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Abscisic acid plays a pivotal role in the abiotic stress response in plants. Although great progress has been achieved explaining the complexity of the stress and ABA signaling cascade, there are still many questions to answer. Mutants are a valuable tool in the identification of new genes or new alleles of already known genes and in elucidating their role in signaling pathways. We applied a suppressor mutation approach in order to find new components of ABA and abiotic stress signaling in Arabidopsis. Using the abh1 (ABA hypersensitive 1) insertional mutant as a parental line for EMS mutagenesis, we selected several mutants with suppressed hypersensitivity to ABA during seed germination. Here, we present the response to ABA and a wide range of abiotic stresses during the seed germination and young seedling development of two suppressor mutants—soa2 (suppressor of abh1 hypersensitivity to ABA 2) and soa3 (suppressor of abh1 hypersensitivity to ABA 3). Generally, both mutants displayed a suppression of the hypersensitivity of abh1 to ABA, NaCl and mannitol during germination. Both mutants showed a higher level of tolerance than Columbia-0 (Col-0—the parental line of abh1) in high concentrations of glucose. Additionally, soa2 exhibited better root growth than Col-0 in the presence of high ABA concentrations. soa2 and soa3 were drought tolerant and both had about 50% fewer stomata per mm2 than the wild-type but the same number as their parental line—abh1. Taking into account that suppressor mutants had the same genetic background as their parental line—abh1, it was necessary to backcross abh1 with Landsberg erecta four times for the map-based cloning approach. Mapping populations, derived from the cross of abh1 in the Landsberg erecta background with each suppressor mutant, were created. Map based cloning in order to identify the suppressor genes is in progress.  相似文献   

The BAG proteins are a family of multi-functional co-chaperones. In plants, BAG proteins were found to play roles both in abiotic and biotic stress tolerance. However, the function of Arabidopsis BAG2 remains largely unknown, whereas BAG6 is required for plants’ defense to pathogens, although it remains unknown whether BAG6 is involved in plants’ tolerance to abiotic stresses. Here, we show that both BAG2 and BAG6 are expressed in various tissues and are upregulated by salt, mannitol, and heat treatments and by stress-related hormones including ABA, ethylene, and SA. Germination of bag2, bag6 and bag2 bag6 seeds is less sensitive to ABA compared to the wild type (WT), whereas BAG2 and BAG6 overexpression lines are hypersensitive to ABA. bag2, bag6, and bag2 bag6 plants show higher survival rates than WT in drought treatment but display lower survival rates in heat-stress treatment. Consistently, these mutants showed differential expression of several stress- and ABA-related genes such as RD29A, RD29B, NCED3 and ABI4 compared to the WT. Furthermore, these mutants exhibit lower levels of ROS after drought and ABA treatment but higher ROS accumulation after heat treatment than the WT. These results suggest that BAG2 and BAG6 are negatively involved in drought stress but play a positive role in heat stress in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

植物在生长发育过程中,形成了一系列具有调控作用的转录因子。其中,WRKY家族是近年来研究较为广泛的植物所特有的转录因子。WRKY转录因子具有多种生理功能,在植物种子萌发、形态建设、繁殖和衰老等过程中具有重要调控作用。对WRKY转录因子的结构及其在植物生长发育过程中的调控作用进行了综述。  相似文献   

Seed vigor of rice is an important trait for direct seeding. The objective of this study was to reveal the relationship between globulin and seed vigor, and then to explore a method for evaluating seed vigor. Several rice varieties with different levels of 52 kDa globulin accumulation were used to compare seed vigor under normal and aged conditions. Results showed that varieties with high globulin accumulation obtained significantly higher seed vigor, measured by germination percentage and germination index, compared with those varieties with low globulin accumulation under normal and aged conditions. Meanwhile, a significantly higher accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was observed in the early germinating seeds of varieties with high globulin accumulation compared to those varieties with low globulin accumulation under normal and aged conditions. Collectively, the globulin content could be applied in the evaluation of seed vigor, which contributes to the selection of rice varieties for direct seeding.  相似文献   

In lily reproduction, the mechanism of formation of bulbs has been a hot topic. However, studies on stem bulblet formation are limited. Stem bulblets, formed in the leaf axils of under- and above-ground stems, provide lilies with a strong capacity for self-propagation. First, we showed that above-ground stem bulblets can be induced by spraying 100 mg/L 6-BA on the LA hybrid lily ‘Aladdin’, with reduced endogenous IAA and GA4 and a higher relative content of cytokinins. Then, expression patterns of three potential genes (two KNOTTED1-like homeobox (KNOX) and one partial BEL1-like homeobox (BELL)), during stem bulblet formation from our previous study, were determined by RT-qPCR, presenting a down-up trend in KNOXs and a rising tendency in BELL. The partial BELL gene was cloned by RACE from L. ‘Aladdin’ and denoted LaBEL1. Physical interactions of LaKNOX1-LaBEL1 and LaKNOX1-LaKNOX2 were confirmed by yeast two-hybrid and bimolecular fluorescence complementation assays. Furthermore, hormonal regulatory patterns of single LaKNOX1, LaKNOX2, LaBEL1, and their heterodimers, were revealed in transgenic Arabidopsis, suggesting that the massive mRNA accumulations of LaKNOX1, LaKNOX2 and LaBEL1 genes during stem bulblet formation could cause the dramatic relative increase of cytokinins and the decline of GAs and IAA. Taken together, a putative model was proposed that LaKNOX1 interacts with LaKNOX2 and LaBEL1 to regulate multiple phytohormones simultaneously for an appropriate hormonal homeostasis, which suggests their potential role in stem bulblet formation in L. ‘Aladdin’.  相似文献   

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