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This study investigates sources of uncertainty in the modelling of greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater treatment, through the use of local and global sensitivity analysis tools, and contributes to an in-depth understanding of wastewater treatment modelling by revealing critical parameters and parameter interactions. One-factor-at-a-time sensitivity analysis is used to screen model parameters and identify those with significant individual effects on three performance indicators: total greenhouse gas emissions, effluent quality and operational cost. Sobol's method enables identification of parameters with significant higher order effects and of particular parameter pairs to which model outputs are sensitive. Use of a variance-based global sensitivity analysis tool to investigate parameter interactions enables identification of important parameters not revealed in one-factor-at-a-time sensitivity analysis. These interaction effects have not been considered in previous studies and thus provide a better understanding wastewater treatment plant model characterisation. It was found that uncertainty in modelled nitrous oxide emissions is the primary contributor to uncertainty in total greenhouse gas emissions, due largely to the interaction effects of three nitrogen conversion modelling parameters. The higher order effects of these parameters are also shown to be a key source of uncertainty in effluent quality. 相似文献
This study reports the presence of fossil organic carbon in wastewater and its fate in wastewater treatment plants. The findings pinpoint the inaccuracy of current greenhouse gas accounting guidelines which defines all organic carbon in wastewater to be of biogenic origin. Stable and radiocarbon isotopes (13C and 14C) were measured throughout the process train in four municipal wastewater treatment plants equipped with secondary activated sludge treatment. Isotopic mass balance analyses indicate that 4–14% of influent total organic carbon (TOC) is of fossil origin with concentrations between 6 and 35 mg/L; 88–98% of this is removed from the wastewater. The TOC mass balance analysis suggests that 39–65% of the fossil organic carbon from the influent is incorporated into the activated sludge through adsorption or from cell assimilation while 29–50% is likely transformed to carbon dioxide (CO2) during secondary treatment. The fossil organic carbon fraction in the sludge undergoes further biodegradation during anaerobic digestion with a 12% decrease in mass. 1.4–6.3% of the influent TOC consists of both biogenic and fossil carbon is estimated to be emitted as fossil CO2 from activated sludge treatment alone. The results suggest that current greenhouse gas accounting guidelines, which assume that all CO2 emission from wastewater is biogenic may lead to underestimation of emissions. 相似文献
Greenhouse gas production: a comparison between aerobic and anaerobic wastewater treatment technology 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Anaerobic wastewater treatment offers improved energy conservation with potential reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Pitfalls exist in that the methane produced in anaerobic treatment can offset any reductions in carbon dioxide emissions, if it is released to the environment. This paper analyzes greenhouse gas emissions from both aerobic and anaerobic treatment systems, including sludge digestion and the losses of dissolved methane in digested biosolids and process effluents. There exists cross over points, ranging from 300 to 700 mg/L influent wastewater BODu, which are functions of the efficiency of the aerobic treatment system. Anaerobic treatment becomes favorable when treating influents higher in concentrations than the cross over values. A technology to recover dissolved methane would make anaerobic treatment favorable at nearly all influent strengths. 相似文献
Nitrous oxide emission during wastewater treatment 总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26
Marlies J. Kampschreur Hardy Temmink Mike S.M. Jetten Mark C.M. van Loosdrecht 《Water research》2009,43(17):4093-1762
Nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas, can be emitted during wastewater treatment, significantly contributing to the greenhouse gas footprint. Measurements at lab-scale and full-scale wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) have demonstrated that N2O can be emitted in substantial amounts during nitrogen removal in WWTPs, however, a large variation in reported emission values exists. Analysis of literature data enabled the identification of the most important operational parameters leading to N2O emission in WWTPs: (i) low dissolved oxygen concentration in the nitrification and denitrification stages, (ii) increased nitrite concentrations in both nitrification and denitrification stages, and (iii) low COD/N ratio in the denitrification stage. From the literature it remains unclear whether nitrifying or denitrifying microorganisms are the main source of N2O emissions. Operational strategies to prevent N2O emission from WWTPs are discussed and areas in which further research is urgently required are identified. 相似文献
Nitrous oxide generation in full-scale biological nutrient removal wastewater treatment plants 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Jeffrey Foley 《Water research》2010,44(3):831-10566
