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Exploitation of the Beppu hydrothermal system started mainly in the lowland areas as early as the 1880s, and by the 1920s the number of wells had increased to about 1000. This caused the piezometric head of the thermal groundwater to draw down, and seawater to intrude into the thermal groundwater aquifer near the coast. A second flurry of exploitation occurred during the 1960s–70s, by which time there were over 2300 wells, and the mass and heat flows had increased due mainly to the discharge of high-temperature chloride waters in the highland areas. This caused a decline in piezometric head of the deep chloride water, a decline in the subsurface flow of chloride water towards the lowlands, and intrusion of steam-heated shallow water into the chloride water layer.  相似文献   

Geochemical approach to the Bou Hadjar hydrothermal system (NE Algeria)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Bou Hadjar low-temperature hydrothermal system is located in northeast Algeria. The four main thermal springs that are the subject of the study emerge ith temperatures between 32 and 60°C from allochthonous formations. The reservoir temperature has been estimated from chemical compositions by utilizing simultaneously the silica, gas and sulfate-water oxygen isotope geothermometers, fluid-mineral equilibrium calculations, and a mixing model. According to these thermometric methods, the most probable subsurface temperature is in the range 75–106°C. The mixing model suggests a temperature of 125°C for the parent water.  相似文献   

Luca Bolognesi 《Geothermics》1997,26(3):379-392
On Vulcano Island, Italy, the thermal water in the shallow water well W2 is a mixture of reservoir water and shallow steam-heated groundwater of meteoric origin. In the period 1986–1988, the composition of the W2 water changed just before two sequences of tectonic earthquakes, from the almost pure reservoir component to the almost pure steam-heated meteoric component. After the seismic activity, the W2 water returned to its pre-earthquake reservoir composition. These changes in composition could be explained by the dilatancy-fluid diffusion model. According to this model, the observed variations in W2 water composition could be the consequence of stress build-up prior to the seismic events, and stress reduction afterwards.  相似文献   

The Kakkonda plutonic-hydrothermal system has as its heat source the Quaternary Kakkonda granite. The Kakkonda granite has a thick (1.3 km) contact-metamorphic zone, known mainly from the geothermal survey well WD-1a (total depth: 3729 m) drilled by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO). The Kakkonda granite is a stock several tens of square kilometers in area with an upper contact about 1.5–3 km deep. It is a composite pluton varying from tonalite to granite. The early-stage granitic rocks are slightly metamorphosed to biotite grade by late-stage granitic rocks. K-Ar ages of separated minerals from the granitic rocks in both stages show the same cooling ages of 0.24–0.11 Ma for hornblende, 0.21–0.02 Ma for biotite, and 0.14–0.01 Ma for potassium feldspar. These are the youngest ages for granite in the world. The K-Ar ages become almost zero at 580°C for biotite and potassium feldspar, and at 350°C for illite. The Kakkonda granite intruded into a regional stress field in which the minimum principal stress was ENE–WSW and nearly horizontal. The regional stress field coincides with that of a previously recognized F2 fracture system before 0.4–0.3 Ma. Both stages of the Kakkonda granite and the contact aureole are fractured by recent tectonism, resulting in a zone of hydrothermal convection from about 2.5–3.1 km depth up to the surface. The boundary between the zone of hydrothermal convection and the underlying zone of heat conduction occurs 250–550 m below the upper contact of the Kakkonda granite, and has a temperature of 380–400°C.  相似文献   

A self-potential survey has been conducted around Waita volcano, Kyushu, Japan. A large negative anomaly, generally interpreted as a surface recharge zone, has been observed at medium altitude. However, combined resistivity and self-potential modeling suggests that this anomaly is not necessarily related to surface recharge but to a high permeability column within the body of the volcano. This column encourages lateral flow, which results in a mixture of meteoric water and hot fluid flowing laterally towards the Takenoyu geothermal system. Such a combined modeling analysis has proved to be a useful technique for imaging subsurface fluid circulations.  相似文献   

