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ICT skills learning strategies and histories of trainee teachers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract As yet, there is only a small volume of research on how trainee teachers develop their personal ICT skills. This paper reports the findings of a one-year action research study which explored in detail the processes by which a cohort of postgraduate teacher trainees learned these skills. Learning histories before the course were found to be complex and varied. Trainees reported that they consciously drew on a repertoire of learning strategies whilst developing their skills, and a set of factors including previous experience, match of learning opportunities with preferences and software attributes affected a successful learning outcome. An initial model of the learning process was completely revised to reflect the findings. Implications of this research for those working with trainees or other adults who are developing their ICT skills are suggested  相似文献   

Abstract  The general aim of this study was to develop a platform-adaptive learning environment (xTask) and to evaluate its use. The software environment can be accessed by PC's or mobile devices, such as PDA's or Communicator. The empirical part of the study was carried out during May 2002 with 10 students between 21 and 50 years of age participating in a course on mobile device usability. In the study the xTask interface proved functional. The working processes show clearly that there were phases when the work was efficient with mobile devices, but students also felt that mobile devices were not ready to be the only platform for learning. They preferred PC's with wired networks, but admitted that PDA's could be used to support aspects of the learning processes. Generally, mobile technologies can bring some added value for network based learning, but they cannot replace traditional computers.  相似文献   

Conceptual tools for planning for the wireless classroom   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract  Wireless and mobile devices are beginning to offer stunning new technical capabilities for collaborative learning. Yet, researchers in this field must recognise the importance of complementing these technical advances with improved understanding of the patterns of classroom activity that most need support. The approach taken in the work reported in this paper has been to create conceptual tools that help thinking and talking about technology-supported collaborative learning. A particularly powerful tool is Collaborative Design Patterns, which captures common learning situations and benefits in written form. This paper uses four classroom scenarios to describe eight patterns. These patterns fall into two categories: whole-activity patterns, which suggest ways to organise one or more class periods, and smaller-grained support patterns.  相似文献   

Educational scenarios for cooperative use of Personal Digital Assistants   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract  Based on experience in orchestrating collaborative learning scenarios with ubiquitous computing technology, three approaches for extending co-constructive modelling and discussion environments with Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) connected through a wireless network are described. One application is an annotation tool, the second one replicates a modelling system on the PDA and the third one makes use of a wireless optical reader in addition to the PDA. They all provide 'lightweight' synchronisation mechanisms in PC-based environments. General design and implementation strategies for such extensions are discussed in terms of model, view and controller.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper presents an evaluation of a multimedia training programme, supported by a video-conference link, for senior school staff in the use of a computer-based Management Information System and the subsequent impact on the school organisation. The training took place as a part of the Education Departments' Superhighways Initiative. Two years later the impact of this initiative on school management practice was examined and the implications of subsequent patterns of staff use of ICT in management assessed. Results indicate that change strategies should involve attention to the totality of the relevant school system and should provide for professional dialogue and participation in the process.  相似文献   

Wireless and mobile technologies to enhance teaching and learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract This research aims to build a Wireless Technology Enhanced Classroom (WiTEC) that supports everyday activities unobtrusively and seamlessly in classroom contexts. This paper describes the integration of wireless LAN, wireless mobile learning devices, an electronic whiteboard, an interactive classroom server, and a resource and class management server to build the WiTEC. This contains a number of features that can support class members in various types of teaching and learning activities. Project-based learning is taken as a scenario to elaborate how teachers and students can engage in teaching and learning via WiTEC. Finally, a number of suggestions are discussed for further study.  相似文献   

Concept and design of Ad Hoc and Mobile classrooms   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract This investigation describes the concept of mobile learning and the design of Ad Hoc and Mobile classrooms. Four classes of mobile learning and implementation of Ad Hoc and eSchoolbag systems are presented. The paper discusses the development of advanced wireless technologies for building an ad hoc classroom to create a modern and new learning environment. As in a traditional classroom, information technology is developed to provide the teacher with aids, such as a blackboard, a board rubber, coloured chalk, a microphone, a voice recorder, a video recorder, and so on, to support teaching and discussions. Additionally, students are provided with an electronic schoolbag which contains electronic books, a notebook, a parents' contact book, a pencil case, writing materials, sheets, a calculator, an address book, and other items. Taking lessons in a lively, vivid and new learning environment, it is expected that students will improve their learning performance with perhaps less attendance in a physical classroom and they gain the flexibility of being able to learn at their own convenience.  相似文献   

