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油井出砂是影响油井正常生产的一个非常重要的因素,本文通过对重点出砂井出砂机理的分析及防砂工艺的应用现状,从而对埕岛油田现阶段及以后应用的防砂方式进行一下分析.  相似文献   

杨玉波 《黄金》1993,14(11):27-29,18
本文通过勉县金矿精选厂尾矿采用磁化焙烧法配合筛选,重选,磁流体静力分选等联合选矿流程,综合回收细粒金,石榴石与磁铁矿等有用矿物的试验,重点介绍了磁化焙烧原理,焙烧方法和试验条件及其分选效果。  相似文献   

曾华永  杨焕文 《黄金》1998,19(8):22-24
简要介绍了电动铲运机在武山铜矿上的斜壁进路水砂充填法中的应用,并通过生产实践提出了铲运机在出矿作业中存在的问题及改进措施。  相似文献   

在大型防砂施工中,所用携砂液与储层不配伍抑或现场所采用的施工参数不当,防砂后对储层造成损害,使供液能力下降,影响油井产量.通过对防砂过程的分析,找出损害储层的主要因素,通过优化作业用料及作业参数达到防止储层污染的效果.  相似文献   

霍海峰 《山西冶金》2022,(1):297-299
富康源矿根据薄煤层工作面采空区瓦斯富集区域后移的分布运移规律和覆岩采动裂隙演化规律,根据实际情况,在充分考虑旧巷松动圈的防治自然发火基础上,采取利用上部旧巷作为高位瓦斯抽采巷替代地面瓦斯抽采立井和回顺斜交钻孔、大流量移动泵抽排回风隅角防瓦斯防灭火综合防治技术,在大大降低瓦斯防治成本的基础上,解决薄煤层工作面瓦斯超限的难题。  相似文献   

砂状冰晶石在铝工业中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了砂状冰晶石的性能及其生产工艺,对将砂状冰晶石用于新电解槽、大修电解槽启动和在正常生产槽上的应用作了介绍。  相似文献   

变电站内地下电缆沟槽纵横交错,而电缆沟本身空间狭小,这导致传统的回填方法无法夯实,且传统的回填土抗冲刷能力差,导致后期出现了不均匀沉降和因冲刷而诱发的塌陷。针对这种沉降和塌陷,以月牙湖330kV变电站塌陷治理为依托,提出一种有针对性的施工方法,也就是通过制备可以自密实的沙漠砂贫混凝土浆液,对这些狭小坑道进行灌注,解决了无法夯实的问题,且沙漠砂贫混凝土浆液固化后具有较强的抗冲刷能力,避免了后期使用中的冲刷塌陷,减小了维护频率。  相似文献   

砂垫层法是浅层地基处理常用的有效方法。文章通过工程实例,从换填砂垫层的目的、机理、设计、施工工艺等几个方面主要介绍了换填砂垫层在地基处理中的应用。  相似文献   

重砂鉴定在金矿制样中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭爱华 《黄金》1989,10(11):41-44

确良群防群治组织是人民群众在长期的社会治安综合治理工作实践中逐步形成的力量联合体,是具有中国特色的社会治安防范与管理的重要组织形式.早在50年代初叶,我国即出现了以城乡治保会、治安联防队为主体的群防群治队伍,它们扎根于人民群众之中,在党委、政府及有关职能部门(主要公安机关)的领导和指导下,在治安巡逻守护、矛盾纠纷排查调处.预防和减少违法犯罪,促进经济社会发展等方面发挥了十分积极的作用.  相似文献   

DANIELI has recently implemented its Coil Quality Estimator (DANIELI-CQETM) system to the Hot Strip Mill of United Metallurgical Company (OMK) at Vyksa,Russia.This system is developed for the purpose of real time assessment and control of mechanical properties for hot rolled coils.Mechanical properties such as strength,toughness,ductility and hardness are predicted over the entire length of a strip while it is processed.The property estimation is based on the final microstructure as predicted from a group of interconnected physically based metallurgical models,supplemented by Artificial Neural Network.The CQE system is used for prediction and control of properties of HSLA line pipe grades steel and other grades.The system performance,is judged by accuracy and reliability of prediction,has been compared with the physical material testing data from the plant.The results are found to be excellent.CQE is found useful for generation of test certificate of coil,quality assurance,process control,product development,and customer claim assessment.It is used for resource optimization for production,and other operational improvements such as reduction of downgrades.The present paper shares the results of CQE performance for prediction of HSLA line pipe grade steels.  相似文献   

