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A procedure is proposed to evaluate the triggering of liquefaction in ground subjected to a static shear stress, i.e., sloping ground, using the yield strength ratio, su(yield)/σv0′. Thirty liquefaction flow failures were back analyzed to evaluate shear strengths and strength ratios mobilized at the triggering of liquefaction. Strength ratios mobilized during the static liquefaction flow failures ranged from approximately 0.24 to 0.30 and are correlated to corrected cone and standard penetration resistances. These yield strength ratios and previously published liquefied strength ratios are used to develop a comprehensive liquefaction analysis for ground subjected to a static shear stress. This analysis addresses: (1) liquefaction susceptibility; (2) liquefaction triggering; and (3) post-triggering/flow failure stability. In particular, step (2) uses the yield strength ratio back-calculated from flow failure case histories and the cyclic stress method to incorporate seismic loading. 相似文献
Centrifuge Modeling of Rock-Fill Embankments on Deep Loose Saturated Sand Deposits Subjected to Earthquakes 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
L. M. N. Peiris S. P. G. Madabhushi A. N. Schofield 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2008,134(9):1364-1374
Rockfill is commonly used for construction of artificial islands, breakwaters, jetties, quay walls, coastal defenses, protective barriers for reclaimed land, and even as ship impact protection structures around bridge piers. The economic construction method often involves rock dumping onto loose or liquefiable sediments with little or no ground improvement. Hence in a seismic environment, these rock-fill or rubble mound structures are potentially vulnerable to failure due to pore pressure generation effects of the underlying deposits. This paper presents experimental investigation carried out using dynamic centrifuge modeling to study the seismic performance of rock-fill or rubble mound embankment structures on liquefiable sand deposits. The centrifuge test results indicate that the rock-fill embankments suffer substantial settlement owing to rock-fill penetration into the founding sand deposit assisted by the pore pressure generation effects. This mechanism of failure was not, however, observed for a sand embankment where the particle size distribution is comparable to the foundation. This result has important implications in the design methodologies adopted for rock-fill or rubble mound structures. 相似文献
Evaluating Liquefaction Strength of Partially Saturated Sand 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A method is presented for evaluating the liquefaction strength of partially saturated sand using the compression wave velocity (P-wave velocity), a new indicator of saturation. Based on laboratory test results, an empirical correlation that relates the liquefaction strength with the pore pressure coefficient B is firstly proposed. The strength is defined as the cyclic stress ratio required to cause liquefaction at a specified number of cycles. With the aid of a theoretical relation between B and the P-wave velocity, an explicit correlation of more interest is then established between the liquefaction strength of sand and its P-wave velocity. A comparison of the predictions using this explicit correlation with laboratory measurements shows a satisfactory agreement. The significance of this method lies in that it makes it possible to evaluate the liquefaction strength of sand as affected by saturation through the measurement of P-wave velocity, which can be made not only in the laboratory but particularly in the field. 相似文献
Erik J. Malvick Bruce L. Kutter Ross W. Boulanger 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2008,134(2):164-174
This paper presents analyses of a test conducted on a 9-m-radius centrifuge to study the redistribution of pore water during diffusion of earthquake-induced excess pore pressures in a sand slope with embedded silt layers. The centrifuge model developed large postshaking deformations associated with shear strain localization at the interface between the sand and silt layers. Dense arrays of pore pressure transducers provided detailed measurements of pore pressure variations in time and space within the slope. A new data analysis approach is presented in which measured pore-pressures are used to compute flow rates and volumetric strains as a function of time and position throughout the slope. Hydraulic gradients were calculated by numerical differentiation of measured pore-pressure distributions with respect to position. Flow rates that were based on Darcy’s law were then integrated with respect to time to obtain flow quantities, from which volumetric strains were computed. A second data analysis approach that computes volumetric strains on the basis of soil compressibility and changes in pore pressure provided an independent computation of strains in consolidating zones. Results using these data analysis procedures confirm that a dilating (loosening) zone of significant thickness developed in the sand immediately beneath an embedded silt layer that had impeded the drainage of high pore pressures. These results support the hypothesis that the dilating zone corresponds to regions where the mobilized friction angle exceeds the critical state friction angle and that the dilating zone can be initially relatively thick before its size diminishes to the thickness of a thin shear band after the peak friction angle is mobilized. Quantification of the evolution of the size of the dilating zone is a key to understanding the magnitude of deformations associated with void redistribution. 相似文献
