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This study examines the effect of long-term magnesium-deficient diet on blood pressure and vascular reactivity in aged spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) with established hypertension. Thirty-one-week old male SHR received control (0.15 per cent magnesium) and magnesium-deficient (0.015 per cent magnesium) diets for 30 weeks. Systolic blood pressure was measured by tail-cuff method. At the end of the study, the heart, aorta and kidney were collected to measure total magnesium and calcium concentrations; the ex vivo effects of the different magnesium diets on vascular reactivity were examined in isolated aorta and in the isolated perfused mesenteric vascular bed. After 30 weeks, magnesium deficiency had no effect on systolic blood pressure and heart rate of SHR. The tissue concentrations of total magnesium in aorta, heart and kidney were not modified by magnesium deficient diet. Total calcium concentration was significantly higher in the heart of the SHR fed the magnesium-deficient diet (p < 0.01). The aortic responsiveness to contractile agents norepinephrine, endothelin-1, CaCl2 and KCl, and to vasorelaxant agents acetylcholine and isoproterenol were not modified by magnesium deficiency. The vasoconstrictor activity to norepinephrine, CaCl2 and KCl was significantly enhanced in the isolated perfused mesenteric vascular bed of magnesium-deficient SHR (p < 0.05). In conclusion, magnesium deficient diet fails to elevate blood pressure in aged SHR maintained on deficiency for 30 weeks despite an enhanced ex vivo vasoconstrictor activity.  相似文献   

Objective: Several blood pressure indexes of autonomic dysregulation, including stress-induced blood pressure responses (i.e., reactivity), have been associated previously with stroke, silent cerebrovascular disease, and decreased cognitive function. Design: The authors examined the cross-sectional relations among systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) reactivity and cognitive function in a sample of stroke- and dementia-free older adults (n = 73, 53% male, 72% Caucasian, mean age = 70.14 years) from the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. Main Outcome Measures: Age, education, baseline, and reactive blood pressure levels were regressed on cognitive test scores measuring the domains of attention, learning and memory, verbal functions/language skills, and perceptuo-motor speed. A Bonferroni correction was employed and results significant at the standard p  相似文献   

dTDP-L-dihydrostreptose: streptidine-6-phosphate dihydrostreptosyltransferase, an enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of streptomycin, has been purified from Streptomyces griseus to near homogeneity by a six-step procedure involving chromatography on streptidine-6-phosphate-Sepharose. By gel filtration the apparent Mr of the enzyme was found to be about 63 000. The subunit Mr found on sodium dodecylsulfate gels is about 35 000. The transferase is dependent on Mn2+ or Mg2+ ions. Co2+ is as effective as Mg2+. From the substrates tested only streptidine 6-phosphate was an acceptor for dihydrostreptose in the synthesis of O-alpha-L-dihydrostreptose(1 leads to 4)-streptidine 6-phosphate. No activity was found with streptidine, 2-deoxystreptamine and 4-deoxy-streptamine. The activity of the transferase in the course of fermentation runs parallel to the activity of dTDP-dihydrostreptose synthase and reaches a maximum after around 50 h of fermentation, just before appearance of streptomycin in the medium.  相似文献   