A study of user experiences mediated by nomadic web content in a museum   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract How should nomadic web content be designed to improve and transform user experiences in a hands‐on museum? In this study, 15 users were studied while using an electronic guidebook designed to augment user experiences via wireless technologies at the Exploratorium, an interactive science museum. Several recurring themes emerged from the analysis, such as users' sense of isolation and users' attempts to make a seamless transition between real‐place and virtual contexts. This paper shares a preliminary framework for organising user interactions with handheld devices, user experiences based on interviews and insights regarding the role of nomadic web content.  相似文献   

Abstract  This paper outlines the evaluation approach associated with the Learn-Nett project under the SOCRATES initiative. It describes the project, locates the role of evaluation within it and finally conceptualises the role evaluation might play in a change process. The paper argues that evaluation in these circumstances can be essentially formative but also be prompted by a search for new knowledge in the area of changing practices in learning. It identifies 'transition' as anomic and the need to develop 'provisional stability' for change to occur effectively. In such periods of change, evaluation products can act as useful 'bridging tools' which can support the development of 'provisional stability'.  相似文献   

Abstract  The IT capabilities expected of all students training to be teachers are now laid down in government guidelines but time on one year postgraduate courses is limited. It is therefore important to be aware of the IT skills that students bring with them to help develop the courses on offer. A questionnaire survey of nearly 400 PGCE primary and secondary students was completed for a 1989/90 cohort. This study set out to find what prior IT experience students brought with them, and what they perceived as their IT training needs. Two thirds of these students were found to have little experience of using computers either at home, school, college or work, and there was a very low level of experience of some of the more high priority National Curriculum software packages (e.g. electronic communications, modelling software, control software). Most students gave high training priority to learning how computers can be used in teaching. These results are discussed in relation to other surveys of IT in teacher education, and the implications for PGCE course development.  相似文献   

Abstract Recent research has shown that students' use of information and communications technology (ICT) on teaching practice is necessary for effective future use of ICT in the classroom. However, this paper reports that there are a number of factors affecting the use of ICT by student-teachers in their school placements. All 110 student-teachers attending one university's eight Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) courses completed a questionnaire on their attitudes to ICT in learning and teaching and their initial experiences of the application of ICT in schools. In-depth interviews with the student-teachers, as well as univer-sity tutors and teachers, revealed a range of issues that reflected how student-teachers perceive their school-based ICT training and what they think could improve their experiences. Recommendations are offered for the improvement of the ICT school experiences for student-teachers until teacher training is completed and improved ICT infrastructure is in place in schools. The overriding conclusion is that schools must be supported and resourced properly, and teachers must have effective ICT training, before improvements in school-based ICT development for student-teachers can be achieved.  相似文献   

作为一种新的分布式计算模式,移动代理技术具有广泛的应用前景。但在目前的移动代理系统中,恶意主机问题,即保护代理免受恶意主机的攻击是很棘手的问题。为了更好地理解该问题,我们提出了基于抽象机器模型的攻击模型(RASPS)。该模型有助于提出有效的移动代理保护方案,并可以作为评价各种保护方案的基础。本论文首先分析了恶意主机的攻击行为,并在此基础上提出了恶意主机的攻击模型,最后分析了攻击实例程序。  相似文献   

RSVP在无线移动网络中的扩展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
讨论了RSVP协议应用在无线移动网络中存在的问题,分析比较了目前对RSVP的两种改进方法,提出了一种在无线移动网络中对RSVP的扩展方案。该方案在每个蜂窝添加移动代理,采用组播支持节点的移动性,利用GPS进行移动预测,并且主动进行数据流路径切换。本方案可以在不影响网络容量的前提下,提高移动节点的切换成功率和通信连续性,保证移动节点的服务质量。  相似文献   

