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钢筋混凝土矩形薄板在弹性地基上的热屈曲   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
程选生  杜永峰  李慧 《岩土工程学报》2006,28(11):1970-1974
基于板的小挠度理论,考虑混凝土材料的非线性,推导了弹性地基上钢筋混凝土矩形薄板在热载作用下的平衡方程和稳定方程,给出了四边简支钢筋混凝土矩形薄板在均匀温度变化时临界屈曲温度变化的封闭解,讨论了板的材料常数、长宽比、相对厚度和基床系数等对临界屈曲温度变化的影响,从而为工程结构中弹性地基上钢筋混凝土矩形薄板的临界屈曲温度的计算提供了理论计算依据。  相似文献   

双参数弹性地基板的边界元法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用文献推导的两个边界积分方程,运用边界元法对双参数性地基上的板进行了分析,并用经典弹性力学理论讨论了筏板基础中任意点处的弯矩,扭矩和剪力。通过对算例和实际工程问题进行的分析结果表明,本文方法具有计算效率高,计算精度好和内存需求量少的特点。  相似文献   

通常而言,很少使用分歧稳定概念评价钢结构临界荷载,这类钢结构具有几何缺陷,并处于横向荷载导致的主弯矩作用下。这些案例中采用了基于极限荷载稳定性概念上的塑性区域和塑性铰分析。然而,这类分析需要大量的计算时间和复杂的理论,不适合实际设计。为此,提出一种弹塑性屈曲分析的新方法,旨在确定钢结构的临界荷载。此方法基于修正分歧稳定概念(运用切线模量方法确定)和柱强度曲线,运用梁柱交互作用公式,提出迭代特征值分析方法,计算主弯矩及轴力。该法的有效性和适用性,通过弹性屈曲分析和精细塑性铰分析进行评估。以具有几何缺陷的简支柱和4层板结构作为分析基准。结果显示:所提议的非弹性屈曲分析适用于评估钢结构的临界荷载和失效模式,可用于钢结构设计中临界荷载的确定。  相似文献   

以弹性地基上Reissner板为研究对象,地基采用双参数模型,把地基效应归并到厚板的弯曲微分方程中。利用「4」导出的双参数地基上弯曲问题的基本解,从虚功原理出发,依据在胡海昌的中厚板弯曲理论,推导出三个广义位移表示的边界积分方程。适用于任意边界条件,任意形状及任意荷载的薄板及中厚板的弯曲问题。  相似文献   

董霞 《山西建筑》2007,33(27):130-131
介绍了用双参数弹性地基梁计算预应力锚索地梁内力的计算方法,并结合常张高速公路某工点工程实例,将双参数弹性地基梁和连续梁方法的计算结果与工程实测值进行比较,指出在预应力锚索地梁正常工作状态下,采用双参数弹性地基梁法的计算结果与真实情况更加吻合。  相似文献   

梭形钢管格构柱弹性屈曲性能   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
本文利用有限元方法研究和探讨了单管、双管及三管梭形钢格构柱在两端铰接约束,竖向轴压情况下的弹性屈曲性能和对应的屈曲模态,对影响梭形柱弹性屈曲荷载与屈曲模态的因素进行了系统的参数分析,如柱高、柱长细比、隔板厚度、隔板数量等。根据分析结果阐述了梭形钢格构柱的两种屈曲模态及其转变特性,提出了提高弹性屈曲荷载的有效措施,总结了梭形钢格构柱与等截面柱明显不同的弹性屈曲性能。最后介绍了关于梭形钢格构柱弹性屈曲的理论研究成果在广州新白云国际机场航站楼实际工程中的应用意义。  相似文献   

以分离变量法,得到双参数弹性地基上矩形板控制微分方程的各种解,这个解能满足不同的边界条件,而不需要繁琐的迭加.还得到了求解双参数弹性地基上自由矩形板的线性代数方程组,并给出一个算例  相似文献   

双参数弹性地基上厚板的有限元边界元联合解法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
本文采用双参数弹性地基模型,推导了弹性地基上厚板的有限元公式,并采用迭代法消去有限元公式中隐含的边界广义剪力,得到了自由边板不考虑板边广义剪力的解答。为了考虑板边广义剪力的影响,根据板外地基变形的边界元公式,推导了其等价有限元形式的刚度矩阵,叠加到整体刚度矩阵中进行计算,得到了自由边板考虑板边广义剪力作用的结果。  相似文献   