The utility and construct validity of the Children's Depression Inventory and the youth version of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale were examined. No significant grade, sex or race effects were obtained for either measure. Examination of convergent and discriminate validity for these measures revealed high correspondence with self-report measures of related constructs. Children's self-reports corresponded poorly with ratings by teachers or parents. Finally, the utility of recommended cutoff scores for identifying extreme groups of depressed children and adolescents was evaluated. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Collins and Thompson (1988) challenged the utility of such labels as behavioral and insight-oriented in comparative therapy research and questioned the manner in which these theoretical approaches were operationalized in a recent study by Wills, Faitler, and Snyder (1987). We argue that such labels, while imperfect, identify the context in which theory-driven models of clinical intervention are tested. Psychotherapy research requires that specific and nonspecific components of treatment approaches be distinguished. The study by Wills et al provides a model for verifying therapist fidelity in manual-guided treatment research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although hemispheric asymmetry among individuals is often treated as a categorical variable with 3 values (i.e., left hemisphere dominance, right hemisphere dominance, and bilateral dominance), it is best viewed as a continuously distributed variable ranging from strong asymmetry in favor of the left hemisphere through nearly equal asymmetry to strong asymmetry in favor of the right hemisphere. The present study compared distributions of hemispheric asymmetry in left- and right-handers, based on behavioral indexes of hemispheric asymmetry, such as visual field asymmetry on divided visual field tasks and ear asymmetry on dichotic listening tasks. Meta-analyses of prior studies using these indexes indicate that distributions of hemispheric asymmetry in left- and right-handers differ both in the mean and in the variance. Right-handers have greater mean hemispheric asymmetry than left-, whereas left-handers have greater variance in hemispheric asymmetry than right-handers. Within left-handers, those without sinistral relatives have greater variance in hemispheric asymmetry than those with sinistral relatives, suggesting that sinistral patterns of hemispheric asymmetry determined by environmental factors may be more variable than those determined by genetic factors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Serum cholesterol levels, blood pressure, and smoking are the classic coronary risk factors, but what determines whether a myocardial infarction will be fatal or not? OBJECTIVE: To investigate cardiovascular risk factors that may influence survival in subjects with coronary heart disease (myocardial infarction and sudden death). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: All inhabitants aged 35 to 52 years in Finnmark County, Norway, were invited to a cardiovascular survey in 1974-1975 and/or 1977-1978. Attendance rate was 90.5%. A total of 6995 men and 6320 women were followed up for 14 years with regard to incident myocardial infarction and sudden death. Predictors for 28-day case fatality rate after first myocardial infarction were analyzed. RESULTS: During 186 643 person-years, 635 events among men and 125 events among women were registered. The case fatality rate was 31.6% in men and 28.0% in women (P =.50). Among men (women) with baseline systolic blood pressure lower than 140 mm Hg, the 28-day case fatality rate was 24.5% (22.6%), among those with systolic blood pressure of 140 through 159 mm Hg, the case fatality rate was 35.6% (28.2%), and among those with systolic blood pressure of 160 mm Hg or higher, the case fatality rate was 48.2% (41.7%). Of the 760 subjects with myocardial infarction, 348 died during follow-up. In Cox regression analysis, systolic blood pressure at baseline was strongly related to death (relative risk per 15 mm Hg, 1.22; 95% confidence interval, 1.13-1.31). Daily smoking at baseline (relative risk, 1.40; 95% confidence interval, 1.07-1.85) and age at time of event (relative risk per 5 years, 1.12; 95% confidence interval, 1.01-1.24) were additional significant risk factors, while total serum and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels were unrelated to survival. Similar results were obtained with diastolic blood pressure in the model. CONCLUSIONS: Preinfarction blood pressure was an important predictor of case fatality rate in myocardial infarction. Daily smoking and age were additional significant predictors.  相似文献   

