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The modern techniques for assisted reproduction have exposed many women to potent follicular stimulation regimens. Follicular stimulation is associated with an exposure to potent fertility drugs and abnormal estrogen, progesterone and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) concentrations. These treatments and hormones might affect the proliferation of epithelial breast cells and thus the risk of breast cancer. The possible effects of ovarian stimulation on the incidence and course of human breast cancer, and the need for long-term cohort studies is discussed.  相似文献   

Fas (Apo-1/CD95) ligand (FasL) is a cytotoxic molecule used by T lymphocytes and natural killer cells for target-cell killing and by nonmalignant and malignant cells in the suppression of immune responses. In this study, FasL expression in B- and T-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas was investigated by paraffin immunohistochemical analysis. FasL expression was found to be weak in nonaggressive lymphomas (chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma, lymphoplasmacytoid lymphoma, Grade 1 follicular center cell lymphoma) and mantle cell lymphoma but strong in aggressive B-cell lymphomas (diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, Burkitt's-lymphoma). Precursor B-lymphoblastic lymphomas were more heterogeneous, with expression varying from weak to strong. In T-cell lymphomas (anaplastic large-cell lymphoma; peripheral T-cell lymphoma, unspecified), strong FasL expression was observed. Apparently, FasL expression is not limited to neoplasms derived from T cells or natural killer cells, and it might play a supporting role in the progression of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas.  相似文献   

Dextransucrase (DSRS) from Leuconostoc mesenteroides NRRL B-512F is a glucosyltransferase that catalyzes the synthesis of soluble dextran from sucrose or oligosaccharides when acceptor molecules, like maltose, are present. The L. mesenteroides NRRL B-512F dextransucrase-encoding gene (dsrS) was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction and cloned in an overexpression plasmid. The characteristics of DSRS were found to be similar to the characteristics of the extracellular dextransucrase produced by L. mesenteroides NRRL B-512F. The enzyme also exhibited a high homology with other glucosyltransferases. In order to identify critical amino acid residues, the DSRS sequence was aligned with glucosyltransferase sequences and four amino acid residues were selected for site-directed mutagenesis experiments: aspartic acid 511, aspartic acid 513, aspartic acid 551 and histidine 661. Asp-511, Asp-513 and Asp-551 were independently replaced with asparagine and His-661 with arginine. Mutation at Asp-511 and Asp-551 completely suppressed dextran and oligosaccharide synthesis activities, showing that at least two carboxyl groups (Asp-511 and Asp-551) are essential for the catalysis process. However, glucan-binding properties were retained, showing that DSRS has a two-domain structure like other glucosyltransferases. Mutations at Asp-513 and His-661 resulted in greatly reduced dextransucrase activity. According to amino acid sequence alignments of glucosyltransferases, alpha-amylases or cyclodextrin glucanotransferases, His-661 may have a hydrogen-bonding function.  相似文献   

The activity of single neurons (n = 182) of the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (CIC) of the rat was recorded in response to unilateral electrical stimulation of the left cochlea and/or acoustical stimulation of the right ear. The probability of response to both modes of stimulation was comparable (90 per cent for contralateral and 60 per cent for ipsilateral presentation). Response patterns consisted predominantly of onset excitations. Response latencies to electrical stimuli ranged from 3 to 21 ms, with an average value of 9.7 ms (SD = 3.5 ms) in the ipsilateral CIC and 6.6 ms (SD = 3.4 ms) in the contralateral CIC. With respect to binaural inputs, the majority of units were excited by stimulation of either ear (EE; about 60 per cent) while about one third were influenced by one ear only (EO). Units excited by one ear and inhibited by the other (EI) were rare. The main difference between the present implanted rats and normal animals was the virtual absence here of inhibitory effects for both types of stimuli when they were delivered to the ipsilateral ear (very few EI units).  相似文献   

