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In this paper, two multi-party quantum private comparison (MQPC) protocols are proposed in distributed mode and traveling mode, respectively. Compared with the first MQPC protocol, which pays attention to compare between arbitrary two participants, our protocols focus on the comparison of equality for \(n\) participants with a more reasonable assumption of the third party. Through executing our protocols once, it is easy to get if \(n\) participants’ secrets are same or not. In addition, our protocols are proved to be secure against the attacks from both outside attackers and dishonest participants.  相似文献   

In this paper, a quantum private comparison protocol with Bell states is proposed. In the protocol, two participants can determine the relationship between their secret inputs in size, with the assistance of a semi-trusted third party. The presented protocol can ensure fairness, correctness, and security. Meanwhile, all the particles undergo only a one-way trip, which improves the efficiency and security of the communication. Furthermore, only Bell states are exploited in the implementation of the protocol, and two participants are just required having the ability to perform single particle operations, which make the presented protocol more feasible in technique.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a pioneering quantum private comparison (QPC) protocol for n users. State-of-the-art QPC protocols have been designed for two users who wish to compare their private information. However, if n users want to perform the equality comparison, these two-user QPC protocols have to be executed repeatedly at least n ? 1 times. The proposed protocol allows n users’ private information to be compared within one protocol execution. The proposed QPC protocol takes the Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ) class as a quantum resource and uses a special property in the GHZ-class state to perform the equality comparison. Moreover, due to the one-step quantum transmission, the protocol is free from Trojan horse attacks and it is also shown to be secure against other well-known attacks.  相似文献   

Based on EPR pairs, this paper proposes a different quantum private comparison (QPC) protocol enabling two parties to compare the equality of their information without revealing the information content. Due to the use of quantum entanglement of Bell state as well as one-way quantum transmission, the new protocol provides easier implementation as well as better qubit efficiency (near 50%) than the other QPCs. It is secure against Trojan horse attack and other well-known attacks.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a quantum private comparison protocol based on entanglement swapping, where two distrustful parties can compare the values of their secrets with the help of a semi-trusted third party. The protocol can determine not only whether two secrets are equal, but also the size relationship between them. The two parties can deduce the comparison result based on the keys shared between them and the announcement of the third party. Others including the third party will learn nothing about the values of the secrets, as well as the comparison result. The security of our protocol is analyzed. Furthermore, all the particles can be reused in the same protocol model theoretically. So our protocol is efficient and feasible to expand in network service, which in turn gives a solution to the left problem in Lin et al. (Quantum Inf Process, doi:10.1007/s11128-012-0395-6, 2012).  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a multi-party quantum key agreement protocol with five-qubit brown states and single-qubit measurements. Our multi-party protocol ensures each participant to contribute equally to the agreement key. Each party performs three single-qubit unitary operations on three qubits of each brown state. Finally, by measuring brown states and decoding the measurement results, all participants can negotiate a shared secret key without classical bits exchange between them. With the analysis of security, our protocol demonstrates that it can resist against both outsider and participant attacks. Compared with other schemes, it also possesses a higher information efficiency. In terms of physical operation, it requires single-qubit measurements only which weakens the hardware requirements of participant and has a better operating flexibility.  相似文献   

The fairness of a secure multi-party quantum key agreement (MQKA) protocol requires that all involved parties are entirely peer entities and can equally influence the outcome of the protocol to establish a shared key wherein no one can decide the shared key alone. However, it is found that parts of the existing MQKA protocols are sensitive to collusion attacks, i.e., some of the dishonest participants can collaborate to predetermine the final key without being detected. In this paper, a multi-party QKA protocol resisting collusion attacks is proposed. Different from previous QKA protocol resisting \(N-1\) coconspirators or resisting 1 coconspirators, we investigate the general circle-type MQKA protocol which can be secure against t dishonest participants’ cooperation. Here, \(t < N\). We hope the results of the presented paper will be helpful for further research on fair MQKA protocols.  相似文献   

Blind quantum computation (BQC) can ensure a client with limited quantum capability safely delegates computing tasks to a remote quantum server.In order to resi...  相似文献   

Jakobi et al. for the first time proposed a novel and practical quantum private query (QPQ) protocol based on SARG04 (Scarani et al. in Phys Rev Lett 92:057901, 2004) quantum key distribution protocol (Jakobi et al. in Phys Rev A 83:022301, 2011). Gao et al. generalized Jakobi et al’s protocol and proposed a flexible QPQ protocol (Gao et al. in Opt Exp 20(16):17411–17420, 2012). When $\theta <\pi /4$ , Gao et al’s protocol exhibits better database security than Jakobi et al’s protocol, but has a higher probability with which Bob can correctly guess the address of Alice’s query. In this paper, we propose a flexible B92-based QPQ protocol. Although SARG04 protocol is a modification of B92 protocol and can be seen as a generalization of B92 protocol, our protocol shows different advantages from Gao et al’s protocol. It can simultaneously obtain better database security and a lower probability with which Bob can correctly guess the address of Alice’s query when $\theta <\pi /4$ . By introducing entanglement, the proposed QPQ protocol is robust against channel-loss attack, which also implies lower classical communication complexity. Similar to Gao et al’s protocol, it is flexible, practical, and robust against quantum memory attack.  相似文献   

