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Jugular plasma prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH) and progesterone (P4) levels were estimated in goats under three different conditions with prolonged luteal function (P4 > or = 1 ng/ml): pseudopregnant animals (n = 4), goats hysterectomized during early pregnancy (n = 4) and does with normal pregnancy (n = 4). Mean duration (+/- S.E.M.) of luteal phases were 189 +/- 20, 171 +/- 10, and 147 +/- 2 days in the three groups, respectively. Until day 120, mean PRL levels were below 150 ng/ml in each group. After day 120 of the luteal phase, PRL concentrations were significantly higher than before, but continued to increase up to 800 ng/ml only in pregnant animals around parturition. Mean GH levels varied between 2 and 3 ng/ml in animals of each group during the luteal phase. Only after parturition, a significant elevation occurred. P4 levels in pseudopregnant animals were significantly lower than in the other two groups between days 10 and 55, and showed a gradual but continuous decline towards the end of the luteal phase. After hysterectomy of early pregnant animals, P4 concentrations decreased to levels measured in pseudopregnant animals but were significantly higher again as compared to pseudopregnant animals between days 121 and 150. It is concluded that a pseudopregnant condition, characterized by intrauterine fluid accumulation, is not related to increased plasma PRL and GH concentrations. The low and gradually decreasing plasma progesterone levels in the pseudopregnant animals probably reflect the absence of a luteotrophic stimulus by the conceptus. The progesterone profile in the animals that were hysterectomized during early pregnancy suggests that the corpora lutea of these does have been permanently changed by the presence of the conceptus during the first weeks of the luteal phase.  相似文献   

The effect of endothelin-1 on basal and stimulated serum (plasma) concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), thyrotropin (TSH), prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH), and corticotropin was investigated in healthy male volunteers (n = 5). Intravenous (IV) administration of endothelin-1 (5 ng/kg/min for 15 minutes, followed by 2.5 ng/kg/min for 105 minutes) induced an increase in basal plasma concentrations of corticotropin. Serum concentrations of PRL, TSH, LH, FSH, and GH remained unchanged. The increase in serum concentrations of these pituitary hormones induced by IV administration of LH-releasing hormone ([LH-RH] 100 micrograms), thyrotropin RH ([TRH] 400 micrograms), GH-RH (100 micrograms), and corticotropin-releasing factor ([CRF] 100 micrograms) was suppressed in regard to PRL (P < .01) and GH (P < .01) and enhanced in regard to corticotropin (P < .01). Stimulated serum concentrations of LH and FSH also tended to be higher following administration of endothelin-1 (P < .05), whereas the increase in serum concentrations of TSH remained unchanged. Thus, when administered in pharmacological doses, endothelin-1 influences pituitary hormone secretion in man.  相似文献   

Cytology in malignant melanoma of the skin is a useful method, which alone yields in many cases enough diagnostic informations for a therapeutical approach. It is of a special importance in cases with marked anisocytosis of cells and with large, sometimes polynuclear cells and with cells with melanotic pigment. In cases with middle-sized apigmented cells of epitheloid appearance it should be always completed by biopsy, which, in these cases predominates over cytology. Combination of both methods brings a more substantial elucidation of diagnosis.  相似文献   

