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The damage produced by implanting, at room temperature, 3 μm thick relaxed Si1−xGex layers with 2 MeV Si+ ions has been measured as a function of Ge content (x = 0.04, 0.13, 0.24 or 0.36) and Si dose in the dose range 1010–1015 cm−2. The accumulation of damage with increasing dose has been studied as a function of Ge content by Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry, Optical Reflectivity Depth Profiling and Transmission Electron Microscopy and an increased damage efficiency in Si1−xGex with increasing x is observed. The characteristics of implantation-induced defects have been investigated by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance. The results are discussed in the context of a model of the damage process in SiGe.  相似文献   

The stopping powers of Al and Cu for protons having energies from 3 to 9 MeV have been measured with an accuracy of ± 0.4%. The results have been compared with the Risø and the Aarhus data of Andersen et al. and with Tschalär's data for Al. The mean excitation energies have been extracted from the present results using the Bonderup shell correction, the Barkas correction and the Bloch correction as 167.4 ± 0.5 eV for Al and 326.3 ± 0.6 eV for Cu. A set of parameters χ = 1.340 and b = 1.26 was used in these determinations. By using the mean excitation energies thus determined, the Bonderup shell corrections, the Barkas corrections and the Bloch corrections, stopping powers have been calculated up to 30 MeV for Al and up to 20 MeV for Cu. The calculated stopping powers agree very well with the Aarhus data. For A1, the agreement between the calculated stopping powers and Tschalär's data is surprisingly good up to 30 MeV.  相似文献   

Silicon-carbon alloys were formed by multiple energy implantation of C+ ions in silicon and in Silicon on Sapphire (SOS). The ion fluence ranged between 5 × 1016 − 3 × 1017 ions/cm2 and the energy between 10–30 keV in order to obtain constant carbon concentration into a depth of 100 nm. The carbon atomic fraction (x) was in the range 0.22–0.59 as tested by Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS). Thermal annealing of the implanted films induced a transition from amorphous to a polycrystalline structure at temperatures above 850°C as detected by Infrared spectrometry (IR) in the wavenumber range 600–900 cm−1. The optical energy gap and the intensity of the infrared signal after annealing at 1000°C depended on the film composition: they both increased linearly with carbon concentration reaching a maximum at the stoichiometric composition (x = 0.5). At higher carbon concentration the IR intensity saturated and the optical energy gap decreased from the maximum value of 2.2 to 1.8 eV. The behaviour at the high carbon content has been related to the formation of graphitic clusters as detected by Raman spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The atomic density of amorphous SixGe1 − x alloys (x = 1, 0.85, 0.67, 0.50, 0.20 and 0) has been measured. Mono-crystalline SixGe1−x layers Were implanted with 1.50–2.75 MeV Si2+ and Ge2+ ions to produce the amorphous material. Using surface profilometry and RBS/channeling, it was found that amorphous alloys are less dense than the crystalline alloys, and that Vegard's law underestimates the a-SixGe1−x density.  相似文献   

The AmO2−x solid solution data set for the dependence of the oxygen potential on the composition, x, and temperature was retrieved from the literature and represented by a thermodynamic model. The data set was analysed by least-squares using equations derived from the classical thermodynamic theory for the solid solution of a solute in a solvent. Two representations of the AmO2−x data were used, namely the Am5/4O2–AmO2 and AmO3/2–AmO2 solid solution. No significant difference was found between the two, and the Am5/4O2–AmO2 solution was preferred on the basis of the phase diagram. From the results the Gibbs energy of formation of Am5/4O2 has been derived.  相似文献   

The electrical activity and redistribution during rapid thermal annealing (RTA) of high concentrations of As implanted into epitaxially grown, relaxed Si1−xGex for x≤0.5 have been studied as a function of composition x and RTA parameters. At a given RTA temperature the maximum carrier concentration decreases and the redistribution increases with increasing x. Maximum carrier concentrations and junction depths as a function of composition and RTA parameters are given.  相似文献   

Epitaxial Si/GexSi1 − x heterojunctions were formed by high dose Ge ion implantation in Si followed by rapid thermal annealing at 1000°C for 10 s. This technique was adopted to fabricate Si/GexSi1 − x heterojunction n-p-n bipolar transistors (HBT) using a self-aligned, double polycrystalline silicon process commonly used for fast Si bipolar transistors. The devices are characterized by a 60 nm wide neutral base with a Ge concentration peak of ≈ 7 at.% at the base-collector junction. Good static and dynamic electrical characteristics are demonstrated and discussed.  相似文献   

