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INTRODUCTION: MR cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) is a new noninvasive imaging technique for the study of biliopancreatic disorders, providing projectional images of the biliary tree and pancreatic duct without any contrast agent. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We used different sequences, with both breath-hold and nonbreath-hold techniques, to acquire MRCP images, first based on GE and then on FSE sequences. FSE images provide higher SNR and are less susceptible to artifacts (metal objects, motion and blood flow artifacts). At the Department of Radiology of the University of Rome La Sapienza, we acquired MRCP images with non breath-hold, 3D fat-suppressed TSE sequences (TR = 3000-2000, TE 700, turbo factor 128) optimized on a .5T magnet with 15 mT/m gradients. No patient preparation or sedation was required, although antiperistaltic drugs and oral administration of tap water were preferred. Four hundred and thirty patients were examined, all of them with an indication to conventional cholangiography. RESULTS: MRCP depicted the whole common bile duct and the first-order intrahepatic branches in all the normal cases. Its accuracy in identifying biliary obstruction level and site was 100%, versus 94.6% in characterizing its cause. MRCP had 96.3% diagnostic accuracy in choledocholithiasis, with some false positives and false negatives caused by: 1) small stones missed on MIP reconstructions; 2) signal loss due to complete CBD obstruction by stones; 3) pneumobilia; 4) differential diagnosis between small stones and air bubbles. The main role of MRCP in benign strictures is to provide a detailed map of the biliary tract for better treatment planning. In particular, MRCP is extremely useful in hepaticojejunostomy patients, where ERC is not indicated because of postoperative anatomical changes. Both conventional MRI and MRCP are important in malignant strictures to identify the lesion and to characterize and stage it. Finally, MR pancreatography is very useful to follow up chronic pancreatitis patients because it shows Wirsung duct strictures and dilatations, intraductal filling defects and, in some cases, the communication between the pseudocyst and the pancreatic duct. CONCLUSIONS: MRCP combined with conventional MRI can completely replace CT and ERCP in bilio-pancreatic disorders.  相似文献   

To understand the changes of urinary endothelin-1 (ET-1) concentrations in acute renal failure (ARF) and to investigate the origin of human urinary ET-1, we studied urinary ET-1 excretion in 70 normal children and 12 children with ARF caused by tubular dysfunction. Urinary ET-1 excretion was expressed as a ratio of urinary ET-1 to urinary creatinine (ET-1/Cr). Among healthy children, the highest urinary ET-1/Cr values were found during infancy. In patients with ARF, there was a positive correlation between urinary ET-1/Cr values and daily total urinary ET-1 (r = 0.42, n = 26, p < 0.05). Plasma ET-1 concentrations were elevated in children with ARF during the period of peak serum creatinine concentration. During the course of ARF, the lowest urinary ET-1/Cr value occurred during the period of peak serum creatinine, whereas the plasma ET-1 concentration declined after the peak. These results provide insight into the developmental changes of urinary ET-1 values in normal children, and illustrate the pattern of changes in plasma and urinary ET-1 concentrations during the course of ARF in children. The results suggest that renal production, rather than clearance from the circulation by glomerular filtration, may be the source of urinary ET-1.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In a retrospective study the efficacy of orthovoltage radiotherapy for refractory painful plantar heel spur was analyzed for 3 different radiation dose concepts. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From 1.1 1984 through 1.3.1994, 182 patients with refractory painful heel symptoms and radiologically proven plantar heel spur received radiotherapy. A total of 141 patients and 170 heels (due to double-sided symptoms) were completely documented in long-term follow-up. Clearly defined semi-quantitative criteria (9-point score) were used to analyze heel pain and ankle function prior to RT, 6 to 12 weeks post-radiation, and at last follow-up. The treatment outcome, i.e. (un)favourable response, of 3 radiation dose concepts were compared: Group A (n = 72 heels) received 12 Gy total radiation dose in 3 fractions per week and 2 series (6 x 1 Gy per series) separated by 6 weeks; group B (n = 98 heels) received 3 Gy total radiation dose in 10 fractions of 0.3 Gy (n = 50) or 5 Gy (10 x 0.5 Gy) (n = 48) with conventional fractionation in 1 series. RESULTS: Radiotherapy was very effective: at last follow-up 67% (group A) and 71% (group B) remained completely free of pain. The rate of "complete pain relief" (i.e. free of any pain symptoms) was not different between the 3 radiation concepts. However, significant differences were observed with regard to "incomplete or insufficient pain relief", i.e. a subjective pain relief of less than 80%, a delayed pain relief after more than 4 weeks or a relapse of pain symptoms in long-term follow-up. More favourable results were achieved in patients receiving 5 Gy or 12 Gy total dose, while patients with 3 Gy total dose had significantly worse results. Prognostic factors for "complete pain relief" were short duration of pain symptoms and acute pain symptoms prior to radiotherapy; with regard to "in-complete or insufficient pain relief" the total dose was found to be a prognostic parameter. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with refractory heel pain can yield a high response to radiotherapy even after failing various conventional treatments previously. Thus, radiotherapy should not be solely regarded as a last resort due to its low costs and high efficacy at low radiation doses.  相似文献   

