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Methanogenic community structure and population dynamics were investigated in two anaerobic reactors treating a dairy wastewater, an Inverted Fluidized Bed (IFB) and Expanded Granular Sludge Bed (EGSB). A combination of real-time PCR, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and statistical techniques was employed. Distinct methanogenic communities developed in the IFB and EGSB reactors reflecting step-wise reductions in the applied hydraulic retention time from 72 to 12 h during the 200-day trial. The aceticlastic family Methanosarcinaceae was only detected in the IFB and the order Methanomicrobiales was also much more abundant in this reactor, while the aceticlastic family Methanosaetaceae was more abundant in the EGSB. The hydrogenotrophic order, Methanobacteriales, predominated in both reactors under all applied operational conditions. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) and moving-window analyses, based on absolute and relative abundance quantification data, demonstrated that the methanogenic communities developed in a different manner in the IFB, compared to the EGSB reactor. In our study, relative abundance-based quantification by NMS and moving-window analysis appeared to be a valuable molecular approach that was more applicable to reflect the changes in the anaerobic digestion process than approaches based either on qualitative analysis, or solely on absolute quantification of the various methanogenic groups. The overall results and findings provided a comparative, quantitative and qualitative insight into anaerobic digestion processes, which could be helpful for better future reactor design and process control.  相似文献   

Lee C  Kim J  Hwang K  O'Flaherty V  Hwang S 《Water research》2009,43(1):157-1184
Quantitative changes in methanogenic community structures, associated with performance data, were investigated in three anaerobic batch digesters treating synthetic glucose medium, whey permeate, and liquefied sewage sludge. All digesters were initially seeded with anaerobic sludge obtained from a local municipal wastewater treatment plant. Dynamics of methanogenic populations were monitored, at order and family levels, using real-time PCR based on the 16S rRNA gene. The molecular monitoring revealed that, in each digester, the quantitative structure of methanogenic community varied continuously over treatment time and the variation corresponded well to the changes in chemical profiles. Biphasic production of methane, associated with successive increases in aceticlastic (mainly Methanosarcinaceae) and hydrogenotrophic (mainly Methanomicrobiales) methanogenic groups, was observed in each digester. This corresponded to the diauxic utilization of acetate and longer-chain volatile fatty acids (C3-C6), mainly propionate. Additionally, the non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis of the quantification results demonstrated that the community shift patterns in three digesters were totally different from each other. Considering that the operating conditions in all trials were identical except substrates, the differences in quantitative shift profiles were suggested to be due to the different substrate compositions. This implied that the composition of wastewater could affect the evolution of quantitative methanogenic community structure in an anaerobic process. Overall, our results suggested that more attention to quantitative as well as qualitative approaches on microbial communities is needed for fundamental understanding of anaerobic processes, particularly under dynamic or transitional conditions.  相似文献   

Due to unspecified operational problems, the specific acetoclastic activity (SAA) of the anaerobic granular sludge present in an industrial UASB reactor was considerably damaged (from 250 to less than 10mL CH(4)@STP/gVSS.d), significantly reducing the biogas production of that industrial unit. The hydrogenotrophic methanogenic activity exhibited a value of 600mL CH4@STP/gVSS.d, the settling velocity was 31.4+/-9.8m/h, the average equivalent diameter was 0.92+/-0.43mm, and about 70% of the VSS were structured in aggregates larger than 1mm. In order to study the recovery of the SAA, this sludge was collected and inoculated in a lab-scale expanded granular sludge blanket (EGSB) reactor. Ethanol was fed as the sole carbon source during a trial period of 106 days. Process monitoring included COD removal efficiency, methane production, and periodic determination of the specific methanogenic activity in the presence of acetate, propionate, butyrate, ethanol and H(2)/CO(2). Quantitative image analysis allowed for information to be obtained on granular fragmentation/erosion and filaments release. During the first operational period, biogas production was mainly due to the hydrogenotrophic activity. However, after 40 days, the SAA steadily increased achieving a maximum value of 183+/-13mL CH4@STP/gVSS.d. The onset of SAA recovery, granules breakdown and filaments release to the bulk occurred simultaneously. Further increase in SAA was accompanied by granular growth. In the last 25 days of operation, the size distribution was stable with more than 80% of projected area of aggregates corresponding to granules larger than 1mm (equivalent diameter). Confocal images from FISH hybridized sections of the granules showed that after SAA recovery, the granules developed an organized structure where an acidogenic/acetogenic external layer was apparent. Granular fragmentation and increase of filaments in the bulk, simultaneously with the increase in the acetoclastic activity are described for the first time and might represent a structural response of granular sludge to promote the optimal substrate uptake at minimal diffusion limitations.  相似文献   

