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乳清在烘焙食品中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
乳清是生产干酪和干酪素的副产品,以往没有被充分利用,现正在引起食品工业的高度重视。它可应用于烘焙食品中,在面包、糕点、饼干宁可起列强化营养、改善风味、乳化、保鲜、起泡、胶凝、改善产品质量等多种功能的作用。还可以部分或全部地代替食品配方中的蛋、蛋黄和奶粉等原辅料,降低成本,具有重要的经济意义。乳清在烘焙食品中的应用具有广阔的前景。  相似文献   

<正> 乳清配料应用于焙烤工业已有几十年。早期,甜乳清是唯一的商业用乳清产品,它能为多种烘焙产品带来益处,如产生褐变、带来柔软的质构并节约成本。如今,随着多种乳清配料的功能性不断被开发和改良,它们在焙烤中的益处也被极大地发挥,为烘焙产品带来了诸多新的发展机遇。  相似文献   

乳清制品在功能食品中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘志广  张建军  乔淑清 《食品科学》2004,25(11):376-378
本文阐述了乳清制品的营养特性及保健意义,并简要介绍了乳清产品在婴儿配方产品、中老年配方食品、减肥配方食品、运动营养产品中的应用。乳清产品含有许多种促进健康和抵御疾病的组分,必将越来越广泛地在各种功能食品中得到应用。  相似文献   

乳清在焙食品中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

美国乳清和乳糖产品在饮料中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>无论您是对代餐食品、营养补充剂感兴趣,还是热衷于健美运动和耐力运动,总有一款蛋白饮料能满足您的营养目标。这些饮料几乎强化了从乳清蛋白到乳钙的所有配料,它们能使您强壮也可使您苗条;能增强免疫力,也能增强耐力。需要注意的是,选择正确的蛋白来源并仔细查看它们的营养和功能特性是设计消费者喜爱的蛋白饮料的关键。 一、乳清蛋白的特性  相似文献   

<正> 过去几代焙烤师已逐渐认识到乳清粉的特性,并在传统的蛋糕、饼干和面包,以至现代的蛋羹、糖衣和华夫饼等食品中广泛使用。由于蛋白质与乳糖之间所发生的褐变和美拉德反应,会使产品的色泽和风味发生变化,而使用乳清粉的主要目的,就在于强化和改善食品的色泽和风味。乳清制品的加工与制造最近取得的重大进步,为焙烤师带来了喜讯。各种乳清制品的蛋白、乳糖、灰分和脂肪含量各  相似文献   

<正> 在许多小食品如干酪卷、油炸马铃薯片等配方中,皆采用了乳配料,特别是乳清制品。由于乳清制品能增强小食品的风味和外观,故扮演着调味的角色。 除此之外,乳清蛋白富含支链氨基酸,被誉为高品质蛋白,乳清制品也是高生物活性乳钙、各种矿物质和维生素的来源;乳清浓缩蛋白和乳清分离蛋白是健康型和运动型小食品的首选配料。  相似文献   

<正> 在酸奶的配方中添加某些特定的乳清产品能带来许多益处,包括:改善风味;改善质构;强化营养;减少乳清析出,延长保质期;促进有益菌生长;保健益处;节约成本。美国乳品工业可以根据用户的需求提供各种类型的乳清产品,这些产品能以一种经济的方式提升酸奶的总体质量和消费者的喜爱程度。乳清产品具有多种功能特性,并能帮助配方设计者应用它们来替代一些不理想的配料。使用乳清产品有助于获得纯  相似文献   

美国乳清配料在营养棒和营养凝胶中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 营养糖果市场以每年两位数的速度增长,产品多样化使得此类产品发展迅猛并牵动人心。产品多样化涉及诸多方面,包括产品形式、产品和配料的健康益处。最近的增长多集中在添加高含量蛋白质(包括乳清蛋白在内)的营养棒、营养凝胶和涂抹类产品。这些产品不仅可以为普通消费者和休闲食品消费者提供独特的营养益处,也可以满足特定的健康、能量或运动食品的需求。本专论阐述了营养糖果产品,包括营养棒及其涂层、能量凝  相似文献   

