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当前高职院校在校学生的主体已逐步被“00后”所取代,高校辅导员队伍也在不断注入新鲜血液,“90后”辅导员已渐渐成为这支队伍的主力。面对这些“00后”大学生,这些“90后”辅导员如何做好学生管理工作,已经成为高校思想政治工作者关注的课题。重点分析了“00 后”大学生的成长环境与个性特征,以及带给“90后”辅导员的挑战,探索了针对“00后”大学生开展思政工作的新路径。  相似文献   

尹丽 《广州化工》2012,40(10):197-198
随着时代的发展,"90后"已经逐渐成为大学校园中主体,作为高校班主任,应该与时俱进,分析"90后"大学生的特点,学会欣赏和沟通,找准自己的位置,逐渐走进"90后"大学生心里,让师生们一起体验成长的快乐。  相似文献   

"90后"大学生现已成为在校大学生的主要群体,为了让他们更快更好地适应大学环境、融入大学生活,对其进行入学适应性教育便十分必要。为此通过面向九江学院部分新生开展入学适应性调查,把握和诊断目前大学新生入学教育中存在的问题,并针对当前高校在新生入学适应性教育中所涉及的内容及存在的不足进行探讨,继而提出相应的解决途径及方法。  相似文献   

师德师风是评价教师队伍素质的第一标准,立德树人是高校师德师风建设的根本任务。立德树人的出发点和落脚点都是“人”,一份来自华东理工大学以《新时代高校教师职业行为十项准则》为依据进行的调研(包括问卷调查和访谈)显示:“00后”大学生希望教师“学高为师,身正为范”,传递正确的价值观;教师不能满足学生“探索性、反思性学习”是导致师生关系止步于“教”与“学”、无法形成良好生师互动氛围的主要原因。  相似文献   

“十一五”期间,我国橡胶机械行业做到了“大”“精”“强”,取得了跳跃式的发展。销售收入从约40亿元发展到90亿元,出口创汇从1500万美元飚升到1.5亿美元以上。我国橡胶机械销售收入已超过全球橡胶机械销售收入的1/3,我国已无可争辩地成为世界橡胶机械生产大国。  相似文献   

高校辅导员是高校教师队伍的重要组成部分,是开展大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,是大学生健康成长的指导者和引路人。辅导员队伍素质能力的高低,直接影响到思想政治教育的效果,影响到高校人才培养目标的实现。因此高校辅导员要了解工作能力的构成之后让辅导员在学生工作中的作用能够充分发挥。  相似文献   

2020年9月,习近平总书记在七十五届联合国大会上明确指出我国要在2060年前实现“碳中和”,为全球气候变暖贡献一份力。“无机化学”作为一门重要的专业基础性课程,在“碳中和”战略背景下,应当要重视自身教学方式与方法的改革与创新。基于此,从“碳中和”视域出发,从完善教材内容、联系行业需求、注重理论与实践相结合、创设教学情境以及新增探究性课程等方面入手,探讨了高校“无机化学”课程教学改革的途径,致力于培养更多“碳中和”方面的高水平技术人才,以期为高校“无机化学”课程改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

2011年作业7队面临着全力服务采油厂属地油区的修井任务,就在新形势下如何完成全年生产经营任务,成为摆在我们面前的重要课题。我们在总结过去考核以"工时"为介质,干部职工靠挣"工时"发工资奖金,即使队伍无劳务收入、无利润产生的的情况下,队伍利润亏损时干部职工"工时"照样产生,这样就造成队伍亏损、职工挣钱的矛盾局面,不能真正体现职工干部在基层队的利润贡献价值,因此,创立实施了"利率"管理模式。  相似文献   

2011年作业7队面临着全力服务采油厂属地油区的修井任务,就在新形势下如何完成全年生产经营任务,成为摆在我们面前的重要课题。我们在总结过去考核以"工时"为介质,干部职工靠挣"工时"发工资奖金,即使队伍无劳务收入、无利润产生的的情况下,队伍利润亏损时干部职工"工时"照样产生,这样就造成队伍亏损、职工挣钱的矛盾局面,不能真正体现职工干部在基层队的利润贡献价值,因此,创立实施了"利率"管理模式。  相似文献   