Static Pushover Analyses of Pile Groups in Liquefied and Laterally Spreading Ground in Centrifuge Tests 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Scott J. Brandenberg Ross W. Boulanger Bruce L. Kutter Dongdong Chang 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2007,133(9):1055-1066
Monotonic, static beam on nonlinear Winkler foundation (BNWF) methods are used to analyze a suite of dynamic centrifuge model tests involving pile group foundations embedded in a mildly sloping soil profile that develops liquefaction-induced lateral spreading during earthquake shaking. A single set of recommended design guidelines was used for a baseline set of analyses. When lateral spreading demands were modeled by imposing free-field soil displacements to the free ends of the soil springs (BNWF_SD), bending moments were predicted within ?8% to +69 (16th to 84th percentile values) and pile cap displacements were predicted within ?6 to +38%, with the accuracy being similar for small, medium, and large motions. When lateral spreading demands were modeled by imposing limit pressures directly to the pile nodes (BNWF_LP), bending moments and cap displacements were greatly overpredicted for small and medium motions where the lateral spreading displacements were not large enough to mobilize limit pressures, and pile cap displacements were greatly underpredicted for large motions. The effects of various parameter relations and alternative design guidelines on the accuracy of the BNWF analyses were evaluated. Sources of bias and dispersion in the BNWF predictions and the issues of greatest importance to foundation performance are discussed. The results of these comparisons indicate that certain guidelines and assumptions that are common in engineering design can produce significantly conservative or unconservative BNWF predictions, whereas the guidelines recommended herein can produce reasonably accurate predictions. 相似文献
Sand dilates with shearing at a rate that increases with increasing relative density (DR) and decreases with increasing effective confining stress (σc′). The peak friction angle of a sand depends on its critical-state friction angle and on dilatancy. In this paper, we develop a simple correlation between peak friction angle, critical-state friction angle, and dilatancy based on triaxial compression and plane-strain compression test data for sand for a range of confining pressures from very low levels to approximately 196 kPa. 相似文献
Bruce L. Kutter Sivapalan Gajan Kiran K. Manda Ariyaputhirar Balakrishnan 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2004,130(6):603-614
This paper presents the results of six large-scale centrifuge model tests that were performed to study the effect of relative density and thickness of sand layers on the amount of settlement and lateral spreading. The models included a “river” channel with clay flood banks underlain by layers of loose and dense sand of variable thickness, and a bridge abutment surcharge on one of the banks. The model container was tilted to provide an overall slope to the model. Each model was subjected to three or four significant ground motion events, which were obtained by scaling the amplitude of recordings of the Kobe (1995) and Loma Prieta (1989) earthquakes. Several measurements of acceleration, pore water pressure, settlement, and lateral movement are presented. The liquefaction potential index and a deformation index, which combine the influences of depth, density, and layer thickness, were found to correlate reasonably well with liquefaction induced settlements and lateral deformations for the range of models tested and indicate that centrifuge results are consistent with field observations. 相似文献
Previous research indicates that if layered sand deposits are liquefied during earthquakes, water films are likely to develop beneath less permeable sublayers and lead to the destabilization of sloping ground. In Niigata City, large lateral flow displacements were reported in almost flat areas during the 1964 Niigata earthquake. The involvement of water films in lateral flow failure during the earthquake is examined in this research based on site investigation data. Soil profiles in the investigated areas estimated from many borehole logs indicate that continuous or partially continuous sublayers of fine soil that cap liquefiable loose sand exist. Elevation contours of 0.1 m increments are drawn based on an in situ leveling survey and local maps. The ground slopes obtained are found to be closely related to flow displacements evaluated in previous research, indicating that a gentle slope of less than 1% results in displacement of several meters. This strongly suggests that water films with literally no shear resistance formed beneath fine soil sublayers were highly responsible for the large lateral flow displacements in these areas during the Niigata earthquake. 相似文献
