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The 210Ро content in various grades of tea sold in St. Petersburg shops was determined, and the effective annual dose of internal irradiation from 210Ро at daily tea drinking was estimated. As shown by α-ray spectrometry, the activity concentration of 210Ро in tea leaves varies from 1.1 to 25 Bq kg–1. The 210Po content in black teas is, on the average, 1.7 times higher than in green teas. This difference is accounted for by specific features of processes for the production of black and green teas. From 1.5 to 56% of 210Ро passes into aqueous extracts. Despite higher polonium content in black teas, the amount of 210Po extracted from green teas is, on the average, 6.3 times higher than that extracted from black teas. This effect may be associated with the formation of water-soluble organic polonium compounds on the surface of tea leaves in the course of tea processing. The effective annual dose of internal irradiation from polonium at daily use of 10 g of dry tea is estimated at 0.8–9.5 μSv year–1 depending on the tea grade, or 0.5–5.8% of the average annual dose of irradiation of the Russian Federation population from the sum of the nuclides (210Pb, 210Po, 228Rа, 226Rа, etc., except 40K) getting into a human body with food and water.  相似文献   

The positions of Stark levels have been determined, using a step-by-step procedure, in the 4I9/2 and 4F3/2 manifolds of Nd3+ ions from absorption and photoluminescence measurements in the 12–293 K temperature range. This data has been used to calculate the emission cross-section for which the maximum value turns out to be ~2.3 × 10?20 cm2. The radiative recombination time, calculated using Judd–Ofelt analysis, of the 4F3/2 manifold is in close vicinity to the experimentally determined times that were measured by the conventional decay of PL after interruption of excitation and by QFRS. Moreover, the peak time defined by QFRS is independent of temperature. Therefore, the dominant relaxation mechanism from the 4F3/2 excited manifold of Nd3+ ions in GaLaS glass is believed to be by radiative emission.  相似文献   

We have synthesized octacalcium phosphate (OCP) in the presence of inorganic additives (magnesium, strontium, and fluoride ions) and studied the composition, morphology, thermal stability, and dynamic dissolution of the samples thus obtained. It has been shown that, in addition to OCP, magnesium and strontium ions favor the formation of brushite and hydroxyapatite (HA), whereas fluoride ions favor the formation of HA and fluorohydroxyapatite (FHA). We have proposed a process for the preparation of powder materials whose resorption kinetics in corrosive liquid media are corrected by adding dopants capable of activating the dissolution process.  相似文献   

The absorption spectra of the NpO 2 + (5f 2) ion were examined in the region of the 3H 53 H 4 magnetic dipole transition (1530–1760 nm) for series of melts with the UO 2 2+ concentration varied in the opposite directions: (1) NaCl-2CsCl eutectic melt with growing additions of the Cs2UO2Cl4 complex salt and (2) Cs2UO2Cl4 melt with growing additions of the NaCl-2CsCl mixture. Measurements of the integrated intensities of the bands belonging to the NpO 2 + ·UO 2 2+ complex and unbound NpO 2 + throughout the UO 2 2+ concentration range examined (up to 4.4 M in neat Cs2UO2Cl4 melt) and processing of the data obtained in terms of the mass action law showed that the formation-decomposition reaction of the cation-cation complex can be described adequately only using the equation of reaction in the form NpO2Cl 4 3? + UO2Cl 4 2? ? {Cl4ONpO?UO2Cl3}4? = Cl? (with the equilibrium constant of 1.3±0.1). Thus, the formation of the cationcation complex should be treated as replacement of chloride ion in the equatorial plane of uranyl(VI) by neptunyl(V), rather than as simple addition of UO 2 2+ to NpO 2 + . The reverse reaction, decomposition of the cation-cation complex, consists essentially in replacement of neptunyl(V) by chloride ion.  相似文献   

The creep–fatigue crack-growth tests of HASTELLOY® X alloy were carried out at the temperatures of 649°C, 816°C, and 927°C in laboratory air. The experiments were conducted under a constant stress-intensity-factor-range (ΔK) control mode with a R-ratio of 0.05. In the constant ΔK tests, a ΔK of 27.5 MPa\(\sqrt{\mathrm{m}}\) and a triangular waveform with a frequency of 0.333 Hz were used. Various tensile hold times at the maximum load were imposed to study fatigue and creep–fatigue interactions. Crack lengths were measured by a direct current potential drop method. In this paper, effects of hold time and temperature on the crack-growth rates are discussed. Furthermore, the crack-growth rates of the HASTELLOY® X alloy are compared to those of the HAYNES® 188 and HAYNES® 230® superalloys.  相似文献   