The combination of the technique of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and molecular genetics has led to the development of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD). Oocyte and embryo biopsy, Fluorescent in situ Hybridization (FISH) and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) allow diagnostic procedures in couples with high risk and also certain IVF couples. We present a review of PGD indications, techniques and results.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The use of Rotablator in percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty attempts to reduce the atheromatous plaque abrading it and fragmenting the parietal calcium of the artery. AIM: To report our experience with the use of Rotablator. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Rotational atherectomy was performed in 189 patients aged 60.8 +/- 11 years (154 men). The clinical indication for the procedure was chronic angina in 22%, unstable angina in 44%, myocardial infarction in 21%, silent angina in 7% and re-stenosis in 6%. One hundred seventy seven patients were followed for a mean of 15.9 +/- 6.3 months. RESULTS: Two hundred thirty six stenoses in 215 coronary arteries were treated with a 98.7% angiographic success rate. One patient had a Q infarction and no patient died or required emergency surgery. Fourteen patients had rises in CK MB enzymes (non Q infarction). Three patients had a pseudoaneurism and three had bleedings that required transfusion. Of the followed patients, 33 had a clinically suspected re-stenosis, that was angiographically confirmed in 23. Cardiac mortality was 2.3%. Seventy nine percent of patients had an evolution without angina or coronary events. CONCLUSIONS: Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty with the use of Rotablator had a high immediate success rate and a low incidence of complications. The clinical evolution of patients has been favorable with a low incidence of mortality and ischemic events.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the risks and benefits of myomectomies performed by endouterine resection. DESIGN: A retrospective analysis of 284 patients, with histologically proven submucous myomas, operated on between April 1984 and April 1993. Outcomes were analyzed by Kaplan-Meier statistics. SETTING: Author's private practice in University Medical Center. PATIENTS: The age ranged from 25 to 70 years. INTERVENTIONS: All the interventions but one were performed entirely at one setting. Myomas ranged in diameter from 10 to 65 mm. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Clinical symptoms and hysteroscopic appearance. RESULTS: Good anatomical and functional results were achieved in 95.6% of cases during the first 6 postoperative months, persisting in 94.6% at 1 year, in 89.7% at 2 years, in 87.8% at 3 years, in 83.0% at 4 years, in 76.3% at 5 years, in 73.2% at 6 years, and remained stable at 67.6% by > or = 7 years. The only notable complication was one perforation, which was repaired immediately. Endouterine resection did not improve the outcome in patients with primary infertility but was of benefit in cases of secondary infertility. CONCLUSIONS: Myomectomy by endouterine resection is a difficult but safe and worthwhile conservative intervention.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the results of coronary reoperations and to determine the indications. Between January 1972 and December 1990, 166 coronary reoperations were performed in 161 patients (5 patients were operated three times). The interval between the first and second operation was 93 +/- 46 months. The interval between recurrence of symptoms and reoperation was 27 +/- 40 months. Recurrence of symptoms was related to isolated problems with the bypass grafts in 23% of cases, to an aggravation of the coronary disease without problems with the bypass grafts in 17% of cases and to an association of the two conditions in 60% of cases. Mortality in the first 30 postoperative days was 7.8% (13/161). The predictive factors of mortality were age over 70 years and an interval between recurrence of symptoms and reoperation of over 12 months. The causes of death were myocardial infarction (n = 5), left ventricular failure (n = 4), sudden death (n = 3), and arrhythmias (n = 1). The average follow-up period of survivors (n = 134) was 40 +/- 32 months. Four patients have been transplanted. Seven patients died secondarily. The cause of death was cardiac in 4 cases and non-cardiac in 3 cases. The actuarial 5 year and 10 year survival rates were 85 +/- 3%. Actuarial absence of myocardial infarction, angina, Class III-IV cardiac failure and transplantation was 87 +/- 4% at 5 years and 69 +/- 10% at 10 years. These figures show that coronary reoperation gives good functional results and long-term survival.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A polymorphism in the UL42-UL43 region of the human cytomegalovirus genome has been characterized by nucleotide sequence analysis, revealing a 929-bp insertion following nt 54,612 relative to the published strain AD169-UK genome sequence (M.S. Chee et al., 1990, Curr. Top. Microbiol Immunol. 154, 125-170). Although AD169-UK exhibited polymorphism in this genomic region, other CMV strains (Towne, Toledo, and AD169-ATCC) carried only the newly characterized longer form. The additional sequence altered the assignment of UL42 and UL43 open reading frames. UL42 decreased in size from 157 to 125 codons, retaining 76 of the previously reported carboxyl terminal codons, and UL43 increased in size from 187 to 423 codons, retaining 185 of the previously reported amino terminal codons. This additional sequence makes UL43 a more conserved betaherpesvirus US22 family member. Only AD169-UK exhibited restriction fragment length polymorphism in this region, suggesting that a deletion occurred during the propagation of this strain in cell culture. The additional sequence should be considered a bona fide part of the cytomegalovirus genome and the AD169 genome size should be corrected to 230,283 bp.  相似文献   