Interference structures in the ejected electron spectra for 30 MeV O5,8+ + O2 are investigated. The measured electron yields were studied for electron energies from 5 to 400 eV and observation angles of 30°, 60°, 90°, 120° and 150° with respect to the incident beam direction. Experimental molecular cross-sections were normalized to theoretical molecular one-center cross-sections revealing oscillatory structures suggestive of secondary interferences as evidenced by the independence on the observation angle. An oscillation interval for 30 MeV O5,8+ + O2 of Δk ∼ 4 a.u. is found, a value two times larger than that previously observed for 3 MeV H+ + N2. No obvious evidence for primary Young-type interferences was seen.  相似文献   

The deposition of high-quality high-Tc superconducting films on silicon wafers for future hybrid electronic devices is strongly hampered by the interdiffusion between films and substrate. This effect degrades the superconducting properties seriously and is a strong function of temperature. Since high processing temperatures are inevitable for good films, suitable buffer layers are needed to reduce the interdiffusion. We have investigated the combinations ZrO2/Si(100), BaF2/Si(100), and noble-metal/TiN/Si(100) at temperatures up to 780°C in oxidizing ambient. YBa2Cu3O7−x films have been deposited onto the buffer layers by laser ablation. Thereafter the interfaces have been analyzed by Rutherford backscattering. So far only ZrO2 has demonstrated sufficient stability to serve as a buffer layer for the laser-ablated YBa2Cu3O7−x films. All other combinations suffer from interdiffusion or oxidation.  相似文献   

Low resistivity a-Si1 − xCx:H alloy films have been formed by high dose Co+ ion implantation. The influence of the carbon content of the films on the resistivity has been studied and the lowest values, of the order of 10 Ω/Sq, have been observed for the carbon free films. Even lower resistivities, a further reduction of up to 50%, have resulted from annealing at temperatures up to 500°C. Changes in the optical and structural properties of the implanted a-Si1 − xCx:H films have been studied by means of IR and Raman spectroscopy. Results show that the implantation produces considerable structural and chemical modifications. The formation of, and the transition to, a possible CoSi2 phase has been observed by examining the IR and Raman spectra as a function of implant dose.  相似文献   

The thermal stability of strained Si/Si1−xGex/Si structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy was investigated by resistive heating and in situ Rutherford backscattering spectrometry. Ge profiles obtained from a 50 nm Si1−xGex layer on a Si(100) substrate capped with 50 nm Si were evaluated for different Ge concentrations after sequential heating periods at a particular temperature between 850 and 1010° C. The diffusion coefficients, calculated from the increase in signal in the tail of the Ge profile, proved to be comparable to the value for Ge in bulk Si. A more pronounced decrease of the signal at the center of the Ge profile indicated a faster diffusion within the SiGe layer which was confirmed by analysis of the FWHM of the Ge profile. Ion channeling measurements were used to characterize tetragonal strain in the buried SiGe layers. Angular scans through the 111 direction were interpreted with Monte Carlo channeling calculations and used to study strain relaxation in dislocation-free and partially relaxed layers.  相似文献   

Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) measurements have been made to investigate the build up of damage in silicon in relaxed crystalline Si1−xGex (x = 0.04, 0.13, 0.24, 0.36) and in 6H-SiC as a result of increasing the ion dose from low levels (1012 cm−2) up to values (1015 cm−2) sufficient to produce an amorphous layer. Si, Si1−xGex (x ≠ 0) and SiC were implanted at room temperature with 1.5 MeV Si, 2 MeV Si and 0.2 MeV Ge ions respectively. A comparison is made between the ways in which the type and population of paramagnetic defects depend on ion dose for each material.  相似文献   

Bremsstrahlung production cross sections have been calculated as a function of target and angle for electrons in the energy range 0.1–10 MeV. Used in conjunction with the corresponding K and L X-ray production cross sections and nonfundamental experimental quantities (detector resolution and ambient background), they allow determination of the theoretical detection limit using K or L X-ray emission induced by direct electron beam excitation.  相似文献   

