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PURPOSE: To retrospectively examine the optic disc photographs of a glaucoma population for optic disc haemorrhages, vascular occlusions and vascular abnormalities. METHODS: The optic disc photographs of 906 eyes of glaucoma and suspect glaucoma patients were examined. Optic disc photographs were taken annually, where possible, with the follow-up period varying between 1 and 14 years duration (mean, 2.89). Glaucoma patients are regularly reviewed every 4-6 months and glaucoma suspects every 1-2 years, depending on the ophthalmologist. Low-tension glaucoma patients were reviewed more frequently (mean, every 2.6 months). The results of the findings were compared to a control group of 39 subjects with a mean follow-up period of 7 years, using Fisher's exact test. RESULTS: It was found that during the period under review, 7.4% (n = 67) of eyes had optic disc haemorrhages. The highest frequency of optic disc haemorrhages (37.5%) was found in the low tension glaucoma group (P = 0.0001) followed by 11% of primary open-angle glaucoma eyes (P = 0.03). In the normal group there were three eyes with optic disc haemorrhages and one with a disc collateral, which constitutes 5.1% vascular changes in this sub-group. Of the study eyes 2.8% had central retinal vein occlusions, 1.3% branch vein occlusion, 1.2% disc vessel abnormalities (loops) and 1.1% disc collaterals. Discrete nerve fibre layer haemorrhages and microaneurysms were found in 0.8% and 1.8% of eyes, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: A total of 16.8% of the eyes observed in this study had either disc haemorrhages or vascular changes. The underlying trend of vascular and haemorrhagic changes in glaucoma are demonstrated in this sample, which is in general agreement with previous studies. The high percentage of optic disc haemorrhages in low tension glaucoma is highlighted. The presence of microaneurysms and nerve fibre layer haemorrhages is interesting but of unknown significance.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization was performed with sections obtained from mammary gland at 10 days of lactation and at 1 and 3 days of involution using either digoxigenin-labeled antisense or sense RNA probe in order to localize expression of WDNM1 and ferritin heavy chain mRNA. The WDNM1 gene was predominantly expressed in the layer of secretory epithelial cells surrounding the lumen of mammary gland alveoli. The lower levels of WDNM1 mRNA were observed at involution day 3 compared to involution day 1. The expression of ferritin heavy chain mRNA also appears to be confined to the epithelial layer of mammary alveoli. The lower levels of ferritin heavy chain mRNA were observed at involution day 3 compared to involution day 1.  相似文献   

The morphologic and functional characteristics of cultured hair follicle dermal papilla (DP) cells, dermal sheath (DS) cells and interstitial dermal fibroblasts (DF cells) derived from human scalp tissue are compared. DP and DS cells, but not DF cells, showed aggregative behavior at a preconfluent density. All three types of cells stained positive for type I collagen, type IV collagen, laminin and heparan sulfate proteoglycan. Only DP and DS cells expressed smooth muscle alpha-actin. DP and DS cells also synthesized more glycosaminoglycans (GAG) than DF cells, while there was no significant difference between DP and DS cells in GAG synthesis. Ultrastructurally, 7 out of 10 strains of DP and 2 out of 10 strains of DS cells were found to form intranuclear rodlets, while none of the 10 strains of DF cells examined formed intranuclear rodlets. The conditioned medium of the three types of cells was collected and tested for the presence of interleukin (IL)-1 beta, tumor necrosis factor (TGF)-beta 2, IL-6, platelet-derived growth factor-AB, epidermal growth factor, b-FGF, GM-CSF, insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 and HGF (hepatocyte growth factor) by ELISA or RIA. Among the tested cytokines and growth factors, TGF-beta 2, IL-6 and IGF-I were detectable in at least some conditioned media. The others were undetectable. There was no significant difference in the production of IL-6 and IGF-I among the three types of cells. In contrast, DP cells produced the highest levels of TGF-beta 2, DS cells produced intermediate levels of TGF-beta 2, and DF cells produced the lowest levels of TGF-beta 2. DP and DS cells are morphologically and functionally different from the nonfollicular, interstitial DF cells. Moreover, the presence of some minor biologic differences between DP and DS cells suggests that they represent follicular mesenchymal cells in different functional or differentiation states.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone coding for human casein kinase I (CK1) has been isolated and sequenced. The insert of 1911 bp contained an open reading frame of 415 amino acids. The entire amino acid sequence of human CK1 was 97% homologous to that of rat CK1 delta, and their sequences in the kinase domain (284 amino acid residues) were completely identical, predicting that the obtained cDNA is for a human homolog of the CK1 delta isoform (CSNKID). The considerable similarity in the amino acid sequence of the kinase domain of human CK1 delta to the Saccharomyces cerevisiae CK1, HRR25 (66%), and to the Saccharomyces pombe CK1, HHP1 (78%), which are involved in the repair of DNA strand break, supports the speculation that human CK1 delta might also act in DNA metabolism through excision and recombinational repair. The human CK1 delta gene was mapped to chromosome 17q25.2-q25.3 by fluorescence in situ hybridization and polymerase chain reaction analysis of the human/rodent hybrid cell panels.  相似文献   