Degree of Saturation and Liquefaction Resistances of Sand Improved with Sand Compaction Pile 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Mitsu Okamura Masanori Ishihara Keiichi Tamura 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2006,132(2):258-264
Sand compaction pile (SCP) is a ground improvement technique extensively used to ameliorate liquefaction resistance of loose sand deposits. This paper discusses results of laboratory tests on high-quality undisturbed samples obtained by the in situ freezing method at six sites where foundation soils had been improved with SCP. Inspection of samples revealed that the improved ground was desaturated during the ground improvement. Degree of saturation (Sr) was lower than 77% for the sand piles and 91% for the improved sand layers, while Sr was approximately 100% for improved clayey and silty soils. A good correlation was found between Sr and 5% diameter of the soil; the larger 5% diameter of soils (D5), the lower the degree of saturation. It appeared that the variation of Sr with D5 for soils within a month after the ground improvement work was quite similar in trend to that after more than several years. Degree of saturation of soils after several years was noticeably, but not significantly, higher as compared with that shortly after ground improvement, indicating longevity of air bubbles injected in the improved soil. Undrained cyclic shear tests were also carried out on saturated and unsaturated specimens and effects of desaturation on undrained cyclic shear strength were studied. The test results were summarized in a form of liquefaction resistance with reference to normalized standard penetration test N-value. 相似文献
Tensile Strength of Unsaturated Sand 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Ning Lu Tae-Hyung Kim Stein Sture William J. Likos 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2009,135(12):1410-1419
A theory that accurately describes tensile strength of wet sand is presented. A closed form expression for tensile strength unifies tensile strength characteristics in all three water retention regimes: pendular, funicular, and capillary. Tensile strength characteristically increases as soil water content increases in the pendular regime, reaches a peak in the funicular regime, and reduces with a continuing water content increase in the capillary regime. Three parameters are employed in the theory: internal friction angle (at low normal stress) ?t, the inverse value of the air-entry pressure α, and the pore size spectrum parameter n. The magnitude of peak tensile strength is dominantly controlled by the α parameter. The saturation at which peak tensile strength occurs only depends on the pore size spectrum parameter n. The closed form expression accords well with experimental water retention and tensile strength data for different sands. 相似文献
Sung-Ryul Kim Jae-Ik Hwang Hon-Yim Ko Myoung-Mo Kim 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2009,135(4):544-554
Recently, several studies on the dissipation of excess pore pressure in liquefied sandy grounds have been reported on evaluation of postliquefaction behavior of structures. To further contribute to the understanding of this complicated dynamic phenomenon, centrifuge tests were performed in this research to analyze the liquefaction behavior of level saturated sandy grounds. The test results showed that the excess pore pressure in the liquefied sand was dissipated by the combined process of the solidification of the sand grains and the consolidation of the solidified layer. Based on the test results, a nonlinear model for the solidified layer thickness versus time, i.e., the solidification velocity, was developed. A new dissipation model was also developed by combining the nonlinear solidification model with Scott’s theory to improve the prediction for the time history of excess pore pressure. In addition, a method for evaluating the input parameters in the dissipation model was proposed by relating the parameters to the particle size and the relative density of soils. The proposed dissipation model properly estimated the dissipation of excess pore pressure with time observed in the centrifuge experiments. 相似文献
Instability Conditions of Loose Sand in Plane Strain 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
When a loose sand specimen is loaded under an undrained condition, it may become unstable. The instability conditions may be specified by an instability line determined using undrained tests. However, the instability behavior of sand has seldom been studied under plane-strain conditions. Experimental data obtained under both triaxial and plane-strain conditions are presented in this paper to define the instability conditions of loose sand under plane-strain conditions. Using the state parameter, a unified relationship can be established between the normalized slope of instability line and the state parameters for both axisymmetric and plane-strain conditions. Using this relationship, the instability conditions established under axisymmetric conditions can also be used for plane-strain conditions. 相似文献