Nano zero valent iron (NZVI), although being increasingly used for environmental remediation, has potential negative impact on methanogenesis in anaerobic digestion. In this study, NZVI (average size = 55 ± 11 nm) showed inhibition of methanogenesis due to its disruption of cell integrity. The inhibition was coincident with the fast hydrogen production and accumulation due to NZVI dissolution under anaerobic conditions. At the concentrations of 1 mM and above, NZVI reduced methane production by more than 20%. At the concentration of 30 mM, NZVI led to a significant increase in soluble COD (an indication of cell disruption) and volatile fatty acids in the mixed liquor along with an accumulation of H2, resulting in a reduction of methane production by 69% (±4% [standard deviation]). By adding a specific methanogenesis inhibitor-sodium 2-bromoethanesulfonate (BES) to the anaerobic sludge containing 30 mM NZVI, the amount of H2 produced was only 79% (±1%) of that with heat-killed sludge, indicating the occurrence of bacterially controlled hydrogen utilization processes. Quantitative PCR data was in accordance with the result of methanogenesis inhibition, as the level of methanogenic population (dominated by Methanosaeta) in the presence of 30 mM NZVI decreased significantly compared to that of the control. On the contrary, ZVI powder (average size <212 μm) at the same concentration (30 mM) increased methane production presumably due to hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis of hydrogen gas that was slowly released from the NZVI powder. While it is a known fact that NZVI disrupts cell membranes, which inhibited methanogenesis described herein, the results suggest that the rapid hydrogen production due to NZVI dissolution also contribute to methanogenesis inhibition and lead to bacterially controlled hydrogenotrophic processes.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to demonstrate the (1) feasibility of psychrophilic, or low-temperature, anaerobic digestion (PAD) of phenolic wastewaters at 10–15 °C; (2) economic attractiveness of PAD for the treatment of phenol as measured by daily biogas yields and (3) impact on bioreactor performance of phenol loading rates (PLRs) in excess of those previously documented (1.2 kg phenol m−3 d−1). Two expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB)-based bioreactors, R1 and R2, were employed to mineralise a volatile fatty acid-based wastewater. R2 influent wastewater was supplemented with phenol at an initial concentration of 500 mg l−1 (PLR, 1 kg m−3 d−1). Reactor performance was measured by chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency, CH4 composition of biogas and phenol removal (R2 only). Specific methanogenic activity, biodegradability and toxicity assays were employed to monitor the physiological capacity of reactor biomass samples. The applied PLR was increased to 2 kg m−3 d−1 on day 147 and phenol removal by day 415 was 99% efficient, with 4 mg l−1 present in R2 effluent. The operational temperature of R1 (control) and R2 was reduced by stepwise decrements from 15 °C through to a final operating temperature of 9.5 °C. COD removal efficiencies of c. 90% were recorded in both bioreactors at the conclusion of the trial (day 673), when the phenol concentration in R2 effluent was below 30 mg l−1. Daily biogas yields were determined during the final (9.5 °C) operating period, when typical daily R2 CH4 yields of c. 3.3 l CH4 g−1 CODremoved d−1 were recorded. The rate of phenol depletion and methanation by R2 biomass by day 673 were 68 mg phenol g VSS−1 d−1 and 12–20 ml CH4 g VSS−1 d−1, respectively.  相似文献   

A new control strategy for the methanogenic reactor of a two-phase anaerobic digestion system has been developed and successfully tested on the laboratory scale. The control strategy serves the purpose to detect inhibitory effects and to achieve good conversion. The concept is based on the idea that volatile fatty acids (VFA) can be measured in the influent of the methanogenic reactor by means of titration. Thus, information on the output (methane production) and input of the methanogenic reactor is available, and a (carbon) mass balance can be obtained. The control algorithm comprises a proportional/integral structure with the ratio of (a) the methane production rate measured online and (b) a maximum methane production rate expected (derived from the stoichiometry) as a control variable. The manipulated variable is the volumetric feed rate. Results are shown for an experiment with VFA (feed) concentration ramps and for experiments with sodium chloride as inhibitor.  相似文献   