Gases from fluid inclusions in quartz and anhydrite were analyzed with a quadrupole mass spectrometer and a capacitance manometer. The quartz and anhydrite occur in hydrothermal veins in volcanic and pelitic rocks collected from geothermal wells in the Kirishima area, southwest Japan. The geothermal wells are located in a graben made up of Quaternary volcanic rocks underlain by sedimentary rocks of the Shimanto Group.Results of individual fluid inclusion analyses show that the fluid inclusions comprise mainly H2O and a variable but small amount of CO2. CH4 and other hydrocarbons are also detected in inclusions in a hydrothermal sample from the pelitic Shimanto Group. Peak ratios of CO2/H20 in individual fluid inclusions are variable in some samples. This indicates that there is a difference in gas compositions of the fluid inclusions, and suggests that the inclusions were formed in multistages or trapped heterogeneous boiling fluids.Results of bulk analyses show that the inclusions are mainly composed of H2O (98–99 mol%) with small amounts of non-condensable gases, mainly C02 and N2, CH4 and Ar. The proportion of N2 is about one order of magnitude lower than C02, CH4 is generally two orders of magnitude lower than C02 and Ar is just above the detection limit of the mass spectrometer. The gas concentration in the fluid inclusions is much higher than that in the present-day discharge fluids in this area. CO2/N2 and C02/CH4 ratios of the fluid inclusions from the volcanic rocks are lower than those of the present-day discharge fluids. CO2/N2 and CO2/CH4 ratios in residual fluids increase with progressive degassing, because N2 and CH4 are released from the residual fluids more easily than CO2. Thus, the difference in the CO2/N2 and CO2/CH4 ratios between the fluid inclusions and the present-day discharge fluids in the Kirishima area may be ascribed to the degree of degassing, and the fluid inclusions in the area were probably formed by trapping fluids that were weakly influenced by degassing. Pco2, values calculated from the gas compositions of the fluid inclusions are higher than that of buffer systems involving alteration minerals in the area. This suggests that the fluid inclusions might be trapped fluids which were not in equilibrium with the alteration mineral assemblages, that is, fluids prior to considerable degassing and alteration.  相似文献   

Hypersaline metal-rich liquid (ca. 40 wt% total chloride species) was obtained from a depth of 3708 m in the Kakkonda geothermal system. Sampling of well WD-1a was conducted by reverse circulation after a standing time of about 196 hours (with temperature recovering to >500°C). Tritium content and the relationship between δD and δ18O showed that the river water that was circulated in the well had mixed with an isotopically heavy fluid during the standing time. Phase separation occurred during temperature recovery, concentrating the hypersaline liquid in the bottom of the well. This original hypersaline liquid has a salinity of about 55 wt% NaCl eq., consisting of Na–Fe–K–Mn–Ca chloride, rich in Zn and Pb but poor in Cu, Au and Ag. The fluid originates from the Kakkonda granite and mixed with circulating water from the well in a zone of fine fractures induced by thermal stress during drilling.  相似文献   

Geochemical reaction path and mass balance modeling techniques were used to test the hypothesis that an eastwardly flowing plume of thermal water in the southern moat of the Long Valley caldera system reacts with hydrothermally altered intra-caldera tuffs and mixes with non-thermal groundwater. Our conceptual model is based on hypotheses in the literature and published geochemical and petrologic data. Mixing of thermal and non-thermal waters and reaction with wall rock were simulated using the reaction path code EQ3/6. Mass balance calculations were conducted to estimate the extent of water-rock interaction between the intra-caldera tuffs and fluids. A mixing ratio of 82% thermal and 18% non-thermal water reacting with altered tuff minerals closely matches Casa Diablo fluid compositions and minerals observed in petrographic studies. Results of this study show that the mineralogy and fluid chemistry observed in the shallow reservoir at Long Valley caldera are formed in an open system. Further, calcite precipitated in the system serves as a sink for high levels of CO2 generated by the deeper magmatic system. Our study serves as an example that processes acting in a geothermal system can be effectively quantified using geochemical modeling and mass balance calculations.  相似文献   

