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本论文扼要探讨了绿色包装的概念以及纸包装的环保性能;主要从植物纤维原料的获取、清洁化制浆和漂白技术的采用、绿色粘合剂的推广及新型环保型纸包装产品的开发和使用,三个方面详细分析了纸包装的绿色化途径。  相似文献   

智能释放保鲜包装复合膜的研发与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在比较分析国内外保鲜包装薄膜研发现状的基础上,介绍一种智能释放保鲜包装膜的制备方法和实验研究结果。智能释放SO2杀菌剂的保鲜包装复合薄膜具有三层结构,内层(控制释放层),由EVA和LDPE树脂按一定比例共混而成;中间层(二氧化硫产生层),为聚氨酯黏结剂和焦亚硫酸钠及亚硫酸钙共混的黏结层;外层(阻隔层),为BOPP薄膜,以防止SO2向外界扩散。通过性能测试和实验分析,研究了内层膜LDPE/EVA不同组分时,对薄膜极性、水汽透过率、氧气透过率的影响;应用DSC、XRD测定内层薄膜表面、断面的结晶结构,研究LDPE/EVA不同共混比例对薄膜结晶度、晶粒大小等指标的影响;研究内层膜不同组分时,产生二氧化硫浓度与释放周期的关系。研究结果表明:智能释放保鲜包装复合材料,不仅可以根据不同水果品种保鲜的要求释放适量SO2,以抑制水果上各种霉菌的生长和水果的呼吸作用,减少水果的水分损失和营养物质的消耗,有效延长水果的货架期。  相似文献   

Retting, a spontaneous and traditional fermentation of cassava roots in Central Africa, was optimised in terms of time and the quality of the end-product. Optimal conditions were achieved by using an experimental research methodology. Temperature is the most influential factor, with an optimum of 34°C for quicker retting. The roots should be peeled and soaked in water immediately after harvesting to increase the quality of cassava foods. Inoculation of water with juice from a prior retting helps in cassava detoxification but has no influence on the time or the quality of foo-foo. Foo-foo samples had the most favourable organoleptic quality when an incubation temperature of between 28 and 37°C was used. Using optimal conditions, retting time was reduced 3-fold, and foo-foo of high and constant quality could be processed.  相似文献   

2007年塑料制品行业经济运行情况 据统计,2007年塑料制品行业继续保持良好的运行态势.塑料制品行业有规模以上的企业14952家,完成总产值达8018.16亿元,同比增长27.06%,占轻工行业总产值的10.54%,位居轻工行业第三位;工业销售产值7846.17亿元.同比增长26.52%,其中出口交货值1746.92亿元.同比增长17.60%;塑料制品行业规模以上企业完成产量3302.32万吨.比上年增长14.48%.  相似文献   

Gari is a key staple food in several western African countries. This is a cassava traditional semolina obtained after peeling, rasping, fermentation, pressing, sieving, and roasting (cooking/drying). The process of gari production is artisanal and relies on human know-how, and the final properties of gari are highly dependent on the human skills. So as to understand the combined effect of the various transformation steps on the final quality of gari, the main objective of this work was to develop a lab-scale integrated approach to follow the transformation of the product characteristics during the process using macroscopic (water content, solid volume fraction, and particles size) and microscopic (physicochemical and biochemical) responses. At the microscopic level, pressing is a key step insofar as it induces the draining of many soluble compounds (especially the toxic cyanogenic compounds). At the macroscopic level, despite the strong similarity in median diameters of the intermediate and final products, two distinct agglomeration mechanisms occurred during the pressing/sieving and the roasting. These mechanisms highlight the structuration of the product at two different scales and at two different moments. Finally, results showed a high swelling capacity for fermented gari. The approach developed in this work will make it possible to identify the robust mechanisms, i.e., those little affected by a change in scale or in operating conditions. This identification will thereafter allow to distinguish unit operations, fairly easy to mechanize, from those requiring strict control to achieve the final product quality sought.  相似文献   

木薯淀粉对改善可食性羧甲基纤维素膜性能的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
文中对木薯淀粉改善可食性羧甲基纤维素膜的性能进行研究。结果表明:随着木薯淀粉添加量的增多,羧甲基纤维素膜的抗拉强度和水溶性逐渐减小,而断裂伸长率和透明度逐渐增大,透油率变化不大。当木薯淀粉的添加质量在0%-15%内,随着木薯淀粉添加量的增大,膜的水蒸气迁移率逐渐减小,当添加量超过15%时,膜的水蒸气迁移率逐渐增大。综合膜的各项性能得出,木薯淀粉的添加量不宜超过15%。  相似文献   