The enthalpy stability of the LaCl 4 ? and LuCl 4 ? ions is assessed using high-temperature mass spectrometry. The enthalpy of Cl? detachment is determined to be ΔrH0(298.15 K) = 332 ± 10 kJ/mol for LaCl 4 ? and 359 ± 10 kJ/mol for LuCl 4 ? .  相似文献   

237U was produced by the reaction 238U(γ, n) on an electron accelerator, MT-25 microtron, at the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions. For the separation of 237U and [238U, the recoil nuclei were collected by a nanostructured material, hydrated manganese dioxide (of the cryptomelane type), in the solid-solid system. From fission products, 237U was separated by ion exchange. The specific activity of the resulting 237U was 4.5 × 109 Bq (mg 238U)-1, with the content of radioactive impurities of ≤10-6 Bq Bq-1. The chemical yield of 237U was 80%.  相似文献   

Conventional polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) cements and more recently Bisphenol-a-glycidyl dimethacrylate (BIS-GMA) composite cements are employed in procedures such as vertebroplasty. Unfortunately, such materials have inherent drawbacks including, a high curing exotherm, the incorporation of toxic components in their formulations, and critically, exhibit a modulus mismatch between cement and bone. The literature suggests that aluminium free, zinc based glass polyalkenoate cements (Zn-GPC) may be suitable alternative materials for consideration in such applications as vertebroplasty. This paper, examines one formulation of Zn-GPC and compares its strengths, modulus, and biocompatibility with three commercially available bone cements, Spineplex, Simplex P and Cortoss. The setting times indicate that the current formulation of Zn-GPC sets in a time unsuitable for clinical deployment. However during setting, the peak exotherm was recorded to be 33 degrees C, the lowest of all cements examined, and well below the threshold level for tissue necrosis to occur. The data obtained from mechanical testing shows the Zn-GPC has strengths of 63 MPa in compression and 30 MPa in biaxial flexure. Importantly these strengths remain stable with maturation; similar long term stability was exhibited by both Spineplex and Simplex P. Conversely, the strengths of Cortoss were observed to rapidly diminish with time, a cause for clinical concern. In addition to strengths, the modulus of each material was determined. Only the Zn-GPC exhibited a modulus similar to vertebral trabecular bone, with all commercial materials exhibiting excessively high moduli. Such data indicates that the use of Zn-GPC may reduce adjacent fractures. The final investigation used the well established simulated body fluid (SBF) method to examine the ability of each material to bond with bone. The results indicate that the Zn-GPC is capable of producing a bone like apatite layer at its surface within 24 h which increased in coverage and density up to 7 days. Conversely, Spineplex, and Simplex P exhibit no apatite layer formation, while Cortoss exhibits only minimal formation of an apatite layer after 7 days incubation in SBF. This paper shows that Zn-GPC, with optimised setting times, are suitable candidate materials for further development as bone cements.  相似文献   

The mass spectrum of the products of arc discharge in helium between graphite electrodes has been studied for various values of the gas flow rate. As the gas flow rate increases, the intensity of C60±, C70±, C84± and C90± fullerene peaks increases and that of the C2 and C3+ cluster radicals decreases, but the total decay in radicals amounts to only 21% of the total growth of fullerenes. From this it follows that a contribution to the formation of fullerenes from the neutral clusters (which are taken into account for the first time) significantly exceeds the contribution due to small radical species.  相似文献   

