氯渍土的压缩系数较硫酸盐渍土小,相应的压缩模量较大;粉煤灰对天然盐渍土溶陷特性的改良存在峰值压力为400kPa,对于粉煤灰的配合比也存在一界限值,氯盐渍土的粉煤灰最优配合比为15%,亚硫酸盐渍土的粉煤灰最优配合比为20%。  相似文献   

Conversion of native ecosystems to agro-ecosystems influences the amount, quality and turnover of soil organic carbon (SOC). As most agro-ecosystems are not in a steady state in terms of the content of SOC, the time scale and feedback mechanisms of changes in SOC are highly relevant for predicting future soil fertility and potential rates of soil carbon losses or sequestration. This paper focuses on changes in land use linked to measured changes in the distribution of total stocks of SOC and the δ13C signature in the upper 0.5 m of cultivated soils in the semi-arid parts of Tanzania. Based on documented land use changes since 1950s using remote sensing data, 12 sampling sites along two transects were selected to represent semi-natural/natural savannah and maize fields cultivated for up to five decades. Comparisons between sites representing a chronosequence of well-drained soils showed that soils cultivated the last 50 years have in average less than 50% SOC compared to soils which have never been cultivated. Variations between sites were significant and a reduction in SOC could not be established at sites near present or former villages which have received substantial manure despite a long cultivation history or along a chronosequence representing wetter and more fine-grained soils. Spatial variations in land use changes were parameterized based on remote sensing data and successfully validated against sampling sites. Site-specific rates of soil element loss following cultivation were extrapolated to the study area and uncertainties related to scaling up were discussed.  相似文献   

A change from cultivated land to grassland generally increases soil organic matter (SOM) content and is a potential option to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. We investigated the effects of two-year perennial grass and mixed grass/legume leys in a six-year crop rotation on topsoil (0–0.25 m depth) carbon content and on grain yields of winter wheat over a period of 31 years. Different nitrogen fertilisation regimes were included and no manure was added to the experimental plots. We used data from long-term crop rotation experiments at three sites in southern Sweden: Säby (59°49′ N/17°42′ E), Lanna (58°20′ N/13°07′ E) and Stenstugu (57°36′ N/18°26′ E). At Säby, the reduction in topsoil carbon content was smaller in the ley crop rotations than in the crop rotation with only annual crops. There were no statistically significant effects of crop rotation on topsoil carbon at the other two sites. At Lanna, the grain yield increase in winter wheat over time was higher in the mixed legume/grass ley crop rotation than in the other two rotations. Together, these effects of ley on topsoil carbon and winter wheat yield suggest that replacing annual crops with leys in the crop rotation could reduce losses of soil carbon without decreasing total yield of annual crops on a regional scale. We also applied the Introductory Carbon Balance Model (ICBM) to simulate topsoil carbon content at the three sites. Based on the results, measures to improve the model predictability are proposed.  相似文献   

