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We have formulated a linear theory for the shielding effectiveness of composite matrix materials and have tested the theory for various amounts of ThermalGraph DKD X carbon fiber within nylon 6,6. The theory predicts that the most important parameters for the shielding effectiveness of a sample are the carbon‐fiber volume percentage and the frequency of the wave to be shielded. Although we expected the model to be valid at low filler‐loading levels, it actually performs remarkably, covering an electrical‐resistivity range of 1016 (at low filler‐loading levels) to 101 Ω cm (at high filler‐loading levels), well above the percolation threshold of electrical‐resistivity theory. The model performs much better than those reported in the literature and can be used to determine filler loadings needed to provide a certain level of shielding of electromagnetic waves. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 96: 62–69, 2005  相似文献   

Electrically and thermally conductive resins can be produced by adding conductive fillers to insulating polymers. Mechanical properties, such as tensile modulus, are also important. This research focused on performing compounding runs followed by injection molding and tensile testing of carbon‐filled nylon 6,6 and polycarbonate‐based resins. The three carbon fillers investigated included an electrically conductive carbon black, synthetic graphite particles, and a milled pitch–based carbon fiber. For each polymer, resins were produced and tested that contained varying amounts of these single‐carbon fillers. In addition, combinations of fillers were investigated by conducting a full 23 factorial design and a complete replicate in each polymer. These tensile modulus experimental results were then compared to results predicted by several different models. For the composites containing only one filler type, the Nielsen model with the modified Ψ term provided the best prediction of the actual experimental values. For the composites containing more than one filler type, a new parameter, which includes the vibrated bulk density (VBD) of the fillers, was incorporated into the Nielsen model with the modified Ψ term. This model with the new VBD parameter provided the best estimate of experimental tensile modulus for composites containing multiple‐filler types. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 90: 1716–1728, 2003  相似文献   

The temperature at which microcracking occurred in symmetrical cross‐ply carbon‐fiber/epoxy composite materials was predicted with a yield‐stress‐based failure model. A fracture mechanics analysis of the in situ strength of the ply groups in a composite material was combined with a compound beam determination of thermal stress development to create the predictive model. This approach, unlike many other models, incorporated the change in the material properties with temperature with the room‐temperature properties of the laminate to predict the low‐temperature behavior of the ply groups. Dynamic mechanical analysis was used to assess microcracking at cryogenic temperatures through the observation of discontinuities in the material properties during failure. Four different material systems were studied, and the model accurately predicted the onset temperature for microcracking in three of the four cases. It was shown that the room‐temperature properties of a fiber‐reinforced polymeric composite laminate, appropriately modified to account for property variations at low temperatures, could be used to predict transverse microcracking as a response to thermal stresses at cryogenic temperatures. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 91: 1104–1110, 2004  相似文献   

In this study, two different carbons (synthetic graphite particles and carbon fiber) were added to nylon 6,6, and the resulting composites were tested for both the through‐plane thermal conductivity kthru and the in‐plane thermal conductivity kin, using the transient plane source method. The first goal of this work was to use a finite element model to develop a procedure to accurately measure the material properties using this relatively new analytical procedure. Reproducible data can be obtained for nylon 6,6 polymer composites, by choosing a power dissipation (an input parameter to the transient plane source method) corresponding to a sensor temperature increase of 2 K above the initial temperature after 5 s. The second goal of this work was to develop a simple empirical model for the in‐plane thermal conductivity, which is easily measured with the transient plane source method. The results show that the product of the through‐plane and in‐plane thermal conductivities is a linear function of the volume percent ϕ. As the through‐plane thermal conductivity of these composites is accurately predicted with a modified Nielsen model, this empirical relationship can be used to estimate in‐plane thermal conductivities for a range of applications. POLYM. COMPOS. 27:1–7, 2006. © 2005 Society of Plastics Engineers  相似文献   