Catecholamine-induced cardiomyopathy is a rare complication of pheochromocytoma. We present a case of pheochromocytoma that developed preoperative heart failure. Left ventricular dilation and severe hypokinesia were demonstrated by echocardiography. Heart failure was successfully treated with digitalis, diuretics and captopril. There were no surgical complications and the follow up showed and improvement on the systolic function evaluated by echocardiography and isotope ventriculography, 3 and 6 months after surgery. We review the pathophysiology and evolution of catecholamine induced cardiomyopathy. Preload reserve can be one of the adaptive mechanisms of the ventricle in catecholamine-induced cardiomyopathy. Conventional therapy of hypertension and heart failure can be effective to correct the symptoms of cardiac dysfunction.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide galanin elicits a range of biological effects by interaction with specific G-protein-coupled receptors. Human and rat GALR1 galanin receptor cDNA clones have previously been isolated using expression cloning. We have used the human GALR1 cDNA in hybridization screening to isolate the gene encoding GALR1 in both human (GALNR) and mouse (Galnr). The gene spans approximately 15-20 kb in both species; its structural organization is conserved and is unique among G-protein-coupled receptors. The coding sequence is contained on three exons, with exon 1 encoding the N-terminal end of the receptor and the first five transmembrane domains. Exon 2 encodes the third intracellular loop, while exon 3 encodes the remainder of the receptor, from transmembrane domain 6 to the C-terminus of the receptor protein. The mouse and human GALR1 receptor proteins are 348 and 349 amino acids long, respectively, and display 93% identity at the amino acid level. The mouse Galnr gene has been localized to Chromosome 18E4, homoeologous with the previously reported localization of the human GALNR gene to 18q23 in the same syntenic group as the genes encoding nuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic 1, and myelin basic protein.  相似文献   

We studied the development of multibank rod retinae by monitoring the size-related addition of new layers of rod inner and outer segments in four species of deep-sea fishes and found two different growth paradigms. In the mesopelagic Chauliodus sloani, new banks of rod inner and outer segments are added as long as the fish increases in size, as observed earlier by Locket (1980). By contrast, in three bathybenthic species (Antimora rostrata, Corvphaenoides (Coryphaenoides) guentheri, and Coryphaenoides (Nematonurus) armatus), the final complement of banks is reached when the specimens have grown to between 20 and 47% of their maximal size, suggesting that the visual system is mature only after this stage. Increase in retinal area, density of rod nuclei, and densities of rod inner and outer segments were also studied in these and additional species. Taken together with previous data on rod proliferation patterns and outer segment membrane synthesis, our findings indicate that at least in species with no continual addition of new banks, there is no major functional difference between the innermost and outermost banks of rod inner and outer segments. While Chauliodus spends all its life in the mesopelagic environment, the three bathybenthic species live in this environment during early development and descend towards greater depths only upon maturation. We speculate that this coincides with the stage when the full complement of rod banks is formed in the retina, as a possible prerequisite for a life outside the reach of sunlight.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pemphigus vulgaris is a potentially life-threatening autoimmune disease. Although combination therapies with prednisone and azathioprine are usually effective in controlling the disease, some patients either do not respond to this treatment or show early relapses. OBJECTIVE: To find out whether mycophenolate mofetil would be an effective drug in controlling pemphigus vulgaris in patients who failed initial treatment with azathioprine and prednisone. RESULTS: Twelve patients who were initially diagnosed as having pemphigus vulgaris and had relapsed while undergoing treatment with azathioprine (1.5-2 mg/kg of body weight) and prednisolone (2 mg/kg of body weight) subsequently received combination therapy with mycophenolate mofetil (2 x 1 g/d) and prednisolone (2 mg/kg of body weight per day). Eleven of the 12 patients responded to therapy and showed no relapse of their disease even after tapering of the steroid dose. One patient did not respond. Toxic effects were low with only mild gastrointestinal symptoms in 5 patients and mild lymphopenia (World Health Organization grade I) in 9 patients. During the 9- to 12-month follow-up, none of the 11 patients showed reappearance of pemphigus lesions. CONCLUSION: Treatment of pemphigus vulgaris with mycophenolate is a safe and effective treatment.  相似文献   

