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Various plant seeds have received little attention in fatty acid research. Seeds from 30 species mainly of Boraginaceae and Primulaceae were analysed in order to identify potential new sources of the n‐3 PUFA α‐linolenic acid (ALA) and stearidonic acid (SDA) and of the n‐6 PUFA γ‐linolenic acid (GLA). The fatty acid distribution differed enormously between genera of the same family. Echium species (Boraginaceae) contained the highest amount of total n‐3 PUFA (47.1%), predominantly ALA (36.6%) and SDA (10.5%) combined with high GLA (10.2%). Further species of Boraginaceae rich in both SDA and GLA were Omphalodes linifolia (8.4, 17.2%, resp.), Cerinthe minor (7.5, 9.9%, resp.) and Buglossoides purpureocaerulea (6.1, 16.6%, resp.). Alkanna species belonging to Boraginaceae had comparable amounts of ALA (37.3%) and GLA (11.4%) like Echium but lower SDA contents (3.7%). Different genera of Primulaceae (Dodecatheon and Primula) had varying ALA (14.8, 28.8%, resp.) and GLA portions (4.1, 1.5%, resp.), but similar amounts of SDA (4.9, 4.5%, resp.). Cannabis sativa cultivars (Cannabaceae) were rich in linoleic acid (57.1%), but poor in SDA and GLA (0.8, 2.7%, resp.). In conclusion, several of the presented plant seeds contain considerable amounts of n‐3 PUFA and GLA, which could be relevant for nutritional purposes due to their biological function as precursors for eicosanoid synthesis. Practical applications: N‐3 PUFA are important for human health and nutrition. Unfortunately, due to the increasing world population, overfishing of the seas and generally low amounts of n‐3 PUFA in major oil crops, there is a demand for new sources of n‐3 PUFA. One approach involves searching for potential vegetable sources of n‐3 PUFA; especially those rich in ALA and SDA. The conversion of ALA to SDA in humans is dependent on the rate‐limiting Δ6‐desaturation. Plant‐derived SDA is therefore a promising precursor regarding the endogenous synthesis of n‐3 long‐chain PUFA in humans. The present study shows that, in addition to seed oil of Echium, other species of Boraginaceae (Cerinthe, Omphalodes, Lithospermum, Buglossoides) and Primulaceae (Dodecatheon, Primula), generally high in n‐3 PUFA (30–50%), contain considerable amounts of SDA (5–10%). Therefore, these seed oils could be important for nutrition.  相似文献   

Currently there is great interest in dietary n‐3 fatty acids to promote health. The food industry aims to produce food products enriched in α‐linolenic acid (Ln), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and/or docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) to reduce some of the physiological effects of linoleic acid (L), the major polyunsaturated fatty acid in our diet. However, the goal is hampered by the susceptibility of the n‐3 fatty acids to oxidation. As a result the sensory and nutritional quality of such foods deteriorates. Lipid scientists therefore have to find a way to stabilise these fatty acids. Innovative technologies to protect n‐3 polyunsaturates using antioxidants, adequate preparation, refining and packaging of the oil are needed. In this paper we review the inherent stability and the stabilisation of these nutritionally valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