The present work is concerned with the effect of processing variables and filler concentration on the electrical conductivity, hardness, and density of composite materials prepared by compression molding of a mixture of zinc powder and nylon 6 powder. The electrical conductivity of the composites is <10?12 S/cm, unless the metal content reaches the percolation threshold at a volume fraction of about 0.18, beyond which the conductivity increases markedly by as much as 10 orders of magnitude. The density of the composites was measured and compared with values calculated by assuming different void levels within the samples. Furthermore, it is shown that the hardness increases with the increase of metal concentration, but for values of filler volume fraction higher than about 0.30 the hardness of samples remains almost constant. Two parameters of molding process, temperature and time, were shown to have a notable effect on the conductivity of composites, whereas pressure has no influence on this property in the pressure range considered. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 82: 1449–1454, 2001  相似文献   

In a composite material, the degree of adhesion between the fiber and the matrix plays an important role in the overall performance of the material. Because the load between the fiber and the matrix is realized throughout the interphase region material, a lot of effort has gone into characterizing the strength of the interphase. In this study, nanoscratch tests on the composite samples were used to provide a relative measure of adhesion in different composite materials. Carbon‐filled nylon 6,6 and polycarbonate resins were evaluated with this method. The carbon fillers we used were polyacrylonitrile‐based carbon fibers sized and surface‐treated for the respective matrix and pitch‐based carbon fibers without any sizing or surface treatment. Tensile and X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy data for the composites we considered are also presented to compare to the nanoscratch results. It is shown that nanoscratch testing on the composites, with the proposed data analysis, can be an effective tool for determining the relative degree of adhesion between different composites. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 103: 328–335, 2007  相似文献   

Carbon fibers must be protected from a high‐temperature oxidizing environment because, at approximately 500°C and above, the fibers exhibit reduced mass and strength stability. The fibers can be protected by the application of thermal coatings, which simultaneously improve the adhesive properties of the carbon fibers in the composite materials. Polysilazanes are a new family of heat‐resistant polymer coatings that are converted into silicone carbide or silicone nitride ceramic structures at high temperatures. The converted ceramics are resistant to the effects of high temperatures. In this research work, polysilazane‐based coatings were applied to carbon filament (CF) rovings with the dip‐coating method. Tensile testing at room temperature and under thermal stress was carried out to assess the mechanical and thermomechanical properties of both coated and uncoated rovings. Scanning electron microscopy and energy‐dispersive X‐ray analysis were performed to evaluate the surface topographical properties of the coated and uncoated rovings. Thermogravimetric analysis was executed to determine the thermal stability of the polymer coatings. The coating performance on the CF rovings was determined by assessment of the test results obtained. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2012  相似文献   

There is an emerging market for conductive resins for use in fuel cell bipolar plates. This research focuses on developing a finite element model of a capillary rheometer. Comsol Multiphysics 3.2b was used to model the flow of a remeltable thermoplastic matrix material, Vectra A950RX Liquid Crystal Polymer, with varying amounts of either a carbon black or synthetic graphite filler, to obtain the velocity profile and pressure drop of these composites within the capillary. Previous experimental results have shown that the molten composites obey a shear‐thinning power law behavior. When comparing the model predicted pressure drops from the model with the experimental data, very good agreement was obtained. This signifies that the rheological behavior of the composites can be described by a power law relationship, using parameters specific to each composite. When comparing the modeled velocity profile with the theoretical profile, it was found for all composite formulations that the velocity becomes fully developed within a length of 0.05 times the diameter of the tube, independent of the power law parameters n and m. This work is a necessary first step in developing 2D or 3D mold filling simulations for fuel cell bipolar plate applications. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 2007  相似文献   

Acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR)‐based composites were prepared by incorporating short nylon fibers of different lengths and concentration into the matrix using a two‐roll mixing mill according to a base formulation. The curing characteristics of the samples were studied. The influence of fiber length, loading, and rubber crosslinking systems on the properties of the composites was analyzed. Surface morphology of the composites has been studied using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Addition of nylon fiber to NBR offers good reinforcement, and causes improvement in mechanical properties. A fiber length of 6 mm was found to be optimum for the best balance of properties. It has been found that at higher fiber loadings, composites show brittle‐type behavior. Composites vulcanized by the dicumyl peroxide (DCP) system were found to have better mechanical properties than that by the sulfur system. The swelling behavior of the composites in N,N‐dimethyl formamide has been analyzed for the swelling coefficient values. Composites vulcanized in the DCP system were found to have higher rubber volume fraction than that in the sulfur system, which indicates better rubber–fiber interaction in the former. The crosslink densities of various composites were also compared. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 92: 1023–1030, 2004  相似文献   

