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A switched nonlinear system subject to disturbances is considered in this paper. The switching signal admits an average dwell time and a state feedback control depending on the system operating modes, detected with a maximum time delay, is applied to the system. In this framework, the input‐to‐state stability problem of the closed‐loop system is addressed. Based on some established existence conditions of mode‐dependent Lyapunov‐like functions, the values of the maximum time delay and the average dwell time that allow to achieve the input‐to‐state stability of the closed‐loop system are determined. In order to obtain more tractable results, the existence conditions of the mode‐dependent Lyapunov‐like functions are given in terms of sum‐of‐squares programming in the case of polynomial nonlinearities. In the linear case, they are expressed in terms of linear matrix inequalities and a procedure for the synthesis of the mode‐dependent controller is provided in this situation. The established theoretical results are illustrated through a control problem of a building ventilation system and a switched control problem of a vehicle suspension system.  相似文献   

In this article, the model reduction problem for a class of discrete-time polytopic uncertain switched linear systems with average dwell time switching is investigated. The stability criterion for general discrete-time switched systems is first explored, and a μ-dependent approach is then introduced for the considered systems to the model reduction solution. A reduced-order model is constructed and its corresponding existence conditions are derived via LMI formulation. The admissible switching signals and the desired reduced model matrices are accordingly obtained from such conditions such that the resulting model error system is robustly exponentially stable and has an exponential H performance. A numerical example is presented to demonstrate the potential and effectiveness of the developed theoretical results.  相似文献   

This brief paper addresses the finite‐time stability problem of switched positive linear systems. First, the concept of finite‐time stability is extended to positive linear systems and switched positive linear systems. Then, by using the state transition matrix of the system and copositive Lyapunov function, we present a necessary and sufficient condition and a sufficient condition for finite‐time stability of positive linear systems. Furthermore, two sufficient conditions for finite‐time stability of switched positive linear systems are given by using the common copositive Lyapunov function and multiple copositive Lyapunov functions, a class of switching signals with average dwell time is designed to stabilize the system, and a computational method for vector functions used to construct the Lyapunov function of systems is proposed. Finally, a concrete application is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper considers an asynchronous problem for sampled‐data control of switched linear systems, which are described as switched linear systems with an input delay. To handle the problem, this paper proposes a stability criterion for the systems by constructing a novel Lyapunov‐Krasovskii functional dependent not on system modes but on controller modes. The functional continuously remains when the system modes are switched but discontinuously changes whenever the controller mode moves to the current system mode at the sampling instants. Furthermore, the functional is allowed to increase or decrease up to a certain level when the functional discontinuously changes and to increase up to a certain level when the system modes and the controller modes are asynchronous. Based on the functional, this paper derives an average dwell time associated with the interval of samplings and the incremental level of the functional for guaranteeing the stability of the systems. A numerical example illustrates the validation of the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of exponential H filter problem for a class of discrete‐time polytopic uncertain switched linear systems with average dwell time switching is investigated. The exponential stability result of the general discrete‐time switched systems using a discontinuous piecewise Lyapunov function approach is first explored. Then, a new µ‐dependent approach is proposed, which means the analysis or synthesis of the underlying systems is dependent on the increase degree µ of the piecewise Lyapunov function at the switching instants. A mode‐dependent full‐order filter is designed such that the developed filter error system is robustly exponentially stable and achieves an exponential H performance. Sufficient existence conditions for the desired filter are derived and formulated in terms of a set of linear matrix inequalities, and consequently the minimal average dwell time and the corresponding filter are obtained from such conditions for a given system decay degree. A numerical example is presented to demonstrate the potential and effectiveness of the developed theoretical results. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the problem of output feedback stabilization for a class of uncertain linear systems with faulty actuators via the synergy with a switching strategy. When actuators suffer a ‘destabilizing failure’ and the never‐faulty actuators cannot stabilize the given system, the closed‐loop exponential stability can still be achieved via the average dwell‐time scheme employing an arbitrary switching signal. The prerequisite condition found requires the ratio between the two lapse times, when the system is devoid of faulty actuators and when it is not so, to be less than a certain specified constant. Then the stabilizing output feedback controls are designed via the technique of linear matrix inequalities. The illustrative example and the respective simulation results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed design synthesis. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

