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海底地下水排泄(SGD)是全球水循环的重要组成部分,也是向海洋输送营养盐等各类化学物质的必要途径之一。以辽东湾东部营口海域为研究对象,以天然镭同位素(224Ra、228Ra)作为示踪剂,建立镭质量平衡模型并加以改进,进而探讨再循环海水(RSGD)对研究区内水体刷新时间、SGD及携带氮磷营养盐通量的影响程度。结果表明:利用镭质量平衡模型计算水体刷新时间为9 d,改进后的镭质量平衡模型计算出的水体刷新时间为14.35~18.11 d;传统模型下SGD通量为(3.01~3.51)×108 m3/d。改进模型评估的SGD通量为(3.55~4.39)×108 m3/d,改进模型评估的水体刷新时间与SGD均明显高于初始模型,其中水体刷新时间增加了59.44%~101.22%;SGD通量增加了17.94%~25.07%。在此基础上,地下水向海输入的氮、磷营养盐通量在考虑RSGD的情况下分别为1.73×108、1.52×109 mol/d。研究结果证明了RSGD对SGD和营养盐通量存在较大影响,为营口海域生态环境评估提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

土壤水分平衡模型在洪水预测、土壤湿度计算、灌溉设计管理以及全球气候变化影响的仿真分析上十分重要.以英格兰南部Newbury一个高速公路旁的边坡为例,介绍了土壤水分平衡模型的建立及应用.潜在蒸散量根据每日的气象观测资料,用FAO Penman-Monteith公式进行计算.在此基础上,建立了水分平衡模型并进行了校核,计算出的土壤湿度变化与时域反射仪(TDR)探头测量的数据一致.还利用建立的模型,模拟了2080年的气候条件变化对潜在蒸散量和土壤水分含量的影响.结果表明,该地区的日平均潜在蒸散量将增加10.7%,土壤水分消耗量将增加16.8 mm.  相似文献   

Three sediment vibra cores (SR1a, SR5, and SR8) were collected from the Sheboygan River and Inner Harbor (Wisconsin, USA) in 2002, to ascertain concentrations and possible sources of priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Radiometric dating using 210Pb and 137Cs showed that the sediment cores span a time period of 154 years from 1848 to 2002. GC-MSD analysis showed that total PAH concentrations in the sediments range from ∼1 to 350 mg/kg. The concentrations of PAHs are very dependent on core location and the time of deposition of specific layers, and their variations are in agreement with historical records of PAH discharges in the study site. Source apportionment using a chemical mass balance (CMB) model indicated that highway (HWY) dust (gasoline and diesel engine), coal and wood gasification (CWG), and coke oven emissions (CO) are the major PAH sources. The contribution from CWG has decreased after a local manufactured gas plant was shut down in 1929 (SR5 and SR8), and after facilities were removed in the 1950s (SR1a). Maximal CO contributions are found ∼1870–1890 in SR1a reflecting plant production records. There is evidence of redistribution of CO and CWG contaminated sediment during a storm in 1975 (SR5 and SR8).  相似文献   

东深供水改造工程中的流量平衡控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东深供水改造工程中多级泵站运行时的流量平衡控制是整个供水工程正常和安全运行的基础.流量平衡控制系统的泵站流量控制、全线流量控制、站间联锁等控制功能,实现了供水生产的流量动态平衡和安全保护功能,满足调度的要求.全线流量平衡和优化调度在东深供水改造工程中的应用实践,体现了工程的技术先进性,为其优化调度和经济运行奠定了基础.  相似文献   

基于洪山泉流量日益衰减的现状,以该泉域2001—2013年的泉流量、开采量等系列资料为基础,分析了泉域水均衡状况,得出其流量衰减的主要原因为不断增加的岩溶水开采和煤矿矿井排水。利用灰色综合关联度方法,对不同时滞影响下的降水量与还原泉流量进行灰色关联分析,确定降水量对还原泉流量影响的滞后时间为8 a。将多元回归模型计算的有效降水量作为还原泉流量的相关序列,建立了灰色GM(1,2)预测模型,并进行了残差修正。利用修正后的模型,对2014—2017年不同降水保证率下的还原泉流量进行了预测。结果表明:2015年当降水保证率为95%时,洪山泉将发生断流。  相似文献   

