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The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) has been designated as a facility instrument on the first NASA polar orbiting platform as part of the Earth Observing System (Eos) and is scheduled for launch in the late 1990s. The near-global daily coverage of MODIS, combined with its continuous operation, broad spectral coverage, and relatively high spatial resolution, makes it central to the objectives of Eos. The development, implementation, production, and validation of the core MODIS data products define a set of functional, performance, and operational requirements on the data system that operate between the sensor measurements and the data products supplied to the user community. The science requirements guiding the processing of MODIS data are reviewed, and the aspects of an operations concept for the production of data products from MODIS for use by the scientific community are discussed  相似文献   

张月  张琢  苏云  郑国宪 《红外与激光工程》2016,45(3):323001-0323001(8)
宽谱段高分辨率低温成像光谱仪可对星际矿物成分、大气成分进行有效识别,但由于深空探测目标温度很低,为了抑制光谱仪自身噪声,提高分辨率,需要红外谱段工作在几十K的低温环境下,这对制冷系统设计提出了严峻的挑战。在调研国外用于金星、彗星探测的可见/红外成像光谱仪(VIRTIS)制冷技术的基础上,对宽谱段高分辨率低温成像光谱仪制冷系统进行了设计与仿真分析,仿真结果显示M和H探测器部件温度梯度非常小,约为410-2 K;探测器工作温度70 K;M和H部件壳体温度为1301 K;框架温度为2001 K,符合制冷系统设计要求。研究成果对在深空探测领域具有通用性的低温高光谱成像系统中制冷系统的研制具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

申远  于磊  陈素娟  沈威  陈结祥  薛辉 《红外与激光工程》2019,48(8):814005-0814005(7)
研究了一种在近红外波段具备良好成像能力的双凹面光栅成像光谱仪系统。对这种串联光栅系统中存在的主要像差像散和彗差进行了分析,并计算获得了该系统的最优成像条件:两个光栅和柱面透镜的最优摆放位置。这种改进型的Wadsworth系统可以在全波段近似消除彗差和像散,具备良好的光学成像质量,并仅通过刻线密度较低的光栅即可实现高光谱分辨率。设计了一个工作于780~1 100 nm波段的成像光谱仪系统,其光谱采样达到0.92 nm/pixel,全视场调制传递函数在17 lp/mm的奈奎斯特频率下高于0.45,系统像差得到充分校正,且加工和装调公差比较宽松。研究结果分析证明了设计理论的正确性。  相似文献   

Data extrapolation for high resolution radar imaging   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
In radar imaging, AR modeling is sometimes used to extrapolate the scattered field data to obtain a high resolution image. In general, the Burg method is used to estimate the prediction parameters. The Burg method leads to a stable prediction filter but can also cause bias in the estimated spectra. One can also use the modified covariance method (MCM) to estimate the prediction parameters. These parameters lead to unbiased spectra. However, the MCM does not guarantee a stable prediction filter. One may have to modify the prediction parameters to ensure a stable prediction filter. One way to ensure stability is to reflect the unstable poles inside the unit circle. It is shown that the modified parameters can be used effectively for data extrapolation. The radar images obtained using this extrapolated data are more accurate than those obtained using the extrapolated data from the Burg prediction parameters  相似文献   

于磊 《红外与激光工程》2022,51(1):20210940-1-20210940-11
成像光谱仪是一种有效的定量探测工具,得益于其可通过高空间分辨率和高光谱分辨率同时获取探测目标的三维立方体数据的能力,使得成像光谱仪在测绘遥感、目标识别、环境监测与评估、临床影像诊断、过程监控等领域应用极为广泛。文中根据分光原理和分光元件的不同,将成像光谱仪分为四类:滤光型、色散型、干涉型和快照型,在分类的基础上对各种成像光谱仪的主要代表形式和应用进行了回顾和介绍,并对成像光谱仪未来可能存在的发展和应用方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

为达到厘米甚至亚厘米级的成像分辨力,从电子学角度出发,设计并构建了0.67 THz线性调频连续波(FMCW)成像实验平台。平台通过将Ka波段带宽1.2 GHz、功率2 W的线性调频信号24倍频,获得0.66 THz~0.688 8 THz的发射信号,功率约为1.2 mW,接收端的回波经过谐波混频完成去斜(Dechirp)形成2.4 GHz中频信号,二次变频后经高速采样送入信号处理机箱完成成像。雷达发射信号带宽为28.8 GHz,经系统非线性校正处理后,成像分辨力达到1.3 cm,验证了太赫兹雷达的高分辨成像能力。  相似文献   

The authors describe the status of MODIS-N and its companion instrument MODIS-T (tilt), a tiltable cross-track scanning spectrometer with 32 uniformly spaced channels between 0.410 and 0.875 μm. They review the various methods being developed for the remote sensing of atmospheric properties using MODIS, placing primary emphasis on the principal atmospheric applications of determining the optical, microphysical, and physical properties of clouds and aerosol particles from spectral reflection and thermal emission measurements. In addition to cloud and aerosol properties, MODIS-N will be used for determining the total precipitable water vapor and atmospheric stability. The physical principles behind the determination of each of these atmospheric products are described, together with an example of their application to aircraft and/or satellite measurements  相似文献   