The stopping cross sections ε(E) of silicon for protons and alpha particles have been measured over the velocity range 0.3-1.2 MeV/u from a Si//SiO2//Si (SIMOX) target using the Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) with special emphasis put on experimental aspects. A detection geometry coupling simultaneously two solid-state Si detectors placed at 165° and 150° relative to each side of the incident beam direction was used to measure the energies of the scattered ions and determine their energy losses within the stopping medium. In this way, the basic energy parameter, Ex, at the Si/SiO2 interface for a given incident energy E0 is the same for ions backscattered in the two directions off both the Si and O target elements, and systematic uncertainties in the ε(E) data mainly originating from the target thickness are significantly minimized. A powerful computer code has been elaborated for extracting the relevant ε(E) experimental data and the associated overall uncertainty that amounts to less than 3%. The measured ε(E) data sets were found to be in fair agreement with Paul’s compilation and with values calculated by the SRIM 06 computer code. In the case of 4He+ ions, experimental data for the γ effective charge parameter have been deduced by scaling the measured stopping cross sections to those of protons crossing the same target with the same velocity, and compared to the predictions of the SRIM 06 computer code. It is found that the γ-parameter values generated by the latter code slightly deviate from experiment over the velocity region around the stopping cross section maximum where strong charge exchanges usually occur.  相似文献   

The effect of γ-irradiation on the structure of lead borosilicate glasses of varying composition has been probed by FTIR spectroscopy, before and immediately after γ-irradiation. The glasses were irradiated at Calliope 60Co plant (RC ENEA Casaccia, Rome), and the spectra were recorded after absorbed doses of 50 Gy, 500 Gy, and 4 kGy. The structural analysis have been made considering both the effect of composition and of irradiation. The experimental results clearly indicate that after irradiation a significant change in structure of borosilicate glass network is observed.  相似文献   

The formation and deposition of particulates by pulsed laser deposition of Si1−xGex semiconductor alloy thin films are discussed. Using Rutherford backscattering spectrometry with micrometer lateral resolution (micro-RBS) the film composition was measured with high accuracy, even in the presence of particulates with a high areal density of 20,000–30,000 particulates per mm2. We show that on impact of a particulate, the part of the thin film which is already deposited probably melts and its Ge content segregates to the surface.  相似文献   

Magnetic susceptibility measurement and the zero-field muon-spin-relaxation experiment have been made for the YBa2(Cu1−xFex)3Oy system. The susceptibility has been measured in the field strong enough for the magnetic flux to penetrate the superconductor and the resultant temperature dependence has demonstrated the field cooled effect and a cusp at low temperatures below Tc. The cusp has been observed when the high field has been applied. The dynamical depolarization rate of the muon obtained by the muon-spin-relaxation experiment has shown the maximum at the same temperature as the cusp. The results suggest that the spin glass freezing of localized magnetic moment takes place at the temperature of the cusp, which is consistent with the previous Mössbauer effect experiments. The magnetic phase diagram for the system has been obtained.  相似文献   

The response of silicon detectors has been measured for He, O, S, Cl, Br, Ag and Pb ions in the energy range 1–2 MeV/amu. Following deliberate, long exposures of the detector, a transient effect was observed for 140 MeV Br ions, in which the pulse height decreased with increasing ion dose and then partially recovered within an hour of the final exposure. Using brief, consecutive exposures, the effective energy for creating a detectable electron–hole pair was determined using the pulse height difference method. The energy deposited by ions in the ‘dead-layer' at the detector surface and energy loss via non-ionizing events was taken into account. For ions with atomic numbers 2Z17 and energies above the Bragg peak, the effective energy was found to decrease linearly with increasing electronic stopping power at first, and then to level off at 3.52 eV/electron–hole pair. For intermediate mass ions (17<Z40), at energies close to the Bragg peak, increases slightly (2%) with increasing stopping power. For the heaviest ions studied (Z40), whose energies are below the Bragg peak of the stopping power curve, increases strongly (10–20%), even though the electronic stopping power is approximately constant.  相似文献   

The evaluation of neutron cross sections and angular distributions of 242Pu in the energy range 5–20 MeV was performed using the direct interaction treatment by coupled channel method and the compound nucleus mechanism (statistical model) taking account of pre-equilibrium effects. The calculated cross-sections are in very good agreement with the existing experimental data (total and fission cross-sections). More accurate theoretical data have been obtained by the extension of procedures and parameterizations (previously used only for the main compound nucleus) in the incident neutron energy range where more compound nuclei are involved.  相似文献   

Li/Ni ratios in LixNi1xO films were determined by simultaneous use of the PIXE (particle-induced X-ray emission) and PIGE (proton-induced gamma-ray emission) techniques using the 3.5 MeV proton beam provided by the CISE tandem Van de Graaff accelerator. The general features of the experimental setup are presented and discussed along with the results on the dependence of Li/Ni ratios on the e-beam evaporation and thermal treatments. Preliminary results obtained by XRD (X-ray diffraction) are also discussed. The combined use of PIXE and PIGE proves to be a unique opportunity for nondestructive measurement in thin films and, through the correlation with structural data, it allows a careful optimization of the deposition process and thermal treatment parameters to be obtained.  相似文献   

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