The effect of sulfide on the formation of methane from acetate in granular sludge originating from a UASB reactor has been determined using a new batch anaerobic toxicity assay. The assay is based on measurement of the methane concentration in the closed head space of a serum bottle, thus allowing operation at constant pH and without loss of sulfide via off-gases.

Sulfide toxicity appeared to be correlated with the free hydrogen sulfide concentration in the pH range 6.4–7.2. However this correlation did not hold at pH = 7.8–8.0. Free hydrogen sulfide concentrations leading to 50% inhibition were 250 mgS l−1 in the pH range 6.4–7.2 and 90 mgS l−1 at pH = 7.8–8.0.

The high tolerance for sulfide toxicity exhibited by the granular sludge can probably be attributed to the existence of a pH gradient in the sludge granules leading to an increased internal pH.  相似文献   

Molecular techniques have unveiled the complexity of the microbial consortium in anaerobic bioreactors and revealed the presence of several uncultivated species. This paper presents a review of the panoply of classical and recent molecular approaches and multivariate analyses that have been, or might be used to establish the interactions and functions of these anaerobic microorganisms. Most of the molecular approaches used so far are based on the analysis of small subunit ribosomal RNA but recent studies also use quantification of functional gene expressions. There are now several studies that have developed quantitative real-time PCR assays to investigate methanogens. With a view to improving the stability and performance of bioreactors, monitoring with molecular methods is also discussed. Advances in metagenomics and proteomics will lead to the development of promising lab-on chip technologies for cost-effective monitoring.  相似文献   

Mu Y  Yu HQ  Chen XH 《Water research》2006,40(19):3596-3602
The rheological and fractal characteristics of the granular sludge in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor were investigated in this study. The influences of sludge concentration and temperature on the rheological properties of the granular sludge were evaluated, and the Bingham model was adopted to describe its rheology. In addition, image analysis was used to determine the sludge fractal dimension. The results indicate that the UASB granular sludge showed a shear-thinning behavior. The relationships between the limiting viscosity and the sludge concentration, as well as the limiting viscosity and temperature could be respectively modeled using an exponential equation and Arrhenius equation well. The Bingham model was able to adequately describe the rheology of the granular sludge. The fractal dimension of the granular sludge, 2.79+/-0.03, was larger than that of some other aggregates, suggesting that the granular sludge were more compact and denser. Furthermore, the relationship between rheological and fractal properties of the granular sludge could be properly described with the model proposed by Shih et al. [1990. Scaling behavior of the elastic properties of colloidal. Phys. Rev. A 42, 4772-4779].  相似文献   

Two expanded granular sludge bed-anaerobic filter (EGSB-AF) bioreactors (3.38 l active volume) were used to directly compare psychrophilic (15 degrees C), anaerobic digestion (PAD) to mesophilic (37 degrees C) anaerobic digestion (MAD) for the treatment of a brewery wastewater (chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration of 3,136+/-891 mg l(-1)). Bioreactor performance was evaluated by COD removal efficiency and biogas yields at a range of hydraulic and organic loading rates. Specific methanogenic activity (SMA) assays were also employed to investigate the activity of the biomass in the bioreactors. No significant difference in the COD removal efficiencies (which ranged from 85-93%) were recorded between PAD and MAD during the 194-d trial at maximum organic and hydraulic loading rates of 4.47 kg m(-3) day(-1) and 1.33 m(3) m(-3) day(-1), respectively. In addition, the methane content (%) of the biogas was very similar. The volumetric biogas yield from the PAD bioreactor was approximately 50% of that from the MAD bioreactor at an organic loading rate of 4.47 kg COD m(-3) day(-3) and an applied liquid up-flow velocity (V(up)) of 2.5 m h(-1). Increasing the V(up) in the PAD bioreactor to 5 m h(-1) resulted in a volumetric biogas production rate of approximately 4.1 l d(-1) and a methane yield of 0.28 l CH(4) g(-1) COD d(-1), which were very similar to the MAD bioreactor. Significant and negligible biomass washout was observed in the mesophilic and psychrophilic systems, respectively, thus increasing the sludge loading rate applied to the former and underlining the robustness of the latter, which appeared underloaded. A psychrotolerant mesophilic, but not truly psychrophilic, biomass developed in the PAD bioreactor biomass, with comparable maximum SMA values to the MAD bioreactor biomass. PAD, therefore, was shown to be favourably comparable to MAD for brewery wastewater treatment and biogas generation.  相似文献   