双参数弹性地基上圆板的非线性稳定问题在本文中得到了研究,控制方程为Karman型大挠度方程,试函数由Hermiter多项式构成,方法采用Galerkin加权残数法,边界条件为周边转动弹性约束,并给出了一些数值结果。  相似文献   

嵌岩灌注桩因其诸多优点在桥梁等工程领域中广泛使用,但当上覆土层软弱且桩顶自由长度较大时,桩身屈曲稳定问题应引起重视.为探讨桩侧土约束对桩身屈曲稳定的影响,假定地基反力系数呈更一般的幂分布,基于弹性地基梁理论建立桩土体系总势能方程,采用最小势能原理导得桩身屈曲临界荷载与计算长度解答,并据此讨论了地基反力系数分布模式、桩身自重及桩侧摩阻力等对桩身屈曲稳定的影响规律.这些定性的规律对嵌岩灌注桩的设计与施工具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the thermal buckling analysis of FGM shells resting on the two-parameter elastic foundation. Material properties of the constituents are graded in the thickness direction according to the power-law distribution. The surrounding elastic medium is modeled as an elastic foundation of the Pasternak-type. After giving the fundamental relations, the stability and compatibility equations of an FGM truncated conical shell subjected to thermal load and resting on a two-parameter elastic foundation have been derived. Critical temperature differences of FGM truncated conical shells with or without elastic foundations subjected to non-linearly distributed temperature across the thickness of the shells are obtained by solving eigenvalue problems. The appropriate formulas for FGM cylindrical shells with or without elastic foundations are found as a special case. In order to assure the accuracy of the present study, convergence properties of the critical temperature are examined in detail.  相似文献   

为了了解杆件屈曲对网壳结构稳定性的影响,关键问题就是如何区分网壳结构中的杆件屈曲并得出其辨别方法。以一个Kiewitt-8型球面网壳为实例,研究杆件屈曲的特性和传播规律。同时,应用有限元分析软件ANSYS对一个球状网壳结构模型的测试结果进行分析和比较,得出对杆件屈曲的判定结果和其对结构的影响。判定结果与试验数据完全吻合。从杆件屈曲方面考虑,对材料非线性,初始几何缺陷以及杆件型号对杆件和网壳结构稳定性的影响进行研究。结果显示,所采用的方法可以有效地判定网壳结构的杆件屈曲问题;杆件屈曲和其扩散会直接影响到整个结构的稳定性。  相似文献   

采用双参数地基模型和基于Mindlin板理论的八结点等参单元,根据Hamilton变分原理,推导了弹性地基上弹性板动力分析的有限元公式,将地基效应和板面质量分布归并到板的刚度矩阵和质量矩阵中,采用边界元法考虑板域外地基变形的影响.分析了四边自由矩形板的自由振动和强迫振动,计算的自由振动固有频率与实测结果相近,发生共振时板的强迫振动动力响应达到峰值,在给定的阻尼比条件下,无阻尼的稳态响应与有阻尼的稳态响应趋于相同,阻尼能够显著降低板的共振响应.  相似文献   

以往的研究表明,广泛用于分析薄壁梁的弯一扭屈曲作用的两个差异不大的具有代表性的理论,用于评估具有单轴对称横截面的简支梁的临界荷载时,会导致两种不同的解决方案。这两种解决方案可能会导致在这些单轴对称梁中出现有明显差异的临界荷载。基于屈曲分析中所采用的经典变分原理,作者提出一个新的理论,用于分析薄壁构件的弯一扭屈曲作用。文中采用了这三个理论来分析悬臂结构的弯一扭屈曲作用。首先进行简短回顾,并使用三种不同理论对薄壁悬臂结构的弯一扭屈曲作用进行详细的对比分析。在纯弯曲和两种典型的横向分布荷载作用下对悬臂结构的屈曲进行分析,表明三种理论的确存在差异。采用第三种理论,考虑梁长度的变化和沿梁横截面纵轴的加载位置,对两种典型的横向分布荷载下双向对称悬臂结构的临界荷载进行预测,与现有解决方案和有限元分析所得到的关键结果进行对比,可知将新方法具有:良好的准确性和易用性等优点。  相似文献   