Dietary trans monoenes have been associated with an increased risk of heart disease in some studies and this has caused much concern. Trans polyenes are also present in the diet, for example, trans α‐linolenic acid is formed during the deodorisation of α‐linolenic acid‐rich oils such as rapeseed oil. One would expect the intake of trans α‐linolenic acid to be on the increase since the consumption of rapeseed oil in the western diet is increasing. There are no data on trans α‐linolenic acid consumption and its effects. We therefore carried out a comprehensive study to examine whether trans isomers of this polyunsaturated fatty acid increased the risk of coronary heart disease. Since inhibition of Δ6‐desaturase had also been linked to heart disease, the effect of trans α‐linolenic acid on the conversion of [U‐13C]‐labelled linoleic acid to dihomo‐γ‐linolenic and arachidonic acid was studied in 7 healthy men recruited from the staff and students of the University of Edinburgh. Thirty percent of the habitual fat was replaced using a trans ‘free’‐ or ‘high’ trans α‐linolenic acid fat. After at least 6 weeks on the experimental diets, the men received 3‐oleyl, 1,2‐[U‐13C]‐linoleyl glycerol (15 mg twice daily for ten days). The fatty acid composition of plasma phospholipids and the incorporation of 13C‐label into n‐6 fatty acids were determined at day 8, 9 and 10 and after a 6‐week washout period by gas chromatography‐combustion‐isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Trans α‐linolenic acid of plasma phospholipids increased from 0.04 ? 0.01 to 0.17 ? 0.02 and cis ? ‐linolenic acid decreased from 0.42 ? 0.07 to 0.29 ? 0.08 g/100 g of fatty acids on the high trans diet. The composition of the other plasma phospholipid fatty acids did not change. The enrichment of phosphatidyl 13C‐linoleic acid reached a plateau at day 10 and the average of the last 3 days did not differ between the low and high trans period. Both dihomo‐γ‐linolenic and arachidonic acid in phospholipids were enriched in 13C, both in absolute and relative terms (with respect to 13C‐linoleic acid). The enrichment was slightly and significantly higher during the high trans period (P<0.05). Our data suggest that a diet rich in trans α‐linolenic acid (0.6% of energy) does not inhibit the conversion of linoleic acid to dihomo‐γ‐linolenic and arachidonic acid in healthy middle‐aged men consuming a diet rich in linoleic acid.  相似文献   

This review summarises and evaluates current knowledge of α‐linolenic acid (αLNA) metabolism in adult humans. The principal biological role of αLNA appears to be as a precursor for the synthesis of longer‐chain n‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Stable isotope tracer studies indicate that conversion of αLNA to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) occurs but is limited in men and that further transformation to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is very low. A lower proportion of αLNA is used for β‐oxidation in women compared with men, while the fractional conversion to the longer‐chain n‐3 PUFA is greater, possibly due to the regulatory effects of oestrogen. Increasing αLNA intake for a period of weeks results in an increase in the proportion of EPA in plasma lipids, circulating cells and breast milk, but there is no increase in DHA, which may even decline in some pools at high αLNA intakes. Overall, αLNA appears to be a limited source of longer‐chain n‐3 PUFA in man, and so adequate intakes of preformed long‐chain n‐3 PUFA, in particular DHA, may be important for maintaining optimal tissue function. The capacity to up‐regulate αLNA transformation in women may be important for meeting the demands of the foetus and neonate for DHA.  相似文献   

Seeds of nine Central Asian species of Boraginaceae were investigated for the first time for their oil content and for the fatty acid composition of their seed oils by capillary gas chromatography. Levels of γ-linolenic acid ranged from 6.6 to 13.0% and levels of stearidonic acid ranged from 2.4 to 21.4% of total seed fatty acids. The seed oil ofHackelia deflexa exhibited the highest stearidonic acid content (21.4%) that has been found so far in nature. Other high contents of this fatty acid were in threeLappula species (17.2 to 18.1%). Seed oils ofCynoglossum divaricatum andAmblynotus rupestris contain considerable amounts ofcis-11-eicosenoic (5.3 to 5.8%) andcis-13-docosenoic acid (7.0 to 9.7%) besides γ-linolenic (10.2 to 13.0%) and stearidonic acid (2.4 to 6.5%), which distinguish these oils from those of other Boraginaceae genera. This paper was presented as a poster at 10th Minisymposium and Workshop on Plant Lipids, Sept. 3–6, 1995, in Berne, Switzerland.  相似文献   

