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Investigated the relationship of the work challenge experienced by 85 engineers at the beginning of their career to their subsequent job performance, professional contributions, and competence. Engineers whose initial job experience involved challenging technical work tended to contribute to knowledge relatively early and to maintain professional competence and good job performance during their careers. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The construction industry is placing increased emphasis on developing leadership skills for project managers. This paper describes a research project that was executed to analyze the causal influences on the development of project managers, whom the authors believe also must be leaders. The research compared two groups of project managers within a large construction company. One group was top performing construction managers as selected by corporate executives, while the second group was a randomly selected control group. The research examined influences on career development including job experience, project management experience, formal project management training, formal leadership training, and job assignments. The research also solicited opinions from both groups as to what they perceived as factors impacting leadership career development. Statistical differences between the groups were found in the areas of project management experience and number of positions held prior to the first project management assignment. Both groups believed there was more of a need within their company for leadership training than for project management training.  相似文献   

Clients presenting with career-related concerns often desire a greater sense of meaning in their work. Therefore, incorporating the constructs of calling and vocation into the career counseling process may have utility. An overview of conceptual and empirical work on these constructs is provided. Drawing from recent integrated definitions of calling and vocation, the authors present suggestions for incorporating these constructs in practice. Counselors are encouraged to explore the extent to which clients feel a transcendent summons to a particular career, the extent to which clients’ careers bring meaning to their lives, and the extent to which clients’ careers serve society. For clients who wish to view their career as a calling or vocation, the authors provide strategies to help bring meaning and social purpose to their work lives. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although it has been claimed that the increase in the number of females enrolled in graduate programs in professional psychology has implications for the future of research, teaching, and clinical service, more research is needed to evaluate such claims. Canadian graduate students in professional psychology programs were surveyed to examine gender differences in their academic achievements, professional interests, career plans, as well as the reasons for their career choices, expected salaries, and personal opinions regarding affirmative action. Overall, the similarities between genders outweighed the differences. However, women were more likely than men to expect child-rearing to disrupt their careers, to make their career choices based on job flexibility, and to expect lower maximum salaries. Women were also less likely to want to pursue jobs in academia, yet were more likely to advocate for the recruitment of women into academia. The potential implications of the changing gender composition and overall trends in professional psychology are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Suggests that psychologists could lengthen their careers by completing professional training earlier and finding distinctive services they could render after usual retirement age. Early beginning of professional career is associated with success in the career. Further, retired psychologists might be valuable in work with elderly adults. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Hypothesized that college women's locus of control orientations would be related to their role expectations, with women with an external locus of control having lower aspirations, more conservative sex-role ideologies, and less involvement in career planning than women with an internal locus of control. 116 female college juniors and seniors completed a career expectation scale, the Adult Nowicki-Strickland Internal-External Control Scale (ANSIE), and an index of sympathy for women's liberation ideology. Regression analyses using ANSIE scores as the predictor variable supported the hypotheses. Compared to Ss with internal orientations, Ss with external orientations expected to have less commitment to their careers, to work for a smaller portion of their lives, and to feel more discomfort due to violating sex-role stereotypes. In addition, Ss with a more external orientation reported less career planning activity, less positive feelings about their future careers, and more conservative views on women's liberation ideology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study compares the careers of matched samples of 69 female executives and 69 male executives by examining perceived barriers and facilitators of advancement, self-reported developmental experiences, and career histories. Consistent with tokenism theory, women reported greater barriers, such as lack of culture fit and being excluded from informal networks, and greater importance of having a good track record and developing relationships to facilitate advancement than did men. Career success, measured by organizational level and compensation, was positively related to breadth of experience and developmental assignments for both genders, but successful women were less likely than successful men to report that mentoring facilitated their advancement. Developmental experiences and career histories were similar for female and male executives, but men had more overseas assignments and women had more assignments with nonauthority relationships. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To learn more about current attitudes and expectations of recent (June 1995) graduates of gastroenterology fellowship programs, why they chose either a private practice or academic career, and what impact managed care or health care reform had in their decision. METHODS: Between April and June 1995, and 8-page, 35-question survey questionnaire was mailed to graduating fellows and returned for evaluation. RESULTS: Graduates believed managed care had an impact on job availability, but it was not a factor in their job choice. Forty percent of the respondents reported that finding a job was either difficult or very difficult. The majority of respondents (67%) are pursuing a career in private practice. Most private practice physicians (PP) trained in 2-yr programs whereas academic physicians (AC) trained for the most part in 3-yr programs. The principal criteria on which decisions regarding job selection were based were similar between the two groups: co-workers, geographic location, access to patient care, and ability to perform endoscopy. Respondents in PP and AC expected to work 50-70 h/wk, care for patients with similar diseases, and have ample time for family. They would choose GI again as a career and believed that there is a future in GI. Salary expectations varied markedly between the two groups, and AC physicians were more concerned about their future financial needs. Twenty percent of PP physicians and 71% of AC physicians plan to participate in clinical research. CONCLUSIONS: Recent graduates of gastroenterology fellowship programs continue to have high expectations of their future careers. Although some had difficulty finding a job and stated that, although managed care had an impact on the job market, it had not yet become a major factor in their job selection.  相似文献   

