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电流,工业声响,街头噪音,唱片,合成器,电脑软件,舞池,欲望,节奏,原始未来,虚幻,频率,秘密,星空与大海,后工业的蝴蝶穿过酸雨腐蚀的田野,抖落身上冰冷的金属粉尘,在风格森林的钢胸铁肺之后,在流萤与碎影中寻回失传已久的彩虹……[编者按]  相似文献   

不懂电脑,就会跟不上时代,不安宽带,上网就不如别人快乐。现在的孩子不是龙就是以凤,做父母的,自然恨不得自己的孩子跑在同龄人的最前面,买来电脑,安上宽带,然而,有不少父母,以为自己尽了父母的责任了,或者,是自己太忙了,没过多久,对孩子如何使用电脑,如何使用宽带,就不怎么关心了。  相似文献   

登登  丘震 《数码摄影》2006,(8):112-117
我和我的新娘,是有关爱情的,孤独,抛弃,追求,理解。 我和我的新娘,是有关城市的,权贵,建设,没落,符号。 我和我的新娘,是有关一切的,愤怒,怜悯,无知,怅惘。[编者按]  相似文献   

六年来,《小兵张嘎》动用了北京,上海,深圳,杭州,大连,长春,青岛,以及朝鲜的创作人才,最多时创作队伍达到600人,在“非典”时期,几十个人汇聚在一个厂棚里与几箱方便面为伴,一天都没有停工,剧本改编,美术设计,确立造型,语言动画,音乐选择,后期合成,每一个环节换一个城市,每一个环节都勒紧裤腰带完成,  相似文献   

Lailai是一个人物,爱幻想,爱思考,没有嘴巴,回为Lailai不爱多说话,不喜欢是是非非,也没有耳朵,因为Lailai不在乎别人的看法,走自己的路,独立,自由,眼神很顺利,因为Lailai要用它来分辨这世间的一切美和丑,双手发达,因为Lailai热爱劳动,热爱生活,  相似文献   

天界,树林的阴影一闪,已是云层,仙雾之中,重楼与飞蓬两大神将的战斗越发白热,此战惊动天庭,碰撞之际,飞蓬手中之剑落入凡尘。受天庭惩罚,飞蓬被贬下凡,这一世,飞蓬是渝州城永安当的伙计景天。魔界,重楼降世,降临蜀山仙剑派,他在锁妖塔中找到了飞蓬当年落在凡间的佩剑,但当他拔起此剑时,天摇地动,锁妖塔崩溃,群妖脱出……  相似文献   

MAES系列通用专家系统的结构及使用方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叙述一种国内自主开发的专家系统开发工具,可以替代进口的专家系统。它可应用于工业,农业,军事,医疗,交通,旅游,环保,气象,航空等领域,实现诊断,计划,设计,咨询,管理,市场预测,投标等。  相似文献   

说句毫不夸张的话,WinRAR堪称不前最好用的压缩工具。它完美支持ZIP件,可以解开CAB,ARF,LZH,TAR,GZ,ACE,UUE,Z2,JAR,ISO等多种类型的压缩件,具有压缩率高,资源占用少,操作简单方便等突出优点,这使它迅速成为广大电脑爱好进行数据交流和备份的首选压缩工具。不过,很多朋友只是注意到WinRAR极高的压缩率,而没有注意到它更强大的安全性能!其实,WinRAR的安全性比其它常用压缩软件要强大得多,只要你合理应用,WinRAR能把意外的数据损失降到最低。  相似文献   

杨为一 《程序员》2005,(12):82-86
人类拥有想象力与创意,是创意再造人类的生活,随着虚拟角色的出现,人们开始注意到电脑表现自我的重要性,电脑虚拟角色的诞生,组成了新的生活空间,人们在真实规则,规律的空间中需要情感的宣泄,迷茫的情绪需要精神的寄托,于是,许多人选择了网络的生活空间,虚拟角色便成为了另一个空间中的自我,朋友,恋人,敌人……  相似文献   

近年来,能插在电脑上使用的玩意儿越来越多,比如数码相机,打印机,扫描仪,游戏杆,读卡器,MP3播放器,无线耳机收发器,微型硬盘等等,数不胜数,随着即插即用功能的出现,在电脑上添加新设备也越来越简单,但新添加的设备会请求使用系统资源,因此添加的设备越多,出现资源冲突的可能性也越高。结果呢?系统可能会变慢,死机,无法启动。  相似文献   

面向对象数据库中对象的存储和操作算法   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
面向对象数据库管理系统的核心是把现实世界的描述为对象,数据库的存储,操作和管理都以对象为依据。对象可以是简单的,也可以是复杂的。复杂对象中引用了其它的对象。结合我们开发的面向对象的工程数据库管理系统论述了对复杂对象的物理存储,内存映象方法和对象操作方法的实现技术。  相似文献   

面向对象的超文本数据库模型与实现技术   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  

A new data abstraction, called Materialization, is introduced to model a situation that occurs frequently in the real world and has important implications for database design. Materialization is the relationship between two entity types, one that represents a conceptual object, for example, a TV Model, and one that represents its corresponding concrete objects, in this case, actual TV Sets. The Materialization construct is formally defined and contrasted with other well-known data abstractions. Its design implications are presented in terms of the entity-relationship model and its translation into a relational model. Guidelines are offered for the proper employment of this relationship in database design methodologies, and a discussion is provided of why this constitutes an important data modeling construct  相似文献   