红外成像系统由于探测器加工工艺的限制,很难通过减小像元尺寸或增加阵元数量的方式实现高分辨率成像.压缩感知理论提供了一种新的提高成像分辨率的方法,在光学系统的焦平面处放置编码掩膜,使得红外探测器得到的图像是被观测场景的压缩采样,再通过稀疏优化算法重构出原始图像.决定图像分辨率的不是探测器的像素尺寸,而是编码掩膜的孔径大小...  相似文献   

A new data extrapolation algorithm for high resolution radar imaging is presented. The backscattered data are modeled as an autoregressive process where the prediction coefficients are computed using 1D least-square lattice filters. Unlike the well-known Burg or modified covariance methods, least square lattice modeling yields different prediction coefficients for forward and backward directions. The proposed method does not need to satisfy Levinson recursion, i.e. does not suffer from the limitations of the Burg method such as spectral splitting or bias in the locations of the scattering centers. Moreover, due to its lattice structure it does not need any matrix inversion like the modified covariance method. Results obtained for an experimental target are included to confirm the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

Despite the relative recency of its inception, the theory of compressive sampling (aka compressed sensing) (CS) has already revolutionized multiple areas of applied sciences, a particularly important instance of which is medical imaging. Specifically, the theory has provided a different perspective on the important problem of optimal sampling in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), with an ever-increasing body of works reporting stable and accurate reconstruction of MRI scans from the number of spectral measurements which would have been deemed unacceptably small as recently as five years ago. In this paper, the theory of CS is employed to palliate the problem of long acquisition times, which is known to be a major impediment to the clinical application of high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI). Specifically, we demonstrate that a substantial reduction in data acquisition times is possible through minimization of the number of diffusion encoding gradients required for reliable reconstruction of HARDI scans. The success of such a minimization is primarily due to the availability of spherical ridgelet transformation, which excels in sparsifying HARDI signals. What makes the resulting reconstruction procedure even more accurate is a combination of the sparsity constraints in the diffusion domain with additional constraints imposed on the estimated diffusion field in the spatial domain. Accordingly, the present paper describes an original way to combine the diffusion- and spatial-domain constraints to achieve a maximal reduction in the number of diffusion measurements, while sacrificing little in terms of reconstruction accuracy. Finally, details are provided on an efficient numerical scheme which can be used to solve the aforementioned reconstruction problem by means of standard and readily available estimation tools. The paper is concluded with experimental results which support the practical value of the proposed reconstruction methodology.  相似文献   

提出面向合成孔径雷达(Synthetic Aperture Radar,SAR)回波数据的复杂结构特征增强算法(Complex Structure Feature Enhancement Algorithm,CEA), 面向SAR成像目标的复杂结构特征,算法利用高阶方向全变分(High-order Total Direction Variation,HOTDV)正则算子表示,面向SAR成像目标的稀疏特征,算法用正则算子表示。算法利用交替方向多乘子法(Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers,ADMM)建立多正则约束优化框架,设计复杂结构分裂变量和稀疏分裂变量,并求出分裂变量解析更新解以实现SAR成像目标的复杂结构特征与稀疏特征的增强。多正则约束优化框架中的对偶分解保证多特征多任务处理能力,增广拉格朗日项的使用则保证了算法的收敛性和稳健性。最后,设计了仿真和实测SAR数据特征增强实验以验证算法的有效性,对比多种传统结构特征增强算法以验证所提复杂结构特征增强算法的优越性。  相似文献   

The scientific objectives, instrument concept, and data plan for the multiangle imaging spectroradiometer (MISR), an experiment proposed for the Eos (Earth Observing System) mission, are described. MISR is a pushbroom imaging system designed to obtain continuous imagery of the sunlit Earth at four different view angles (25.8°, 45.6°, 60.0°, and 72.5° relative to the vertical at the Earth's surface), in both the forward and aftward directions relative to nadir, using eight separate cameras. Observations will be acquired in four spectral bands, centered at 440, 550, 670, and 860 nm. Data analysis algorithms will be applied to MISR imagery to retrieve the optical, geometric, and radiative properties of complex, three-dimensional scenes, such as aerosol-laden atmospheres above a heterogeneously reflecting surface, nonstratified cloud systems, and vegetation canopies. The MISR investigation will address a number of scientific questions concerning the climatic and ecological consequences of many natural and anthropogenic processes, and will furnish the aerosol information necessary  相似文献   

1937年E.W.Müller[1]发明了场发射显微镜(FEM),直到最近[2],人们一直认为FEM的分辨力只能在2nm上下,因而不能像场离子显微镜(FIM)那样可以分辨原子[3]。我们认为FEM的分辨力在理论上可以接近0.1nm,2nm并不是FEM的理论极限,而是人们在实际上一直未能用FEM所超过的水平。其原因在于人们对FEM成像中空间电荷的影响认识不足。众所周知,场发射电流密度比热发射电流密度大几个数量级,因而场发射电流在尖端前面所形成的空间电荷比较严重。在FEM中,图像是由尖端上电子云分布的投影形成的,空间电荷的存在必然干扰甚至屏蔽表面电子云的分…  相似文献   