研究一类时滞非线性切换系统的有限时间滑模控制问题.针对所研究的系统模型,构造每个子系统对应的积分滑模面,基于滑模控制理论,设计带有状态时滞的滑模控制器使得每个子系统能在有限时间内到达相应的滑模面上,并对系统中存在的非线性项采用Lipschitz条件进行处理.根据多李亚普诺夫函数、平均驻留时间方法以及分割策略引理,给出滑模趋近段和滑模动态有限时间有界的充分条件,并通过对线性矩阵不等式的求解得到控制器增益.最后,通过一个数值仿真例子验证该设计方法的有效性.  相似文献   

刘教  连捷  庄严 《控制与决策》2017,32(6):1001-1006
研究一类含有输入时滞的切换系统正性镇定问题.通过引入增广系统,将时滞作为一个切换参数,原系统的正性镇定问题转化为增广系统异步切换下的控制问题.利用对偶系统的特性,得到增广系统在平均驻留时间切换下为正且稳定的充分条件,进而设计控制器以保证闭环系统的正性和稳定性.得到的充分条件可转化为标准的线性规划问题,利用Matlab的linprog工具箱进行求解.最后,通过仿真示例验证了所得结果的有效性.  相似文献   

This article studies linear switched differential algebraic equations (DAEs), which contains stable and unstable subsystems. We prove sufficient conditions for stability of switched DAEs based on the existence of suitable Lyapunov functions. The result shows that stability is preserved under switching with an average dwell time and an additional condition involving consistency projectors holds. Furthermore, we also give an example to illustrate the result.  相似文献   

In this paper, we aim to investigate the stability of 2D switched positive nonlinear systems with time‐varying delays in the Roesser model, which includes 2D switched positive linear systems as a special case. By using the average dwell time approach, we give a sufficient condition for the exponential stability of 2D switched positive nonlinear systems. The difficulty caused by the delays is overcome by introducing a model transform and the method used in this paper is different from conventional Lyapunov‐Krasovskii functional method. An explicit exponential bound on the decay rate is presented. We also extend the result to the general 2D switched linear systems, not necessarily positive. Finally, an illustrative example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the obtained result.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of the fault detection filter design for discrete‐time switched linear systems with average dwell‐time. The designed fault detection filters are also switched systems, which are assumed to be asynchronously switched with the original switched systems. Improved results on the weighted l2 performance and the H ? performance are first given, and the multiple Lyaounov‐like functions during matched period and unmatched period for the running time of one subsystem are used. By the aid of multiple Lyapunov‐like functions combined with Projection Lemma, the FD filters are designed such that the augmented systems under asynchronous switching are exponentially stable, and the residual signal generated by the filters achieves the weighted l2‐gain for disturbances and guarantees the H ? performance for faults. Sufficient conditions are formulated by linear matrix inequalities, and the filter gains are characterized in terms of the solution of a convex optimization problem. Finally, examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design method. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the stability problem of switched positive linear systems with stable and unstable subsystems. Based on a multiple linear copositive Lyapunov function, and by using the average dwell time approach, some sufficient stability criteria of global uniform exponential stability are established in both the continuous-time and the discrete-time cases, respectively. Finally, some numerical examples are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed results.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the problem of exponential stability and l1‐gain performance analysis for a class of discrete‐time switched positive singular systems with time‐varying delay. Firstly, a necessary and sufficient condition of positivity for the system is established by using the singular value decomposition method. Then by constructing an appropriate co‐positive Lyapunov functional and using the average dwell time scheme, we develop a sufficient delay‐dependent condition and identify a class of switching signals for the switched positive singular system to be exponentially stable and meet a prescribed l1‐gain performance level under the switching signal. Based on this condition, the decay rate of the system can be tuned and the optimal system performance level can be determined by solving a convex optimization problem. All of the criteria obtained in this paper are presented in terms of linear programming, which suggests a good scalability and applicability to high dimensional systems. Finally, a numerical example is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The issue of exponential stability analysis of continuous‐time switched singular systems consisting of a family of stable and unstable subsystems with time‐varying delay is investigated in this paper. It is very difficult to analyze the stability of such systems because of the existence of time‐delay and unstable subsystems. In this regard, on the basis of the free‐weighting matrix approach, by constructing the new Lyapunov‐like Krasovskii functional, and using the average dwell‐time approach, delay‐dependent sufficient conditions are derived and formulated in terms of LMIs to check the exponential stability of such systems. This paper also highlights the relationship between the average dwell‐time of the switched singular time‐delay system, its stability, exponential convergence rate of differential states, and algebraic states. Finally, a numerical example is given to confirm the analytical results and illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the positive stabilization for a class of switched systems under asynchronous switching signals. Because it inevitably takes some time to identify the active subsystem in the real systems and activate the corresponding controller, the switching of controllers lags behind that of subsystems, which arises the problem of the asynchronous switching. By analyzing the solution of dynamic systems, the mode‐dependent controllers are designed to guarantee the positivity and exponential stability for the resultant closed‐loop switched linear systems under asynchronous switching signals in continuous‐time and discrete‐time cases, respectively. Sufficient conditions for the existence of admissible state‐feedback controllers are developed, and the corresponding switching signals are designed. Furthermore, a synchronous switching phenomenon is discussed as a special case. Finally, numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the results. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this article, a unified mode‐dependent average dwell time (MDADT) stability result is investigated, which could be applied to switched systems with an arbitrary combination of stable and unstable subsystems. Combined with MDADT analysis method, we classified subsystems into two categories: switching stable subsystems and switching unstable subsystems. State divergence caused by switching unstable subsystems could be compensated by activating switching stable subsystems for a sufficiently long time. Based on the above considerations, a new globally exponentially stability condition was proposed for discrete‐time switched linear systems. Under the premise of not resolving the LMIs, the MDADT boundary of the new stability condition is allowed to be readjusted according to the actual switching signal. Furthermore, the new stability result is a generalization of the previous one, which is more suitable for the case of more unstable subsystems. Some simulation results are given to show the advantages of the theoretic results obtained.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the fault detection and control problem for discrete-time switched systems. The actuator faults, especially ‘outage cases’, are considered. The detector/controller is designed simultaneously such that the closed-loop system switches under an average dwell time, and when a fault is detected, an alarm is generated and then the controller is switched to allow the norm of the states of the subsystem to increase within the acceptable limits. Thus, a switching strategy which combines average dwell time switching with event-driven switching is proposed. Under this switching strategy, the attention is focused on designing the detector/controller such that estimation errors between residual signals and faults are minimised for the fulfillment of fault detection objectives; simultaneously, the closed-loop system becomes asymptotically stable for the fulfillment of control objectives. A two-step procedure is adopted to obtain the solutions through satisfying a set of linear matrix inequalities. An example comprising of three cases is considered. Through these cases, it is demonstrated that the fault detection and control for switched systems using a two-stage switching strategy and asynchronous switching are feasible.  相似文献   