International guidance for estimating emissions of the greenhouse gas, nitrous oxide (N2O), from biological nutrient removal (BNR) wastewater systems is presently inadequate. This study has adopted a rigorous mass balance approach to provide comprehensive N2O emission and formation results from seven full-scale BNR wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). N2O formation was shown to be always positive, yet highly variable across the seven plants. The calculated range of N2O generation was 0.006-0.253 kgN2O-N per kgN denitrified (average: 0.035 ± 0.027). This paper investigated the possible mechanisms of N2O formation, rather than the locality of emissions. Higher N2O generation was shown to generally correspond with higher nitrite concentrations, but with many competing and parallel nitrogen transformation reactions occurring, it was very difficult to clearly identify the predominant mechanism of N2O production. The WWTPs designed and operated for low effluent TN (i.e. <10 mgN L−1) had lower and less variable N2O generation factors than plants that only achieved partial denitrification. 相似文献
Abdollah Abdi Sharareh Taghipour Homayoun Khamooshi 《International Journal of Project Management》2018,36(3):397-413
In response to recent climate change, which is believed to be attributed to the release of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, many countries are placing CO2 abatement programs such as carbon tax and cap-and-trade. Projects do have a significant share in GHGs and therefore their environmental performance, like their schedule and cost performance, should be monitored and controlled. Although many large projects would pass an environmental assessment in the project evaluation phase, the issue of environmental performance monitoring during the project execution phase has not been addressed in project management methodologies. The objective of this paper is to develop a model to estimate project GHG emissions, and to measure project GHG performance using the developed metrics, which can be used at any point in time over the life of a project. A comprehensive study is conducted to collect information on GHG emission factors of various project activity data (such as material use, energy and fuel consumption, transportation, etc.), and a user form interface is developed to calculate the total GHG of an activity. Also, a breakdown structure is proposed which supports managing all the project GHG accounts. The monitoring and control model is formulated based on the logic used in earned value management (EVM) methodology. The proposed model is then implemented to a work package of a real construction project. The results present the project initial GHG plan and show that the model is able to calculate project GHG variance by the reporting date and predict project final GHG based on a project GHG performance index. The method presented in this paper is general and can be applied to any type of projects in an organization that aims to reduce its carbon footprint. The same structure can be applied to monitor and control any other environmental impact associated with project execution process. 相似文献
Panagiotis A. Drakatos Vladimir A. Vissikirsky Ioannis K. Kalavrouziotis Dimitris G. Skuras Sofia P. Drakatu 《The International journal of environmental studies》2013,70(6):813-833
Cultivation of forests and plant species by utilizing processed wastewater and sludge from the wastewater treatment plants is an effective method to reduce the release of harmful substances and provide favorable conditions for the development of agricultural sector under the shortage of water resources. For this purpose, the experiments have been carrying out to investigate the ability of species to absorb chemical elements under increased concentrations in wastewater, as well as other characteristics and features of species’ behavior in biological, chemical and physical aspects. The behavior is a result of complex cause‐effect dynamical interactions in ecological networks with unknown mathematical models of underlying functional relationships. There are two important features inherent in the investigation of cultivating species by processed wastewater: empirical modeling of species’ behavior and qualitative reasoning with imprecise information about this behavior. Proceeding from analysis of chains of interactions viewed as functional mappings between factors and investigated objects, the paper proposes a solution to the development of fuzzy modeling tools to support the investigation process. The proposed architecture includes the following components: a model that describes an ecological network under investigation; artificial neural network modules that model complex direct cause‐effect interactions; a fuzzy inference system that provides the investigator with qualitative reasoning about these interactions within a framework of the model; and control system that, under the requests from the investigator, controls the operation of the above components. 相似文献
Alpha Amadou Diallo Hubert Brugère Monique Kérourédan Véronique Dupouy Pierre-Louis Toutain Alain Bousquet-Mélou Eric Oswald Delphine Bibbal 《Water research》2013,47(13):4719-4729