The conversion of oleic acid to 10-hydroxystearic acid with resting cells ofNocardia cholesterolicum (NRRL 5767) has been previously reported. These same microorganisms also convert linoleic and linolenic acids to 10-hydroxy-12c-octadecenoic and 10-hydroxy-12c,15c-octadecadienoic acids, respectively. The reaction occurs best at 35°C and a pH of 6.5. Under optimum conditions, 75–80% of the unsaturated fatty acid substrate is converted to the corresponding hydroxy acid. The hydroxy products were characterized by gas chromatography, gas chromatographymass spectrometry, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy. Other microorganisms that successfully converted these substrates include another strain ofNocardia cholesterolicum (NRRL 5768) andNocardia sp. (NRRL 5636). Presented at the 82nd Annual meeting of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, Chicago, IL, May 12–15, 1991.  相似文献   

The use of a technique for deconvolution of overlapping chromatographic peaks, Gentle, has been evaluated for quantification of alpha linolenic acid isomers analysed by gas chromatography‐mass spectrometry. Mixtures containing varying amounts of linolenic acid methyl ester isomers with two or three trans double bonds were analysed by two different temperature programs. Overlapping chromatographic peaks were resolved by Gentle, and the areas of the resolved peaks were compared with reference values calculated by use of internal standards. The results show that the small differences that exist between the mass spectra of the analysed isomers are sufficient to achieve deconvolution of severely overlapping peaks. The errors were larger than seen for quantification of chromatographically resolved peaks. Especially for small peaks in a peak cluster, the errors relative to the peak size were large.  相似文献   

HPLC analysis of Echium plantagineum seed oil shows a complex triacylglycerol (TAG) profile. TAG species were separated on an analytical scale by HPLC and their fatty acid (FA) composition is reported. GLC analyses showed that some TAG fractions reached a stearidonic acid (SDA, 18:4n‐3) percentage significantly higher than that in the original oil. TAG separation on a bigger scale was also essayed, by means of a gravimetric normal‐phase chromatographic column, using silver ion‐silica gel as stationary phase. Gradient elution with solvents of increasing polarity was applied, allowing the separation of valuable TAG species containing γ‐linolenic acid (GLA, 18:3n‐6), α‐linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3n‐3) and SDA as the main constituents (more than 85% of the total FA). An enzymatic hydrolysis reaction showed the distribution of FA in the isolated species of TAG. SDA was the major FA in the sn‐2 position (more than 50% of total FA), followed by ALA (19%) and GLA (18.5%).  相似文献   