Measured ability and interests of 110 engineers at the beginning of their careers in the mid 1950s. Currency of professional knowledge was measured by technical articles and patent disclosures produced during 3 stages of the Ss' 14 yr. of work experience and by recent technical competence. Results indicate that initial ability was the stronger and more consistent predictor of professional currency during the career. Interest played a more limited, independent role but appeared important in reinforcing ability for the attainment of currency via the most difficult, professional activities later in Ss' careers. (19 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Patients diagnosed with nodules (NO = 40) in a large university hospital clinic and an age-stratum matched nondiseased group (ND = 200) described adverse outcomes of vocal impairment on work and work-related communications. NOs were significantly more likely than NDs to report symptoms of hoarseness (73% vs. 26%), high-note difficulty (70% vs. 20%), difficulty speaking with a lower voice (53% vs. 13%) and a tired voice (50% vs. 10%), and their greatest source of physical discomfort was associated with scratchiness (61% vs. 3%). The average number of symptoms was four in NOs and less than one in NDs. Nodule patients were most concerned about the effects their voice problem would have on their future career (78% vs. 24%) and 49% of NOS reported their voice problem had an adverse work effect in the past compared with 4% of NDs. Having a voice condition limited current job performance in 39% of the NO group but only in 2% of the ND group. The results suggest that a diagnosis of nodules plays a major role in disrupting careers and work activities and that available educational programs and additional research are needed for improving their functional ability and preventing adverse outcomes in the lives of individuals with voice disorders.  相似文献   

In spite of racism, African American women have pursued career goals, entered the workplace, and maintained successful careers. This persistence by African American women can be connected theoretically to several phenomena—the most notable being the family experience. The purpose of this study was to describe how 14 African American women in the midpoint of their careers perceived their family's influence on their career development. Consensual qualitative research (C. E. Hill, B. J. Thompson, and E. Nutt-Williams, 1997) was used to analyze the interview responses of these women. The most salient variables related to career development included family emphasis on education, relationships with family members, and family's social and economic resources. Other variables that shaped the career development of this sample included family gender role socialization and values toward work. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Facilities that enable women to combine work with caring for children are of particular importance to professions comprised primarily of women, such as midwifery. This article presents findings on four aspects of this topic obtained in the course of a 13-year longitudinal study of midwives' careers: the numbers who had children and had taken breaks for pregnancy and child care, opportunities for professional development during periods of child care; the effect of such breaks on career progression, and the importance of family commitments in relation to retention. The majority of both cohorts were single women in their twenties at the time that they qualified as midwives. During the course of the study more than half the respondents had children; pregnancy was cited as the main reason for leaving midwifery followed in later years by being unable to find posts with hours of work that could be combined with family commitments. Findings showed little evidence of employers keeping in touch with midwives during child care breaks about job opportunities and professional developments; the majority of respondents however, said that they would have welcomed such contact. In common with other work on women's careers, this study demonstrated that breaks for child care are associated with slower rates of promotion. A wide range of issues were identified by respondents as relevant to retention, with those relating to combining work and family rated consistently as among the most important. The study demonstrates the importance that should be accorded to this issue when overall policies to improve retention in midwifery are being considered.  相似文献   