An anaerobic sludge blanket process, termed the anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR), has been developed and shows promise for industrial wastewater treatment. It combines the advantages of high stability and reliability with a high void volume. The risk of clogging and sludge bed expansion with resulting high microbial losses is reduced and there is no need for special gas collection or biological solids separation systems. Organic loadings as high as 36 g COD l?1day?1 have been achieved with COD removal rates of more than 24 g COD l?1 day?1 and methane production rates exceeding 6 volumes per day per unit volume of reactor. The hypothesis, that the ABR may be adequately modeled as a fixed-film reactor, has been supported. Therefore, a unified approach, based on fundamentals of bacterial kinetics and mass transport, appears useful for modeling this and similar systems. Pilot plant studies are necessary to determine the scaling factors of the system as well as the overall efficiency and costs.  相似文献   

The feasibility of long-term (>3 years), low-temperature (4-15 °C) and anaerobic bioreactor operation, for the treatment of acidified wastewater, was investigated. A hybrid, expanded granular sludge bed-anaerobic filter bioreactor was seeded with a mesophilic inoculum and employed for the mineralization of moderate-strength (3.75-10 kg chemical oxygen demand (COD) m−3) volatile fatty acid-based wastewaters at 4-15 °C. Bioprocess performance was assessed in terms of COD removal efficiency (CODRE), methane biogas concentration, and yield, and biomass retention. Batch specific methanogenic activity assays were performed to physiologically characterise reactor biomass.Despite transient disimprovements, CODRE and methane biogas concentrations exceeded 80% and 65%, respectively, at an applied organic loading rate (OLR) of 10 kg COD m−3 d−1 between 9.5 and 15 °C (sludge loading rate (SLR), 0.6 kg COD kg[VSS]−1 d−1). Over 50% of the granular sludge bed was lost to disintegration during operation at 9.5 °C, warranting a reduction in the applied OLR to 3.75-5 kg COD m−3 d−1 (SLR, c. 0.4-0.5 kg COD kg[VSS]−1 d−1). From that point forward, remarkably stable and efficient performance was observed during operation at 4-10 °C, with respect to CODRE (≥82%), methane biogas concentration (>70%) and methane yields (>4 lMethane d−1), suggesting the adaptation of our mesophilic inoculum to psychrophilic operating conditions.Physiological activity assays indicated the development of psychroactive syntrophic and methanogenic populations, including the emergence of putatively psychrophilic propionate-oxidising and hydrogenotrophic methanogenic activity. The data suggest that mesophilic inocula can physiologically adapt to sub-optimal operational temperatures: treatment efficiencies and sludge loading rates at 4 °C (day, 1243) were comparable to those achieved at 15 °C (day 0). Furthermore, long-term, low-temperature bioreactor operation may act as a selective enrichment for psychrophilic methanogenic activity from mesophilic inocula. The observed efficient and stable bioprocess performance highlights the potential for long-term, low-temperature bioreactor operation.  相似文献   

Zhang J  Zhang Y  Quan X 《Water research》2012,46(11):3535-3543
High salinity wastewater is often difficult to treat using common anaerobic technologies. Considering that high conductivity of salinity wastewater may enhance electrodes reaction to accelerate the decomposition of volatile fatty acids produced in anaerobic digestion, a pair of electrodes was packed into an anaerobic reactor (R1) with the aim to enhance the treatment of salinity wastewater. With increasing the salt concentration (NaCl) gradually from 0 to 50 g/L in 137 days' operation, COD removal in this reactor under the voltage for the electrodes of 1.2 V was well maintained at 93%, while the COD removal in a reference anaerobic reactor without electrodes (R2) decreased to 53%. When the voltage for R1 was cut off, about 10% COD removal was declined, which was still 30 percentage points higher than that in R2. The electrodes enhanced the biodegradation of volatile fatty acids, especially propionate. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis confirmed that the relative abundance of propionate-utilizing bacteria in R1 was significantly higher than that in R2. PCR-DGGE analysis of bacteria and archaea domains indicated that the electric field stimulation effectively enriched salt-adapted microorganisms during the treatment.  相似文献   