以苦瓜为辅料研制出的苦瓜鲜啤酒,具有鲜啤酒及苦瓜作为一种佳蔬的优点,泡沫洁白细腻,口味清爽,自然纯正,营养丰富。同时苦瓜作为一种农产品,酿制苦瓜啤酒也是其深加工方法之一。  相似文献   

Cassava starch-chitosan films were obtained by melt bending and compression molding, using glycerol and polyethylene glycol as plasticizers. Both the starch/chitosan and the polymer/plasticizer ratios were varied in order to analyze their effect on the physical properties of the films. Additionally, the antimicrobial activity of 70:30 polymer:plasticizer films was tested in cold-stored pork meat slices as affected by chitosan content. All film components were thermally stable up to 200 °C, which guaranteed their thermostability during film processing. Starch and chitosan had limited miscibility by melt blending, which resulted in heterogeneous film microstructure. Polyethylene glycol partially crystallized in the films, to a greater extent as the chitosan ratio increased, which limited its plasticizing effect. The films with the highest plasticizer ratio were more permeable to water vapor, less rigid, and less resistant to break. The variation in the chitosan content did not have a significant effect on water vapor permeability. As the chitosan proportion increased, the films became less stretchable, more rigid, and more resistant to break, with a more saturated yellowish color. The incorporation of the highest amount of chitosan in the films led to the reduction in coliforms and total aerobic counts of cold-stored pork meat slices, thus extending their shelf-life.  相似文献   

大豆分离蛋白食品包装薄膜的制备条件研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以大豆分离蛋白为主要原料,在一定条件下与增塑剂、还原剂等发生共价交联反应,通过单因素试验和正交试验对成膜配方、成膜条件的研究,及薄膜理化指标的测定和微观结构分析,制备出可以降解,并具有一定机械强度、弹性、阻气性、阻水性的复合蛋白薄膜。结果表明:采用亚克力材质板槽制膜,干燥温度60℃,时间2h,成膜配方是大豆分离蛋白质量浓度4.0g/100mL、增塑剂2.0g/100mL、还原剂0.1g/100mL;抗拉强度可达61.892N,透H2O 性16.204mg/(cm2·d),透O2 性0.313mg/(cm2·d),透CO2 性2.899mg/(cm2·d)。该产品可部分替代塑料用于食品包装领域,减少环境污染,是一种具有开发前景的绿色包装材料。  相似文献   

可食性包装膜的研究进展和应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
简要介绍了可食性包装膜的主要特性和优点,并对可食性包装膜的国内外研究进展以及在食品工业中的 应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

木薯是一种极耐贫瘠、抗逆性强、富含淀粉的作物。在我国,木薯长期以来主要作为一种非粮能源作物,用于生产淀粉、酒精以及饲料等。近几年,食用木薯品种的选育、推广以及深加工技术的研究开发,极大地拓展了木薯在食品行业中的发展空间。本文首先介绍了我国主要食用木薯品种及其营养价值,然后从鲜薯、食用木薯全粉、淀粉和变性淀粉3个方面综述了食用木薯在食品加工领域中的研究应用现状。在此基础上,分析了食用木薯产业发展优势及存在的问题,并从品种选育、贮藏保鲜技术、加工技术及产品开发等方面对推动食用木薯在食品工业中的发展前景进行了展望,以期为我国食用木薯未来产业化的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

初步探讨了以山梨糖醇为载体及甜味剂的苦瓜含片加工工艺。结果表明:采用山梨糖醇84.5%,苦瓜提取物5%,苦瓜超微粉10%,薄荷脑0.02%,柠檬酸0.5%等基本原料配比,经混合、造粒、干燥、压片等工序,制成了低热量、具有一定保健功能的无糖苦瓜含片。  相似文献   

