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Editing curves and surfaces is difficult in part because their mathematical representations rarely correspond to most people's idea of a curve or surface. The implementation (and hence, behavior) of most manipulation tools is intertwined with a particular curve or surface representation; this can make reimplementing the tool with a different representation problematic. A system using a single representation must therefore either limit the types of tools available or convert existing tools to work on the system's representation.
In this paper we present a framework for editing curves or surfaces which supports multiple representations and ensures that they stay synchronized. As a proof of concept, we have created a curve editor which contains several tools each of which manipulate one of three different curve representations: polylines, NURBs, and multi-resolution B-splines.  相似文献   

Interactions within virtual environments often require manipulating 3D virtual objects. To this end, researchers have endeavoured to find efficient solutions using either traditional input devices or focusing on different input modalities, such as touch and mid‐air gestures. Different virtual environments and diverse input modalities present specific issues to control object position, orientation and scaling: traditional mouse input, for example, presents non‐trivial challenges because of the need to map between 2D input and 3D actions. While interactive surfaces enable more natural approaches, they still require smart mappings. Mid‐air gestures can be exploited to offer natural manipulations mimicking interactions with physical objects. However, these approaches often lack precision and control. All these issues and many others have been addressed in a large body of work. In this article, we survey the state‐of‐the‐art in 3D object manipulation, ranging from traditional desktop approaches to touch and mid‐air interfaces, to interact in diverse virtual environments. We propose a new taxonomy to better classify manipulation properties. Using our taxonomy, we discuss the techniques presented in the surveyed literature, highlighting trends, guidelines and open challenges, that can be useful both to future research and to developers of 3D user interfaces.  相似文献   

虚拟环境下基于语义的三维交互技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自然、高效的三维交互技术是虚拟现实系统成功应用的关键.现有的交互技术主要是从几何层次上考虑如何有效实现交互任务,而对面向高层应用的交互任务的支持还不够.借鉴人类在真实世界中的认知原理,虚拟环境中的交互对象不仅具有外观意义上的几何属性,而且包含了与交互有关的规则、约束和供给等语义属性,这些虚拟对象称为语义对象.在系统导航、对象选择/操作等交互任务的执行中,通过语义对象可以实现高层交互语义的封装和解析.从应用角度提高交互技术的效率和可用性,为用户提供"直接操纵"之上的面向高层语义的交互隐喻,屏蔽交互技术的底层实现细节,使用户专注于应用领域相关的高层交互控制.  相似文献   

Polar NURBS surface is a kind of periodic NURBS surface, one boundary of which shrinks to a degenerate polar point. The specific topology of its control‐point mesh offers the ability to represent a cap‐like surface, which is common in geometric modeling. However, there is a critical and challenging problem that hinders its application: curvature continuity at the extraordinary singular pole. We first propose a sufficient and necessary condition of curvature continuity at the pole. Then, we present constructive methods for the two key problems respectively: how to construct a polar NURBS surface with curvature continuity and how to reform an ordinary polar NURBS surface to curvature continuous. The algorithms only depend on the symbolic representation and operations of NURBS, and they introduce no restrictions on the degree or the knot vectors. Examples and comparisons demonstrate the applications of the curvature‐continuous polar NURBS surface in hole‐filling and free‐shape modeling.  相似文献   

This paper describes a novel approach to the parameterization of triangle meshes representing 2‐manifolds with an arbitrary genus. A topology‐based decomposition of the shape is computed and used to segment the shape into primitives, which define a chart decomposition of the mesh. Then, each chart is parameterized using an extension of the barycentric coordinates method. The charts are all 0‐genus and can be of three types only, depending on the number of boundary components. The chart decomposition and the parameterization are used to define a shape graph where each node represents one primitive and the arcs code the adjacency relationships between the primitives. Conical and cylindrical primitives are coded together with their skeletal lines that are computed from and aligned with their parameterization. The application of the parameterization approach to remeshing guarantees that extraordinary vertices are localized only where two patches share a boundary and they are not scattered on the whole surface.  相似文献   

We present a new method for the completion of partial globally‐symmetric 3D objects, based on the detection of partial and approximate symmetries in the incomplete input dataset. In our approach, symmetry detection is formulated as a constrained sparsity maximization problem, which is solved efficiently using a robust RANSAC‐based optimizer. The detected partial symmetries are then reused iteratively, in order to complete the missing parts of the object. A global error relaxation method minimizes the accumulated alignment errors and a non‐rigid registration approach applies local deformations in order to properly handle approximate symmetry. Unlike previous approaches, our method does not rely on the computation of features, it uniformly handles translational, rotational and reflectional symmetries and can provide plausible object completion results, even on challenging cases, where more than half of the target object is missing. We demonstrate our algorithm in the completion of 3D scans with varying levels of partiality and we show the applicability of our approach in the repair and completion of heavily eroded or incomplete cultural heritage objects.  相似文献   

Many shapes resulting from important geometric operations in industrial applications such as Minkowski sums or volume swept by a moving object can be seen as the projection of higher dimensional objects. When such a higher dimensional object is a smooth manifold, the boundary of the projected shape can be computed from the critical points of the projection. In this paper, using the notion of polyhedral chains introduced by Whitney, we introduce a new general framework to define an analogous of the set of critical points of piecewise linear maps defined over discrete objects that can be easily computed. We illustrate our results by showing how they can be used to compute Minkowski sums of polyhedra and volumes swept by moving polyhedra.  相似文献   

The paper develops a rational bi‐cubic G2 (curvature continuous) analogue of the non‐uniform polynomial C2 cubic B‐spline paradigm. These rational splines can exactly reproduce parts of multiple basic shapes, such as cyclides and quadrics, in one by default smoothly‐connected structure. The versatility of this new tool for processing exact geometry is illustrated by conceptual design from basic shapes.  相似文献   