This study examined whether patients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) related to motor vehicle accidents (MVAs) would show an abnormal pattern of electroencephalographic (EEG) alpha asymmetries, which has been proposed for particular types of anxiety. Patients with PTSD (n = 22) or subsyndromal PTSD (n = 21), traumatized controls without PTSD (non-PTSD with MVA; n = 21), and healthy controls without MVA (n = 23) underwent measurement of EEG activity during baseline and exposure to a neutral, a positive, a negative, and an accident-related picture. Differences in brain asymmetry between groups were observed only during exposure to trauma-related material. PTSD and subsyndromal PTSD patients showed a pattern of enhanced right anterior and posterior activation, whereas non-PTSD with MVA participants showed the opposite pattern. Furthermore, posterior asymmetry in nontraumatized healthy controls varied with gender, with female participants showing a pattern of higher right posterior activation. The results support the hypothesis that symptomatic MVA survivors are characterized by a pattern of right hemisphere activation that is associated with anxious arousal and symptoms of PTSD during processing of trauma-specific information. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A 1.8 kg chromosomally normal child was suspected antenatally to have a cloacal anomaly and oligohydramnios. Both parents had a chromosome 9 inversion (inv [9] [p11 q13]). Postnatal study showed a high confluence of the urinary, genital and intestinal tracts. Because of prematurity, a right colostomy was performed on a short colon, but the genitourinary tract was not drained. Poor weight gain, urinary tract infection and septicaemia led to a one-stage reconstruction at 5 months of age and a weight of 3.2 kg. Follow-up although short at 15 months, is encouragingly suggestive of urinary and faecal continence. The vagina is patent. This paper considers concepts in cloacal management and submits for evaluation an alternative surgical plan to the presently almost exclusively accepted posterior sagittal approach of Pe?a and De Vries.  相似文献   

MotA and MotB are cytoplasmic membrane proteins that form the force-generating unit of the flagellar motor in Salmonella typhimurium and many other bacteria. Many missense mutations in both proteins are known to cause slow motor rotation (slow-motile phenotype) or no rotation at all (non-motile or paralysed phenotype). However, large stretches of sequence in the cytoplasmic regions of MotA and in the periplasmic region of MotB have failed to yield these types of mutations. In this study, we have investigated the effect of a series of 10-amino-acid deletions in these phenotypically silent regions. In the case of MotA, we found that only the C-terminal 5 amino acids were completely dispensable; an adjacent 10 amino acids were partially dispensable. In the cytoplasmic loop region of MotA, deletions made the protein unstable. For MotB, we found that two large segments of the periplasmic region were dispensable: the results with individual deletions showed that the first consisted of six deletions between the sole transmembrane span and the peptidoglycan binding motif, whereas the second consisted of four deletions at the C-terminus. We also found that deletions in the MotB cytoplasmic region at the N-terminus impaired motility but did not abolish it. Further investigations in MotB were carried out by combining dispensable deletion segments. The most extreme version of MotB that still retained some degree of function lacked a total of 99 amino acids in the periplasmic region, beginning immediately after the transmembrane span. These results indicate that the deleted regions in the MotA cytoplasmic loop region are essential for stability; they may or may not be directly involved in torque generation. Part of the MotA C-terminal cytoplasmic region is not essential for torque generation. MotB can be divided into three regions: an N-terminal region of about 30 amino acids in the cytoplasm, a transmembrane span and about 260 amino acids in the periplasm, including a peptidoglycan binding motif. In the periplasmic region, we suggest that the first of the two dispensable stretches in MotB may comprise part of a linker between the transmembrane span of MotB and its attachment point to the peptidoglycan layer, and that the length or specific sequence of much of that linker sequence is not critical. About 40 residues at the C-terminus are also unimportant.  相似文献   

A range of possible solutions to common problems associated with radiographic examination of the newborn is presented. The various modes in which ultrasound is currently used as a diagnostic modality are reviewed together with recent innovations that have greatly increased the clinical utility of the technique.  相似文献   