There is little longitudinal information on aging-related changes in emotional responses to negative events. In the present article, we examined intraindividual change and variability in the within-person coupling of daily stress and negative affect using data from 2 measurement-burst daily diary studies. Three main findings emerged. First, average reactivity to daily stress increased longitudinally, and this increase was evident across most of the adult lifespan. Second, individual differences in emotional reactivity to daily stress exhibited long-term temporal stability, but this stability was greatest in midlife and decreased in old age. Third, reactivity to daily stress varied reliably within-persons (across-time), with individuals exhibiting higher levels of reactivity during times when reporting high levels of global subject stress in the previous month. Taken together, the present results emphasize the importance of modeling dynamic psychosocial and aging processes that operate across different time scales for understanding age-related changes in daily stress processes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this article, the Working Group on Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux of the European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition presents and discusses a definition of reflux esophagitis and recommends a diagnostic approach and therapeutic management for this condition. Histologic criteria for reflux esophagitis, modified and adapted to the particular needs of infants and children, are suggested. Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is recommended as the technique of choice in infants and children presenting with symptoms suggestive of reflux esophagitis. Prokinetics, although still a relatively new drug family, have already established a definitive place in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease in infants and children and could also be used in the treatment of nonulcerative esophagitis, as suggested in the literature. If the esophagitis is more severe (ulcerative), treatment should initially consist of H2 blockers and then be continued with prokinetics. New drugs, such as omeprazole, are suggested in cases refractory to H2 blockers. Surgery is indicated in life-threatening conditions or if the esophagitis is resistant to adequate medical management.  相似文献   

This study tested the effect of marriage on young adult heavy drinking and tested whether this effect was mediated by involvement in social activities, religiosity, and self-control reasons for limiting drinking. The sample of 508 young adults was taken from an ongoing longitudinal study of familial alcoholism that over-sampled children of alcoholics (Chassin, Rogosch, & Barrera, 1991). In order to distinguish role socialization effects of marriage from confounding effects of role selection into marriage, analyses used both the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) method and the change score method of adjusting for pre-marriage levels of heavy drinking and the mediators. Results showed role socialization effects of marriage on post-marriage declines in heavy drinking. This effect was mediated by involvement in social activities such that marriage predicted decreased involvement in social activities, which in turn predicted decreased heavy drinking. There were no statistically significant mediated effects of religiosity. The mediated effect of self-control reasons for limiting drinking was supported by the ANCOVA method only, and further investigation suggested that this result was detected erroneously due to violation of an assumption of the ANCOVA method that is not shared by the change score method. Findings from this study offer an explanation for the maturing out of heavy drinking that takes place for some individuals over the course of young adulthood. Methodologically, results suggest that the ANCOVA method should be employed with caution, and that the change score method is a viable approach to confirming results from the ANCOVA method. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study compared the conceptual foci and methodological characteristics of research projects which tested the effects of nursing interventions, published in four general nursing research journals with predominantly North American, and two with predominantly European/International authorship and readership. Dimensions and variables of comparison included: nature of subjects, design issues, statistical methodology, statistical power, and types of interventions and outcomes. Although some differences emerged, the most striking and consistent finding was that there were no statistically significant differences (and thus similarities) in the content foci and methodological parameters of the intervention studies published in both groups of journals. We conclude that European/International and North American nursing intervention studies, as reported in major general nursing research journals, are highly similar in the parameters studied, yet in need of overall improvement. Certainly, there is no empirical support for the common (explicit or implicit) ethnocentric American bias that leadership in nursing intervention research resides with and in the United States of America.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The available data on low-dose oral contraceptive pill (OCP) use and stroke risk in US women are limited by small numbers. We sought more precise estimates by conducting a pooled analysis of data from 2 US population-based case-control studies. METHODS: We analyzed interview data from 175 ischemic stroke cases, 198 hemorrhagic stroke cases, and 1191 control subjects 18 to 44 years of age. RESULTS: For ischemic stroke, the pooled odds ratio (pOR) adjusted for stroke risk factors for current use of low-dose OCPs compared with women who had never used OCP (never users) was 0.66 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.29 to 1.47) and compared with women not currently using OCPs (nonusers) the pOR was 1.09 (95% CI, 0.54 to 2.21). For hemorrhagic stroke, the pOR for current use of low-dose OCPs compared with never users was 0.95 (95% CI, 0.46 to 1.93) and compared with nonusers the pOR was 1.11 (95% CI, 0.61 to 2.01). The pORs for current low-dose OCP use and either stroke type were not elevated among women who were >/=35 years, cigarette smokers, obese, or not receiving medical therapy for hypertension. pORs for current low-dose OCP use were 2.08 (95% CI, 1. 19 to 3.65) for ischemic stroke and 2.15 (95% CI, 0.85 to 5.45) for hemorrhagic stroke among women reporting a history of migraine but were not elevated among women without such a history. Past OCP use (irrespective of formulation) was inversely related to ischemic stroke but unrelated to hemorrhagic stroke. CONCLUSIONS: Women who use low-dose OCPs are, in the aggregate, not at increased risk of stroke. Studies are needed to clarify the risk of stroke among users who may be susceptible on the basis of age, smoking, obesity, hypertension, or migraine history.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study reviews the case-mix characteristics, management, and outcomes of melanoma cases occuring in the U.S. within the last decade. METHODS: Analyses of the National Cancer Data Base (NCDB) were performed on cases diagnosed between 1985 through 1994. A total of 84,836 cases comprised of cutaneous and noncutaneous melanomas were evaluated. RESULTS: The percentages of melanomas that were cutaneous, ocular, mucosal, and unknown primaries were 91.2%, 5.2%, 1.3%, and 2.2%, respectively. For cutaneous melanomas, the proportion of patients presenting with American Joint Committee on Cancer Stages 0, I, II, III, and IV were 14.9%, 47.7%, 23.1%, 8.9%, and 5.3%, respectively. Factors associated with decreased survival included more advanced stage at diagnosis, nodular or acral lentiginous histology, increased age, male gender, nonwhite race, and lower income. Multivariate analysis identified stage, histology, gender, age, and income as independent prognostic factors. For ocular melanomas, 85.0% were uveal, 4.8% were conjunctival, and 10.2% occurred at other sites. During the study period, there was a large increase in the proportion of ocular melanoma patients treated with radiation therapy alone. For mucosal melanomas, the distribution of head and neck, female genital tract, anal/rectal, and urinary tract sites was 55.4%, 18.0%, 23.8%, and 2.8%, respectively. Patients with lymph node involvement had a poor prognosis. For unknown primary melanomas, the distribution of metastases as localized to a region or multiple sites at presentation was 43.0% and 57.0%, respectively. Surgical treatment of patients with unknown primary site of the melanoma resulted in better survival compared with no treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment of early stage cutaneous melanoma resulted in excellent patient outcomes. In addition to conventional prognostic factors, socioeconomic factors were found to be associated with survival.  相似文献   