DD Dershaw  L Liberman 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,12(6):907-16; discussion 916, 921-2
Imaging-guided breast biopsy performed with large-core needles can accurately diagnose most breast pathologies, often allowing a diagnosis to be made more quickly and less expensively than with surgical biopsy. Major complications, such as hemorrhage and infection, are extremely rare, although post-biopsy ecchymosis and tenderness are not unusual. Because less tissue is removed, post-biopsy cosmetic deformity does not occur. Stereotactic biopsy is performed by triangulating the position of a breast lesion and by obtaining views angled equally off a central axis. This can be done using dedicated tables or add-on equipment. Stereotactic core biopsy has a reported accuracy of at least 90%. All lesions for which biopsy would ordinarily be recommended are amenable to stereotactic techniques, but those near the chest wall or in the axilla may be more difficult to biopsy with some equipment. Lesions characterized by calcifications are sometimes more difficult to sample. A biopsy diagnosis of ductal atypia, because of its histologic heterogeneity, requires surgical excision to exclude coexistent carcinoma, which has been found in half of women at subsequent surgical excision. A core biopsy diagnosis of ductal carcinoma in situ does not preclude the discovery of invasive carcinoma at surgery. In rare instances, the small tissue volume removed at stereotactic biopsy does not permit a final diagnosis to be made; this occurs most commonly when differentiating phyllodes tumor from fibroadenoma.  相似文献   

The treatment and prognosis of patients suffering from penis carcinoma who were admitted at the department of radiotherapy of the Kantonsspital Zürich during the last ten years are reviewed. Based on these results which are similar to the results of other centers, we were able to show that primary radiation therapy is to be preferred regarding organ function and survival. Only is a few cases surgical intervention for recurrency was necessary. Indications for radiation therapy of lymph nodes are discussed. The five-year survival rate following primary radiation therapy amounts to 70 or 80% with early stages, a secondary surgical treatment being necessary in 5 to 20%. In more or less advanced stages, a five-year survival rate of 40 to 60% is found after primary radiation therapy, and secondary surgical treatment is needed in 20 to 50%. Thus, survival rates obtained by primary radiation therapy which was followed by an operation only in case of recurrences or tumor persistence are comparable to the recovery rates from primary surgical methods. The advantage of primary radiation therapy is evident in comparison with a surgical treatment: The organ is often saved while the survival rate is the same.  相似文献   