The New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) drilled well WD-1a between 1994 and 1995 in the Kakkonda geothermal field as part of their Deep Seated Geothermal Resources Survey project. High-temperature measurements were carried out in WD-1a. Logging temperatures above 414°C were confirmed at 3600 m and 3690 m depth after 82 h standing time. Simple Horner extrapolations based on observed temperatures up to 82 h after shut-in suggested a temperature of about 500°C at 3500 m depth. Temperatures between 500°C and 510°C were also confirmed at 3720 m depth after 129–159 h standing time, using calibrated melting .tablets. These are the highest temperatures measured in a geothermal well. These results suggest a thermal structure consisting of three layers. Layer one is a shallow permeable zone of the reservoir, at less than 1500 m depth, at 230°C to 260°C. The second layer is a deep zone of the reservoir, which is less permeable and has a temperature of 350°C to 360°C from 1500 m to about 3100 m depth. The third layer is a zone of heat conduction. The transition between the hydrothermal-convection zone and the deeper heat-conduction zone is at 3100 m depth in well WD-1a.  相似文献   

对“日本东京都天然气价格制度”的剖析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
列举了日本东京教燃气公司公布的天然气价格制度,通过实例了解他们在制定燃气价格制时考虑的各种因素,以供我国参考并促进我国早日建立符合市场经济规律的天然气及其它燃料的价格制度。在天然气价格计算方法中,涉及了消费税、使用量、货币汇率、国际燃料价格、天然气基价(管线网络设施的投资)、按地区的适用价格等因素。建立了完备的价格制度以后,政府的职能将转变,企业和用户的利益会得到维护,将进一步促进经济发展和社会稳定。  相似文献   

Fluid inclusions have been studied on six calcite veins from the shallow part (480 to 1515 m below ground level) of the Larderello geothermal field and outcropping in peripheral zones of the geothermal area. Oxygen and carbon isotopic analyses have been carried out on these carbonate veins, as well as on the dolostone layers found inside the Paleozoic metamorphic units of the deep part of the field (from 1939 to 3177 m below ground level). Fluid inclusion observations suggest that boiling processes probably occurred during calcite precipitation in most of the veins. The fluids that formed or interacted with the calcite veins below the uppermost reservoir (made up of Mesozoic marine carbonates), and with the calcite hydrothermal veins of Sassa, were characterised by an apparent salinity from 1.3 to 5.3 wt.% NaCl eq. and a homogenisation temperature from 137 to 245°C. The fluid inclusions related to the calcite veins hosted above the uppermost reservoir show a wide range of apparent salinity (from 1.7 to 22.2 wt.% NaCl eq.) and homogenisation temperatures from 224 to 296°C. Apparent salinity/homogenisation temperature covariations of the latter veins are interpreted as being the result of a mixing process between a low-temperature, high-salinity fluid and a higher-temperature, moderate-salinity fluid. The oxygen isotopic compositions of the calcite veins (δ18O from 10.34 to 11.45‰) located below the Mesozoic carbonates and in the outcrops (δ18O from 9.42 to 17.07‰) indicate that the vapour in equilibrium with these veins was isotopically similar to the present-day discharge steam. The aqueous fluids in equilibrium with these veins could be meteoric water that interacted with the Mesozoic carbonates of the upper reservoir. The δ13C values of the CO2 produced at Larderello and the constant concentration of this gas over time are, however, indicative of a deep source inside the reservoir that is probably related to the decarbonation reaction within the metamorphic units that form the present-day deep reservoir. Fluid inclusion salinities (up to 22.2 wt.% NaCl eq.) and isotopic results (δ18O from 13.43 to 21.99‰, δ13C between −1.26 and −0.18‰) on the calcite veins hosted above the uppermost reservoir suggest that the water circulating in these veins has strongly interacted with Mesozoic carbonates or Neogene sediments containing evaporite layers. The isotopic values (δ18O from 14.09 to 19.91‰, δ13C from −4.09 to 1.90‰) of dolomite samples present in the Paleozoic metamorphic rocks indicate a reaction with fluid of variable temperatures under different water/rock ratios. The isotopic composition of one sample reveals equilibrium with present-day discharge fluids. This fact aside, the remaining data indicate that the Paleozoic dolomitic layers do not seem to contribute significantly to the production of CO2.  相似文献   

Mineral scales were formed in wells and surface installations during a 2-year circulation test performed at the Hijiori Hot Dry Rock (HDR) site, Yamagata, Japan. Anhydrite deposited in the deeper parts of the production wells, while silica and calcium carbonate precipitated at the surface, downstream of the wellhead, in amounts that depended on the temperature and chemical composition of the produced fluid. In well HDR-2a, closer to the injector, most of the scale was calcium carbonate; in HDR-3, further away from the injection well, there was slight precipitation of amorphous silica. As fluid circulation progressed and temperature decreased, scaling in the flow line of well HDR-2a changed from amorphous silica to calcium carbonate.  相似文献   