研究与腹板平行的纯剪切荷载作用下包含翼缘和卷边的整个槽钢截面的弹性屈曲,并给出了解决方案。采用样条有限条法(SFSM)对纯剪切作用下的薄壁槽钢进行弹性屈曲分析,以获得截面的弹性屈曲载荷(Vcr)。利用剪切屈曲载荷计算用于截面设计的腹板的剪切屈曲系数(KV)。主要变量为翼缘宽度、构件长度和卷边尺寸。边界条件为两端简支。根据分析结果绘制交互作用曲线,可作为设计指南,使得设计人员不用样条有限条法(SF-SM)软件也能够预测弹性屈曲剪切系数(KV)。给出了不同的翼缘宽度、构件长度和卷边尺寸下构件的典型屈曲模态。包括局部屈曲和翼缘屈曲,畸变屈曲和截面扭曲。  相似文献   

This paper presents an analytical approach to investigate the nonlinear stability analysis of eccentrically stiffened thin FGM cylindrical panels on elastic foundations subjected to mechanical loads, thermal loads and the combination of these loads. The material properties are assumed to be temperature-dependent and graded in the thickness direction according to a simple power law distribution. Governing equations are derived basing on the classical shell theory incorporating von Karman–Donnell type nonlinearity, initial geometrical imperfection, the Lekhnitsky smeared stiffeners technique and Pasternak type elastic foundations. Explicit relations of load–deflection curves for FGM cylindrical panels are determined by applying stress function and Galerkin method. The effects of material and geometrical properties, imperfection, elastic foundations and stiffeners on the buckling and postbuckling of the FGM panels are discussed in detail. The obtained results are validated by comparing with those in the literature..  相似文献   

Columns under natural fire conditions are usually exposed to a non-uniform temperature distribution in the longitudinal direction. The motivation for this study stems from zone modeling of a compartment fire where the gas layers are artificially divided into two zones, namely the hotter upper zone and the cooler lower zone. However, for field modeling of a compartment fire, more detailed information of the temperature distribution can be obtained. Depending on the required accuracy, two different idealizations of temperature distributions are analyzed in this paper, namely linear distribution from zone modeling and piece-wise step distribution from field modeling in the longitudinal direction. Compared to a column with uniform temperature distribution, both of them represent more realistically the thermal response of a column, which experiences greater temperature with increasing height. The difference in temperature between the top and bottom ends of a column can be quite significant, particularly prior to the flashover condition. Advantage can be made of this in a performance-based approach to ascertain the stability of a column subjected to a prescribed fire size. In this paper, the stability of a pin-ended steel column under a non-uniform temperature distribution is studied. Although the formulations are based on linear elastic assumptions, the paper explores the validity aspect of the approach and shows that it can be applied to columns with a minimum slenderness ratio where plasticity is negligible. Across a section, the temperature is assumed to be uniform. Two linear elastic springs connected to the column ends simulate the axial restraints from the adjoining unheated structure. The objective is to derive closed-form solutions to enable engineers to quickly ascertain the column stability under a non-uniform temperature distribution, without recourse to finite element modeling.  相似文献   

Thermal and mechanical instability of truncated conical shells made of functionally graded material (FGM) is studied in this paper. It is assumed that the shell is a mixture of metal and ceramic that its properties changes as a function of the shell thickness. The governing equations are based on the first-order shell theory and the Sanders nonlinear kinematics equations. The results are obtained for a number of thermal and mechanical loads and are validated with the known data in the literature.  相似文献   

The buckling problem of a heterogeneous orthotropic truncated conical shell subjected to an axial load and surrounded by elastic media is analyzed based on the finite deformation theory. Using von-Karman nonlinearity, the governing equations of elastic buckling of heterogeneous orthotropic truncated conical shells surrounded by elastic media are derived. The governing equations are solved using superposition and Galerkin methods and obtained expressions for upper and lower critical axial loads. The influences of elastic foundations, heterogeneity, orthotropy and geometric characteristics on the upper and lower critical loads of conical shells with and without elastic foundations are studied in detail.  相似文献   

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