Plasma samples from two experiments were processed to determine whether ergot alkaloids associated with endophyte-infected tall fescue altered peripheral thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), or cortisol concentrations in cattle. In Exp. 1, seven Angus steers (294 kg) received i.v. bolus injections of saline (SAL), ergonovine maleate (7 mg; EM), or ergotamine tartrate (7 mg; ET) at weekly intervals, and they received all treatments during the study. Blood was sampled every 15 min for 5 h, and treatments were given after h 1. Mean ambient temperature was 34 degrees C. Treatment x time affected plasma concentrations of T3 (P < .05) and of cortisol (P < .001) but not that of T4 (P > .2). Plasma T3 concentrations were not affected by SAL, whereas concentrations increased (P < .01) after either EM or ET treatment. Plasma cortisol concentrations were not altered by SAL or EM, but they were increased (P < .001) by ET treatment. In Exp. 2, six Holstein cows (499 kg) nursing calves received a bolus i.v. injection of SAL, EM (9.5 mg), or ET (9.5 mg) per estrous cycle, and all treatments were given over three cycles. Blood was sampled every 20 min for 5 h; treatments were given after h 1. Mean ambient temperature was 26 degrees C. Treatment x time affected T3 (P = .08) and cortisol (P < .001) and tended to influence (P = .16) T4 concentrations. Plasma T3, T4, and cortisol concentrations were not influenced by SAL treatment. Plasma T3 was higher (P < or = .01) after EM or ET treatment compared with pretreatment concentrations. Concentrations of T4 during the 4 h after EM and ET were increased (P < .001) compared with pretreatment. Plasma cortisol concentrations were not altered by EM but were increased (P < .001) by ET. Ergot alkaloids implicated as contributing agents to fescue toxicosis alter plasma concentrations of hormones important to metabolic and thermoregulatory functions in cattle.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to determine the effects of n-methyl-d,l-aspartate (NMA), an agonist of the neurotransmitter glutamate, on circulating concentrations of LH, GH, and cortisol in gilts treated during the luteal (n = 4) or follicular (n = 4) phase of the estrous cycle, or after ovariectomy (n = 4). Blood was sampled every 15 min for 10 h on each of two consecutive days. On the 1st d, two gilts from each group received i.v. injections of NMA (10 mg/kg BW) at h 4 and 6, and the remaining gilts received .9% saline (vehicle). The following day, gilts that had received NMA on the 1st d received vehicle, and gilts that had received vehicle on d 1 received NMA. All gilts received an i.v. challenge of GnRH (.1 microg/kg BW) at h 8 on each day. The NMA treatment increased (P < .01) LH pulse frequency in luteal-phase gilts by 125%. In contrast, NMA decreased (P < .05) mean concentrations of LH by 48% and suppressed (P < .01) LH pulse frequency by 33% in ovariectomized gilts. No characteristics of LH secretion were affected (P > .05) by NMA in follicular phase gilts. Serum LH concentrations for the 2-h period following GnRH were lower (P < .05) in follicular-phase gilts than in ovariectomized gilts and were 1.15 +/- .09 (mean +/- SE), .81 +/- .05, and .51 +/- .17 ng/mL for ovariectomized, luteal-phase, and follicular-phase gilts, respectively. Treatment with NMA increased circulating concentrations of GH by 334% (P < .01) and cortisol by 77% (P < .03) in all gilts. We suggest that the effects of NMA on LH release in gilts depend on the circulating steroidal milieu. In contrast, NMA evokes secretion of GH and cortisol irrespective of the reproductive status of treated gilts.  相似文献   

Integrated serum concentrations of luteinizing hormone have been compared among 30-minute collections from 10 boys (6-18 years old) and 5 girls (5-11 years old). This study suggests that perpubertal as well as pubertal boys have greater mean integrated concentrations of LH during sleep than during waking. One of two pubertal girls had greater concentrations of LH during sleep, while three prepubertal girls did not.  相似文献   

Repositol progesterone was injected intramuscularly into 4 steers and 17 postpartum cows at a dose of 2.2 mg/kg body weight. In steers the plasma progesterone concentration rose to 6.8 ng/ml 1 day postinjection and declined to a mean concentration of 2.1 ng/ml on days 3 and 4 postinjection. Postpartum, presumed anestrus, cows reached a lesser progesterone concentration of 2.9 ng/ml 1 day postinjection and then declined to a lower mean of .7 ng/ml on days 3 and 4 postinjection. These data suggest different rates of metabolism and/or excretion of progesterone by cows and steers.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of luteinizing hormone, follicle stimulating hormone, and estrogen were studied serially in 20 patients before and after hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. Ten patients received an implant of estradiol-17 beta (100 mg) at the time of operation. Ten patients who did not receive an implant acted as controls. Patients recorded the severity of vasomotor symptoms before and after hysterectomy. In those patients who did not receive an implant, plasma estrogen levels fell from a mean preoperative level of 18.1 +/- 10.4 ng/100 ml to 8.7 +/- 1.4 ng/100 ml by 24 hours after oophorectomy and they remained in this range for the 6 months of the study. No significant change in the plasma estrogen level was noted after oophorectomy in those patients who received an implant. The implant prevented the rise in gonadotropin levels and the appearance of vasomotor symptoms seen in those patients who underwent oophorectomy without an implant. Insertion of an implant into oophorectomized patients caused the plasma estrogen level to return to premenopausal levels within 2 weeks and the gonadotropin levels to premenopausal values within 6 weeks. Hot flashes were alleviated within 2 to 6 days. The usefulness of this type of therapy in preventing the appearance of vasomotor symptoms at the time of oophorectomy in premenopausal patients is confirmed.  相似文献   