任钢 《微机发展》2008,18(5):203-207
在基于.NET平台的管理信息系统中,面向对象的业务处理和关系数据存储存在着一定的矛盾。在分析.NET平台的数据库处理的技术基础上,设计了一个对象/关系数据库映射模式,并结合这个模式创建了一个通用的数据操作框架CFC,实现了对象/关系数据库映射。CFC框架使软件开发人员能够以面向对象的方法进行对象数据存取,而不必了解后台关系数据库的实现。该框架实际应用到了广东电网公司阳光采购系统。  相似文献   

为了实现复杂自然场景中多类目标的识别与分割,本文利用条件概率模型(CM)对目标特征进行建模,融合了纹理特征、纹理环境特征和位置特征,并采用场景类别对各类目标间的相互约束关系进行建模,在此基础上研究基于场景类别的条件概率模型(sCM)在多类目标识别与分割中的应用。本文选用Oliva&Torralba数据库对模型进行实验并与国外其他方法进行了比较。实验结果表明,该算法在多类目标识别与分割中取得很好的结果,在提高总体识别率的同时提高了物体边缘部分识别与分割的正确率,更有效地提高了视觉效果。  相似文献   

一种基于背景模型的运动目标检测与跟踪算法   总被引:74,自引:0,他引:74  
本文提出了一种静止摄像机条件下的运动目标检测与跟踪算法.它以一种改进的自适应混合 高斯模型为背景更新方法,用连通区检测算法分割出前景目标,以Kalman滤波为运动模型实 现对运动目标的连续跟踪.在目标跟踪时,该算法针对目标遮挡引起的各种可能情况进行了 分析,引入了对运动目标的可靠性度量,增强了目标跟踪的稳定性和可靠性.在对多个室外 视频序列的实验中,该算法显示了良好的性能,说明它对于各种外部因素的影响,如光照变 化、阴影、目标遮挡等,具有很强的适应能力.  相似文献   

A pictorial query specification technique that enables the formulation of complex pictorial queries for browsing through a collection of spatially referenced images is presented. It is distinguished from most other methods by the fact that in these methods the query image specifies a target database image in its entirety whereas in our approach the query image specifies the combination of objects that the target database image should contain rather than being treated as a whole image. The query objects are represented by shape features although other features such as color, texture or wavelets could also be used. Using our technique, it is possible to specify which particular objects should appear in the target images as well as how many occurrences of each object are required. Moreover, it is possible to specify the minimum required certainty of matching between query-image objects and database-image objects, as well as to impose spatial constraints that specify bounds on the distance between objects and the relative direction between them. These spatial constraints can also be used to specify other topological relations such as enclosure, intersection, overlap, etc. Each pictorial query is composed of one or more query images. Each query image is constructed by selecting the required query objects and positioning them according to the desired spatial configuration. Boolean combinations of two or more query images are also possible by use of AND and OR operators. A query image may be negated in order to specify conditions that should not be satisfied by the database images that are retrieved successfully. In addition, a capability is provided to specify whether the same instance of an object is to be used when it appears in more than one of the query images that make up the pictorial query, or whether two different instances are allowed. Several example queries are given that demonstrate the expressive power of this query specification method. An algorithm for retrieving all database images that conform to a given pictorial query specification is presented. The user interface for using this pictorial query specification method to browse the results in a map image database application is described and illustrated via screen shots.  相似文献   

Jia  Xin  Wang  Yunbo  Peng  Yuxin  Chen  Shengyong 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2022,81(15):21349-21367

Transformer-based architectures have shown encouraging results in image captioning. They usually utilize self-attention based methods to establish the semantic association between objects in an image for predicting caption. However, when appearance features between the candidate object and query object show weak dependence, the self-attention based methods are hard to capture the semantic association between them. In this paper, a Semantic Association Enhancement Transformer model is proposed to address the above challenge. First, an Appearance-Geometry Multi-Head Attention is introduced to model a visual relationship by integrating the geometry features and appearance features of the objects. The visual relationship characterizes the semantic association and relative position among the objects. Secondly, a Visual Relationship Improving module is presented to weigh the importance of appearance feature and geometry feature of query object to the modeled visual relationship. Then, the visual relationship among different objects is adaptively improved according to the constructed importance, especially the objects with weak dependence on appearance features, thereby enhancing their semantic association. Extensive experiments on MS COCO dataset demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.


A new approach enabling a mobile robot to recognize and classify furniture-like objects composed of assembled parts using a Microsoft Kinect is presented. Starting from considerations about the structure of furniture-like objects, i.e., objects which can play a role in the course of a mobile robot mission, the 3D point cloud returned by the Kinect is first segmented into a set of “almost convex” clusters. Objects are then represented by means of a graph expressing mutual relationships between such clusters. Off-line, snapshots of the same object taken from different positions are processed and merged, in order to produce multiple-view models that are used to populate a database. On-line, as soon as a new object is observed, a run-time window of subsequent snapshots is used to search for a correspondence in the database.Experiments validating the approach with a set of objects (i.e., chairs, tables, but also other robots) are reported and discussed in detail.  相似文献   

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