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美国“911”事件发生后,国际社会同声谴责恐怖主义。恐怖主义有多种形式,网络恐怖主义是近些年随着因特网的迅猛发展颇为引人注目的话题。2001年10月出版的《信息时代战争新著译丛》(陈伯江主编),大量篇幅谈到网络恐怖主义。以下内容摘自该译丛《下一次世界大战—计算机是武器,处处是前线》一书,作者为美国著名预测学家詹姆斯·亚当斯。本刊发表北疆摘编此书的一些论点,以供读者参考。  相似文献   

恐怖组织及其支持者使用网络作为信息传播工具,已成为网络恐怖主义的常态。随着国际上加大打击恐怖主义,网络恐怖主义转向暗网环境,给国际社会和国家安全带来新的风险。对此,应从网络技术、社会舆论、执法监管、国际合作4个方面提升对暗网恐怖主义的治理能力,应对网络恐怖主义的新威胁。  相似文献   

提出以射频光纤传输RFoG为下一代广播电视网络的观点,以睡眠激活放大器BCDA为基础的渐进建设下一代广播电视网络的方案。  相似文献   

伴随着信息技术发展的日新月异,很多单位为了迎合信息发展潮流,纷纷组建了属于自己单位的内部网络,单位员工在日常的办公过程中充分利用内网网络,进行共享资源传输、网络打印操作、访问内部站点等,这大大提高了员工们日常的办公效率。  相似文献   

价值十几万元的网络服务器也做促销,这是方正信息产品事业部把通常用于低端IT产品的营销方式用在了Sun服务器这样的高端IT产品的销售上的一个创举。在这个被取名为“礼Sun网来”促销活动中,方正信息产品事业部首次在Sun产品的销售中尝试采用促销的方式为方正在高端IT产品渠道建设方面进行了有  相似文献   

想买零食、买衣服、买各种产品却不想出门?没问题,随着网络的普及、网络支付方式的安全性逐渐得到了消费者的认可,这种买家、卖家互不碰面的网络购物方式受到了很多年轻人的追捧。比起传统购物,网上购物省去了不少乘车和挑选的时间,直接在网上看看图片,能够在最短的时间内看到不同种类、不同式  相似文献   

随着有线数字电视整体转换和双向化网络改造如火如荼地开展,我国有线数字电视市场已步入后整转时代,而数字电视业务的日益成熟,也使其增值业务向双向化的趋势发展。  相似文献   

去年圣诞节,美国发生了一场轰轰烈烈的“炸机未遂”事件,其影响至今未消。美国运输安全管理局1月3日公布最新安检措施,从1月4日开始,美国对来自或经停14个国家的民航旅客实行全身扫描检查。除这些国家外.其他国家飞美旅客也将受到全身扫描“抽查”。美国政府去年已从两家公司购买了150台全身扫描安检设备并已在全国机场部署40台。  相似文献   

彭俊 《通信世界》2001,(24):14-14
听说大唐生产网络信息安全产品,我有点诧异,也激起了我的兴趣。因为网络信息安全问题一直是国际竞争中的敏感问题,也是关系国家主权和国家安全的重要问题。尤其是近几年来,随着全球经济一体化进程的加快和Internet的迅猛发展,网络信息安全问题也显得越来越突出。为了解这方面的详细情况,大唐电信安排兴唐通信科技股份有限公司(其前身为数据通信科学技术研究所,属电信科学技术研究院管理)商务安全部副总经理杨方明接受了记者的采访。听完介绍之后,我才感觉到我的孤陋寡闻。 据介绍,从20世纪70年代开始,数据通信科学…  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》2002,39(9):35-36
The 11th day of September 2001 began with a tragedy beyond comprehension. It ended in a cacophony of outrage, blame, and urgent questions. How could so few terrorists create death and destruction on so massive a scale? How could US intelligence services have been caught so off guard? Can technology help prevent such attacks in the future, or at least respond to them more effectively if they do occur? A year after the strikes, answers to these questions are finally starting to take shape. The focus here is on the use of technology as a pillar of future counter-terrorism-from the advanced screening equipment now being installed at airports around the world to the robust emergency communications systems that will link workers and officials after any future calamities. Although the attacks prompted a broad array of technology initiatives, some of the most significant have been in intelligence, airport baggage screening, postal monitoring, biometric identification, radio and television broadcasting, hardened emergency communications, and personal security.  相似文献   

中国移动用户居世界首位,移动支付具有广阔的市场发展空间。翼支付业务作为某个通信业特有的业务种类,用户使用越来越广。文章深入挖掘移动用户在支付业务中的使用情况,例如消费水平、消费次数、消费偏好等,建立大数据分析,构建策反用户样本。通过SPSS Modeler对样本进行算法评估,构建最佳异网策反模型,提升异网策反成功率。  相似文献   

Developers of antiterrorism tools have little to worry about, thanks to a provision of the U.S. Homeland Security Act.  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》2003,40(1):63-64
Political machinations notwithstanding, nuclear and biological terrorism still pose very real threats. This article is an abridged version of an interview with Richard L. Garwin. A longtime advisor to the US government on national security, and a respected public critic of technology policy, including, most recently, efforts to contain biological and nuclear terrorism. He outlines three types of nuclear threat and one biological threat. He outlines what needs to be done to prepare the public for nuclear and biological attacks.  相似文献   

On bandwidth     
It is easy to argue that real signals must be bandlimited. It is also easy to argue that they cannot be so. This paper presents one possible resolution of this seeming paradox. A philosophical discussion of the role of mathematical models in the exact sciences is given and a new formulation of the 2 WT theorem is presented. The paper is a written version of the second Shannon Lecture given at the 1974 International Symposium on Information Theory. An appendix giving proof of the 2 WT theorem has been added.  相似文献   

论光动力飞行器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
分析了勿需化学燃料的光动力飞行器,并概述了下个世纪从卫星上用太阳光泵浦的激光束推进星际飞行器的设想.  相似文献   

On circularity     
Circularity is an assumption that was originally introduced for the definition of the probability distribution function of complex normal vectors. However, this concept can be extended in various ways for nonnormal vectors. The first purpose of the paper is to introduce and compare some possible definitions of circularity. From these definitions, it is also possible to introduce the concept of circular signals and to study whether or not the spectral representation of stationary signals introduces circular components. Therefore, the relationships between circularity and stationarity are analyzed in detail. Finally, the theory of linear mean square estimation for complex signals exhibits some connections with circularity, and it is shown that without this assumption, the estimation theory must be reformulated  相似文献   

On LP-MUSIC     
Studies the consistency properties of a method recently proposed for temporal or spatial frequency estimation from noisy data. The method in question is a MUSIC technique that makes use of a linear prediction algorithm to determine the signal subspace. It is shown that the signal subspace determined by the subject linear prediction-MUSIC (LP-MUSIC) algorithm can collapse in certain scenarios and. Hence, that the LP-MUSIC frequency estimates are not always consistent. The difficulties LP-MUSIC may encounter in some cases are illustrated by means of numerical examples  相似文献   

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