The problem of parameter estimation constitutes the largest obstacle to successful application of conceptual catchment models in ungauged catchments. This paper investigates the usefulness of a conceptual water balance model for simulating river flow from catchments covering a wide variety of climatic and physiographic areas. The model is a 6-parameter water balance model which was applied to 26 seasonally snow covered catchments in central Sweden. The model was calibrated on a group of catchments and the calibrated parameter values related to physical catchment indices. The relationships were tested by comparing observed and simulated runoff records from 4 catchments that were not contained in the regression analysis. The results show that the model can be satisfactorily applied to ungauged basins in the study region. In order to test the physical relevance of the model to a wider set of conditions, the model was modified by excluding the snow routine part. The resulting model and the same technique were tested on 24 catchments taken from northern Belgium. The verification results were found to be satisfactory.  相似文献   

如何根据接受水体如湖泊、河流、海岸水域等的水环境承载能力或水质保护目标区域(或敏感区域)的水质标准,选择污水源排放位置区域使得保护目标区域的水质标准得以维护,是一个非常值得研究的重要问题。该问题利用常规的水动力学模型加上污染物输移模拟技术通过试-错方法求解,存在一是耗时、二是受主观影响,三是只能对少数个排放点给出有限的解等缺点,有鉴于此,专门针对区域规则中污水排放位置优化控制问题,应用逆问题求解理论,提出了一种显示的共轭水质模型,该模型可应用于确定一、二维自由面水流系统中可行的污水排放位置或区域,以维持规则目标区域所期望的水质标准。  相似文献   

Water Resources Management - Since 2001, a rising water table occurred in the eastern part of the city of Naples (Italy), leading to flooding of the foundations of many buildings and of the...  相似文献   

组件技术与计算机技术相结合能克服传统建模方式难以解决大规模系统模拟集成的缺陷,可有效促进流域模拟模型集成的发展。为此,从模型组件化的可移植性、灵活性、扩展性、与第三方软件集成等方面分析了组件技术在流域模型集成中的重要作用,分析了国内外组件式流域模拟模型集成技术的发展现状,进而提出国内流域模拟模型集成系统存在的问题。最后,从数字流域模型平台化、基于云计算模式的模型集成、模型应用的组件化等方面,探讨了流域模拟模型集成系统的发展趋势。  相似文献   

虹吸式出水流道是大型泵站出水流道的主要形式之一,由于实际工程地形条件的限制,南水北调东线水源工程江都一站所采用的虹吸出水流道在工程设计中并不常见。针对江都一站泵装置模型虹吸出水流道,通过CFX软件对该泵装置全流道进行数值模拟,研究虹吸出水流道内部水流的运动特性、预测水力性能。计算结果表明管路水头损失主要来自于弯管段的水头损失,从出水流道进口至出水流道出口涡量呈现下降趋势,但是在出水流道出口,由于截面面积过大导致出口截面速度分布不均且引起了涡量的增加。对该泵装置进行外特性预测得到的结果与试验数据的整体趋势基本一致,表明计算结果真实可信。  相似文献   

小北干流非恒定不平衡输沙模型   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
本文分析了1977年小北干流的两场洪水资料,计算了揭河底冲刷,对洪水采用非恒定流计算,对泥沙采用不平衡的输移方式计算,建立了数学模型,用7月6日的洪水离定系数和参数,然后预测8月3日的洪水,得到了计算结果比较令人满意。  相似文献   

This study concerns the development of a methodology using modern techniques of data generation (Modeling) and interpretation (GIS) to compute groundwater plausibly at regional scale, alternate to previously established norms. The approach is centered on quantitative estimation of two main parameters-input and output. GIS techniques along with soil vegetation model (CropSyst) have been demonstrated for the calculation of groundwater balance components. Using the developed methodology water resources of the Ludhiana district for the period between, 2000 and 2010 were estimated. The temporal changes in water balance components indicated that the major inputs to the hydrologic system are rainfall and canal water and the major out component are evapotranspiration (ET). Multi-annual (2000 to 2010) average of 719 mm rainfall, 88 mm canal water, 74 mm of groundwater inflow, with annual loss 974 mm as ET, caused 123 mm of net negative groundwater recharge in Ludhiana district. The annual computed rise/fall with the developed methodology closely matched the observed values.  相似文献   

本文分别就坎前接陡坡、正坡、有平台段的和有扩散的几种情况给出起挑和终挑流的计算方法,与相应的工程进行比较说明该计算方法是可信的。  相似文献   

地下洞室埋深愈深,应变软化现象愈明显。为研究深部裂隙岩体开挖后巷道围岩的变形特征,基于应变软化模型,结合裂隙岩体损伤及演化本构方程,利用FLAC3D软件的二次开发功能,采用VC++编程语言,建立考虑应变软化效应的裂隙岩体损伤本构模型。以某矿井地下圆形巷道开挖为例,分别采用应变软化模型和自开发的本构模型对该算例进行数值模拟,巷道围岩的位移、塑性区和安全系数的对比结果表明,开发的本构模型能够较好地反映出岩体应变软化特性和裂隙对岩体的损伤作用,可对维护围岩体的稳定性提供参考。  相似文献   