The effects of various filler concentrations (0.1, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3 wt %) on the tribological and mechanical properties of carbon‐nanofiber (CNF)‐filled polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) composites were studied. Moreover, the influence of various loads (50, 100, 150, and 200 N) and sliding velocities (0.692 and 1.39 m/s) on the friction and wear behaviors of the PTFE composites was investigated. The results showed that the friction coefficients of the PTFE composites decreased initially up to a 0.5 wt % filler concentration and then increased, whereas the antiwear properties of the PTFE composites increased by 1–2 orders of magnitude in comparison with those of pure PTFE. The composite with a 2 wt % filler concentration had the best antiwear properties under all friction conditions. The friction coefficients of the CNF/PTFE composites decreased with increases in the load and sliding velocity, whereas the wear volume loss of the PTFE composites increased. At the same time, the results also indicated that the mechanical properties of the PTFE composites increased first up to a 1 wt % filler concentration and then decreased as the filler concentration was increased above 1 wt %. In comparison with pure PTFE, the impact strength, tensile strength, and elongation to break of the PTFE composites increased by 40, 20, and 70%, respectively, at a 1 wt % filler concentration. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 104: 2430–2437, 2007  相似文献   

A high temperature zone‐drawing method was applied to a nylon 66 microfiber, obtained by using CO2 laser‐thinning, to develop its mechanical properties. The microfiber used for the high temperature zone‐drawing was prepared by winding at 150 m min?1 the microfiber obtained by irradiating the laser at 4.0 W cm?2 to an original fiber with a diameter of 50 μm, and had a diameter of 9.6 μm and a birefringence of 0.019. The high temperature zone‐drawing was carried out in two steps; the first drawing was carried out at a temperature of 230°C at supplying and winding speeds of 0.266 and 0.797 m min?1, the second at 250°C at supplying and winding speeds of 0.266 and 0.425 m min?1, respectively. The diameter of the microfiber decreased, and its birefringence increased stepwise with the processing. The high temperature zone‐drawn microfiber finally obtained had a diameter of 4.2 μm, a birefringence of 0.079, total draw ratio of 4.8, tensile modulus of 12 GPa, and tensile strength of 1.0 GPa. The wide‐angle X‐ray diffraction photograph of the drawn microfiber showed the existence of highly oriented crystallites. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 101: 42–47, 2006  相似文献   

The thermal and electrical conductivity of resins can be increased by adding conductive carbon fillers. One emerging market for thermally and electrically conductive resins is for bipolar plates for use in fuel cells. In this study, varying amounts of five different types of carbon, one carbon black, two synthetic graphites, one natural flake graphite, and one calcined needle coke, were added to Vectra A950RX Liquid Crystal Polymer. The resulting composites containing only one type of filler were then tested for thermal and electrical conductivity. The objective of this work was to determine which carbon filler produced a composite with the highest thermal and electrical conductivity. The results showed that composites containing Thermocarb TC‐300 synthetic graphite particles had the highest thermal and electrical conductivity. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 99; 1552–1558, 2006  相似文献   

Kenaf (KNF)‐filled polypropylene/waste tire dust (PP/WTD) composites containing different KNF loadings (0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 parts per hundred parts of resin (phr)) were prepared using a Thermo Haake Polydrive internal mixer. The influence of the KNF form (KNF short fiber (KNFs) and KNF powder (KNFp)) at different KNF loadings on properties of the composites was studied. Results showed that with increasing KNF loading, the stabilization torque, tensile modulus, water absorption, and thermal properties increased for both KNFp‐ and KNFs‐filled PP/WTD composites. However, the tensile strength and elongation at break decreased by 29.2% and 53.9%, respectively, for KNFp‐filled PP/WTD composites, whereas KNFs‐filled PP/WTD composites showed a decrement of 24.5% and 63.5%, respectively. The stabilization torque, tensile strength, and tensile modulus increased by 22.4%, 6.7%, and 2.6%, respectively, for KNFs‐filled PP/WTD composites at 20 phr KNF loading. The scanning electron microscopy morphological studies on the tensile fractured surfaces revealed poor adhesion between KNFp and PP/WTD matrices as compared to KNFs and PP/WTD matrices. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2014 , 131, 40877.  相似文献   