Single phase multiferroic undoped BiFeO3 notoriously suffers due to the poor spin–charge coupling resulting in limitations to device applications. The present work focuses on the tailoring of its multiferroic and magnetoelectric coupling properties by synthesizing multiferroic Bi0.95Er0.05Fe0.98TM0.02O3 (TM = Nb, Mn and Mo) ceramics. The ferroelectric, magnetic, current leakage measurements and magnetoelectric effect were investigated. XRD along with the Reitveld refinement results confirms that all the samples possess perovskite based rhombohedral structure and reveals that doping of (Er, Nb), (Er, Mn) and (Er, Mo) induced the crystallographic distortion in the BFO lattice and hence induced a variation in the bond lengths and bond angle. Dual doping significantly enhanced the electrical, magnetic properties and magnetoelectric coupling as compared to BiFeO3. Doping has lowered the leakage current by three to four orders compared to BFO. The lattice distortion, reduced leakage current and destruction of spin–cycloidal structure could be the origin for these improved features. The (Er, Nb) doped BiFeO3 yields enhanced ferroelectric character with the maximum polarization value of 0.46 µC/cm2, maximum ME coupling of 0.22 mV/cm at a magnetic field of 130 G, an improved magnetization with a remanance value of 0.0903 emu/g and the lowest leakage current density.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2022,48(9):12529-12536
BaZrO3 with the ABO3 perovskite structure can be doped at the A or B sites to obtain the corresponding properties. In this study, BaZrO3 was doped with Ca2+, Sr2+, Ti4+, and Ce4+. The structure, phase composition, and mechanical and thermal properties of the composites were investigated. The sintered Ba1-xCaxZrO3 samples with x = 0.2 and 0.4 exhibited relatively superior comprehensive behaviours; the cold modulus of rupture was increased by 127.36% and 134.59%, while that for BaZr0·8Ti0·2O3 and BaZr0·8Ce0·2O3 was increased by 99.30% and 112.37%, respectively. Further increases in strength and density were obtained in the Ba0·8Ca0·2Zr0·8Ti0·2O3 and Ba0·6Ca0·4Zr0·8Ti0·2O3 co-doped samples, and the corresponding apparent porosities were greatly decreased from 30.6% to below 1.0%. The thermal conductivities of the doped samples were generally low, achieving a minimum of 0.361 W/(m·K). The combination of high strength and low thermal conductivity demonstrate the significant application potential of BaZrO3-based composite materials.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the accumulation of different phosphorus (P) fractions in soil submitted to successive applications of pig slurry (PS) and deep pig litter (DL). After 88?months of no-till crop cycles, soil samples were collected in the following treatments: control (C), PS applications equivalent to 90 and 180?kg?N?ha?1 (PS90 and PS180), and DL applications equivalent to 90 and 180?kg?N?ha?1 (DL90 and DL180). The cumulative application of P of the C, PS90, PS180, DL90 and DL180 treatment was 0, 303, 606, 825 and 1650?kg P ha?1, respectively. The soil samples were then submitted to P chemical fractionation. Successive applications of 303 and 606?kg P ha?1 in PS form and 825 and 1.650?kg P ha?1 in DL form increased P levels down to 20?cm depth, especially in the labile inorganic fraction extracted by anion exchange resin and 0.5?M NaHCO3 and to a lesser extent extracted by 0.1?M NaOH. Successive additions of PS180 and DL180 increased the levels of organic P extracted by 0.5?M NaHCO3, 0.1?M NaOH and 0.5?M NaOH, and successive applications of PS and DL caused P accumulation in the soil profile, especially in labile fractions. This increased the availability to plants, but also increases the potential for environmental contamination.  相似文献   

The effects of lime, fertilizer and manure applications on soil organic matter status and soil physical properties are of importance to agricultural sustainability. Their effects are complex and many interactions can occur. In the short-term, liming can result in dispersion of clay colloids and formation of surface crusts. As pH is increased the surface negative charge on clay colloids increases and repulsive forces between particles dominate. However, at higher lime rates, Ca2+ concentrations and ionic strength in soil solution increase causing compression of the electrical double layer and renewed flocculation. When present in sufficient quantities, both lime and hydroxy-Al polymers formed by precipitation of exchangeable Al, can act as cementing agents bonding soil particles together and improving soil structure. Liming often causes a temporary flush of soil microbial activity but the effect of this on soil aggregation is unclear. It is suggested that, in the long-term, liming will increase crop yields, organic matter returns, soil organic matter content and thus soil aggregation. There is a need to study these relationships on existing long-term liming trials.Fertilizers are applied to soils in order to maintain or improve crop yields. In the long-term, increased crop yields and organic matter returns with regular fertilizer applications result in a higher soil organic matter content and biological activity being attained than where no fertilizers are applied. As a result, long-term fertilizer applications have been reported, in a number of cases, to cause increases in water stable aggregation, porosity, infiltration capacity and hydraulic conductivity and decreases in bulk density. Fertilizer additions can also have physico-chemical effects which influence soil aggregation. Phosphatic fertilizers and phosphoric acid can favour aggregation by the formation of Al or Ca phosphate binding agents whilst where fertilizer NH4 + accumulates in the soil at high concentrations, dispersion of clay colloids can be favoured.Additions of organic manures result in increased soil organic matter content. Many reports have shown that this results in increased water holding capacity, porosity, infiltration capacity, hydraulic conductivity and water stable aggregation and decreased bulk density and surface crusting. Problems associated with large applications of manure include dispersion caused by accumulated K+, Na+ and NH4 + in the soil and production of water-repellant substances by decomposer fungi.  相似文献   