随着教育信息化的不断深入,智慧教育的发展越来越受到关注。如何在“三全育人”背景下,有效发挥智慧教育在课堂教学中的优势是全面提升高校教学质量的关键。对本校化工专业“分析化学”课程现有教学模式进行了探索和改革,设计构建了“221(两培养、两提升、一主体)”智慧教学模式,旨在以价值引领为主体,培养学生的创新意识和合作研究意识,提升学生参与课堂活动的积极性,优化课程考核评价机制,重塑并构建按需服务的教学新模式,实现高阶学习体验、高阶内容适配性、高阶教学效率。  相似文献   

如今的信息社会已经进入到一个全媒体时代,全媒体环境下人们的阅读习惯发生了巨大的变化。数字阅读作为一种有别于传统纸质阅读的新型阅读方式异军突起,正在逐渐被人们所认识,并在实际阅读中占据越来越高的比重。在我们身边,越来越多的年轻人和中低收入人群加入到数字阅读大军中,特别是独立高校里的90后大学生更是青睐此种阅读方式。那么如何引导这些学子们科学有效地通过数字阅读来提升自我,将来更好地融入社会,成为独立高校图书馆工作人员创新工作所面临的新课题。  相似文献   

This paper presents a method that instructors have designed and implemented to form balanced teams based on Belbin's roles, with the aim of boosting positive interdependence and individual accountability within the teams and improving their performance in a project-based learning environment. Students’ performance has been measured through the scores obtained during the project, individual exam and Individual Accountability Factor (IAF) and compared with cohorts of previous years, in which team composition was self-selected by students. Belbin teams (18/19–19/20) have performed significantly better than self-selected teams (16/17–17/18). Additionally, students’ feedback experience and opinion has been collected. Students belonging to Belbin teams acknowledge that they attend classes more regularly, they need less time for study outside the classes and they show a higher interest for the subject at the end of the course. They also agree that working on Belbin teams has helped them to mainly improve interpersonal relationships and social skills, followed by positive interdependence and individual accountability. This team forming method gives students the opportunity to identify their own strengths and weaknesses and understand the roles (behaviours) of their teammates as well as their strengths and weaknesses. Besides, it encourages learners to focus explicitly on group work skills.  相似文献   

The shift to distance teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic brought about a real challenge for both instructors and students. To face these difficulties in teaching undergraduate Chemistry courses at the University of Santo Tomas, a blended learning strategy in the context of teaching and learning of Physical Chemistry 1 and Analytical Chemistry for Chemical Engineering students were employed. Here, we present an online strategy that facilitated the transition from traditional face-to-face learning to full online instruction. This is a five-component blended learning strategy referred to as Discover, Learn, Practice, Collaborate and Assess (DLPCA). In DLPCA, the asynchronous part of the teaching was achieved through broadcast of pre-recorded lecture videos on YouTube to allow students to study and progress with learning at their own pace. The synchronous part of the teaching was conducted using video conferencing platforms, such as Zoom or Google Meet. The DLPCA strategy was presented and discussed to the students prior to its implementation. The analysis of the teaching and learning experience based on three indicators (i) student’s learning experience, (ii) student’s academic performance and (iii) instructor observations showed that DLPCA had a positive impact on students and instructors. The identified challenges were stability of internet connection and instructor’s familiarity with readily available internet-based teaching tools, such as video conferencing software. Instructors must also find means to improve their interaction with students and maintain student interest and engagement during online classes. The survey also indicated that most of the students are satisfied with the DLCPA strategy. Hence, this strategy is considered a manageable and effective alternative that can be adapted to full online instruction to other undergraduate Chemistry lecture courses. Overall, the findings and insights in this study will add valuable resources for further hybrid instruction in the post-COVID-19 time in higher education.  相似文献   