Electrically conductive resins are needed for bipolar plates used in fuel cells. Currently, the materials for these bipolar plates often contain a single type of graphite powder in a thermosetting resin. In this study, various amounts of two different types of carbon, carbon black and synthetic graphite, were added to a thermoplastic matrix. The resulting single‐filler composites were tested for electrical conductivity, and electrical conductivity models were developed. Two different models, the Mamunya and additive electrical conductivity models, were used for both material systems. It was determined how to modify these models to reduce the number of adjustable parameters. The models agreed very well with experimental data covering a large range of filler volume fractions (from 0 to 12 vol % for the carbon black filled composites and from 0 to 65 vol % for the synthetic graphite filled composites) and electrical conductivities (from 4.6 × 10?17 S/cm for the pure polymer to 0.5 S/cm for the carbon black filled composites and to 12 S/cm for the synthetic graphite filled composites). © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 102: 3293–3300, 2006  相似文献   

Solid‐phase polymerization (SPP) reactors are used to increase the degree of polymerization (DP) during nylon 6,6 production. In previous articles, a reactor model with partial differential equations (PDEs) in time and two spatial dimensions was developed to describe dynamic changes in polymer property profiles (DP, temperature, and moisture content) over the height of the reactor and within the polymer particles. In the current article, a simplified model is developed by deriving appropriate expressions for heat‐ and mass‐transfer coefficients and performing a lumped heat‐ and mass‐transfer analysis. Using this approach, the radial dimension is removed from the PDEs, so that the effort required to solve the model equations is substantially reduced. Predictions of the complex and simplified models are compared through simulation of two different start‐up processes. Good agreement between simplified and complex models is obtained, indicating that the simplified model can be used in place of the complex model if the polymer properties profiles within individual particles are not of particular concern to the model user. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 89: 3701–3712, 2003  相似文献   

This article reports a novel hybrid multiscale carbon‐fiber/epoxy composite reinforced with self‐healing core‐shell nanofibers at interfaces. The ultrathin self‐healing fibers were fabricated by means of coelectrospinning, in which liquid dicyclopentadiene (DCPD) as the healing agent was enwrapped into polyacrylonitrile (PAN) to form core‐shell DCPD/PAN nanofibers. These core‐shell nanofibers were incorporated at interfaces of neighboring carbon‐fiber fabrics prior to resin infusion and formed into ultrathin self‐healing interlayers after resin infusion and curing. The core‐shell DCPD/PAN fibers are expected to function to self‐repair the interfacial damages in composite laminates, e.g., delamination. Wet layup, followed by vacuum‐assisted resin transfer molding (VARTM) technique, was used to process the proof‐of‐concept hybrid multiscale self‐healing composite. Three‐point bending test was utilized to evaluate the self‐healing effect of the core‐shell nanofibers on the flexural stiffness of the composite laminate after predamage failure. Experimental results indicate that the flexural stiffness of such novel self‐healing composite after predamage failure can be completely recovered by the self‐healing nanofiber interlayers. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) was utilized for fractographical analysis of the failed samples. SEM micrographs clearly evidenced the release of healing agent at laminate interfaces and the toughening and self‐healing mechanisms of the core‐shell nanofibers. This study expects a family of novel high‐strength, lightweight structural polymer composites with self‐healing function for potential use in aerospace and aeronautical structures, sports utilities, etc. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2013  相似文献   