Inspired by the idea of multiple Lyapunov functions and the average dwell time, we address the stability analysis of nonautonomous continuous‐time switched systems. First, we investigate nonautonomous continuous‐time switched nonlinear systems and successively propose sufficient conditions for their (uniform) stability, global (uniform) asymptotic stability, and global (uniform) exponential stability, in which an indefinite scalar function is utilized to release the nonincreasing requirements of the classical multiple Lyapunov functions. Afterwards, by using multiple Lyapunov functions of quadratic form, we obtain the corresponding sufficient conditions for (uniform) stability, global (uniform) asymptotic stability, and global exponential stability of nonautonomous switched linear systems. Finally, we consider the computation issue of our current results for a special class of nonautonomous switched systems (ie, rational nonautonomous switched systems), associated with two illustrative examples.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of stabilisation analysis for switched neutral systems based on sampled-data control and average dwell time approach is investigated. Delay-dependent stabilisation results are derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities by constructing piecewise Lyapunov–Krasovskii functional based on the Wirtinger's inequality. Also, the controller gain matrix is designed by applying an input-delay approach. Further convex combination technique and some integral inequalities are used to derive less conservative results. The effectiveness of the derived results is validated through numerical examples.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the problem of simultaneous control and fault detection (FD) for discrete-time switched systems. The main goal is to develop a control/detection unit (CDU) associated with a switching law to control the system and detect faults simultaneously. When the switched systems are with partial measurable states, we directly use these states to construct partial control and FD signals. Next, the reduced-order CDU is designed to generate the other control and FD signals. Compared with existing results based on full-order CDU, the proposed results lead to less conservatism and reduce design complexity. The switching law is constructed in the frame of persistent dwell time (PDT) switching. A novel switching number constraint condition is introduced, which further relaxes the restrictions on the dwell time of switching processes of PDT. The less restriction on dwell time degrades the performance requirement of each subsystem and upgrades the degree of freedom for switching law design. Based on the proposed results, a class of nonweighted performance indexes is introduced to characterize the fault sensitivity and robustness. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

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