In a study of pineal gland influences on hormone secretory profiles, blood samples were collected at 20 min intervals for 26 h from 4 pinealectomized and 4 sham-operated rams which were subjected to a 14.5 h daily photoperiod. Plasma levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and testosterone (T) underwent rapid pulsatile fluctuations in all rams. Pinealectomized rams produced more LH than the sham-operated rams and a similar trend was recorded for plasma T data, since T secretion closely followed that of LH. A nocturnal elevation of plasma prolactin (Prl) levels displayed by sham-operated rams was substantially abolished by pinealectomy. Also a rise in cortisol secretion during the morning hours recorded from 3 of the sham-operated rams was absent in 2 of the pinealectomized rams. The possible significance of the pineal gland in the regulation of secretion of these hormones is discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of ergonovine maleate on prolactin secretion and lactation was determined in 10 puerperal women. Serum prolactin concentration measured by radioimmunoassay resulted in 537.2 +/- 45.9 ng/ml (M +/- SE) before the oral administration of 0.6 mg ergonovine maleate, and 89.7 +/- 25.6 ng/ml after 7 days of therapy. The serum prolactin concentration seen in the control group of nonlactating women (562.0 +/- 36.1 and 218.0 +/- 27.3 ng/ml) was significantly greater than (P less than 0.01) that seen in the treated group. In 2 additional patients it was also demonstrated that the simultaneous administration of ergonovine by oral and intravenous routes potentiates the suppressive effect on prolactin secretion. Three of the 10 treated women showed progressive inhibition of lactation. This study shows that ergonovine maleate interferes with prolactin secretion, and may decrease milk production.  相似文献   

Dairy animals, ranging from days 8 to 13 of the estrous cycle, were fitted with indwelling jugular catheters 1 day prior to either intramuscular injection of prostaglandin F2alpha free acid (30 mg, n=4) or intrauterine deposition of prostaglandin F2alpha free acid (10 mg, n = 3). Blood samples were collected at 6, 4, 2, and 0 h prior to administration of prostaglandin F2alpha and at 1, 3, and every 2 h thereafter until ovulation. Progestins, estradiol, and luteinizing hormone in plasma were measured by radioimmunoassay. Hormonal changes and interrelationships within animals were evaluated by least squares analyses. Decreases in progestins of plasma within 24 h indicated prostaglandin F2alpha induced luteolysis in six of the seven animals. Estradiol increased linearly from time of injection to 52 h postinjection. Intervals from administration of prostaglandin to onset of estrus, peak of luteinizing hormone, and ovulation were 74.9 +/- 21, 78.8 +/- 21, and 99.5 +/- 19 h.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A multicentre study was undertaken to determine the value of somatostatin receptor (sst) scintigraphy in predicting hormonal and visual responses to octreotide treatment in GH-secreting and non-functioning pituitary adenomas. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy was performed in 48 patients (19 acromegaly, 29 non-functioning pituitary adenomas with ophthalmological defects). Results were expressed as an uptake index of the pituitary area. A threshold for positivity was determined in 23 subjects considered as controls. Thirty-five patients were treated for 1 month with octreotide (300 micrograms daily). The therapeutic response was assessed on GH and IGF-I suppression or evolution of the ophthalmological defects. The relationships between the somatostatin receptor scintigraphy result, the therapeutic effect of octreotide and in vitro studies performed in 12 tumours were studied. RESULTS: From the results of control subjects the uptake index threshold for positivity was 2. In patients, somatostatin receptor scintigraphy was positive in 64% and there was no relationship between uptake index and tumour size. In GH tumours, somatostatin receptor scintigraphy was positive in 68%; uptake index was related to octreotide-induced GH and IGF I suppression. The positive predictive value was 100% and the negative predictive value was 50%. In vitro studies showed detectable binding sites for somatostatin with sst2 and sst5 expression in the 4 GH tumours studied although somatostatin receptor scintigraphy was negative in 2 cases. In non-functioning pituitary adenomas somatostatin receptor scintigraphy was positive in 62%. Based on visual effects, the positive predictive value was 61% and the negative predictive value was 100%. A wide distribution of somatostatin binding sites was found in 8 non-functioning pituitary adenomas with expression of sst2 only. CONCLUSION: In the conditions of the study, in patients with acromegaly, positive somatostatin receptor scintigraphy predicts a hormonal response but the value of somatostatin receptor scintigraphy is limited by its low negative predictive value. In patients with non-functioning pituitary adenomas, negative somatostatin receptor scintigraphy predicts that there will be no visual improvement during octreotide treatment.  相似文献   