美国乳清蛋白在肉制品加工中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 当前乳清配料在肉制品加工中的应用呈现上升趋势。有多种类型的美国乳清蛋白产品可以应用于肉类、家禽和海鲜制品中,其中最常用的产品有:甜乳清、乳清浓缩蛋白(蛋白质含量34%~80%)、乳清分离蛋白(蛋白质含量≥90%)和其它定制的乳清浓缩蛋白(WPC)和/或乳清分离蛋白(WPI)产品。  相似文献   

The potential uses for dairy ingredients in baked products are outlined. Initially domestic uses are mentioned followed by uses for specific dairy components in the bakery industry, and finally uses for commercial dairy ingredients in baked products.  相似文献   

乳化剂在焙烤食品中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> 面包是一种产量最大的加工面制食品,不仅在西方饮食中占有重要地位,而且已逐渐成为东方人的主食品之一。面包加工已由原来的手工技术,发展成为一种机械化、规模化、现代化的食品生产技术。同时,消费者对面包产品的质量、方便性和保质期的要求不断提高,从而增大了对焙烤食品加工中所应用的功能性食品添加剂如乳化  相似文献   

碳酸饮料所面临的压力不仅出现在象北美这样的饮料工业竞争最为频繁与激烈的国际市场中,在中国市场上,随着饮料工业发展的日趋成熟,碳酸饮料的发展也开始出现停滞的现象。以下是AC尼尔森通过对1997至2000年中国城镇饮料市场的跟踪得到的讯息。  相似文献   

Water sorption, time-dependent crystallization and XRD patterns of lactose and lactose–WPI mixtures were studied with glass transition data. The results indicated that the sorbed water of lactose–WPI mixtures was fractional and water content of individual amorphous components in lactose–WPI mixtures at each aw from 25 °C to 45 °C could be calculated. Crystallization occurred in pure lactose whereas partial crystallization was typical of lactose–WPI mixtures (protein content ≤ 50%) at intermediate and high aw (> 0.44 aw) from 25 °C to 45 °C. The extents of crystallization were significantly delayed by WPI. The Tg values of lactose–WPI systems showed the composition-dependent property in systems and might indicate the occurrence of phase separation phenomena during 240 h storage. XRD showed no anhydrous β-lactose and mixed α-/β-lactose with molar ratios of 4:1 crystals in crystallized lactose–WPI systems (70:30 and 50:50 solids ratios). Reduced crystallization in the presence of WPI was more pronounced possibly because of reduced nucleation and diffusion during crystal-growth. The present study showed that WPI could present an important role in preventing sugar crystallization.  相似文献   

Fermentation of lactose in whey permeate directly into ethanol has had only limited commercial success, as the yields and alcohol tolerances of the organisms capable of directly fermenting lactose are low. This study proposes an alternative strategy: treat the permeate with acid to liberate monomeric sugars that are readily fermented into ethanol. We identified optimum hydrolysis conditions that yield mostly monomeric sugars and limit formation of fermentation inhibitors such as hydroxymethyl furfural by caramelization reactions. Both lactose solutions and commercial whey permeates were hydrolyzed using inorganic acids and carbonic acid. In all cases, more glucose was consumed by secondary reactions than galactose. Galactose was recovered in approximately stoichiometric proportions. Whey permeate has substantial buffering capacity-even at high partial pressures (>5500 kPa[g]), carbon dioxide had little effect on the pH in whey permeate solutions. The elevated temperatures required for hydrolysis with CO2-generated inhibitory compounds through caramelization reactions. For these reasons, carbon dioxide was not a feasible acidulant. With mineral acids reversion reactions dominated, resulting in a stable amount of glucose released. However, the Maillard browning reactions also appeared to be involved. By applying Hammet's acidity function, kinetic data from all experiments were described by a single line. With concentrated inorganic acids, low reaction temperatures allowed lactose hydrolysis with minimal by-product formation and generated a hexose-rich solution amenable to fermentation.  相似文献   

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