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目的模具是拉挤成型的关键性部件,模具的工况直接影响着产品的性能。为提高定向器比强度,提高成型效率并节约成本,设计一种定向器拉挤成型模具。方法根据定向器结构特点和技术要求,将模具设计为组合装配式,并对模具材料进行了优化选择。结果模具被构造为模架、预成型模、成型模等。结论拉挤成型组合式模具具有足够长的使用寿命,耐腐蚀,可保证定向器力学强度并提高尺寸精度,且模具拆装方便,易于清理。  相似文献   

基于界面单元的复合材料层间损伤分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了研究复合材料层间损伤, 建立了一种新型零厚度界面单元模型, 可以准确地预测复合材料 Ⅰ 型层间裂纹扩展。模型包括本构关系建立、损伤准则和损伤演化引入, 并在大型商用有限元软件ABAQUS用户单元子程序VUEL中实现, 采用显示积分方法求解, 不存在收敛性问题, 同时允许使用较粗的有限元网格。最后将该模型应用于国产碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料(CCF300/5428)双悬臂梁试验(DCB)模拟分析中, 结果表明, 此界面单元模型能够准确模拟复合材料层板 Ⅰ 型裂纹扩展, 为复合材料层间损伤分析提供了一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

本文通过端部切口弯曲试验(ENF)对湿热老化后泡沫复合材料夹芯板Ⅱ型界面剥离进行研究。测定了湿热老化前后玻璃纤维增强复合材料面板、聚氨酯泡沫芯材的抗压强度和压缩模量。结果表明,由于后固化作用,GFRP面板抗压强度、压缩模量先增大后减小;聚氨酯泡沫芯材的抗压强度、压缩模量先减小后趋于稳定。Ⅱ型临界能量释放率(Gc)随着老化时间的增加呈现下降趋势。湿热老化90天后,Gc下降26.68%。  相似文献   

本文通过对不饱和聚脂凝胶过程的分析,用统计处理方法计算出凝胶反应热占全部反应热的组分。由此估算出凝胶热.由凝胶热引起的型材温升和由模具热传导引起的温升相比非常小,在凝胶点只能使型材膨胀0.8%,型材和模具内壁接触仍然良好。进而用传热学方法对型材进行热传递分析,计算出型材导热付立叶级数Fr,求出型材中心达到凝胶临界温度所需时间。在已知模具长度的条件下即可求出拉拔速度。  相似文献   

采用冲压成型的5052铝合金板作为金字塔点阵芯层,2024铝合金作为面板,以Zn-Cd-Ag-Cu为钎料,分别在430℃、460℃进行炉中钎焊。观察焊后钎料及夹芯板的焊接接头组织,并进行显微硬度测试和压缩试验。结果表明,5052金字塔型点阵夹芯板在430℃焊接具有良好的组织和性能。  相似文献   

碳纤维平纹编织物和碳纤维Z-pin制备的预成型体,通过化学气相渗透(CVI)工艺制成Z-pin增强平纹编织陶瓷基复合材料层压板。通过双悬臂梁试验研究Z-pin增强平纹编织陶瓷基复合材料层压板的层间I型应变能释放率和增强机理。研究Z-pin面积密度对层间I型应变能释放率的影响。结果表明:Z-pin增强平纹编织陶瓷基复合材料层压板主要增强机理表现为层间裂纹扩展受阻,Z-pin与层压板界面解离,Z-pin桥联裂纹和Z-pin拔出;增大Z-pin面积密度,层间I型应变能释放率增大。  相似文献   

为了研究复合材料层间损伤, 建立了一种新型零厚度界面单元模型, 可以准确地预测复合材料Ⅱ型层间分层扩展。模型包括本构关系建立、损伤准则和损伤演化引入, 并在大型商用有限元软件ABAQUS用户单元子程序(VUEL)中实现, 采用显示积分方法求解, 不存在收敛性问题。将该模型应用于国产碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料CCF300/5428端部缺口弯曲试验(ENF)模拟分析中, 结果表明, 此界面单元模型能够准确模拟复合材料层板Ⅱ型裂纹扩展, 为复合材料层间损伤分析提供了一种有效的方法。  相似文献   

界面性能对陶瓷基复合材料拉伸强度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于陶瓷基复合材料拉伸试验现象引入了主裂纹损伤带的概念, 并将其宽度定义为界面脱粘长度. 由于界面性能对纤维应力集中有较大影响, 并且控制着材料的断裂模式, 分别给出了脆性断裂和韧性断裂的强度计算公式, 并引入了应力集中系数和界面脱粘能量释放率. 分析结果表明, 拉伸强度随着应力集中系数和界面脱粘能量释放率的增大而减小. 文中公式给出的预测值与试验值吻合较好, 表明断裂时纤维所承担的应力用脱粘段纤维平均应力来衡量是合适的.  相似文献   

