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邹毅 《百年建筑》2006,(10):34-36
商业地产运营中的财务策略是商业地产运作中的重中之重,因为财务策略与企业发展战略目标息息相关,如何把握现金流,物业,商业之间的运作关系,如何融资,如何成功地在运营当中解决资金等方面的困惑其问题都是是关乎每一个企业生死攸关的问题.  相似文献   

张天翔 《百年建筑》2006,(10):23-24
概念 中国内地商业地产从2001年开始到现在为止已经有差不多5年的时间。开发商业地产首先要明白三个问题第一是做什么样的商业地产?因为商业地产包括的范围较大:第二是能做成什么样的商业地产?第三是为什么要做商业地产?  相似文献   

在企业经营过程中,运营的地位十分重要。企业筹集资金的目的是用于投资和经营活动,投资项目建设完工后都会转入运营,良好的运营活动是解除筹资风险和实现投资目的的根本保证。尽管筹资活动和投资活动对于企业的运营活动有着重大影响,但是从最终结果的视角考察,企业能否给债权人支付利息和偿还本金,能否给股东分红和保障股东的权益,能否实现投资项目的目标,能否充分发挥投资项目所占用资源的作用,都取决于运营活动的好坏。  相似文献   

正1引言近年来,北京市积极推进分布式光伏发电应用。2014年7月25日,市发改委印发《北京市分布式光伏发电项目管理暂行办法》(京发改规[2014]4号),要求重点推进在国家级新能源示范区、高端功能产业园区、商业设施及工业园区等建筑和构筑物上建设分布式光伏发电系统;积极支持在学校、医院等大型公共机构和新能源汽车充电站推广分布式光伏发电系统;对于年综合能耗超过5000t标煤的工业企业,年用  相似文献   

<正>调控新政促房地产业告别暴利2011年房地产市场调控的初步效果充分说明,需求是纲,其他都是目,纲举目张。随着市场有效需求锐减,以前由于供求失衡引起的价格快速上涨预期也已随之改变;追涨型购房进一步减少,整  相似文献   

由广东省企业联合会、广东省企业家协会组织的“广东省制造企业100强”、“广东最具投资价值上市公司50强”等评选活动日前揭晓.方大集团获得“广东省制造企业100强”、“广东最具投资价值上市公司50强”称号。  相似文献   

通过分析青年群体的居住现状,对青年公寓供不应求、投资额小、运营成本高等特点进行了介绍,并从建设模式、税费优惠、创新管理方面提出了建设青年公寓的策略,从而满足青年群体的居住需求。  相似文献   

从工程经济和财政管理的角度出发,对财政投资评审工作中资料的整理、现场踏勘、预算审核、招标控制价审核等操作重点及要点进行了阐述,以确保财政投资的建设资金合理、有效利用。  相似文献   

In liberalized electricity markets, empirical findings suggest that power plant investment decision-making under uncertainty exhibits bounded rationality. This study leverages the Nobel-prize-winning theory – prospect theory – to evaluate the impact of various boundedly rational elements on electric power system transition. Results show that boundedly rational investment behavior renders higher uncertainties and higher system costs. Further analysis highlighted that reference dependence, a factor overlooked in existing studies, can dominate the system's evolution. In light of the presented results, it could be relevant for energy policy evaluation to consider, among others, the perspective and status of investors.  相似文献   

舒文舟 《山西建筑》2011,37(32):219-220
针对2006年《企业会计准则第21号——租赁》规定了投资性房地产的确认、计量和相关信息的披露处理,但对公允价值模式下账务处理的说明不够明确的情况,详细介绍了投资性房地产公允价值模式下的账务处理方法,以期指导实践。  相似文献   

For many years project management has been moving toward professionalization through voluntary certification. Simultaneously, recruiters increasingly use voluntary professional certification as a signal of applicant competencies and likely future performance, to increase the efficiency of the selection process. This practice increases the value of certification to holders and leads to the growth of certification. However, despite significant research into the value of voluntary certification in numerous occupations, results linking certification with performance are tentative at best. We contribute to the growing body of research exploring the performance signaling ability of certification by empirically examining the case of project management professional certification using survey responses from 452 (certified (370), and uncertified (82)) international project managers. Our findings provide some support for this recruitment and selection practice, not through a direct relationship between certification and performance but by showing that self-efficacy mediates the relationship. Certification also relates to higher levels of professionalism. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of these findings for recruiters, project management professionals, and professional associations.  相似文献   

挣值分析法是工程项目费用/进度综合度量和监控的有效方法.本文结合世界知名的专业项目管理软件P3E/C来论述挣值理论应用于项目投资控制的总体思路和操作方法.  相似文献   

本从分析日本京都的美秀美术馆入手,通过对其空间序列中所运用的传统造园手法的分析,进一步探求蕴含其手法背后的化精神,以期利于现实的创作构思。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the interplay between organization designs and value processes in the context of programs. Building upon the findings from a longitudinal case study of a complex multi-partner program within Sweden's transportation sector, we argue that different value processes over the program lifecycle require different program management arrangements. Specifically, the paper explores how three distinct value processes, namely value definition, value creation and value capture, were related to specific program organization design dimensions, including overall organizational form, program boundaries, organizational control modes, program protagonist and sources of funding. The paper explicates the dynamics of alignment between organization design and value processes and shows how the external context shaped the process of alignment. Thus, the study contributes to the literature by reporting a rich, longitudinal empirical case, identifying organizational preconditions for different value processes in programs and highlighting the dynamics of these processes.  相似文献   

A core concern of all planning theory is properly linking knowledge to action. Using this core concern as the base for analysis, this paper examines the nature of underlying differences among contemporary schools of planning. The analysis centres on four general concerns of planning: its guiding purpose, the role of the planner, knowledge of the future, and knowledge of the public interest. The results highlight areas of debate among schools of planning thought, and suggest a separation between knowledge and action. In turn, the method of analysis demonstrates that using similarities as themes that cut across schools of planning thought helps to advance a theoretical understanding of planning as a social phenomenon.  相似文献   

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