Since arthritis induced by Mycobacterium products (adjuvant) in rats is considered to be immunologically driven, the objective of the present study was to determine if the immunosuppressor drug cyclosporin could affect hindpaw edema and joint hyperalgesia simultaneously. Female Holtzman rats (140-170 g) presented hyperalgesia and edema on the 8th and 12th day following adjuvant injection. Daily systemic (oral or intramuscular) administration of cyclosporin (0.5-5.0 mg kg (-1) day (-1)) or dexamethasone (0.01-0.1 mg kg (-1) day (-1)) for 15 days starting on day zero dose-dependently inhibited the hindpaw edema and hyperalgesia in arthritic rats. However, hyperalgesia but not edema could be detected two days after cyclosporin withdrawal. We concluded that a) the continuous presence of cyclosporin is essential to reduce the development of joint hyperalgesia and that b) different mechanisms underlie the appearance of hyperalgesia and edema in this model. The intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) administration of 5-50-fold smaller doses of cyclosporin (1.5-150 micrograms/day) or dexamethasone (15 micrograms/day) also reduced the arthritic hindpaw edema and hyperalgesia. Peripheral blood from animals injected with effective systemic cyclosporin doses showed detectable levels of the drug, whereas peripheral blood from those injected with i.c.v. cyclosporin did not, as measured by specific RIA. Our results indicate that cyclosporin administered by the central route is as effective as by the systemic route to reduce joint hyperalgesia and hindpaw edema in arthritic rats. The antiarthritic effect induced by low doses of cyclosporin in the central nervous system (CNS) could be explored to avoid it often associated systemic side effects during chronic therapy. However, the mechanism(s) involved in the antiarthritic response to cyclosporin in the CNS remain to be elucidated.  相似文献   

A 3.5-kb cDNA probe containing the 23 exons from the coding sequence of human nuclear NAD+ ADP-ribosyltransferase (poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase [ADPRT], E.C. was used to map the gene and two additional sites by nonisotopic in situ chromosomal hybridization. The previous localization of the structural gene on 1q42 was confirmed. Two other hybridization peaks on 13q34 and 14q24 suggested the presence of ADPRT pseudogenes.  相似文献   

The recent discovery that expression of Waf1 (p21), an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases, is induced by the tumor suppressor p53 provides an important linkage between growth suppression and the cell cycle. We report here the cloning and sequencing of a mouse p21 cDNA that contains the entire coding region. Hybridization of the mouse p21 probe in Southern blot analyses confirms that p21 is a single-copy gene and that the corresponding locus, Waf1, lies proximal to H-2 on mouse chromosome 17. In northern analyses, the expression of p21 is found in most normal mouse tissues, but a surprising lack of correlation is found between mRNA levels of p21 and p53. In order to determine which regions of p21 are most evolutionarily conserved, we have compared the cDNA sequences for the entire p21 coding region in 13 different mouse strains or species and the human p21 sequence. We conclude that two regions (corresponding to human codons 21-60 and 130-164) are strongly conserved in p21 and that these regions may represent domains that are especially critical to a functional p21 protein.  相似文献   

We report the identification of a mouse cDNA Tpd52l1 (tumor protein D52-like 1), which represents the first demonstrated orthologue of the human TPD52L1 (alias D53) gene, a member of the breast carcinoma-associated TPD52 (alias D52) gene family. In situ hybridization mapping located the Tpd52l1 gene to chromosome 10A4-10B2. Since the TPD52L1 gene is found at human chromosome 6q22-->q23, the mouse and human TPD52L1 loci are syntenically conserved.  相似文献   

Protease-activate receptors (PARs) mediate activation of platelets and other cells by thrombin and other proteases. Such protease-triggered signaling events are thought to be critical for hemostasis, thrombosis, and other normal and pathological processes. We report here the structure of the mouse and human PAR3 genes as well as the organization of a PAR gene cluster encompassing the genes encoding PARs 1, 2, and 3. We also report the structure of the mouse and human PAR4 genes, which map to distinct chromosomal locations and encode a new thrombin receptor. PARs 1-4 are all encoded by genes with the same two exon structure. In each case, exon 1 encodes a signal peptide, and exon 2 encodes the mature receptor protein. These are separated by an intron of variable size. The genes encoding PARs 1-3 all map to chromosome 13D2 in mouse and chromosome 5q13 in human. In mouse, all three genes are located within 80 kilobases of each other. The PAR1 gene is located centrally and is flanked upstream by the PAR3 gene and downstream by the PAR2 gene in both species. The proximity of the PAR1 and PAR3 genes suggests the possibility that these genes might share regulatory elements. A comparison of the structures of the PAR amino acid sequences, gene structures, locus organization, and chromosomal locations suggests a working model for PAR gene evolution.  相似文献   

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