靳静  马鹏 《工程力学》2013,30(6):327-333
该文利用积分变换和奇异积分方程技术研究压电压磁双材料界面裂纹在磁导、电位移和机械载荷作用下的二维断裂问题。本文仅考虑四种理想的裂纹面电磁边界条件即磁电不导通(情形1)、磁导通电不导通(情形2)、磁不导通电导通(情形3)和磁电导通(情形4)。导出了应力强度因子(SIF)和能量释放率(ERR)的表达式,给出了ERR的大量数值结果,并与已有结果进行了对比。研究成果对压电压磁多层复合结构的设计具有理论与应用价值。  相似文献   

李峰  李达  朱锐杰 《复合材料学报》2021,38(10):3255-3269
为解决复合材料空间桁架结构部分关键压杆失稳引发的连续性倒塌问题,提出了一种由不锈钢套管及螺栓连接系组成的玻璃纤维增强树脂复合材料(GFRP)管整体失稳套管屈曲约束装置。为分析该套管屈曲约束装置对拉挤型GFRP管轴压性能的影响,对3个GFRP管试件和4个套管屈曲约束GFRP管试件进行了轴压试验,观察了试件的受力过程和破坏形态,获得了荷载-位移曲线和荷载-应变曲线,对比研究了两者的极限承载力和破坏模式,同时利用有限元模型分析了不同内核长细比、内核与套管间隙及套管壁厚对GFRP管轴压性能的影响。结果表明:该套管屈曲约束装置能有效约束GFRP管整体失稳变形,其极限承载力和延性均得到提升,并使GFRP管从失稳破坏向材料强度破坏发展;内核长细比越大,套管屈曲约束GFRP管极限承载力相比于内核失稳临界荷载的相对提升幅值越高,约束效果越好;内核与套管间隙越大,GFRP管延性越好,但其极限承载力会降低;套管壁厚过薄会降低GFRP管极限承载力,过厚则约束效果不明显。   相似文献   

用 型加载下的双悬臂夹层梁试样 ,以应变能释放率为裂纹扩展参量 ,研究橡胶夹层 /复合材料粘接界面疲劳裂纹的扩展行为。结果表明 ,循环载荷下的裂纹扩展速率对试验频率、载荷比、温度及橡胶夹层厚度反映较敏感。  相似文献   

Delamination of the adhesive bond between face sheets and cellular core of structural sandwich panels is a major problem in sandwich construction. Due to incompatibilities in the modes of deformation associated with the face sheets and the cellular core, stress concentrations and singularities can occur even in absence of cracks. These stress concentrations are assumed to govern the onset of delamination. In the present study, a mesoscale concept for a first-order assessment of the delamination hazard induced by the incompatibility in the modes of deformation at the interface between core and face sheets is presented. The approach is based on a fourth order tensor which can easily be derived from the effective elasticity tensor for the cellular core. Due to the general formulation, the concept is applicable to all types of two dimensional cellular sandwich cores irrespectively of cell geometry and loading conditions. The approach is illustrated by an analysis of three examples concerning commercial sandwich core geometries as well as a more general non-orthotropic cellular structure.  相似文献   

以改进V-型褶皱夹芯结构为研究对象,采用模压成型法制备出改进的V-型复合材料褶皱芯子,结合二次粘接工艺将复合材料层合板与褶皱芯子进行复合得到一种新型复合材料褶皱夹芯结构。利用数值模拟与试验相结合的方法,重点考察了该结构在平压载荷作用下的力学响应及其破坏机制。通过引进纤维压溃模型,对该结构的损伤演化过程进行了描述,数值模拟与试验获得的压缩应力-应变曲线吻合较好。实验研究发现,相对密度的变化不仅对该结构的力学性能产生影响,而且将直接导致该结构的破坏模式发生转变。  相似文献   

The fracture behavior of adhesively-bonded pultruded joints was experimentally investigated under Mode I loading using double cantilever beam specimens. The pultruded adherends comprised two mat layers on each side with a roving layer in the middle. An epoxy adhesive was used to form the double cantilever beam specimen. The pre-crack was introduced in three different depths in the adherend in order to induce crack initiation and propagation between different layers and thus investigate the effect of these different crack paths on the strain energy release rate. Short-fiber and roving bridging increased the fracture resistance during crack propagation. Specific levels of critical strain energy release rates could be attributed to each of the crack paths, with their levels depending on the amount of short-fiber bridging and the presence of a roving bridge. The different levels of critical strain energy release rate could be correlated to the morphology of the fracture surface and the strain energy release rate can thus be determined visually without any measurement.  相似文献   

A new two-dimensional test system, called the Hydromat Test System, simulates the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loading conditions which are often present in actual sandwich structures, such as marine hulls. The test fixture uses a square 24 inch×24 inch panel sample which is simply supported all around and has a distributed load provided by a water-filled bladder.