Endothelins (ETs) are a family of peptide mediators that have a number of biological properties, including the ability to act as potent bronchoconstrictors of isolated human airways. Moreover, elevated concentrations of ET-1 in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from patients with symptomatic asthma have also been detected. We investigated the possible contribution of ET-1 in the development of bronchial hyperresponsiveness and the role of inflammatory cell accumulation in rabbit lungs. Our data show that ET-1 challenge to rabbits does not modify basal lung function but results in an increased airway responsiveness to inhaled histamine. Endothelin-treated rabbits were 3-fold (P<0.01) more responsive to inhaled histamine when compared with vehicle-treated rabbits. This hyperresponsiveness was not associated with an alteration in either total or differential inflammatory cell numbers as assessed by bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL). Pre-treatment with capsaicin (80 mg/kg s.c.) did not alter basal lung function or basal responsiveness to inhaled histamine. While capsaicin had no significant effect on the acute bronchoconstriction induced by endothelin-1, this dose was sufficient to significantly inhibit the increase in airway responsiveness to inhaled histamine, achieved 24 h following endothelin-1 challenge. These results indicate that ET-1 may play a role in the development of bronchial hyperresponsiveness to inhaled histamine and that the maintenance of this state is unrelated to a detectable alteration in cellular infiltration within the airway lumen, but probably via the involvement of capsaicin-sensitive nerves.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the diagnostic yield of performing duodenal biopsies and aspirates in AIDS patients with chronic diarrhea. METHODS: Retrospective review of esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) records from January 1993 to March 1995 to identify those patients who underwent EGD for evaluation of AIDS associated diarrhea and had a duodenal biopsy and/or aspirate. Biopsies were examined for pathogens using routine histology and special stains, viral culture, and electron microscopy. Duodenal aspirates were evaluated for ova and parasites. All patients had previous negative stool studies. Pathology laboratory charges (hospital and professional fees) for each test and charges per positive test were determined. RESULTS: Of the 57 patients included in this study, 56 had a duodenal biopsy and 42 had a duodenal aspirate. An established pathogen was identified in only 15 (26%) patients. One patient had both Mycobacterium avium complex and microsporidia. Pathogens were identified in seven patients by hematoxylin and eosin stain, in three patients by acid-fast bacillus stain, and in six patients by electron microscopy. No pathogens were identified with Gomori's methenamine silver stain (44 patients), duodenal aspirate for ova and parasites (46 patients), immunoperoxidase stains (4 patients), or viral culture (4 patients). Cryptosporidia were identified in six, microsporidia in five, Mycobacterium avium complex in three, and Giardia lamblia and adenovirus each in one patient. CONCLUSIONS: In this series, the diagnostic yield of EGD with duodenal biopsy and aspirate in AIDS associated diarrhea was low. Pathogens were identified in 26% of patients; predominantly Cryptosporidium organisms and microsporidia. The routine performance of aspiration of duodenal contents for parasite examination and staining of duodenal tissue with Gomori's methenamine silver stain for fungal identification are not recommended. One should consider obtaining tissue for electron microscopy whenever duodenal biopsies are performed. The utility of EGD in AIDS associated diarrhea may improve as more effective therapies become available.  相似文献   

The authors conducted an assessment study of newly developed motor performance items for the diagnosis of myopathy. 17 children who had had muscle biopsy for this diagnosis in the recent past were administered 14 items based on the measurement of static, dynamic and explosive muscle strength and muscle endurance. Individual items did not have perfect discriminative power, but the results were encouraging enough to warrant detailed study with combinations of the items, so that in future fewer children will have to undergo unnecessary muscle biopsies.  相似文献   

Diagnostic and therapeutic measures after severe head-injury in the intensive care unit are discussed. The main goal of all efforts consists in minimizing secondary brain damage. Adequate shock therapy in the initial phase proves crucial for the later outcome. Methods and indications of intracranial pressure monitoring are described. Electrophysiological tests, transcranial doppler sonography, EEG and serial CCT controls provide valuable additional information. Frequent clinical assessments however remain the golden standard despite all technical advances. Surgical and conservative modalities of therapy are further examined. Controversial methods (barbiturates, steroids, some osmotic active agents) as well as new concepts of therapy are also included. The clinician is provided with a critical discussion of the value of the different methods from our point of experience.  相似文献   