Quantum key agreement protocol is a key establishment technique whereby a classical shared secret key is derived by two or more specified parties equally and fairly based on quantum mechanics principles. In this paper, we presented two novel quantum key agreement protocols for two parties and more parties based on entanglement swapping. The proposed protocols utilize Bell states as the quantum resources, and further perform Bell measurements as the main operations. In addition, they don’t require the help of a trusted center or third party, but could ensure fairness, security and efficiency.  相似文献   

Recently, a quantum private comparison (QPC) protocol with a dishonest third party (TP) (Yang et al. in Quantum Inf Process, 2012. doi:10.1007/s11128-012-0433-4) was proposed, which pointed out that the assumption of semi-honest third party (TP) is unreasonable. Here we find this protocol is not so secure as it was expected, and then we give some improvement strategies, which ensure that both players’ secrets will not be leaked to anyone. We also discuss the assumption for TP in QPC protocls, which gives a constructive suggestions for the design of a new QPC protocol.  相似文献   

We present a new scheme for sharing an arbitrary two-qubit quantum state with n agents. In our scheme, the sender Alice first shares n Einsein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pairs in Bell states with n agents. After setting up the secure quantum channel, Alice first applies (n − 2) Controlled-Not (CNOT) gate operations, and then performs two Bell-state measurements and (n − 2) single-particle measurements (n >2). In addition, all controllers only hold one particle in their hands, respectively, and thus they only need to perform a single-particle measurement on the respective particle with the basis {|0?, |1?}{\{{\vert}0\rangle, {\vert}1\rangle\}}. Compared with other schemes with Bell states, our scheme needs less qubits as the quantum resources and exchanges less classical information, and thus obtains higher total efficiency.  相似文献   

多方数据源的隐私信息安全检索是网络安全中亟待解决的问题,不经意传输技术的特点是能够保证各个参与方的数据安全,因此将不经意传输技术与密码学中的同态密码及对称密码相结合,设计了一种多方数据源匿名查询协议。首先,基于不经意传输的思想设计了一种三方匿名查询协议,给出了协议的模型及协议的具体流程。其次,对协议的正确性与安全性进行了证明与分析。最后,将三方匿名查询协议扩展到多方查询协议,并将其应用于数字产品交易中黑名单用户的验证,解决了在网络安全交易过程中买家用户恶意交易问题。实验数据表明,该算法在保证各方数据安全的情况下查询结果正确且效率高。  相似文献   

A recent Quantum Private Set Intersection (QPSI) scheme is crypt-analyzed. The original claimed communication overhead is shown to be not accurate. And the original security definition is passive and not fair. To ensure fairness, a passive third party is introduced. It is also shown that unconditional fairness of QPSI protocol is impossible. Since otherwise, it would violate a well-known impossible quantum cryptography result.  相似文献   

We propose a quantum protocol for the millionaire problem with Bell states, where two distrustful parties can compare the values of their fortune with the help of a semi-dishonest third party. The efficiency of our protocol is higher than that of previous protocols for millionaire problem. In our protocol, any information about the values of their fortune will not be leaked out. The security of our protocol is also discussed.  相似文献   

In many circumstances, a shared key is needed to realize secure communication. Based on quantum mechanics principles, quantum key agreement (QKA) is a good method to establish a shared key by every party’s fair participation. In this paper, we propose a novel three-party QKA protocol, which is designed by using Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger (GHZ) states. To realize the protocol, the distributor of the GHZ states needs only one quantum communication with the other two parties, respectively, and everyone performs single-particle measurements simply. Then, we extend the three-party QKA protocol to arbitrary multiparty situation. At last, we discuss the security and fairness of the multiparty protocol. It shows that the new scheme is secure and fair to every participant.  相似文献   

By using the \(\chi \) -type entangled states, a novel scheme for multi-party quantum state sharing (MQSTS) of an arbitrary multi-qubit state is investigated. It is shown that the MQSTS scheme can be faithfully realized by performing appropriate Bell state measurements, Z basis measurements and local unitary operations, rather than multi-qubit entanglement or multi-particle joint measurements. Thus, our MQSTS scheme is more convenient in a practical application than some previous schemes. Furthermore, its intrinsic efficiency for qubits approaches 100 %, and the total efficiency really approaches the maximal value, which is higher than those of the previous MQSTS schemes. Finally, we analyze the security from the views of participant attack and outside attack in detail.  相似文献   

As an important branch of quantum cryptography, quantum private comparison (QPC) has recently received a lot of attention. In this paper we study the security of previous QPC protocols with a semi-honest third party (TP) from the viewpoint of secure multi-party computation and show that the assumption of a semi-honest TP is unreasonable. Without the unreasonable assumption of a semi-honest TP, one can easily find that the QPC protocol (Tseng et al. in Quantum Inf Process, 2011, doi:10.1007/s11128-011-0251-0) has an obvious security flaw. Some suggestions about the design of QPC protocols are also given.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel quantum private comparison protocol that uses Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen pairs. The proposed protocol allows two parties to secretly compare their information without exposing their actual contents. The technique of entanglement swapping enables the comparison to be achieved without the help of a third party. Moreover, because the proposed protocol employs one-step transmission and decoy photons, it is secure against the various quantum attacks in existence thus far.  相似文献   

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