Gallotannic acid was found to be highly toxic to methanogenic activity. Concentrations, representing 50% inhibition, approximated 700 mg l−1. The toxicity was persistent despite the rapid degradation of gallotannic acid to volatile fatty acids and methane. A 72.5% loss of sludge activity was associated with a 1 day exposure of methanogenic granular sludge to 1000 mg l−1 gallotannic acid. The toxicity of gallotannic acid was persistent over 2 month assay periods. The monomeric derivatives of gallotannic acid, gallic acid and pyrogallol were much less toxic. The 50% inhibition concentration of the monomers approximated 3000 mg l−1 and their toxicities were not persistent. No activity losses were evident after sludge was exposed to 3000 mg l−1 gallic acid for 19 days.The lower toxicities of the monomers compared to the gallotannic acid polymer suggests that the mechanism of toxicity was “tanning”, since data in the literature indicate that tannin polymers are more effectively adsorbed and precipitated with proteins compared to their monomeric counterparts. Functional proteins (enzymes) located at accessible sites in or on the methane bacteria are most likely disturbed by the tanning action.  相似文献   

The anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) contains a mixed anaerobic culture segregated into compartments. During pseudo-steady state runs, formate was detected in the first two or three compartments, thereafter dropping off sharply. Under conditions of shock loading, formate was detected in the reactor effluent, up to peak concentrations of 2500 mg/l. There are indications that formate may play an important role as an intermediate in the anaerobic digestion process, and that its production may contribute significantly to reactor stability.  相似文献   

In many developing countries, the sewage consisting of faecal sludge is discharged untreated into rivers, lakes and coastal areas. This poses a health hazard and a risk to the ecosystem, and wastes a resource which could produce sustainable energy. This paper reports results from an anaerobic digester of 1000L used for digestion of faecal waste at mesophilic and thermophilic conditions. The specific biogas production rate from faecal sludge was in the range of 0.06–0.12 m3/(kg DM.d) at mesophilic conditions at NTP (Normal Temperature & Pressure i.e. 25 °C and 1 atm. Pressure) and 0.1–0.21 m3/(kg DM.d) at thermophilic conditions calculated at NTP. The number of toilet users affects the biogas production with changes in the organic loading rate. The results showed 97% reductionin chemical oxygen demand and 90% reduction in biological oxygen demand of anaerobic digester discharge water as compared to inlet substrate values.  相似文献   

The diversity, population dynamics, and activity profiles of methanogens in anaerobic granular sludges from two anaerobic hybrid reactors treating a molasses wastewater both mesophilically (37 degrees C) and thermophilically (55 degrees C) during a 1081 day trial were determined. The influent to one of the reactors was supplemented with sulphate, after an acclimation period of 112 days, to determine the effect of competition with sulphate-reducing bacteria on the methanogenic community structure. Sludge samples were removed from the reactors at intervals throughout the operational period and examined by amplified ribosomal DNA (rDNA) restriction analysis (ARDRA) and partial sequencing of 16S rRNA genes. In total, 18 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified, 12 of which were sequenced. The methanogenic communities in both reactors changed during the operational period. The seed sludge and the reactor biomass sampled during mesophilic operation, both in the presence and absence of sulphate, was characterised by a predominance of Methanosaeta spp. Following temperature elevation, the dominant methanogenic sequences detected in the non-sulphate supplemented reactor were closely related to Methanocorpusculum parvum. By contrast, the dominant OTUs detected in the sulphate-supplemented reactor upon temperature increase were related to the hydrogen-utilising methanogen, Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum. The observed methanogenic community structure in the reactors correlated with the operational performance of the reactors during the trial and with physiological measurements of the reactor biomass. Both reactors achieved chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiencies of over 90% during mesophilic operation, with or without sulphate supplementation. During thermophilic operation, the presence of sulphate resulted in decreased reactor performance (effluent acetate concentrations of >3000 mg/l and biogas methane content of <25%). It was demonstrated that methanogenic conversion of acetate at 55 degrees C was extremely sensitive to inhibition by sulphide (50% inhibition at 8-17 mg/l unionised sulphide at pH 7.6-8.0), while the conversion of H(2)/CO(2) methanogenically was favoured. The combination of experiments carried out demonstrated the presence of specific methanogenic populations during periods of successful operational performance.  相似文献   