Angiotensin II (AII)-containing neurons with cell bodies in the rostral medial hypothalamus and axons project to the external layer of the median eminence, so that AII maybe released into the hypophyseal portal vessels for actions on the pituitary gland. Indeed, intrahypothalamic actions of the peptide on the release of hypothalamic hormones and direct actions on the pituitary have been reported. To determine the role of endogenously released AII in hypothalamic-pituitary hormone release, we have determined the effects of central immunoneutralization of AII upon the plasma concentrations of prolactin (PRL), growth hormone (GH), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Specific antiserum directed against AII (AB-AII) or normal rabbit serum (NRS), as a control, was microinjected into third ventricular (3 V) cannulae of conscious, ovariectomized (OVX) rats. Immediately before and at various intervals after this procedure, blood samples were withdrawn through previously implanted external jugular catheters. Three hours after injection of the AB-AII, plasma PRL levels diverged from those of the NRS-injected animals and progressively increased from 4 to 24 h after administration of the antiserum. Results were similar with respect to plasma GH, except that the increase in the AB-AII animals above that in the NRS-injected controls from 4 to 6 h was not significant, but was highly significant on measurement 24 h after injection, at which time plasma GH was three times higher than in control rats. Similarly, following injection of AB-AII, plasma TSH values did not diverge significantly from those of the NRS-injected controls until 3 h after injection. From 3 to 5 h they remained constant and significantly elevated above values in the NRS-injected controls with a further nonsignificant increase at 6 h. At 24 h, there was no longer a difference between the values in both groups. In contrast to the significant elevations in plasma hormone levels observed with respect to PRL, GH, and TSH following injection of the antiserum, there was no change in plasma ACTH between the AB-AII-injected and NRS-injected animals throughout the same period of observation. Previous results by others have shown that intraventricular injection of AII has a suppressive action on the release of PRL, GH, and TSH. Consequently, we believe that the antiserum is acting intrahypothalamically to block the action of AII within the hypothalamus, resulting in the elevation of the three hormones mentioned. Therefore, the AII neurons appear to have a physiologically significant suppressive action on the release of hypothalamic neurohormones controlling the release of PRL, GH, and TSH. In contrast, there apparently is no effect of intrahypothalamically released AII on the secretion of corticotropin-releasing factors under these nonstress conditions. We cannot rule out an action of the antiserum at the pituitary level; however, in view of the fact that the actions of AII directly on the gland are to stimulate PRL, GH, TSH, and ACTH release, it appears that the antiserum was acting at the hypothalamic level.  相似文献   

We report the abnormal albumin in members of a Thai family that presented with high serum total T3 but not T4 when measured by radioimmunoassay. In contrast, total T3 values were very low when measured by ELISA and chemiluminescence. The subjects have no goiter, and clinically euthyroid. Their serum free T4, free T3, and TSH were normal. Spiking of T3 to affected serum showed good recovery by radioimmunoassay, but very poor recovery by ELISA and by chemiluminescence. The immunoprecipitation with labeled T3 bound to albumin showed high percent precipitation in affected serum. T3-binding studies showed that the association constant of serum albumin in affected subjects was 1.5 x 10(6) M-1 or 40-fold that of unaffected relatives of 3.9 x 10(4) M-1. In contrast, the Ka of HSA for T4 in an affected subject was only 1.5-fold that of a normal. Albumin complementary DNA from leukocytes of affected member was amplified and sequenced. We found the second nucleotide of normal codon 66 (CTT), a thymine, was substituted by a cytosine (CCT), resulting in the replacement of the normal leucine by proline. This is the first report of variant albumin causing familial dysalbuminemic hypertriiodothyroninemia.  相似文献   