Mobile Agent技术在Internet中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
赵春英 《微机发展》2000,10(6):20-22
本文分析了Internet应用所面临的问题,讨论了Mobile Agent的概念和技术特点,论述了如何把Mobile Agent技术应用到Internet中,解决其存在的问题。最后,简单介绍了目前Mobile Agent技术的发展现状和研究趋势。  相似文献   

移动数据库技术在无线扫描枪上的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,随着移动技术的发展,移动数据库技术已经越来越广泛地应用到人们的生活中,阐述移动数据库的概念、特点及发展状况,探讨移动数据库的主要核心技术,结合邮政系统中无线扫描枪系统对移动数据库技术的应用进行研究,并探讨系统下一步的研究方向.  相似文献   

一个企业内部网络的移动代理平台的设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
实现了一个基于Java语言的移动代理平台。这是一个原形系统,采用中心服务器的结构形式,能够支持简单的分布式应用系统开发。它实现了移动代理平台的核心功能,能够支持代理的装载、移动、运行,实现了移动代理的持续性运行特性,能够提供简单的通信服务。  相似文献   

Grid and cloud computing systems have been extensively used to solve large and complex problems in science and engineering fields. These systems include powerful computing resources that are connected through high-speed networks. Due to the recent advances in mobile computing and networking technologies, it has become feasible to integrate various mobile devices, such as robots, aerial vehicles, sensors, and smart phones, with grid and cloud computing systems. This integration enables the design and development of the next generation of applications by sharing of resources in mobile environments and introduces several challenges due to a dynamic and unpredictable network. This paper discusses applications, research challenges involved in the design and development of mobile grid and cloud computing systems, and recent advances in the field.  相似文献   

A.  D.   《Computers & Electrical Engineering》2007,33(5-6):407-424
A platform independent security architecture for use in Multi-Processor System-on-Chip integrated circuits, primarily oriented for mobile phones and handheld devices, is presented. The suggested architecture provides an enhanced security protection scheme for use in smartphones, PDA’s, as well as other similar systems. Sensitive data storage facilities, cryptographic engines, and physical protection mechanisms such as debug port access control are presented and described in detail. The proposed secure architecture has been incorporated as a part of an application processor which in turn is embedded in a number of smartphone and handheld products. System operation is discussed and hardware realization and experimental results of the proposed architecture are described.  相似文献   

移动感知网在军事、工业、医疗、交通、商业上运用极其广泛.为了进一步提高移动感知网的性能,更好地协同节点的移动感知行为,本文提出了移动协同感知技术.首先介绍了国内外近年来有关移动协同感知技术的发展情况和关键技术,包括移动协同感知模型、移动协同感知中间件、移动协同感知相关技术,然后概括归纳了技术特点,最后总结了移动协同感知技术的研究意义和发展趋势.  相似文献   

We describe a methodology for creating new technologies for assisted living in residential environments. The number of eldercare clients is expected to grow dramatically over the next decade as the baby boom generation approaches 65 years of age. The UMass/Smith ASSIST framework aims to alleviate the strain on centralized medical providers and community services as their clientele grow, reduce the delays in service, support independent living, and therefore, improve the quality of life for the up-coming elder population. We propose a closed loop methodology wherein innovative technical systems are field tested in assisted care facilities and analyzed by social scientists to create and refine residential systems for independent living. Our goal is to create technology that is embraced by clients, supports efficient delivery of support services, and facilitates social interactions with family and friends. We introduce a series of technologies that are currently under evaluation based on a distributed sensor network and a unique mobile manipulator (MM) concept. The mobile manipulator provides client services and serves as an embodied interface for remote service providers. As a result, a wide range of cost-effective eldercare applications can be devised, several of which are introduced in this paper. We illustrate tools for social interfaces, interfaces for community service and medical providers, and the capacity for autonomous assistance in the activities of daily living. These projects and others are being considered for field testing in the next cycle of ASSIST technology development.
Shichao OuEmail:

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