We compared the prevalence of pathogenic and extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) – producing Escherichia coli in effluents of a municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) receiving wastewater from a slaughterhouse. A total of 1248 isolates were screened for the presence of virulence genes associated with enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) (stx1, stx2, and eae) and extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) (sfa/focDE, kpsMT K1, hlyA, papEF, afa/draBC, clbN, f17A and cnf). The prevalence of atypical enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) was 0.7%, 0.2% and 0.5% in city wastewater, slaughterhouse wastewater and in the treated effluent, respectively. One stx1a and stx2b-positive E. coli isolate was detected in city wastewater. The prevalence of ExPEC was significantly higher in city wastewater (8.4%), compared to slaughterhouse wastewater (1.2%). Treatment in the WWTP did not significantly impact the prevalence of ExPEC in the outlet effluent (5.0%) compared to city wastewater. Moreover, the most potentially pathogenic ExPEC were isolated from city wastewater and from the treated effluent. ESBL-producing E. coli was also mainly detected in city wastewater (1.7%), compared to slaughterhouse wastewater (0.2%), and treated effluent (0.2%). One ESBL-producing E. coli, isolated from city wastewater, was eae-β1 positive. These results showed that pathogenic and/or ESBL-producing E. coli were mainly detected in human wastewater, and at a lesser extend in animal wastewater. Treatment failed to eliminate these strains which were discharged into the river, and then these strains could be transmitted to animals and humans via the environment. 相似文献
Hernández-Sancho F Molinos-Senante M Sala-Garrido R 《The Science of the total environment》2011,409(14):2693-2699
Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are energy-intensive facilities. Thus, reducing their carbon footprint is particularly important, both economically and environmentally. Knowing the real operating energy efficiency of WWTPs is the starting point for any energy-saving initiative. In this article, we applied a non-radial Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology to calculate energy efficiency indices for sampling of WWTPs located in Spain. In a second stage analysis, we examined the operating variables contributing to differences in energy efficiency among plants. It is verified that energy efficiencies of the analyzed WWTPs were quite low, with only 10% of them being efficient. We found that plant size, quantity of organic matter removed, and type of bioreactor aeration were significant variables in explaining energy efficiency differences. In contrast, age of the plant was not a determining factor in energy consumption. Lastly, we quantified the potential savings, both in economic terms and in terms of CO2 emissions, that could be expected from an improvement in energy efficiency of WWTPs. 相似文献
The occurrence and fate of 2,4,7,9-tetramethyl-5-decyne-4,7-diol (TMDD) was investigated in four wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Germany. The concentration of TMDD in influents and effluents in the WWTPs ranged from 134 ng/L to 5846 ng/L and from <LOQ to 3539 ng/L correspondingly. Loads determined in influents (10.1 g/d-1142 g/d) and effluents (<LOQ - 425 g/d) indicate that TMDD is partially removed from the wastewater. The elimination rates varied between 33% and 68%. Based on the load analysis, the TMDD effluent discharge of WWTPs investigated varied from 8.29 kg/a to 52.6 kg/a. Day and week profiles were recorded and indicated that TMDD is introduced into the sewage through household and indirect dischargers with high fluctuations. Seasonal variations in the TMDD loads were also analyzed in three of the studied WWTPs. One of the WWTPs demonstrated statistically higher TMDD loads during the warm period (164 g/d) than during the cold period (91.3 g/d), for the others WWTPs any differences could not be established. The input of TMDD during weekends and working days was also studied. The results did not show any significant trend of TMDD discharge into the WWTPs. 相似文献
Measured data of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) often contains errors. These errors can prohibit the use of WWTP data for process evaluation, process design, benchmarking or modelling purposes. In this paper a practical stepwise methodology is presented to check WWTP data using mass balances. The presented results show that poor WWTP data quality leads to large errors when calculating key operational conditions such as the solids retention time (SRT), oxygen consumption (OC) and the different internal conversions rates. By improving WWTP data quality using mass balance calculations useful new information becomes available for process evaluation, WWTPs design and benchmarking. 相似文献
This study analyses the evolution of productivity over the 2008–2012 period for a homogenous set of 199 wastewater treatment plants that are located in the Valencia Region of Spain and utilize the same treatment technology, using the smoothed bootstrap Malmquist productivity index based on Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The results reveal a negative trend in productivity that is mainly the result of resource management rather than an inappropriate level of innovation or use of new technologies. In addition, the effect of exogenous factors on productivity is analysed using the Kruskal-Wallis (KW) test, finding that productivity levels were affected by the quality of the influent water and the size of the plants, but not by the other factors considered. 相似文献