The phosphors YAG co-doped with Ce3+–Yb3+ ion pair were successfully synthesized by solid state reaction method varying the concentration of Yb3+ ions from 1 to 15 % mol. The phosphors were characterized by powder X-ray powder diffraction and surface morphology was studied by scanning electronic microscope. The photoluminescence (PL) properties were studied by spectrophotometers in near infra red (NIR) and ultra violet visible region. The synthesized phosphors can convert a photon of blue region (469 nm) into photons of NIR region (979 and 992 nm). The co-operative energy transfer was studied by time decay curve and PL spectra. The theoretical value of quantum efficiency was calculated from steady time decay measurement and the maximum efficiency approached up to 145.19 %. Hence this phosphor could be used as a downconversion luminescent convertor in front of crystalline silicon solar cell (c-Si) panels to reduce thermalization loss due to spectral mismatch of the solar cells.  相似文献   

The Nd3+, Yb3+-doped and Nd3+–Yb3+-codoped high silica glasses (HSGs) were fabricated by sintering porous glasses impregnated with Nd3+ and Yb3+ ions solutions. The Judd–Ofelt theory was used to study the spectroscopic properties of Nd3+-doped HSGs. Large parameter Ω2 of Nd3+-doped HSGs suggests a lower centrosymmetric coordination environment around the Nd3+ in HSG. The spontaneous emission probability and emission cross-section (σem) of Yb3+-doped HSGs are obtained. A broad emission band from 950 to 1,100 nm was detected when the Nd3+–Yb3+-codoped HSG was excited by 808 nm LD. The energy transfer process from Nd3+ to Yb3+ in HSG was described in this paper.  相似文献   

In this study, we confirmed that the characteristics of anion intercalation into the interlayer of a hydrotalcite-like compound (HT) during synthesis are similar to those of the anion-exchange reaction of HTs as well as the reconstruction reaction of HTs from Mg-Al oxide. We demonstrated that (i) Cl, which has a higher charge density than NO3, more easily reacted with Mg and Al species to form HT structure, resulting in greater intercalation of Cl into the HT interlayer; and (ii) for HTs with lower Mg: Al molar ratios, OH, which has a higher charge density than Cl and NO3, was more likely to interact with Mg and Al species to form HT structure, blocking the intercalation of Cl and NO3. Furthermore, we showed that high concentrations of Cl and NO3 in solution regulated their intercalation into the HT interlayer. The high activity of Cl and NO3 in solution would facilitate the anions’ reactions with Mg and Al species to form HTs, resulting in a high degree of anion intercalation into the interlayer of HTs.  相似文献   

A specific feature of U(IV) oxidation with xenon difluoride in aqueous H2SO4 solutions is low-temperature chemiluminescence (CL), which in the course of warming the sample quickly cooled to 77 K is recorded starting from 165 K and reaches a maximum at about 200 K. Exothermic phase transitions, crystallization of the ice + H2SO4·4H2O and ice + H2SO4·6.5H2O eutectics, occur in the same temperature range. The data (temperature dependences of the chemiluminescence intensity and simultaneously recorded DTA curves) obtained in experiments with variation of the rate of mixing and cooling the solutions and of the concentrations of H2SO4 and F? and UO 2 2+ ions are well explicable by the catalytic activity of the juvenile surface of H2SO4 crystal hydrates toward low-temperature reaction of U(IV) with XeF2.  相似文献   

Results of experiments on determination of the energy of 213Bi α-particles for the existing lines with the intensities of 1.94 and 0.15% per decay are reported. The results were obtained by semiconductor α-ray spectrometry by comparison with the α-particle energies for the major lines of 221Fr and 213Po, known with a lower uncertainty. The experiments were designed so as to minimize and, at the same time, take into account factors affecting the deviations of the peak maxima from the true values. Special emphasis is made on the decay of recoil nuclei on the detector surface. To eliminate this effect, samples containing highly nonequilibrium systems 213Bi + 221Fr and 213Bi + 225Ac were prepared. For the measurement conditions used, the equilibrium spectra of 225Ac with daughter decay products were found to be unsuitable for accurate determination of the energy of the 213Bi major peak and can be used only for tentative estimations. The actual energies of 213Bi α-radiation do not coincide with the assessed reference data used today and are in the region of the upper limit of the uncertainty range for these data. The results show that the presently used energy characteristics of 213Bi α-radiation require refinement.  相似文献   