Motivations and experiences relevant to the career choices of 56 clinical psychologists practicing psychotherapy were assessed and compared with those from a sample of 53 social psychologists. Clinical psychologists were more likely than social psychologists to have been influenced in their career selections by (a) experiences of psychological distress in themselves and in their families of origin, (b) desires to resolve personal problems, and (c) a wish to pursue opportunities for vocational achievement and professional advancement. However, most respondents did not view problematic histories as central to their choice of career, and the magnitude of difference between the two groups of professionals was small. Results illuminate reasons why individuals choose careers as psychotherapists. Implications for the training of therapists are also discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Personality, aptitude, achievement, and social-demographic characteristics of graduate students in 4 professional degree programs were investigated in a comparative multivariate analysis of the correlates of professional career choice. 173 male and 175 female 1st-yr graduate students in 2 traditionally male fields (law and management) and 2 traditionally female fields (education and social work) completed an extensive questionnaire. Results confirmed the central hypothesis of the study: Differences across careers for each variable were greater than differences between the sexes within careers. In contrast to previous findings, no significant sex differences were found in assertiveness, locus of control, or Machiavellianism. Sex differences were primarily confined to the variables relating to psychological masculinity–femininity and sex role attitudes. The limitations of the current design are noted, and it is stressed that these findings are correlational in nature. Preexisting dispositions and attitudes may be the best predictors of professional career choice, although it is equally possible that these attitudes and attributes are adopted after people have made their career choices (i.e., during graduate school). (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Management development systems in the leading Japanese corporations have produced executives and managers who are commonly acknowledged to be among the best in the world. How these systems operate is not well understood. In this investigation of the 13-year career progress and current middle-management situations of 71 college graduates who entered a leading Japanese corporation at the same time, university quality, nature of first job assignment, quality of early dyadic exchange treatment from immediate superiors, and early job performance evaluations by immediate superiors were used to predict management progress at 13 years. Two different models of career mobility were investigated: an early competition (first 3 years) and a later competition (7 years) model. Results generally supported the early competition model suggested by an earlier 7-year study, but notable differences from ths earlier investigation were found. In addition, assessments of the current middle-management leadership situation, not included in the 7-year study also were found to be predictable by the early (first 3 years) model. Implications of these results are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The training environment of a graduate program can impact students' decisions about pursuing an academic position. This article describes the training environment at The University of Texas at Austin. Results of a survey of current students and graduates who have pursued academic careers are presented. Outcomes of the survey suggest that students are attracted to academia because of the variety of job responsibilities. Students who choose applied practice do so because they want to work directly with children, adolescents, and families. Students who choose either career path do so because of the desirable aspects of that career rather than because they are trying to avoid the undesirable aspects of the other career. Implications for training doctoral students who are interested in academic positions are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined several causes for discrepant findings in the literature related to sex differences in job outcome preferences. 648 college graduates newly hired into entry-level business jobs over a 9-yr period rated job characteristics comprising 3 job outcome dimensions: (a) long-term career objectives, (b) working environment and interpersonal relationships, and (c) intrinsic job aspects. The possibility that the area of professional training could account for sex differences in job outcome preferences was explored, controlling for age, education, organizational level, and occupational category. Although professional training area did have a significant effect on job outcome preferences, sex differences persisted, with females giving significantly less emphasis to career objectives and significantly more emphasis to work environment and interpersonal job aspects than males. Analyses of trends showed a convergence of female preferences toward those of males on the 2 dimensions in which sex differences were found. Efforts to predict turnover from job outcome preferences suggested that females with a relatively high career orientation were less likely than males or other females to leave the organization. (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Was the collapse of the Hyatt hotel atrium walkway a senseless tragedy or a steppingstone in the betterment of the engineering and scientific endeavor? The collapse claimed 114 lives, leading to a great public and professional outcry and having a dramatic impact on the careers and lives of many fine professionals. The architecture and engineering (A&E) community in the United States began a soul-searching debate on issues as diverse as how project workflow is managed to professional responsibility and ethics. Fundamental errors were identified in the project interaction within the A&E group as well as the construction industry. This review provides a presentation of the demand-capacity ratio within elements primary to the failure and presents results of detailed inelastic analysis of the box girder-to-hanger rod connection. The collapse occurred simply because of the doubling of the load on the connection resulting from an ill-considered change of an ill-defined structural detail. How this error was produced, and how any minor additional effort might have substantially improved the connection capacity, is addressed herein.  相似文献   

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