We report our results of talocalcaneal coalition (TCC) resection in 25 feet after failed nonoperative treatment. Preoperative computed tomography (CT) scans were used to quantify the amount of heel valgus and the size of the coalition relative to the posterior facet. The ratio of mean TCC cross-sectional area to the surface area of the posterior facet was 53.4%. Mean hindfoot valgus was 17.8 degrees. The mean AOFAS (American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society) hindfoot score was 81.9, at an average of 2.5 years after surgery. Statistical analysis determined a significant association between TCC > 50% the size of the posterior facet and poor outcome (p = 0.014). Similarly, heel valgus > 21 degrees was associated with poor outcome (p = 0.014). However, there were good postoperative results in feet with heel valgus > 21 degrees and in those whose TCC was > 50% of the posterior facet. Therefore we advocate using these CT-scan criteria for preoperative discussions with patients and families and not for determination of the index operative procedure (resection vs. arthrodesis). Hindfoot arthrodesis should only be used as a salvage procedure. We recommend those feet with heel valgus > 21 degrees use an orthosis postoperatively to stabilize the hindfoot or a secondary calcaneal procedure should nonoperative management fail.  相似文献   

We report a study of 41 radical hysterectomies performed through laparoscopic approach for carcinoma of the cervix uteri. According to the FIGO staging, the tumors were classified as 12 stages Ia2, 24 stages Ib, 4 stages IIa and 1 stage IIb. 17 patients were treated by exclusive surgical procedure. 24 patients received a combination of radiation therapy and surgery 2 patients had a tumor of the cervical stump after subtotal hysterectomy. The mean duration of the procedure was 270 minutes. The post-op stay was 6.5 days. There was no major operative and postoperative complication. Only one patient required a blood transfusion. The intravenous pyelogram control was correct in all cases. At this time, with a 4 to 76 months follow-up, no recurrence was observed. This experience suggests the faisability of the laparoscopic radical hysterectomy. This approach seems to be convenient in young and non obese women with a tumor less than 4 cm in the greatest diameter.  相似文献   

Video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) is a compromise between conventional thoracic surgery performed via a thoracotomy of variable dimensions and surgical videothoracoscopy, which, using only small operating channels, requires the use of specific instruments, gives a field of vision exclusively by video camera and raises the delicate problem of extraction of the resection specimen. VATS is performed via a minithoracotomy, 3.5 to 5 cm long, using a video camera. In this way, the operator has two forms of vision throughout the operation: direct vision through the orifice of the minithoracotomy and visualization of the video screen. This technique also allows extraction of the resection specimen at the end of the operation. Between February and May 1993, 20 patients (14 males and 6 females with a mean age of 56 years) underwent lung resection by VATS (18 lobectomies and 2 pneumonectomies). Eighty-eight patients had a malignant tumour and 2 had a benign disease. Lymph node dissection was routinely performed in patients with a malignant lesion. The mean size of the tumours was 3.2 cm. The operative mortality was nil. The mean operating time was 154 minutes. The postoperative course was uneventful in 14 patients, but two cases of atelectasis on DO, one bronchial infection and one chylothorax, treated medically, were observed. The authors report the current criteria of their indications as the feasibility and reliability of this new technique. Results on pain and patient comfort, postoperative analgesia requirements, recovery of respiratory function and possible long-term sequelae remain to be demonstrated, which is the objective of a current prospective study.  相似文献   

Between January 1st 1992 and December 31st 1993 140 non-complex (i.e. nerve, vascular, tendon injuries) fractures of the peripheral hand skeleton were operated at the Policlinic of the Kantonsspital Basel. In a retrospective study we analyzed results, complications and absence from work. We treated 110 male and 30 female patients with a mean age of 47 years. 45 fractures were treated by plate fixation, 45 by screw fixation, 53 times we applied k-wires and once a mini-fix-ex (AO-Prototype). Plate and screw fixation were performed with AO-mini-implants. 90% of our patients had an uneventful postoperative course. In spite of functional after-treatment we noted in 8.6% of the patients a relevant loss of movement leading to operative tenolysis in 7 patients. Fractures at the level of PIP were most frequently associated with loss of movement. Absence from work was 59 days in average (1-206)! Conclusions: Peripheral osteosynthesis of the hand (non-complex) are effectively treated on an out-patient basis. In spite of functional after-treatment about 10% of patients have a relevant postoperative reduction in motility. Absence from work is relatively long after operative treatment of peripheral hand fractures.  相似文献   

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