Verification of the Soil-Type Specific Correlation between Liquefaction Resistance and Shear-Wave Velocity of Sand by Dynamic Centrifuge Test 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Liquefaction of granular soil deposits is one of the major causes of loss resulting from earthquakes. The accuracy of the liquefaction potential assessment at a site affects the safety and economy of an engineering project. Although shear-wave velocity (Vs)-based methods have become prevailing, very few works have addressed the problem of the reliability of various relationships between liquefaction resistance (CRR) and Vs used in practices. In this paper, both cyclic triaxial and dynamic centrifuge model tests were performed on saturated Silica sand No. 8 with Vs measurements using bender elements to investigate the reliability of the CRR-Vs1 correlation previously proposed by the authors. The test results show that the semiempirical CRR-Vs1 curve derived from laboratory liquefaction test of Silica sand No. 8 can accurately classify the (CRR,Vs1) database produced by dynamic centrifuge test of the same sand, while other existing correlations based on various sandy soils will significantly under or overestimate the cyclic resistance of this sand. This study verifies that CRR-Vs1 curve for liquefaction assessment is strongly soil-type dependent, and it is necessary to develop site-specific liquefaction resistance curves from laboratory cyclic tests for engineering practices. 相似文献
The pressure and density dependence of the shear strength of sand poses a tricky problem in pile foundation design. In this study, a correlation is suggested to link the effective friction angle of sand with its initial confining pressure and relative density, and a simple approach incorporating this correlation is presented for predicting pile end bearing capacity. Assessment of the approach against pile load tests shows reasonably good agreement between predictions and measurements. It is also shown that the effect of the state-dependent strength is particularly important in cases where long piles are installed in dense sand deposits and the use of critical state friction angle will produce a conservative prediction in such cases. 相似文献
Manh N. Tran Mark F. Randolph David W. Airey 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2007,133(10):1183-1191
Suction caissons are increasingly being used for offshore anchors because of their ease of installation. However, for soil profiles that have sand overlain by layers of silt, there are reasons to believe that it may not be possible to install suction caissons. This may happen because the low permeability of the silt will create a hydraulic blockage, and thus diminish the upward hydraulic gradient required to reduce the penetration resistance in the sand to enable caisson penetration. The tendency of the silt to be sucked up, and its effect on the underlying sand, are not clearly understood. Furthermore, the blockage by the silt layer may be less than if a clay layer is present. This is because scouring of the silt may occur, allowing an upward seepage gradient to develop, and hence causing a reduction in penetration resistance. A series of suction caisson installation tests have been conducted in a geotechnical centrifuge to provide data on the penetration resistance and mechanisms for soil profiles where silt layers are present, either on top, or interbedded between layers of sand. In these tests, the thickness of the silt layer and its depth below the sand surface have also been varied. It has been found that if silt overlies the sand, a larger suction force is required for installation than when installation occurs in homogeneous sand, but that this force is still much smaller than the soil resistance when the caisson is pushed into the ground. When a silt layer is present, the suction pressures are observed to follow a similar trend that is independent of the position and thickness of the silt layer. Scouring of silt was evident in the tests, and significant upward movement of the soil plug inside the caisson was observed in all soil profiles when silt layers were present. The plug height was seen to reduce after the suction was turned off, suggesting that the resulting heave was unstable. 相似文献
Instability and Static Liquefaction on Proportional Strain Paths for Sand at Low Stresses 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Laurent Lancelot Isam Shahrour Marwan Al Mahmoud 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2004,130(11):1365-1372
The behavior of Hostun RF sand on proportional strain paths at low confining pressures (20 to 100 kPa) is considered in this paper. In such paths, a constant dilation rate is imposed during shear. The usual features of pore pressure increase (contracting material) or decrease (dilating material) are here observed depending upon whether the imposed dilation rate is respectively greater or smaller than the “natural” dilation rate at failure (as measured in a drained test). Particular attention is given to the static liquefaction phenomenon, which is seen to occur for loose as well as dense sand provided the imposed dilation rate is large enough to lead to a continuous pore pressure increase during shear. Instability tests performed at low confining pressures on proportional strain paths show that the instability line is strain path dependent. It does not coincide with the peak deviator stress line in proportional strain paths tests, in general, but does coincide with the line d2W = 0 (nil second increment of total work). 相似文献