In this study, the Hydromat Test System has been used to obtain data on sandwich panels with orthotropic face sheets and isotropic cores. This data has been compared to analytical expressions for the deflection and the in-plane strains based on small deflection sandwich panel theory. The engineering constants needed for the analytical solution were obtained from characterization tests of the face sheet materials. Core shear properties were obtained experimentally using two different ASTM standards. Four panels, with two different core materials and two different face sheets, were tested. Face sheet properties varied from slightly orthotropic (plane weave) to highly orthotropic (unidirectional), with an axial to transverse tensile moduli ratio of 1.2 and 3.9, respectively. The cores were closed cell foams with both a low and a high shear stiffness.

The analytically obtained center panel deflection varied from 1 to 10% of that obtained by experiment. Most of the analytical tensile strains were less than 10% different from the measured ones. Both experimental deflection and strain data are in excellent agreement with the small deflection theory. It was concluded that the Hydromat Test System provides predictable and repeatable boundary conditions and loading mechanism and is a suitable method for testing soft cored, highly orthotropic sandwich panels.  相似文献   

There are potentially two types of fracture that sandwich structures with strong and stiff facing sheets and lightweight cores are liable to suffer. These are the delamination growth at the face-sheet core interface and crack kinking into the sandwich core, respectively. The paper proposes computational models to simulate these failure mechanisms. The models employ the cohesive layer concept and are so constructed as to ensure that the crack advance is controlled by the critical value of strain energy release rate in mode I fracture. Of these, the first model can treat only delamination along a predetermined plane and is designated as CLD (cohesive layer delamination model). The performance of this model is thoroughly investigated in the light of experimental results. The influence of the key parameters of the model, viz. the thickness of the cohesive layer and the strength and stiffness of the cohesive layer material, have been studied. It is found that the model, as developed in this study, is fairly robust and is not sensitive to changes in parameters other than the critical strain energy release rate. The second model can track crack growth which is not predetermined in its direction. This it does by identifying the element in which the maximum principal tensile stress exceeds a critical value; once a crack is nucleated, the stress across the crack is relieved so that the right amount of energy is released when the crack is fully developed - much in the same manner as in a cohesive layer model. This model is designated as CLDK (Cohesive Layer Delamination and Kinking) model as it deals with interfacial delamination and crack kinking- whichever is the preferred mode of fracture. Experimental results of three sandwich specimens, viz. bottom restrained beams with 0° and –10° tilt angle, respectively, and a compressed beam, were used for comparison. The results indicate that the both the models are able to capture the initiation and track the growth of the interfacial delamination. The CLDK model is capable in addition to track the crack kinking into the core, and its subsequent return to the face sheet-core interface.  相似文献   

Two types of experiments were designed and performed to evaluate the adhesive bond in honeycomb sandwich panels. The tensile bond strength between the facesheet and the core was determined through the flatwise tension test. The fracture toughness of the bond line was measured through the double cantilever beam test. Fracture toughness values varied for different facesheet thicknesses and core materials. Toughness was also different for the bag and tool sides of the panels for all specimen types.  相似文献   

Using specimens of western hemlock with various depths, double cantilever beam and three-point bend end-notched flexure tests were conducted to obtain the mode I and mode II fracture toughness. To correct the deflection caused by shearing and crack tip deformation, four conventional data reduction methods were examined as well as the compliance combination method, which was proposed by the author. In addition to the actual fracture tests, finite element analyses were conducted and the validity of the data reduction methods were also examined. The compliance combination method was more suitable for the data reduction than the others examined here because the fracture toughness was determined simply and appropriately while correcting the deflection caused by shearing as well as the crack tip deformation.  相似文献   

Stress intensity factors of bimaterial interface cracks are evaluated based on the interaction energy release rates. The interaction energy release rate is defined based on the energy release rates of a cracked body, corresponding to two independent loading conditions, actual field and an auxiliary field, and is related to the sensitivities of the potential energies for crack extensions. The potential energy of a cracked body is expressed with a domain integral, which is converted to a boundary integral expression by applying the divergence theorem. By differentiating this expression with the crack length, a boundary integral expression for the interaction energy release rate is obtained. The boundary integral representation for the interaction energy release rate involves the displacement, the traction, and their sensitivity coefficients with respect to the crack length. The boundary element sensitivity analyses are used to calculate these quantities accurately. A regularized boundary integral equation relating the boundary displacement and traction is differentiated with respect to an arbitrary shape parameter to derive the regularized boundary integral equation for the sensitivity coefficients of the boundary displacement and traction. The proposed approach is applied to several cracks in dissimilar media and the results are compared with those obtained by the conventional approach based on the extrapolation method. The analytical displacement and stress solutions for an interface crack between two infinite dissimilar media subjected to uniform stresses at infinity are used to give the auxiliary field, in which the values of the stress intensity factors are known. It is demonstrated that the present method can give accurate results for the stress intensity factors of various bimaterial interface cracks under coarse mesh discretizations.  相似文献   

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