The fate of 14 antidepressants along with their respective N-desmethyl metabolites and the anticonvulsive drug carbamazepine (CBZ) was studied in 5 different sewage treatment plants (STPs) across Canada. Using two validated LC-MS/MS analytical methods, the concentrations of the different compounds were determined in raw influent, final effluent and treated biosolids samples. Out of the 15 compounds investigated, 13 were positively detected in most 24-h composite raw influent samples. Analysis showed that venlafaxine (VEN), its metabolite O-desmethylvenlafaxine (DVEN), citalopram (CIT), and CBZ were detected at the highest concentrations in raw influent (up to 4.3 μg L−1 for DVEN). Cumulated results showed strong evidence that primary treatment and trickling filter/solids contact has limited capacity to remove antidepressants from sewage, while activated sludge, biological aerated filter, and biological nutrient removal processes yielded moderate results (mean removal rates: 30%). The more recalcitrant compounds to be eliminated from secondary STPs were VEN, DVEN and CBZ with mean removal rates close to 12%. Parent compounds were removed to a greater degree than their metabolites. The highest mean concentrations in treated biosolids samples were found for CIT (1033 ng g−1), amitriptyline (768 ng g−1), and VEN (833 ng g−1). Experimental sorption coefficients (Kd) were also determined. The lowest Kd values were obtained with VEN, DVEN, and CBZ (67-490 L kg−1). Sorption of these compounds on solids was assumed negligible (log Kd ≤ 2). However, important sorption on solids was observed for sertraline, desmethylsertraline, paroxetine and fluoxetine (log Kd > 4). 相似文献
Torque teno virus (TTV) is a novel hepatitis virus which is considered to be transmitted by the fecal-oral route. Wastewater samples were collected monthly from eight wastewater treatment plants in Japan for 1 year, from July 2003 to June 2004, and tested for the presence of TTV by TaqMan PCR. TTV was detected in 97% (93/96) of influent samples, implying that TTV is epidemic in Japan. TTV was also isolated in 18% (17/96) of secondary effluent samples before chlorination and in 24% (23/95) of final effluent samples after chlorination. There was no significant difference between the concentration of total coliform in TTV-positive final effluents and that in TTV-negative final effluents, which indicates that total coliform cannot be used as an indicator of TTV. No TTV was detected in 24 effluents for reuse from two wastewater treatment plants using sand filtration and ozonation. 相似文献
Predicting odour emissions from wastewater treatment plants by means of odour emission factors 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
In this study, the results of odour concentration measurements on different wastewater treatment plants are presented and used in order to estimate the odour emission factors relevant to single odour sources. An odour emission factor is a representative value that relates the quantity of odour released to the atmosphere to a specific activity index, which in this case was the plant treatment capacity, resulting in an odour emission factor expressed in odour units per cubic metre of treated sewage. The results show that the major odour source of a wastewater treatment plant is represented by the primary sedimentation (with an OEF equal to 1.9 × 105 ouE m−3). In general, the highest OEFs are observed in correspondence of the first steps of the wastewater depuration cycle (OEF between 1.1 × 104 ouE m−3 and 1.9 × 105 ouE m−3) and tend to decrease along the depuration process (OEF between 7.4 × 103 ouE m−3 and 4.3 × 104 ouE m−3). In general, the OEFs calculated according to this approach represent a model for a rough prediction of odour emissions independently from the specific characteristics of the different plants. 相似文献
Effect of the aeration system on the levels of airborne microorganisms generated at wastewater treatment plants 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Six different wastewater treatment plants were monitored in order to identify the main bioaerosol sources and to evaluate the effect of the aeration system used in the biological treatment (air diffusion, horizontal rotors and surface turbine aerators) on the airborne microorganism levels to which workers may be exposed. Air samples were collected by using a single stage impactor. Total count of mesophilic bacteria was used as the monitoring parameter to compare the impact of the aeration system on generic bacterial bioaerosols rather than a quantitative estimation for pathogens or fecal indicator microbes. In this study, pre-treatment, biological treatment and sludge thickening were the processes that generated the highest amount of bioaerosols. Aeration systems involving mechanical agitation of the wastewater, such as horizontal rotors and surface turbines, generated a larger amount of bioaerosols (between 450 and 4580CFU/m(3)) than air diffuser aerators (between 22 and 57CFU/m(3)). The levels of airborne bacteria generated by air diffusers were very similar to those registered at the background locations (lower than 50CFU/m(3)), unaffected by the activities taking place in the wastewater treatment plant. The use of air diffusers as an aeration system for the biological treatment would significantly minimise the potential biological hazard that wastewater treatment plant workers may be exposed to. 相似文献