Super‐deformed, SD, is a specific artistic style for Japanese manga and anime which exaggerates characters in the goal of appearing cute and funny. The SD style characters are widely used, and can be seen in many anime, CG movies, or games. However, to create an SD model often requires professional skills and considerable time and effort. In this paper, we present a novel technique to generate an SD style counterpart of a normal 3D character model. Our approach uses an optimization guided by a number of constraints that can capture the properties of the SD style. Users can also customize the results by specifying a small set of parameters related to the body proportions and the emphasis of the signature characteristics. With our technique, even a novel user can generate visually pleasing SD models in seconds.  相似文献   

In this paper we introduce a coarsening algorithm for quadrilateral meshes that generates quality, quad-only connectivity during level-of- coarsening creation. A novel aspect of this work is development and implementation of a localized adaptation of the polychord collapse operator to better control and preserve important surface components. We describe a novel weighting scheme for automatic deletion selection that considers surface attributes, as well as localized queue updates that allow for improved data structures and computational performance opportunities over previous techniques. Additionally, this work supports optional and intuitive user controls for tailored simplification results.  相似文献   

We present a method for calculating the boundary of objects from Discrete Indicator Functions that store 2‐material volume fractions with a high degree of accuracy. Although Marching Cubes and its derivatives are effective methods for calculating contours of functions sampled over discrete grids, these methods perform poorly when contouring non‐smooth functions such as Discrete Indicator Functions. In particular, Marching Cubes will generate surfaces that exhibit aliasing and oscillations around the exact surface. We derive a simple solution to remove these problems by using a new function to calculate the positions of vertices along cell edges that is efficient, easy to implement, and does not require any optimization or iteration. Finally, we provide empirical evidence that the error introduced by our contouring method is significantly less than is introduced by Marching Cubes.  相似文献   

Semi-regular meshes describe surface models that exhibit a structural regularity that facilitates many geometric processing algorithms. We introduce a technique to construct semi-regular, quad-only meshes from input surface meshes of arbitrary polygonal type and genus. The algorithm generates a quad-only model through subdivision of the input polygons, then simplifies to a base domain that is homeomorphic to the original mesh. During the simplification, a novel hierarchical mapping method, keyframe mapping , stores specific levels-of-detail to guide the mapping of the original vertices to the base domain. The algorithm implements a scheme for refinement with adaptive resampling of the base domain and backward projects to the original surface. As a byproduct of the remeshing scheme, a surface parameterization is associated with the remesh vertices to facilitate subsequent geometric processing, i.e. texture mapping, subdivision surfaces and spline-based modeling.  相似文献   

Context-aware Volume Modeling of Skeletal Muscles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents an interactive volume modeling method that constructs skeletal muscles from an existing volumetric dataset. Our approach provides users with an intuitive modeling interface and produces compelling results that conform to the characteristic anatomy in the input volume. The algorithmic core of our method is an intuitive anatomy classification approach, suited to accommodate spatial constraints on the muscle volume. The presented work is useful in illustrative visualization, volumetric information fusion and volume illustration that involve muscle modeling, where the spatial context should be faithfully preserved.  相似文献   

In this paper a biorthogonal wavelet approach based on Doo‐Sabin subdivision is presented. In the dual subdivision like Doo‐Sabin scheme, all the old control vertices disappear after one subdivision step, which is a big challenge to the biorthogonal wavelet construction. In our approach, the barycenters of the V‐faces corresponding to the old vertices are selected as the vertices associated with the scaling functions to construct the scaling space. The lifting scheme is used to guarantee the fitting quality of the wavelet transform, and a local orthogonalization is introduced with a discrete inner product operation to improve the computation efficiency. Sharp feature modeling based on extended Doo‐Sabin subdivision rules is also discussed in the framework of our wavelet construction. The presented wavelet construction is proven to be stable and effective by the experimental results.  相似文献   

The acceptance of virtual environment (VE) technology requires scrupulous optimization of the most basic interactions to maximize user performance and provide efficient and enjoyable virtual interfaces. Motivated by insufficient understanding of human factors implications in the design of interaction techniques for object manipulation in virtual worlds, this paper presents results of a formal study that evaluated two basic interaction metaphors for virtual manipulation—virtual pointer and virtual hand—in object selection and positioning tasks. In this work, we survey and categorize current virtual manipulation techniques according to their basic design metaphors, conduct experimental studies of the most basic techniques, and derive guidelines to aid designers in the practical development of VE applications.  相似文献   

We provide a simple method that extracts an isosurface that is manifold and intersection‐free from a function over an arbitrary octree. Our method samples the function dual to minimal edges, faces, and cells, and we show how to position those samples to reconstruct sharp and thin features of the surface. Moreover, we describe an error metric designed to guide octree expansion such that flat regions of the function are tiled with fewer polygons than curved regions to create an adaptive polygonalization of the isosurface. We then show how to improve the quality of the triangulation by moving dual vertices to the isosurface and provide a topological test that guarantees we maintain the topology of the surface. While we describe our algorithm in terms of extracting surfaces from volumetric functions, we also show that our algorithm extends to generating manifold level sets of co‐dimension 1 of functions of arbitrary dimension.  相似文献   

We provide a method for improving the parameterization of patching schemes that approximate Catmull‐Clark subdivision surfaces, such that the new parameterization conforms better to that of the original subdivision surface. We create this reparameterization in real‐time using a method that only depends on the topology of the surface and is independent of the surface's geometry. Our method can handle patches with more than one extraordinary vertex and avoids the combinatorial increase in both complexity and storage associated with multiple extraordinary vertices. Moreover, the reparameterization function is easy to implement and fast.  相似文献   

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