The electrical conductivity of polymeric materials can be increased by the addition of carbon fillers. The resulting composites can be used in applications such as electrostatic dissipation and interference shielding. Electrical conductivity models are often proposed to predict the conductivity behavior of these materials. The electrical conductivity of carbon‐filled polymers was studied here by the addition of three single fillers to nylon 6,6 and polycarbonate in increasing concentrations. The fillers used in this project were carbon black, synthetic‐graphite particles, and milled pitch‐based carbon fibers. Materials were extruded and injection‐molded into test specimens, and then the electrical conductivity was measured. Additional material characterization tests included optical microscopy for determining the filler aspect ratio and orientation. The filler and matrix surface energies were also determined. An updated model developed by Mamunya and others and a new additive model (including the constituent conductivities, filler volume fraction, percolation threshold, constituent surface energies, filler aspect ratio, and filler orientation) fit the electrical conductivity results well. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 88: 2280–2299, 2003  相似文献   

This research work investigates the tensile strength and elastic modulus of the alumina nanoparticles, glass fiber, and carbon fiber reinforced epoxy composites. The first type composites were made by adding 1–5 wt % (in the interval of 1%) of alumina to the epoxy matrix, whereas the second and third categories of composites were made by adding 1–5 wt % short glass, carbon fibers to the matrix. A fourth type of composite has also been synthesized by incorporating both alumina particles (2 wt %) and fibers to the epoxy. Results showed that the longitudinal modulus has significantly improved because of the filler additions. Both tensile strength and modulus are further better for hybrid composites consisting both alumina particles and glass fibers or carbon fibers. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2014 , 131, 39749.  相似文献   

Polyimide‐g‐nylon 6 copolymers were prepared by the polymerization of phenyl 3,5‐diaminobenzoate with several diamines and dianhydrides with a one‐step method. The polyimides containing pendant ester moieties were then used as activators for the anionic polymerization of molten ε‐caprolactam. Nylon 6‐b‐polyimide‐b‐nylon 6 copolymers were prepared by the use of phenyl 4‐aminobenzoate as an end‐capping agent in the preparation of a series of imide oligomers. The oligomers were then used to activate the anionic polymerization of ε‐caprolactam. In both the graft and copolymer syntheses, the phenyl ester groups reacted quickly with caprolactam anions at 120°C to generate N‐acyllactam moieties, which activated the anionic polymerization. All the block copolymers had higher moduli and tensile strengths than those of nylon 6. However, their elongations at break were much lower. The graft copolymers based on 2,2′‐bis[4‐(3,4‐dicarboxyphenoxy)phenyl]propane dianhydride and 2,2′‐bis[4‐(4‐aminophenoxy)phenyl]propane displayed elongations comparable to that of nylon 6 and the highest moduli and tensile strengths of all the copolymers. The thermal stability, moisture resistance, and impact strength were dramatically increased by the incorporation of only 5 wt % polyimide into both the graft and block copolymers. The graft and block copolymers also exhibited improved melt processability. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 99: 300–308, 2006  相似文献   

The influence of starch on the properties of carbon‐black‐filled styrene–butadiene rubber (SBR) composites was investigated. When the starch particles were directly melt‐mixed into rubber, the stress at 300% elongation and abrasion resistance decreased evidently with increasing starch amount from 5 to 20 phr. Scanning electron microscopy observations of the abrasion surface showed that some apparent craters of starch particles were left on the surface of the composite, which strongly suggested that the starch particles were large and that interfacial adhesion between the starch and rubber was relatively weak. To improve the dispersion of the starch in the rubber matrix, starch/SBR master batches were prepared by a latex compounding method. Compared with the direct mixing of the starch particles into rubber, the incorporation of starch/SBR master batches improved the abrasion resistance of the starch/carbon black/SBR composites. With starch/SBR master batches, no holes of starch particles were left on the surface; this suggested that the interfacial strength was improved because of the fine dispersion of starch. Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis showed that the loss factor at both 0 and 60°C increased with increasing amount of starch at a small tensile deformation of 0.1%, whereas at a large tensile strain of 5%, the loss factor at 60°C decreased when the starch amount was varied from 5 to 20 phr. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci, 2009  相似文献   

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