The expression of plateau potentials in spinal motor neurons is regulated by neuromodulatory substances. Recent experiments have shed new light on this regulation at the cellular level. It is now possible to evaluate the existence of plateau potentials in intact organisms, including humans, and to address the functional role of plateau potentials in motor control, as well as in information transfer in the brain.  相似文献   

"An undergraduate training unit in individual testing, conducted properly, is very much in accordance with good educational principles and in the best interests of psychology as a profession." The testing unit takes eight weeks, is part of a two semester course; prerequisites are two semesters of general psychology and one semester of statistics; average enrollment is fourteen students largely psychology majors. Textbooks used at present are Cronbach, the training manual on military psychology, and Terman and Merrill. The test used is the Stanford-Binet Form L. An evaluation of the course including verbatim comments of students is presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Community health surveys take place in many Aboriginal communities. We considered these surveys to determine their potential to contribute to Aboriginal health in the 1990s. Community health surveys--also known as health audits, community health screenings or check-ups--usually consist of a team of health professionals travelling to an Aboriginal community to measure a wide variety of parameters on as many of the people in the community as possible. For the individual participant, community health surveys represent a sporadic screening program which should meet the World Health Organization's criteria for screening. From the population health perspective, these surveys represent prevalence surveys which may contribute little new knowledge regarding Aboriginal health and do not, of themselves, change the urgent need for preventive health programs. Community health surveys should meet minimum scientific standards (i.e. have a clearly stated aim and use valid measurements and statistical techniques) and should incorporate practically feasible protocols and services for the follow-up of individuals with screen-detected abnormalities. They must have ethical and community approval and incorporate genuine consultation and feedback of results to the Aboriginal communities involved, in order for them to be justified.  相似文献   

One of the assumptions inherent in a technique recently devised for enumerating motor units in human muscles is that the surface potentials from active motor units summate in a linear fashion. We present an electrical model of a muscle which predicts that a linear relationship between the number of active units and the electrical response recorded at the surface overlying the muscle would not be expected. The extent of the non-linearity, and hence the error in the calculation of the number of motor units in a given muscle, depends upon the ratio between the mean conductance of the motor units themselves and that of the external conduction pathway through which the electrical signal is fed (Gu/Ge). The extent of non-linearity is assessed experimentally in human hypothenar muscles using a "collision" technique. The average underestimate introduced into the calculation of the number of motor units in this particular case was concluded to be 26%. The value of Gu/Ge derived from these experiments, in 2 subjects, was checked by simulating an intramuscular action potential and determining the attenuation at the surface. The 2 independently obtained values were sufficiently close to suggest that the model may be a valid one. We conclude that caution should be employed in the interpretation of experiments which purport to determine the number of motor units in a muscle by means of surface recordings.  相似文献   

The effect of motor activity on the left fronto-central region of the human brain was analyzed spatially and temporally by using noninvasive near-infrared light (NIR) topography. The changes in oxygenation states caused by motor activity were measured using intensity-modulated NIR spectroscopy at ten measurement positions on the head surface. The subject randomly performed unilateral finger opposition for 30 s as motor stimulation. When the subject performed contralateral (right) finger movement, significant increases in both oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) and total hemoglobin (total-Hb) and decreases in deoxygenated hemoglobin (deoxy-Hb) were observed in a particular area. By mapping the static topograms of the changes of each Hb and comparing them with an anatomical image of MRI, it was found that the particular area was located on the motor cortex along the central sulcus. By mapping the dynamic topograms of the changes of total-Hb, which reflect the cerebral blood volume, and analyzing the spatiotemporal hemodynamic changes associated with the brain activity, it was found that the regional change in cerebral blood volume in the primary motor area overlaps the global change around the motor cortex. These results demonstrate that NIR topography can be used to effectively observe the human brain activity.  相似文献   

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