Inorganic nitrogen in the soil is the source of N for non-legume plants. Rapid methods for monitoring changes in inorganic N concentrations would be helpful for N nutrient management. The effect of varying soil moisture content on soil mineral nitrogen, electrical conductivity (EC), and pH were studied in a laboratory experiment. Soil NO3-N increased as soil water-filled pore space (WFPS) increased from 0 to 80 cm3 cm–3. At soil moisture levels greater than 80 cm3 cm–3, NO3-N concentration declined rapidly and NH4-N concentration increased, likely due to anaerobic conditions existing at higher WFPS levels. Soil pH did not change as soil moisture increased from 100 g kg–1 to 400 g kg–1 and increased from 6.2 to 6.6 at higher levels of soil moisture. Soil EC was correlated with soil mineral N concentration when measured in situ with a portable EC meter (R 2=0.85) or in the laboratory as 1:1 soil water slurries (R 2=0.92). Results suggest that EC can be used to rapidly detect changes in soil inorganic N status in soils where salts and free carbonates are not present in large amounts.  相似文献   

In this research article, the synthesis of Gum ghatti and acrylamide based superabsorbents under pressure with N,N′‐methylene bisacrylamide as a crosslinker and an ascorbic acid–potassium persulfate redox pair as an initiator is reported. To study the impact of the different reaction variables on the water absorbance of the candidate polymer, different reaction parameters, including the reaction time, amount of solvent, pH of the medium, initiator ratio, pressure, and monomer and crosslinker concentrations, were optimized. The candidate polymer was characterized with different techniques, including Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, differential thermal analysis, differential thermogravimetry, and X‐ray diffraction. The crosslinked product was found to be thermally more stable than the initial backbone. The swelling capacity of the synthesized polymer was investigated in deionized water as a function of time, temperature, and pH of the swelling medium. Moreover, the effects of the ionic strengths of different cations on the swelling capacity of the candidate polymer were studied with different salt solutions. The tendency of absorbency for these hydrogels in salt solutions was found to be in the following order: Na+ > Ba2+ > Fe3+ > Sn4+ for NaCl, BaCl2, FeCl3, and SnCl4 salt solutions. Further, the candidate polymer was used for the selective absorption of saline water from different petroleum fraction–saline emulsions. The results showed that the saline absorption capacities of the hydrogels were 667, 610, 646, and 680% in kerosene–saline, diesel–saline, petrol–saline, and petroleum ether–saline emulsions, respectively. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2012  相似文献   