Inadequate drainage outlet causing surface waterlogging every year mainly during monsoon period (June through October) over a depressed land of 1062 km2 in Mokama group of tals, India, led to a loss of one crop rotation. A management model aiming at minimization of the waterlogged area under constraints of control monsoon runoffs from tributaries discharge water to the depressed land has been developed. Magnitudes of regulated flows are guided by irrigation water requirement of crops grown in commands of different tributaries joined to the depressed land. A nonlinear optimization model has been envisaged and solved setting a total of 160 constraints satisfying conditions of water requirement for crops grown in two seasons and their time-dependent storage requirement. The optimization model has been solved using the Quantitative Systems for Business (QSB) software, which considers a line search methodology for unconstrained problems, and a sequential unconstrained minimization technique (SUMT) with penalty function methodology for constrained problems. The management model provides a solution for strategic water resources development and management in a basin having problems of scarcity, surplus and non-uniform distribution of surface water.  相似文献   

该文将虹吸溢洪道分为缓坡度虹吸溢洪道和陡坡度虹吸溢洪道,并对其水力特性和泄流量计算方法进行分析研究.供工程设计和运行管理参考。  相似文献   

层状岩体呈现出明显的横观各向同性力学特征,为此,将层状岩体视作层间岩石与层面组成的复合材料,分别就层间岩石力学性质建立相应的力学模型,并提出了劣化模型的弹模裂化极限取值统一限定条件。可考虑层状岩体强度及弹性模量在峰后随塑性应变增大而减小的现象,更能准确地模拟层状岩体洞室开挖的力学响应。在乌东德水电站陡倾层状岩体洞室的围岩开挖稳定性分析的应用中,计算结果与现场监测结果吻合,证明该模型适用性。  相似文献   

我国土木、水利、交通和矿山工程建设中广泛存在着由于开挖卸荷引起的土体位移及稳定问题,传统的极限平衡方法不能考虑土体应力应变关系和应力历史等因素,安全系数的计算与工程实际存在偏差。以变形量为失稳判据的有限元强度折减法,考虑了土体应力应变关系,一定程度上可以弥补传统方法的缺陷,但目前针对开挖卸荷应力路径条件下土体应力应变规律研究偏少,限制了有限元强度折减法的作用,导致开挖卸荷相关问题不能很好地解决。因此本文针对卸荷土体应力应变规律研究工作给出了相应的思路和方法:采用室内卸荷应力路径试验,寻找合适的土体卸荷本构模型,在探索采用常规试验获取模型计算参数的实用方法和取用原则的同时,对开挖土体应力变形进行分析,进而结合有限元轻度折减法对实际开挖工程进行有限元数值模拟,与现场监测结果相比较,对模型和参数确定方法进行修正。应用这种方法,可以得到反映开挖卸荷实际的土体本构模型及其参数确定方法。  相似文献   

Groundwater is the only source of drinking water for the inhabitants of the Kalahari. Thus understanding spatial and temporal variations in groundwater recharge is very important and a regional-scale water balance model has therefore been set up for a 209,149 km2 catchment in north-eastern Namibia and north-western Botswana. The model has a spatial resolution of 1.5 × 1.5 km, daily model time-steps, and climatic input parameters for 19 years are used. The distributed, GIS-based, process-oriented, physical water balance model (MODBIL) used in this study considers the major water balance components: precipitation, evapotranspiration, groundwater recharge, and surface runoff/interflow. Mean precipitation for the study area is 409 mm a−1, while mean actual evapotranspiration is 402 mm a−1 and mean groundwater recharge is 8 mm a−1 (2% of mean annual precipitation). The recharge pattern is mainly influenced by the distribution of soil and vegetation units. Groundwater recharge shows a high inter- and intra-annual variability, but not only the sum of annual precipitation is important for the development of groundwater recharge; a large amount of precipitation in a relatively short period is more important. Published independent data from the Kalahari in Namibia, Botswana and the Southern African region under similar climatic conditions are used to verify the modelling results.  相似文献   

定置式自动控制排泥装置的开发及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对定置式自动控制排泥装置的开发及其在非桁架排泥水处理构筑物中的具体应用 ,表明该装置排泥效果良好 ,自动化程度高且能显著改善出厂水水质。  相似文献   

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