Shear Strength Behavior of Fiber-Reinforced Sand Considering Triaxial Tests under Distinct Stress Paths 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Nilo Cesar Consoli Karla Salvagni Heineck Michele Dal Toé Casagrande Matthew Richard Coop 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2007,133(11):1466-1469
The results of drained triaxial tests on fiber reinforced and nonreinforced sand (Osorio sand) specimens are presented in this work, considering effective stresses varying from 20 to 680?kPa and a variety of stress paths. The tests on nonreinforced samples yielded effective strength envelopes that were approximately linear and defined by a friction angle of 32.5° for the Osorio sand, with a cohesion intercept of zero. The failure envelope for sand when reinforced with fibers was distinctly nonlinear, with a well-defined kink point, so that it could be approximated by a bilinear envelope. The failure envelope of the fiber-reinforced sand was found to be independent of the stress path followed by the triaxial tests. The strength parameters for the lower-pressure part of the failure envelope, where failure is governed by both fiber stretching and slippage, were, respectively, a cohesion intercept of about 15?kPa and friction angle of 48.6?deg. The higher-pressure part of the failure envelope, governed by tensile yielding or stretching of the fibers, had a cohesion intercept of 124?kPa, and friction angle of 34.6?deg. No fiber breakage was measured and only fiber extension was observed. It is, therefore, believed that the fibers did not break because they are highly extensible, with a fiber strain at failure of 80%, and the necessary strain to cause fiber breakage was not reached under triaxial conditions at these stress and strain levels. 相似文献
Saturation and Preloading Effects on the Cyclic Behavior of Sand 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
In order to study pore water pressure response and liquefaction characteristics of sand, which has previously experienced liquefaction, two series of cyclic triaxial tests were run on medium dense sand specimens. In the first test series the influence of the soil saturation under undrained cyclic loading has been studied. It summarizes results of cyclic triaxial tests performed on Hostun-RF sand at various values of the Skempton’s pore-pressure coefficient. Analysis of experimental results gives valuable insights on the effect of soil saturation on sand response to undrained cyclic paths. In the second series of tests, the preloading influence on the resistance to the sands liquefaction has been realized on samples at various histories of loading. It was found that a large preloading induces a reduction of the resistance of sands to liquefaction. 相似文献
Evaluation of Flow Liquefaction and Liquefied Strength Using the Cone Penetration Test 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
P. K. Robertson 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2010,136(6):842-853
Flow liquefaction is a major design issue for large soil structures such as mine tailings impoundments and earth dams. If a soil is strain softening in undrained shear and, hence, susceptible to flow liquefaction, an estimate of the resulting liquefied shear strength is required for stability analyses. Many procedures have been published for estimating the residual or liquefied shear strength of cohesionless soils. This paper presents cone penetration test-based relationships to evaluate the susceptibility to strength loss and liquefied shear strength for a wide range of soils. Case-history analyses by a number of investigators are reviewed and used with some additional case histories. Extrapolations beyond the case-history data are guided by laboratory studies and theory. 相似文献
Ernest Naesgaard Peter M. Byrne Dharma Wijewickreme 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2007,7(6):437-443
It is commonly assumed that within inundated sand the Skempton B value and P-wave velocity decrease with decrease in saturation. In centrifuge tests a common saturation procedure is to inundate the specimen with carbon dioxide while under a vacuum and then slowly introduce the viscous pore fluid. The B value and related saturation is difficult to measure in centrifuge models and P-wave velocity—saturation correlations have been used for this purpose. A laboratory emulation of centrifuge saturation procedures was made using a triaxial cell with top and bottom bender elements and a viscous methyl cellulose–water pore fluid. Contrary to expectations, the laboratory tests showed high P-wave velocities indicative of full saturation when B values were low. Numerical modeling of the laboratory tests indicated that if air bubbles within the pore fluid are numerous and closely spaced then there is a good correlation between saturation, B value, and P-wave velocity. However if the air bubbles are larger and only present in some of the pores then the P-wave velocity is not a good indicator of B value and average saturation. The laboratory tests also showed that placing the specimen under backpressure for several days increased saturation and related B values. It is suggested that this common laboratory procedure should be considered for saturating centrifuge test specimens. 相似文献