Naoto Takeno   《Geothermics》2000,29(2):349
The Uenotai geothermal area is located in southern Akita prefecture of northern Honshu Island. The Uenotai geothermal system is a liquid-dominated system with a central zone of aquifer boiling. The two-phase reservoir has evolved from liquid in the natural state due to exploitation. Gas composition of the vapor phase in the reservoir is nearly in equilibrium and correlates with the vapor fraction in the reservoir and with discharging steam quality. The marginal part of the Uenotai system has cooled with the drop in ground-water level. The chemical characteristics of the geothermal water indicate mixing of the immature high Cl source water with conductively heated or steam-heated shallow water or surface water, as well as boiling and steam gain.  相似文献   

Geothermal power development at the Oguni field, central Kyushu, is planned to begin in the year 2001 with a double flash system generating 20 MWe. The Oguni reservoir has been delineated by systematic geothermal surveys, well tests and reservoir engineering studies. The fractured reservoir is horizontally layered and divided into northern and southern portions. Both of them have NaCl dominant fluids ranging from 200 to 240°C. The northern reservoir covers a large area including the Takenoyu Fault Zone and has a relatively high permeability (kh≈80–230 darcy-m). By contrast, the southern reservoir covers a relatively small area and has limited transmissivity. The southern reservoir has a higher pressure (1 MPa) than the northern reservoir, indicating little connectivity between them. Based on numerical calculations, as well as the surface topography and environmental aspects, the production and reinjection zones have been separated, and a large part of the necessary fluid will be produced from the northern reservoir along the Takenoyu Fault and a small part will be taken from the southern reservoir. The separated water will be reinjected into the northernmost part of the northern reservoir, in order to prevent a cold sweep problem for production.  相似文献   

The Fushime geothermal field is located in a depression close to the coast line. The system is characterized by very high reservoir temperature (>350°C), and a high salinity production fluid. Geological analysis shows that the main reservoir in this field occurs in a fractured zone developed around a dacite intrusion located in the center of the field. High permeability zones recognized by drilling data are found to be associated with fault zones. One of these zones is clearly associated with a NW–SE trending andesite dike swarm which was encountered in some wells.Alteration in the system can be divided into four zones, in order of increasing temperature, based on calcium–magnesium aluminosilicate mineral assemblages: i.e., the smectite, transition, chlorite and epidote zones. The feed zone is located in the chlorite and epidote zones, which can be further divided into three sub-zones according to their potassium or sodium aluminosilicate mineralogy, from the center of the discharge zone: K-feldspar–quartz, sericite–quartz, and albite–chlorite zones.Chloride concentration of the sea-water is 19,800 mg/l, and Br/Cl mole ratio is 1.55. Based on geochemical information, the reservoir chloride concentration of this field ranges from 11,600 to 22,000 mg/kg. The Clres (Cl in reservoir), Br/Cl ratios and stable isotope data indicate that the Fushime geothermal fluid originated from sea-water and is diluted by ground water during its ascent. Some fluids produced from geothermal wells show low pH (about 4). It is thought that sulfide mineral (PbS, ZnS) precipitation during production produces this acidic fluid.  相似文献   

Geochemical characteristics of solid bitumen in Upper Jurassic carbonate reservoir are investigated. Aromatic maturity parameters indicate peak to late oil window level of maturity for the bitumen samples. Regular sterane distributions, conical variable (CV), plots of δ13CSat versus δ13CAro and Pr/nC17 against Ph/nC18, predominance of C23 tricyclic terpane, ratios of steranes/hopanes and C23/C21 tricyclic terpane indicate charging from clastic-rich anoxic marine source rocks. Ratios of C29/C30 hopane, Ts/Ts+ Tm, C24 tetracyclic terpane/C20-26 tricyclic terpanes and plot of C22/C21 versus C24/C23 tricyclic terpanes show influences of carbonate/marl facies. All these would throw crucial guiding light on the interpretation of the future exploration.  相似文献   