针对康家湾铅锌金矿山的岩体结构在开采过程中的不稳定性特点,采取赤平极射投影法、弹塑性变形理论、工程地质力学理论等多元化进行稳定性分析,探讨了适合康家湾矿的开采技术与措施.  相似文献   

The enhancement of local soils with cement for the construction of stabilized pavement bases, canal lining, and support layer for shallow foundations shows great economical and environmental advantages, avoiding the use of borrow materials from elsewhere, as well as the need of a spoil area. The present research aims to quantify the influence of the amount of cement, the porosity, and the voids/cement ratio in the assessment of unconfined compressive strength (qu) and splitting tensile strength (qt) of an artificially cemented sand, as well as in the evaluation of qt/qu relationship. A program of splitting tensile tests and unconfined compression tests considering three distinct voids ratio and seven cement contents, varying from 1 to 12%, was carried out in the present study. The results show that a power function adapts well qt and qu values with increasing cement content and with reducing porosity of the compacted mixture. The voids/cement ratio is demonstrated to be an appropriate parameter to assess both qt and qu of the sand-cement mixture studied. Finally, the qt/qu relationship is unique for the sand-cement studied, being independent of the voids/cement ratio.  相似文献   

对PF链的传动控制系统进行了变频控制改造,即保持原工频供电系统不变,新增一套变频电源供电系统,采用PLC-变频器的控制方式,控制变频器的启动、运行、升速、停止。利用变频器极方便的调速性能,实现了PF链的变频提速,满足了现场快节奏生产运行的要求,极大地提高了设备运行效率,从而提高了产量,使效益最大化。这种方法可以在相关领域得到广泛推广应用。  相似文献   

张庭祥 《山西冶金》2007,30(3):42-44
通过对液压系统中液压油污染产生的原因、控制液压油污染的理念进行探讨,提出了控制油液污染的措施。  相似文献   

简要介绍了RH精炼脱碳原理、动力学条件。结合梅钢生产实际,阐述了镀锡基板RH真空脱碳条件及生产控制要点。  相似文献   

植物篱既是有效的水土保持措施,又是农业面源污染的源头控制技术之一.在介绍植物篱技术的概念、分类与设计的基础上,综述了植物篱控制农业面源效应的国内外研究进展,并对其在我国的研究应用进行了展望.  相似文献   

在宝钢1420CAPL的过程控制计算机中,根据现场需要和功能完善,自行开发了一些软件工具.通过使用软件工具,降低了L2计算机系统的操作风险,增加了排除异常的方法,为操作人员提供了安全、便捷的操作工具,对确保机组高速稳定生产和计算机系统安全提供了帮助.  相似文献   

In order to optimize the hydraulic transportation system efficiency and cost in the surface extraction of Athabasca oil sand deposits in Canada, there is a desire to extend the hydraulic transport system to production faces in oil sands mines using mobile train of Flex-Rite-based flexible pipelines. Hydraulic transportation system based on flexible-pipe arrangement has been shown to be more competitive than the dump-truck transportation system. This flexible arrangement introduces a unique set of hydraulic transport problems which needs rigorous modeling, experimentation, and analysis to understand the system production capacities and efficiency. Part of the work presented here is an attempt to provide multiphase oil sand slurry simulation and modeling by developing a slurry flow simulator, a graphical user interface-based software, for Flex-Rite flexible-pipe train, a form of hydraulic transportation system. Such software provides a tool/platform for rigorous experimentation and analysis of flow and production capacities.  相似文献   

原料厂中和工段天车栈桥由于受地基的影响,栈桥松动产生摆动,轨道变形,构成天车出轨这一危险。本文应用系统危险控制技术,采用工程对策、控制对策、教育训练对策来加强栈桥监控、控制了危险的发生,保证了天车安全运行。  相似文献   

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