Mutations were directed to specific regions of the human tissue-typeplasminogen activator (t-PA) gene in an effort to better definestructure–function relationships of the enzyme. Threetypes of modifications were effected by in vitro mutagenesis:elimination of glycosylation sites; substitutions of amino acidsat the cleavage site for conversion of single-chain t-PA totwo-chain t-PA; and truncations of the N- and C-termini. Thirteenvariants were purified from permanent CHO cell lines and analyzedfor specific activity, fibrin stimulation, fibrin binding, inhibitionby plasminogen activator inhibitor-2 (PAI-2) and half-life.The results of these analyses are: (i) variants with carbohydrate–depletedkringle domains possessed higher specific activities than wild-typet-PA; (ii) a cleavage site variant substituted at Arg275 withGly had greatly reduced specific activity; (iii) two variantssubstituted at Lys277 exhibited altered interactions with PAI-2;(iv) the variant with a truncated C-terminus had reduced activityin the absence of fibrin; and (v) no variants had significantlyaltered half–lives. In order to test the effects of combiningmutations, four additional variants were produced. Each combinationvariant retained at least one of the altered properties observedin the original variants, and in three of the variants the diverseproperties were additive.  相似文献   

HUmic-LIke Substances (HULIS) comprise a significant fraction of the water-soluble organic aerosol mass and influence the water uptake properties of aerosols in the atmosphere. In this work, the abundance and size distributions of HULIS in ambient aerosols were measured in a rural location in South China at a time with a visible presence of crop residue burning. PM2.5 samples of fresh smoke from burning rice straw and sugar cane leaves were also collected and analyzed for HULIS and major aerosol constituents. HULIS were abundant in both ambient samples and in fresh biomass burning emissions, accounting for ~60% of the water-soluble organic carbon in the ambient aerosols and ~30% in the fresh biomass burning aerosols. In the particles in the range of 0.32–1.8 μm, the abundance of HULIS was 40–90% of the combined abundance of sulfate and ammonium, suggesting that HULIS should be considered when quantifying the role of sulfate aerosols serving as cloud condensation nuclei. The size distribution of HULIS was characterized by a dominant droplet mode with a mass median aerodynamic diameter (MMAD) in the range of 0.63–0.87 μm, accounting for 81% of the total HULIS mass, a minor condensation mode (12%, MMAD: 0.23–0.28 μm) and a coarse mode (7%, MMAD: 4.0–5.7 μm). The small amount of HULIS in the coarse mode indicated that soil-derived HULIS was a very minor source. On the basis of the size distribution characteristics, HULIS were postulated to have multiple sources, including secondary formation in cloud droplets, secondary formation through heterogeneous reactions or aerosol-phase reactions, and primary emissions from biomass burning.  相似文献   

The protein Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor, SSI, efficientlyinhibits a bacterial serine protease, subtilisin BPN'. We recentlydemonstrated that functional change in SSI was possible simplyby replacing the amino acid residue at the reactive P1 site(methionine 73) of SSI. The present paper reports the additionaleffect of replacing methionine 70 at the P4 site of SSI(Lys73)on inhibitory activity toward two types of serine proteases,trypsin (or lysyl endopeptidase) and subtilisin BPN'. Conversionof methionine 70 at the P4 site of SSI(Lys73) to glycine oralanine resulted in increased inhibitory activity toward trypsinand lysyl endopeptidase, while replacement with phenylalanineweakened the inhibitory activity toward trypsin. This suggeststhat steric hindrance at the P4 site of SSI(Lys73) is an obstaclefor its binding with trypsin. In contrast, the same P4 replacementshad hardly any effect on inhibitory activity toward subtilisinBPN'. Thus the subsite structure of subtilisin BPN' is tolerantto these replacements. This contrast in the effect of P4 substitutionmight be due to the differences in the S4 subsite structuresbetween the trypsin-like and the subtilisin-like proteases.These findings demonstrate the importance of considering structuralcomplementarity, not only at the main reactive site but alsoat subsites of a protease, when designing stronger inhibitors.  相似文献   

Responses to enantiomers of (Z)- and (E)-trogodermal (14-methyl-8-hexadecenal) suggest that fourTrogoderma species utilize the (R)-(–) configuration at C-14. Removal of the C-14 methyl branch decreased the response. These results demonstrate the high specificity associated with the configuration at a chiral center, or the methyl branch, distant in terms of numbers of bonds from a functional group.Coleoptera: Dermestidae.  相似文献   

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