The thermoluminescence glow-curve of quartz in volcanic and pyroclastic rocks of the Miocene and Quaternary in the Kakkonda geothermal field was divided into L (low), M (medium) and H (high) peaks in order of increasing temperature. Thermoluminescence emission is independent of stratigraphic boundaries but it is closely related to surface geothermal manifestations. Thermally stimulated processes of thermoluminescence caused by natural annealing occurred in the Quaternary after the eruption of the Tamagawa Welded Tuffs; radiation storage processes then began, as a consequence of the temperature drop. Thermoluminescence behavior indicates natural temperature manifestations, together with the paleo-temperature history.The H peak was thermally stable compared to the L and M peaks, and the area within which the relative intensity of the H peak is less than 5% coincides with the surface zone where dominant fluid flow is convective. In addition, L and M peaks indicate that a relatively low-temperature fluid mixes with the hot upflow around the western margin of the ascending flow zone.Thermoluminescence characteristics reflect paleo-temperature history and are related to geothermal fluid flow. Thermoluminescence is an effective exploration technique for evaluating natural temperature manifestations and subterranean heat flow in geothermal systems.  相似文献   

The Los Humeros geothermal system is composed of more than 2200 m of Quaternary altered volcanic rocks and an underlying Cretaceous sedimentary sequence. The low salinity of the fluids discharged at present (Na+ and Cl concentrations <500 ppm), and the excess steam, indicate that the reservoir contains a mixture of steam and dilute groundwater. Water-rock equilibrium is not attained. Hydrothermal minerals are present in veinlets, vugs, and replacing primary minerals. Three mineral zones are recognized: 1) a shallow argillic zone (<400 m depth), 2) a propylitic zone (ranging between 500 and 1800 m) and 3) a skarn zone (>1800 m). Petrographic examination of cuttings from five wells and temperature data indicate at least two stages of hydrothermal activity. Temperature is the main factor that affects the chemical composition of chlorite, epidote and biotite. Fe2+ and AlIV increase in chlorite with temperature [from 1.4 formula position unit (fpu) to 2.8, and from 0.7 to 2.4 fpu, respectively]. The pistacite content of epidote varies from 18 to 33 mol% in high-temperature regions (>270 °C) and from 13 to 26 mol% in low-temperature regions (<250 °C). Biotite displays a slight increase in AlIV contents (1.55–2.8) and octahedral occupancy (5.93–6.0 fpu) with temperature. Whole rock composition and variations in oxygen fugacity conditions are factors that also affect the concentrations of Fe, Al and Mg in the octahedral sites of chlorite, epidote, biotite and amphiboles. Chemical variations observed in alteration minerals at different depths in the Colapso Central-Xalapazco region could be used as indicators of relict physico-chemical conditions in the reservoir, before the present economic exploitation.  相似文献   

In the paper, we analyzed internal thermal transmission characteristics of water‐heating photovoltaic/thermal (PV/T) solar collector covered by photovoltaic (PV) cell, established photothermal conversion model of PV/T solar system, and analyzed the influence of PV cell coverage to photothermal characteristics of PV/T solar system. Results show that the thermal efficiency of PV/T solar system by optimizing PV cells coverage can reach 68%. In addition, by designing four water‐heating PV/T solar system prototypes with PV cell coverage of 0.4, 0.56, 0.7, and 0.82, respectively, we conducted experimental researches for the four prototypes and found that the four prototypes can achieve thermal efficiencies of 58%, 51%, 64%, and 67%, respectively, in heating 250 L of water to 50°C. The experiment results are consistent with theoretical analysis results, indicating that it is feasible to improve thermal characteristics of PV/T solar system by optimizing PV cell coverage. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A schematic model showing the sources of hot waters being discharged at the surface in the Kuju-Iwoyama of the Kuju volcano has been developed. Based on the isotopic characteristics of these fluids it is inferred that deep magmatic fluid mixes with thermal waters derived from rainwater in a shallow geothermal reservoir, and with local groundwaters in a deeper reservoir. These thermal waters feed hot springs that discharge waters with Cl/SO4 ratios that differ from that of the fumaroles on Kuju-Iwoyama, due to the addition of SO42− ions produced by the decomposition of native sulfur and mixing with magmatic fluid of high Cl content.  相似文献   

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