The distribution coefficients of Hf(IV) and Lu(III) between Dowex 50W×8 cation exchanger or Dowex 1×8 anion exchanger and mixed HCl–H2C2O4 solutions and between Dowex 50W×8 cation exchanger or Dowex 1×8 anion exchanger and citric acid solutions were determined. A number of modifications of the 172Hf → 172Lu generator, based on reverse separation schemes, were examined. Systems consisting of an anion-exchange resin and a solution of appropriate organic acid were taken as a chemical basis of the generator. Irreversible sorption of 172Lu in generator columns was studied. The optimum operation mode of the 172Hf → 172Lu generator based on the reverse-tandem scheme with periodic transfer of the parent radionuclide into the liquid phase was determined.  相似文献   

We have synthesized nanoparticulate cobalt(II) hydroxide containing Co2+ in tetrahedral oxygen coordination (Co Td 2+ ), atypical of such systems: nano- [Co(OH)2(H3O) δ + ]δ+. The (Co Td 2+ ) coordination in the hydroxide is inferred from its electronic diffuse reflectance spectrum, which shows a multiplet of strong absorption bands at 14500, 15000, and 16000 cm?1 (4 A 2(F)-4 T 1(P) transition). Nanoparticulate cobalt(II) hydroxide forms in a weakly acidic medium under essentially nonequilibrium conditions due to supersaturation (by three to four orders of magnitude) with the starting reagents (CoCl2 and LiOH) at the instant of the formation of the poorly soluble phase Co(OH)2. Presumably, colloidal particles of nanoparticulate cobalt(II) hydroxide in a weakly acidic aqueous medium have a positive surface charge, compensated by a counter-ion (Cl?) layer: nano-[Co(OH)2(H3O) δ + ]δ+ · δCl?. The XRD patterns of pastes (gels) containing this hydroxide show three broad-ened lines with d = 5.31 (2θ = 16.7°), 2.77 (2θ = 32.3°), and 2.32 Å (2θ = 38.8°). According to small-angle X-ray scattering data, nano-[Co(OH)2(H3O) δ + ]δ+ has a narrow particle size distribution (1.0–2.0 nm). Synthesis and storage conditions are identified which ensure stabilization of the electronic state and particle size of nano-[Co(OH)2(H3O) δ + ]δ+ for a long time.  相似文献   

The Ba2P2O7:Tb3+, R (R?=?Eu2+, Ce3+) phosphors were synthesized by use of a co-precipitation method. Crystal phase, excitation and emission spectra of sample phosphors are analyzed by means of XRD and FL, respectively. The emission spectra of Ba2P2O7:Ce3+, Tb3+ phosphors exhibit four linear peaks attributed to the 5D4?→?7FJ (J?=?6–3) transition of Tb3+ while four broad emission bands are observed in the emission spectra of Ba2P2O7:Eu2+, Tb3+ phosphors. The effects of Eu2+ concentration on the luminescent properties of Ba2P2O7:Tb3+, R (R?=?Eu2+, Ce3+) are studied. Ce3+ affects the luminescent properties of Ba2P2O7:Ce3+, Tb3+ phosphors just as the sensitizer. However, Eu2+ is considered both as the sensitizer and the activator in Ba2P2O7:Eu2+, Tb3+ phosphors. The chromaticity coordinates of Eu2+ and Tb3+ co-doped phosphors gather around the white light field with the CCT approximate to 5000 K, indicating that the luminescent property of Ba2P2O7:Eu2+, Tb3+ phosphors may approach to a desired level needed for white LED application.  相似文献   

Equilibrium distribution of molybdenum, uranium, and certain fission products in extraction from nitric acid solutions with 0.2% solutions of hydroxamic acids in alcohols poorly soluble in water and the process kinetics were studied. Methods for the Mo stripping were examined. A small-size flowsheet allowing ~98% isolation of Mo in 6 h and its preconcentration by a factor of 15 with efficient separation from the main impurities (separation factors 500–10 000) was tested on an extraction rig with a model solution spiked with 99Mo and 125I. A batch procedure ensuring the 99Mo preconcentration by a factor of ~180 and separation from the impurities with the separation factor of 103–108 at a process time of 2 h was suggested and checked.  相似文献   

Compounds CsAVA′VIO6 (AV = Sb, Ta; A′VI = W, U) were synthesized by high-temperature solidphase reactions. The crystal structures of the compounds were refined by the Rietveld method (space group Fd \(\bar 3\) m).  相似文献   

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