宋波  方薇  杜丽丽  崔文煜  王涛  易维宁 《红外与激光工程》2021,50(12):20210127-1-20210127-14
海洋目标高空间分辨率遥感成像仿真技术在海面目标探测识别等方面得到了广泛应用。舰船与海水流体交互作用在高分辨率下得以显现,对其产生的复杂流场辐射模拟是成像仿真的主要难点。重点研究了舰船航行过程中与海水交互产生的流场几何形态和物性变化,提出了与海面方向辐射特性的耦合作用模型及海洋目标高分辨率遥感成像仿真方法。通过频谱分析的方法构建海面三维模型,使用计算流体力学的方法构造了船只航行流场的三维几何模型。根据海面组分分布的不同将其辐射特性与三维结构关联,构建了亚米级海洋场景三维辐射模型。通过辐射传输计算、场景内部多次反射模拟及大气影响和传感器效应仿真,最终得到观测条件下的卫星遥感图像。结果表明,将GF-6卫星全色波段实测图像与相同成像条件下的仿真图像对比,图像均值的误差为9.17%,标准差误差为9.21%,在平均灰度值、灰度分布、纹理细节等方面都具有较好的一致性,可以较真实地模拟高分辨率卫星成像下的海洋目标场景。  相似文献   

机载高光通量双波段成像光谱仪的设计   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
分析了成像光谱仪常见结构的优缺点并给出了分析过程,对望远镜系统和光谱成像系统结构进行了合理选择,实现了单一成像光谱仪同时覆盖可见近红外(VNIR)和中波红外(MWIR)双波段。根据研究目标要求设计了一个大F数(VNIR波段F/3,MWIR波段F/2)机载双波段成像光谱仪。该光谱仪双通道共用一个同轴平场无遮挡Schwarzschild望远镜,用二向色分束器分开。双通道光谱成像系统均采用同心共轴的Dyson结构,VNIR波段和MWIR波段光谱分辨率分别达到5 nm和15 nm。为使设计的系统结构合理,介绍了光束分离结构和光谱仪的光束折叠方法。设计结果表明:该系统结构简单,效果良好,谱线弯曲分别小于1.2μm和0.5μm,谱带弯曲均小于0.5μm,偏振灵敏度小于4%,适用高光谱分辨率机载双波段成像光谱仪。  相似文献   

红外高通量干涉成像光谱仪的设计与验证   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了静态高通量干涉成像光谱技术的原理,针对红外波段目标辐射能低、系统易受自身辐射影响等特点,提出了基于分体式Sagnac干涉仪的红外高通量干涉成像光谱仪方案。分析了Sagnac干涉仪的设计方法,特别是分光镜对光线的偏折作用引起的横向剪切量和光线的折射光程不同带来的附加光程差。根据采样定理,计算了成像光谱系统对探测器和后置成像系统的要求。使用长波热像仪(光谱范围7.7~9.3μm)搭建了实验装置,实验结果表明,这种成像光谱系统能够准确测量出样品的光谱,验证了该方案的原理和设计。  相似文献   

Towards the development of a very high definition (VHD) image acquisition system, previously we developed the signal processing based approach with multiple cameras. The approach produces an improved resolution image with sufficiently high signal-to-noise ratio by processing and integrating multiple images taken simultaneously with multiple cameras. Originally, in this approach, we used multiple cameras with the same pixel aperture, but in this case there are severe limitations both in the arrangement of multiple cameras and in the configuration of the scene, in order to guarantee the spatial uniformity of the resultant resolution. To overcome this difficulty completely, this work presents the utilization of multiple cameras with different pixel apertures, and develops a new, alternately iterative signal processing algorithm available in the different aperture case. Experimental simulations clearly show that the utilization of multiple different-aperture cameras prospects to be good and that the alternately iterative algorithm behaves satisfactorily.  相似文献   

高光谱成像仪的杂散光分析   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杂光分析是保证高光谱成像仪成像质量的关键技术之一。详细分析了高光谱成像仪光学系统的杂散光,设计了R-C前置镜的遮光罩和挡光环,并用Tracepro软件对高光谱成像仪光学系统进行了光机建模,分析了系统的一次、二次散射面,根据重要杂散光路径设置重点采用,计算出0.5°~40°不同离轴角度下的点源透射比值,从而得到地球表面反射光在像面产生的照度为5.5×10-3W/m2,小于中心视场光线在像面照度的3.5%,满足系统抑制杂散光的要求。  相似文献   

针对现有喷码机通常采用RS-232作为数据传输系统接口存在传输速度慢的问题,本文基于通用串口数据总线(USB)的体系架构,设计了用于高解析喷码机的基于传输芯片PDIUSBD12和微控制器P89C60X2的USB数据传输系统,讨论了USB接口的硬件和软件设计方法,对传输速度进行测试。传输大量二维码图片数据的测试结果表明,采用该系统在数据传输时具有传输速度快,使用方便等优点,能够满足高解析喷码机需要的大数据量的传输要求。  相似文献   

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