Two cross-lagged longitudinal studies were carried out to investigate the extent to which the adjustment of personal goals to match the particular stage-specific demands of the transition to motherhood has consequences for women's depressive symptoms. In Study 1, 348 women filled out a revised version of Little's (1983) Personal Project Analysis and a revised version of Beck's Depression Inventory (A. T. Beck, C. H. Ward, M. Mendelsohn, L. Mock, & J. Erlaugh, 1961) 4 times: during early pregnancy, 1 month before childbirth, 3 months after childbirth, and 2 years after childbirth. In Study 2, 140 women who reported high levels of fear of childbirth filled out identical measures during early pregnancy, 1 month before childbirth, and 3 months after childbirth. The results showed that an increase in family-related goals during pregnancy and after the birth of the child predicted a decline in women's depressive symptoms. By contrast, an increase in self-focused goals predicted an increase in women's depressive symptoms. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The relationship between characteristics of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and eating disorders (ED) was investigated in a clinical sample of 43 female and 17 male IBS patients who completed the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI). A diagnosis of IBS was generally unrelated to the Body Dissatisfaction, Perfectionism, and Ineffectiveness subscales of the EDI, but symptom severity was correlated with Perfectionism and Ineffectiveness. Severe bouts of vomiting were significantly associated with desires for lower body weight and reported binge-purge behaviors and cognitions measured by the Bulimia subscale of the EDI. Results suggest the need for a more comprehensive understanding of both types of illness as well as a possible framework for future empirical work.  相似文献   

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