以苦瓜全浆为主要原料,辅以功能性甜味剂和麦芽糊精,采用恰当的固体饮料工艺,制成了低热量、具有保健作用的的速溶固体饮料。  相似文献   

Biopackaging materials based on fish myofibrillar proteins have been developed. The effects of protein concentration, pH, temperature and storage time before casting on the apparent viscosity of the film forming solution (FFS) were evaluated using experimental design methodology. The first objective was to determine a feasible experimental range for film-forming. The pH and protein concentration had strong interactive effects on FFS viscosity. During FFS storage before casting, partial degradation of high molecular weight protein components led to decreased viscosity, allowing thin layer casting. In the experimental range for film-forming, none of the conditions affected film functional properties. Standard conditions were determined at: pH 3.0, 2.0g protein/100g FFS, 25°C and 6 hr storage. The functional properties of the standard biopackaging were slightly better than those that determined for known protein-based films, with tensile strength close to those of low density polyethylene films.  相似文献   

可食性木薯淀粉复合膜研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
首次较全面、系统地研究了木薯淀粉(CS)制备可食性复合膜的工艺条件及各因素对研制膜性能的影响。研制的CS、CS/MC、0.5%(S-P)+CS/MS、1%(S-P)+CS/MS四种新型食用膜之水蒸汽透过系数与温度之间关系难用Arrhenius模型拟合,佳能低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)保鲜纸与T的关系满足In(WVP)=29.35-7.03·T-1。  相似文献   

鲜果蔬保鲜包装中包装膜的阻隔性能对于果蔬的保鲜具有重要影响,本研究利用不同种类的凝固浴制备LiCl/DMAc工艺再生纤维素包装膜,并考察了甲醇、乙醇、异丙醇、LiC l/DMAc和去离子水对纤维素包装膜的断面结构、表面结构、透氧和透湿性能以及机械性能的影响。结果表明,使用醇类凝固浴制备的纤维素包装膜的断面呈松散结构,尤其是以乙醇凝固浴制备的包装膜出现了指状孔;包装膜的透氧性能明显提高,乙醇凝固浴制备的纤维素包装膜的透氧系数为15%LiCl/DMAc凝固浴制备的纤维素包装膜的50倍,并且其机械性能达到12.7Mpa,可以满足日常包装性能要求。  相似文献   

The effects of various stearic-palmitic acid blend concentrations in films, storage temperatures and storage times on potato chip quality were evaluated using Response Surface Methodology. Storage temperature and time affected the quality of potato chips. The maximum storage times for acceptable potato chip quality were: 30 to 43 days, 23 to 25 days, and 11 to 12 days for storage temperatures of 15, 25 and 35°C, respectively. Results were independent of stearic-palmitic acid blend concentrations.  相似文献   

Packaging Effects on Applesauce in Multilayer Polymeric Films and Glass   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four different multilayer polymeric films were assessed for suitability as packaging materials for hot-filled fruit products, by determining the effect of storage time and temperature on applesauce packaged in each film type, as compared to glass. Applesauce from each package type was assessed at S wk intervals for changes in sensory and analytical characteristics during 15 wks storage at 20°, 30°, 37° and 43°C. Films containing an ethylene vinyl alcohol or polyvinylidine chloride layer performed similarly to glass. Applesauce packaged in a nylon/ linear low density polyethylene film was less acceptable and had significantly greater browning at all temperatures.  相似文献   

The diffusion of acetic or propionic acids from thin (44 to 54 μm) chitosan‐based antimicrobial packaging films in which they were incorporated was measured after immersion of the films in water, and the effects of pH (5.7, 6.4, or 7.0) and temperature (4 °C, 10 °C, or 24 °C) on diffusion were investigated. The kinetics of acetic‐ and propionic‐acid release deviated from the Fickian model of diffusion. Diffusion was found to be unaffected by pH in the range of values tested, but a decrease in temperature from 24 °C to 4 °C resulted in a reduction of diffusion coefficients from 2.59 × 10?12 m2.s?1 to 1.19 × 10?12 m2.s?1 for acetic acid and from 1.87 × 10?12 m2.s?1 to 0.91 × 10?12 m2.s?1 for propionic acid. The effect of temperature on diffusion was well (r2 > 0.9785) described by an Arrhenius‐type model with activation energies of 27.19 J.mole?1 (acetic) and 24.27 J.mole?1 (propionic). Incorporation of lauric acid or essential oils (cinnamaldehyde or eugenol) into the chitosan film at the time of preparation produced a subsequent reduction in the diffusion of acetic or propionic acid, and maximum effects were obtained with lauric acid and cinnamaldehyde incorporated to final concentrations of 1.0% and 0.5% (w/w), respectively.  相似文献   

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