Nitrite is known to accumulate in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) under certain environmental conditions. The protonated form of nitrite, free nitrous acid (FNA), has been found to cause severe inhibition to numerous bioprocesses at WWTPs. However, this inhibitory effect of FNA may possibly be gainfully exploited, such as repressing nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) growth to achieve N removal via the nitrite shortcut. However, the inhibition threshold of FNA to repress NOB (∼0.02 mg HNO2-N/L) may also inhibit other bioprocesses. This paper reviews the inhibitory effects of FNA on nitrifiers, denitrifiers, anammox bacteria, phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAO), methanogens, and other microorganisms in populations used in WWTPs. The possible inhibition mechanisms of FNA on microorganisms are discussed and compared. It is concluded that a single inhibition mechanism is not sufficient to explain the negative impacts of FNA on microbial metabolisms and that multiple inhibitory effects can be generated from FNA. The review would suggest further research is necessary before the FNA inhibition mechanisms can be more effectively used to optimize WWTP bioprocesses. Perspectives on research directions, how the outcomes may be used to manipulate bioprocesses and the overall implications of FNA on WWTPs are also discussed. 相似文献
Life cycle assessment of municipal solid waste management with regard to greenhouse gas emissions: Case study of Tianjin, China 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
Wei Zhao Ester van der Voet Gjalt Huppes 《The Science of the total environment》2009,407(5):1517-10314
The environmental impacts of municipal solid waste (MSW) management have been highlighted in China, due to the continually increasing amount of MSW being generated and the limited capacity of waste treatment facilities. Of particular interest is greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation, aided by the Kyoto Mechanisms. China is an important case study for this global issue; however, an analysis of the entire life cycle of MSW management on GHG emissions is not available for China. This study evaluates the current and possible patterns of MSW management with regard to GHG emissions, using life cycle assessment (LCA), based on the Tianjin case. We assess the baseline scenario, reflecting the existing MSW management system, as well as a set of alternative scenarios, five exploring waste treatment technology innovations and one exploring integrated MSW management, to quantitatively predict potentials of GHG mitigation for Tianjin. Additionally, a sensitivity analysis is used to investigate the influence of landfill gas (LFG) collection efficiency, recycling rate and methodological choice, especially allocation, on the outcomes. The results show GHG emissions from Tianjin's MSW management system amount to 467.34 Mg CO2 eq. per year, based on the treatment of MSW collected in the central districts in 2006, and the key issue is LFG released. The integrated MSW management scenario, combining different improvement options, shows the highest GHG mitigation potential. Given the limited financial support and the current waste management practice in Tianjin, LFG utilization scenario would be the preferred choice. The sensitivity analysis of recycling rate shows an approximately linear relation of inverse proportion between recycling rate and total GHG emissions. Kitchen waste composting makes a considerable contribution to total GHG emissions reduction. Allocation choices result in differences in total quantitative outcomes, but preference orders and contributions analysis are found to be robust, suggesting LCA can support decision making. 相似文献
Treatment of praziquantel wastewater using the integrated process of coagulation and gas membrane absorption 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Praziquantel is an anti-schistosoma drug, its wastewater contains numerous cyanide and other colloid pollutant. A novel integrated treatment process was proposed in this study, i.e., using coagulation to eliminate colloid pollutant and using gas membrane absorption (GMA) to remove cyanide. The optimization of coagulation condition, determination of cyanide removal rate, elimination of membrane fouling, and overall evaluation of the integrated process for the treatment of praziquantel wastewater were investigated in this study. Good results were achieved: turbidity reduced from 700 NTU to 10-40 NTU, 92% COD was removed, cyanide concentration dropped from 3500 mg/L to below 0.5 mg/L, recovery rate of cyanide reached to 98%, and operation cost could be entirely compensated from the gain of recovered cyanide. The results demonstrate that the novel integrated process offers a number of advantages over alkaline chlorination method in the treatment of praziquantel wastewater: cyanide can be reused rather than destroyed, no secondary pollutants are produced, the operation cost is low and the equipment etching is avoided. 相似文献
Construction costs of 55 municipal wastewater treatment plants in Israel (secondary, advanced secondary, and advanced treatment) were analysed in order to derive cost functions expressing the effects of design flow and treatment level on construction costs. Three equations were derived (statistically significant, p<0.01), one for each treatment level. These indicate that economy of scale may become weaker as treatment level rises. Analysis of the distribution of construction costs revealed negative correlation (p<0.05) between the proportional cost of civil engineering and design flow, positive correlation (p<0.05) between the proportional cost of elecromechanical equipment and design flow, and no correlation between the proportional cost of electricity and control and design flow. Operation costs were found to be 20–70% more sensitive than construction costs to treatment level. The share of operation costs as part of the total annual costs was found to increase both with design flow and treatment level, whereas the share of construction costs concurrently decreased. The implication of the findings on policy, and consequently on treatment plants performance is discussed in the last part of the paper. 相似文献