A new area of growth hormone (GH) therapy in adults is the treatment of infertility. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of pharmacological GH administration on the secretion of pituitary and gonadal hormones in normal men. Eight healthy men, 23-32 years of age (mean 28.1 years), with a normal body mass index were studied in a double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover design. All participants had a normal semen analysis before entering the study. Each participant was treated with placebo and GH (12/IU/day, Norditropin; Novo Nordisk, Denmark) during two different 14-day periods, separated by a 6 week washout period. Administration of GH for 14 days resulted in a significant increase in serum insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I; P < 0.01) but no changes occurred in IGF-I values during placebo treatment. The concentrations of follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone displayed no change during the two periods and did not differ between the GH treatment period and the placebo period. The concentration of testosterone was unchanged during the placebo/GH periods and there was no difference between the GH treatment period and the placebo period. We conclude that GH treatment for 14 days in normal healthy men does not affect gonadotrophin or testosterone patterns.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to identify a 64-kD thylakoid membrane protein of unknown function. The protein was extracted from chloroplast thylakoids under low ionic strength conditions and purified to homogeneity by preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Four peptides generated from the proteolytic cleavage of the wheat 64-kD protein were sequenced and found to be identical to internal sequences of the chloroplast-coupling factor (CF1) alpha-subunit. Antibodies for the 64-kD protein also recognized the alpha-subunit of CF1. Both the 64-kD protein and the 61-kD CF1 alpha-subunit were present in the monocots barley (Hordeum vulgare), maize (Zea mays), oat (Avena sativa), and wheat (Triticum aestivum); but the dicots pea (Pisum sativum), soybean (Glycine max Merr.), and spinach (Spinacia oleracea) contained only a single polypeptide corresponding to the CF1 alpha-subunit. The 64-kD protein accumulated in response to high irradiance (1000 mumol photons m-2 s-1) and declined in response to low irradiance (80 mumol photons m-2 s-1) treatments. Thus, the 64-kD protein was identified as an irradiance-dependent isoform of the CF1 alpha-subunit found only in monocots. Analysis of purified CF1 complexes showed that the 64-kD protein represented up to 15% of the total CF1 alpha-subunit.  相似文献   

Plasma human prolactin levels were measured by homologous radioimmunoassay in patients with primary breast cancer and in normal women of similar age. In normal controls mean (+/- SEM) basal plasma prolactin levels were 11.9 +/- 1.5 ng/ml and intravenous injection of synthetic thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), 500 mug, caused a significant rise in plasma prolactin in all subjects examined with a maximum response of 52.6 +/- 3.3 ng/ml (mean +/- SEM). Markedly high plasma prolactin levels and exaggerated plasma prolactin responses to TRH were demonstrated in some patients with breast cancer. However, mean basal plasma prolactin levels and mean plasma prolactin increments following TRH in patients with breast cancer did not differ significantly from those in normal subjects. Plasma prolactin responses to TRH were slightly blunted during the administration of androgen in patients with breast cancer. These results suggest that some of the patients with primary breast cancer have abnormal prolactin secretion.  相似文献   

Pituitary adenoma cells from a mammosomatotroph adenoma obtained from a 21-year-old female presenting with acromegaly and amenorrhea were investigated by sandwich cell immunoblot assay, immunohistochemistry, and electron microscopy. The new, simple technique of sandwich cell immunoblot assay could detect two hormones secreted in the same one cell, and found that 89% of mammosomatotrophs secreted both growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL). Immunohistochemistry showed that the tumor cells were positive for both GH and PRL. Electron microscopy showed cells contained granules ranging in size form 150 to 500 nm. This is the first demonstration of both GH and PRL in the same mammosomatotroph cell. Sandwich cell immunoblot assay can measure the amount of secreted hormone, allowing a new approach to the investigation of mammosomatotroph adenomas.  相似文献   

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