Phenol is a common wastewater contaminant from various industrial processes, including petrochemical refineries and chemical compounds production. Due to its toxicity to microbial activity, it can affect the efficiency of biological wastewater treatment processes. In this study, the efficiency of an Anaerobic Sequencing Batch Reactor (ASBR) fed with increasing phenol concentrations (from 120 to 1200 mg L−1) was assessed and the relationship between phenol degradation capacity and the microbial community structure was evaluated. Up to a feeding concentration of 800 mg L−1, the initial degradation rate steadily increased with phenol concentration (up to 180 mg L−1 d−1) and the elimination capacity remained relatively constant around 27 mg phenol removed?gVSS−1 d−1. Operation at higher concentrations (1200 mg L−1) resulted in a still efficient but slower process: the elimination capacity and the initial degradation rate decreased to, respectively, 11 mg phenol removed?gVSS−1 d−1 and 154 mg L−1 d−1. As revealed by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis, the increase of phenol concentration induced level-dependent structural modifications of the community composition which suggest an adaptation process. The increase of phenol concentration from 120 to 800 mg L−1 had little effect on the community structure, while it involved drastic structural changes when increasing from 800 to 1200 mg L−1, including a strong community structure shift, suggesting the specialization of the community through the emergence and selection of most adapted phylotypes. The thresholds of structural and functional disturbances were similar, suggesting the correlation of degradation performance and community structure. The Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) confirmed that the ASBR functional performance was essentially driven by specific community traits. Under the highest feeding concentration, the most abundant ribotype probably involved in successful phenol degradation at 1200 mg L−1 was affiliated to the Anaerolineaceae family.  相似文献   

This laboratory-scale study attempted performance improvement and decolourization in the high-solid thermophilic anaerobic digestion of thermally pretreated sewage sludge, as it tends to be disturbed by ammonia inhibition and colour generation. Sewage sludge was adjusted to 7%–8% total solids (TS), and pretreated at 150°C for 1 h. The digesters were operated at 55°C and 20 days hydraulic retention time. An addition of powdered activated carbon (approximately 2% of the feed TS) significantly contributed to the removal of propionate and reduced the colour in digested sludge by about 27%. Microbial analysis detected less abundance of bacterial Synergistia and archaeal Methanosarcina and implied more hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis with the activated carbon addition. Conditioning with ferric chloride for dewatering digested sludge mitigated the colour of dewatered liquor by about 67%. Therefore, these methods were demonstrated to be effective and partly overcome the above-mentioned problems.  相似文献   

We have developed a mathematical model to simulate the behavior of real bioreactor landfills in the anaerobic methanogenic phase. This coupled model is composed of a two-phase flow and a biological model based on Darcy's law and Monod's model, respectively. This model considers bacterial activity and biological behavior as a function of temperature and makes it possible to study the thermo-biological behavior of bioreactor landfills with temperature changes. In this model we consider different effects of saturation on solid waste degradation. These effects consist of increasing hydrolysis with saturation and also decreasing the concentration of volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and activating the methanogenic biomass. This paper presents first the mathematical coupled model and the numerical methods used to solve the conservation equations. The numerical model is then used to simulate two bioreactor landfills. This paper presents the results of long and short (with leachate recirculation) term numerical simulations comparing them with site results. Finally results as well as advantages and drawbacks of the model are discussed. The results show that the mathematical model is able to reproduce the hydro-thermo-biological behavior of a bioreactor landfill in different conditions, with and without leachate recirculation, and leads to a better understanding of important thermal and biological parameters.  相似文献   

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