Glycine‐ɛ‐caprolactone‐based and α‐alanine‐ɛ‐caprolactone‐based polyesteramides with a strong tendency to form alternating sequences (degree of randomness = 1.64 and 1.31) were synthesized by melt polycondensation of intermediate hydroxy‐ and ethyl ester‐terminated amides. These intermediates were synthesized by the reaction of equimolar amounts of ɛ‐caprolactone and glycine or L‐α‐alanine ethyl esters in mild conditions. The structure and microstructure of these polyesteramides are discussed on the basis of an in‐depth nuclear magnetic resonance study. Both polyesteramides are semi‐crystalline, but the glycine‐based one presents the highest melting enthalpy. This polyesteramide also exhibits higher Young's modulus and stress at break than its α‐ and β‐alanine counterparts. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2016 , 133, 44220.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pharmaceutical companies continue to evaluate β‐amino acids and β‐lactams in a range of drug candidates. The development of a highly efficient and selective bioresolution of cyclic β‐lactam substrates could yield enantiopure lactams and β‐amino acids with medicinal potential. The aim of this work was to discover and develop a biocatalyst capable of selectively hydrolysing β‐lactam substrates. RESULTS: Screening of our in‐house culture collection led to the discovery of a microorganism, Rhodococcus globerulus (NCIMB 41042) with β‐lactamase activity. Whole‐cell bioresolutions of the β‐lactams 1–4 were successfully carried out and in all cases enantiomeric excesses of the residual lactam and amino acid product were found to be greater than 98%. For one example, the bioresolution was optimised to operate at 60 g L?1 substrate concentration with a 20% wt/wt cell paste loading. CONCLUSION: A microorganism, Rhodococcus globerulus (NCIMB 41042), capable of selectively hydrolysing a range of cyclic β‐lactams, has been discovered. A scalable whole‐cell bioresolution process has been developed, leading to the synthesis of multigram quantities of enantiomerically pure β‐lactams and β‐amino acids. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The effects of blending camelina oil with a number of fish oils on oxidative stability and fishy odour were evaluated. Camelina oil was found to be more stable than tuna oil, ‘omega‐3’ fish oil and salmon oil as indicated by predominantly lower ρ‐anisidine (AV), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and conjugated triene levels (CT) during storage at 60 °C for 20 days (p < 0.05). Peroxide values (PV) were similar for all oils until Day 13 when values for camelina oil were higher. Values for blends of the fish oils (50, 25, 15, 5%) with camelina oil were generally between those of their respective bulk oils indicating a dilution effect. Camelina oil had a similar odour score (p < 0.05) to sunflower oil (9.2 and 9.6, respectively) indicating, as expected, an absence of fishy odours. In comparison, the fish oils had lower scores of 6.1 to 6.6 (p < 0.05) indicating mild to moderate fishy odours. Odour scores were improved at the 25% fish oil levels (p < 0.05) and were not different to camelina oil at the 15 or 5% levels (p < 0.05). Practical applications: Camelina oil is a potentially important functional food ingredient providing beneficial n‐3 PUFA. Oil extracted from Camelina sativa seeds contains greater than 50% polyunsaturated fatty acids of which 35‐40% is α‐linolenic acid (C18:3ω3, ALA), an essential omega‐3 fatty acid 1 . While EPA and DHA from fish oils are more potent nutritionally, they are less stable than ALA. This work evaluated innovative blends of fish oil with camelina oil for stability and acceptability. The results demonstrate that there is potential for use of blends of camelina oil with fish oils in food products, as the results show some benefits in terms of reduction of fishy odours. Such information could be valuable in relation to formulation of food products containing high levels of n‐3 PUFA from both plant and fish sources.  相似文献   

Chickens can hepatically synthesize eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5 n‐3) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6 n‐3) from α‐linolenic acid (ALA; 18:3 n‐3); however, the process is inefficient and competitively inhibited by dietary linoleic acid (LNA; 18:2 n‐6). In the present study, the influence of dietary high‐oleic acid (OLA; 18:1 n‐9) soybean oil (HOSO) on egg and tissue deposition of ALA and n‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) synthesized from dietary ALA was investigated in laying hens fed a reduced‐LNA base diet supplemented with high‐ALA flaxseed oil (FLAX). We hypothesized that reducing the dietary level of LNA would promote greater hepatic conversion of ALA to very long‐chain (VLC; >20C) n‐3 PUFA, while supplemental dietary HOSO would simultaneously further enrich eggs with OLA without influencing egg n‐3 PUFA contents. Nine 51‐week‐old hens each were fed 0, 10, 20, or 40 g HOSO/kg diet for 12 weeks. Within each group, supplemental dietary FLAX was increased every 3 weeks from 0 to 10 to 20 to 40 g/kg diet. Compared to controls, dietary FLAX maximally enriched the total n‐3 and VLC n‐3 PUFA contents in egg yolk by 9.4‐fold and 2.2‐fold, respectively, while feeding hens 40 g HOSO/kg diet maximally attenuated the yolk deposition of ALA, VLC n‐3 PUFA, and total n‐3 PUFA by 37, 15, and 32%, respectively. These results suggest that dietary OLA is not neutral with regard to the overall process by which dietary ALA is absorbed, metabolized, and deposited into egg yolk, either intact or in the form of longer‐chain/more unsaturated n‐3 PUFA derivatives.  相似文献   

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