传统教学系统地训练学生的实验操作技巧,而基于问题的学习(Problem-Based Learning,PBL)教学模式则能极大激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的独立学习和团体合作能力,批判性思考能力,沟通表达及分析解决问题的能力。两者有效结合,可培养学生将其所学的实验操作技巧灵活运用于解决实际问题中,成为创新型人才。  相似文献   

程杏安  刘展眉 《广州化工》2013,(20):205-206
“大学生创新实验计划”是我国各级教育系统推出的以培养大学生创新思维和能力的有力举措。本文结合笔者自身的经历分析了在教学和科研过程中引导学生积极参与各级大学生创新实验计划项目的必要性和重要性,同时对如何组建以本科生为主体的大学生创新团队提出了见解和设想。  相似文献   

随着学生数量的增加和机房规模的不断加大,如何科学、有效地管理机房已成为高校机房信息化建设重点。根据我校机房现状,提出了加强系统维护和管理平台应用的必要性,通过项目的实施更有效地服务于教学。  相似文献   

高职教育改革面临新形势下的高职院校随着办学规模、自主权的扩大,依然存在许多问题与发展瓶颈,迫切需要开展院校研究以寻求解决问题的对策。结合我国高职院校的现状和架构职教科研新格局的现实,其学院科研工作应定位于院校研究,并从树立院校研究的观念,建立专业的研究人员队伍、建立院校研究的信息资料系统、及有针对性进行实际问题的科学研究着手开展。  相似文献   

工程技术素质是工科大学生最重要的素质之一,是大学生未来工作能力的基础。本文结合多年的“化工原理”教学改革的探索和实践,从优化工艺技术参数,培养经济性观念、借助数学模型处理化学工程问题、结合认知实习,培养工程理念、工程问题近似处理、加强实验教学等方丽阐述了如何培养学生的工程技术素质。实践汪明这些做法能够培养学生的工程技术素质,提高学生的综合素质。  相似文献   

翟淑红  陈涛  薛春霞 《广州化工》2013,(20):213-214,216
根据独立学院人才培养目标,构建适应现代化学发展的基础化学实验教学体系,引入开放管理模式、双结合的实验内容,创新适合独立学院的教学方法和手段,改革全面衡量学生水平的考核方式,从而组建水平相对比较高的教师团队,进一步提高教学质量,提高学生的实践与创新能力。  相似文献   

For the expected installation and operation of additional seawater desalination plants, manpower is needed. Besides the financing and the manufacturing of these plants, the training of the future staff is a big challenge. It is assumed that in the MENA region each year more than 1000 people will have to be trained. The present and future problem at seawater desalination plants, i.e. the lack of experienced personnel, is also a lack of instructors. There are already existing institutions and facilities in various countries carrying out well-organized training programs at site. In addition, there are many excellent short courses and workshops organized by organisations like EDS or MEDRC — nevertheless, the crucial question remains whether these structures are strong enough to meet the growing demand for professional training in the future. When talking about training programs, the question of how to finance these measurements emerges directly. The solution can be found in an improvement of the availability of the plants. A higher availability resulting in a higher fresh water production rate could be obtained by well-trained staff able to react in a proper way to any disturbances or unstable operation modes of the plant. The so-called “Twinning-Model” could be a suitable approach to meet the demand for professional training. A central training facility called TFEU (based in Europe and affiliated to an existing university or a technical school) is one of the twins and plays the part as developer of training programs (curricula), as instructor for the trainers and as trainer for advanced and simulator courses. Following the curricula, additional experts from other universities or companies are integrated in the team. After an initial phase needed for the training of the trainers, the local “twin” called TFLO is responsible for the fundamental and main training program. A board comprised of participants from all parties involved (i.e. TFEU and TFLO, the manufacturers as well as the operators) surveys the curricula and examination procedures.  相似文献   

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