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The terminal step in hepatic gluconeogenesis is catalyzed by glucose-6-phosphatase, an enzyme activity residing in the endoplasmic reticulum and consisting of a catalytic subunit (glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase)) and putative accessory transport proteins. We show that Zucker diabetic fatty rats (fa/fa), which are known to exhibit impaired suppression of hepatic glucose output, have 2.4-fold more glucose-6-phosphatase activity in liver than lean controls. To define the potential contribution of increased hepatic G6Pase to development of diabetes, we infused recombinant adenoviruses containing the G6Pase cDNA (AdCMV-G6Pase) or the beta-galactosidase gene into normal rats. Animals were studied by one of three protocols as follows: protocol 1, fed ad libitum for 7 days; protocol 2, fed ad libitum for 5 days, fasted overnight, and subjected to an oral glucose tolerance test; protocol 3, fed ad libitum for 4 days, fasted for 48 h, subjected to oral glucose tolerance test, and then allowed to refeed overnight. Hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase enzymatic activity was increased by 1.6-3-fold in microsomes isolated from AdCMV-G6Pase-treated animals in all three protocols, and the resultant metabolic profile was similar in each case. AdCMV-G6Pase-treated animals exhibited several of the abnormalities associated with early stage non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, including glucose intolerance, hyperinsulinemia, decreased hepatic glycogen content, and increased peripheral (muscle) triglyceride stores. These animals also exhibited significant decreases in circulating free fatty acids and triglycerides, changes not normally associated with the disease. Our studies show that overexpression of G6Pase in liver is sufficient to perturb whole animal glucose and lipid homeostasis, possibly contributing to the development of metabolic abnormalities associated with diabetes.  相似文献   

Deficiency of microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase), the key enzyme in glucose homeostasis, causes glycogen storage disease type 1a, an autosomal recessive disorder. Characterization of the transmembrane topology of G6Pase should facilitate the identification of amino acid residues contributing to the active site and broaden our understanding of the effects of mutations that cause glycogen storage disease type 1a. Using N- and C-terminal tagged G6Pase, we show that in intact microsomes, the N terminus is resistant to protease digestion, whereas the C terminus is sensitive to such treatment. Our results demonstrate that G6Pase possesses an odd number of transmembrane helices, with its N and C termini facing the endoplasmic reticulum lumen and the cytoplasm, respectively. During catalysis, a phosphoryl-enzyme intermediate is formed, and the phosphoryl acceptor in G6Pase is a His residue. Sequence alignment suggests that mammalian G6Pases, lipid phosphatases, acid phosphatases, and a vanadium-containing chloroperoxidase (whose tertiary structure is known) share a conserved phosphatase motif. Active-site alignment of the vanadium-containing chloroperoxidase and G6Pases predicts that Arg-83, His-119, and His-176 in G6Pase contribute to the active site and that His-176 is the residue that covalently binds the phosphoryl moiety during catalysis. This alignment also predicts that Arg-83, His-119, and His-176 reside on the same side of the endoplasmic reticulum membrane, which is supported by the recently predicted nine-transmembrane helical model for G6Pase. We have previously shown that Arg-83 is involved in positioning the phosphate during catalysis and that His-119 is essential for G6Pase activity. Here we demonstrate that substitution of His-176 with structurally similar or dissimilar amino acids inactivates the enzyme, suggesting that His-176 could be the phosphoryl acceptor in G6Pase during catalysis.  相似文献   

We investigated the transport pathways available for the uptake of vitamin C in the human placental choriocarcinoma cell line, JAR. These cells were found to possess the capacity to accumulate the vitamin when presented either in the oxidized form (dehydroascorbic acid) or in the reduced form (ascorbate). Dithiothreitol and 5,5'-dithiobis(2-nitrobenzoic acid) were used to maintain vitamin C as ascorbate and dehydroascorbic acid, respectively. The uptake of these two forms of vitamin C in JAR cells was found to occur by different mechanisms. The uptake of the dehydroascorbic acid was Na(+)-independent and was mediated by facilitative glucose transporters as evidenced from the inhibition of the uptake process by glucose. On the other hand, the uptake of ascorbate was Na(+)-dependent and was not sensitive to inhibition by glucose. Substitution of Na+ with other monovalent cations abolished the uptake of ascorbate completely. The uptake process was, however, not influenced by anions. Kinetic analysis indicated the presence of a single saturable transport system for ascorbate with a Michaelis-Menten constant of 22 +/- 1 microM. The dependence of the uptake rare of ascorbate on Na+ concentration exhibited sigmoidal kinetics, suggesting interaction of more than one Na+ ion with the transporter. The Hill coefficient for the Na+ interaction was 2, indicating that the Na(+)-dependent ascorbate transport is electrogenic. The Na(+)-dependent stimulation of ascorbate uptake was primarily due to an increase in the affinity of the transporter for ascorbate in the presence of Na+. It is concluded that the JAR placental trophoblast cell line expresses two different transport systems for vitamin C: one for the reduced form of the vitamin ascorbate; and the other for the oxidized form of the vitamin dehydroascorbic acid.  相似文献   

The microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase enzyme is situated with its active site inside the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum and for normal enzyme activity in vivo, transport systems are needed for the substrates and products of the enzyme. Most studies of glucose-6-phosphatase have been carried out on the liver enzyme and relatively little is known about the regulation of the kidney glucose-6-phosphatase enzyme system. Here we demonstrate that the liver and kidney glucose-6-phosphatase systems are regulated differently by dexamethasone and that dexamethasone acts on both the glucose-6-phosphatase enzyme and T1 its associated glucose-6-phosphate transport protein.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: After Alzheimer's disease, vascular dementia (VaD) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) are among the most common dementing illnesses. FTD may have a neuropsychological profile similar to that of VaD, and patients with these dementias may be difficult to distinguish on clinical examination. The purpose of this study was to elucidate distinct cognitive profiles of a large group of FTD and VaD patients on a brief, clinical mental status examination. DESIGN: A comparison of 39 FTD patients and 39 VaD patients on a brief, clinical mental status examination. SETTING: A Dementia Research Center and affiliated, university hospitals. METHODS: The FTD patients were diagnosed by noncognitive clinical and neuroimaging criteria, and the VaD patients met NINDS-AIREN criteria for vascular dementia. The two dementia groups were comparable on three dementia assessment scales. MEASUREMENTS: The mental status measures included the neuropsychological battery from the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease (CERAD), plus supplementation from the Neurobehavioral Cognitive Status Examination (NCSE) for cognitive areas not assessed by the CERAD). RESULTS: The FTD and VaD groups differed significantly on the mental status examination measures. FTD patients performed significantly better than the VaD patients on digit span and constructions, despite comparable performance by both groups on calculations. Although not statistically significant, the FTD group performed worse than the VaD group on verbal fluency and abstractions. These differences were not explained by group differences in age and education. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that cognitive differences between FTD and VaD groups reflect greater frontal pathology in contrast to relative sparing of posterior cortex and subcortical white matter in FTD. These cognitive differences as measured by a mental status examination may help distinguish between these two dementia syndromes.  相似文献   

Deficiency of glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase), an endoplasmic reticulum transmembrane glycoprotein, causes glycogen storage disease type 1a. We have recently shown that human G6Pase contains an odd number of transmembrane segments, supporting a nine-transmembrane helical model for this enzyme. Sequence analysis predicts the presence of three potential asparagine (N)-linked glycosylation sites, N96TS, N203AS, and N276SS, conserved among mammalian G6Pases. According to this model, Asn96, located in a 37-residue luminal loop, is a potential acceptor for oligosaccharides, whereas Asn203 and Asn276, located in a 12-residue cytoplasmic loop and helix 7, respectively, would not be utilized for this purpose. We therefore characterized mutant G6Pases lacking one, two, or all three potential N-linked glycosylation sites. Western blot and in vitro translation studies showed that G6Pase is glycosylated only at Asn96, further validating the nine-transmembrane topology model. Substituting Asn96 with an Ala (N96A) moderately reduced enzymatic activity and had no effect on G6Pase synthesis or degradation, suggesting that oligosaccharide chains do not play a major role in protecting the enzyme from proteolytic degradation. In contrast, mutation of Asn276 to an Ala (N276A) destabilized the enzyme and markedly reduced enzymatic activity. We present additional evidence suggesting that the integrity of transmembrane helices is essential for G6Pase stability and catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Exposure of rat liver microsomes to ascorbic acid/Fe(2+) caused decreases in the membrane-bound glucose-6-phosphate (G-6-Pase) activity and the protein thiols after a short lag period (4 min). Under the same conditions, the production of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances and fluorescent products was also initiated from 4 min after the start of the treatment, although conjugated diene was formed immediately on incubation of the microsomes with ascorbic acid/Fe(2+). After centrifugation of the treated microsomes, the fluorescent products and the enzyme activity remained in the membrane fraction. The results of kinetic studies of the enzyme activity indicated that ascorbic acid/Fe(2+)-induced inhibition of the enzyme activity is mainly due to an increased Km value for the substrate. A decreased activity of the microsomal G-6-Pase was also observed when the microsomes were incubated with aldehydes such as malondialdehyde, n-heptaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and trans-2-nonenal. However, loss of protein thiols was detected only upon treatment of the microsomes with trans-2-nonenal. Glucose-6-phosphate (G-6-P)effectively prevented ascorbic acid/Fe(2+)- or trans-2-nonenal-induced inhibition of the enzyme activity, but the substrate failed to protect the protein thiols in both systems. The results of fluorescence anisotropy measurements of diphenylhexatriene-labeled microsomes suggested that changes in the lipid dynamics are not directly related to peroxidation- mediated inhibition of the enzyme activity. Based on these results, a possible reason for the inhibition of the microsomal G-6-Pase activity associated with ascorbic acid/Fe(2+) treatment is discussed.  相似文献   

Liver microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase (Glc-6-Pase) is a multicomponent system involving both substrate and product carriers and a catalytic subunit. We have investigated the inhibitory effect of N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), a rather specific sulfhydryl reagent, on rat liver Glc-6-Pase activity. Three thiol groups are important for Glc-6-Pase system activity. Two of them are located in the glucose-6-phosphate (Glc-6-P) translocase, and one is located in the catalytic subunit. The other transporters (phosphate and glucose) are not affected by NEM treatment. The NEM alkylation of the catalytic subunit sulfhydryl residue is prevented by preincubating the disrupted microsomes with saturating concentrations of substrate or product. This suggests either that the modified cysteine is located in the protein active site or that substrate binding hides the thiol group via a conformational change in the enzyme structure. Two other thiols important for the Glc-6-Pase system activity are located in the Glc-6-P translocase and are more reactive than the one located in the catalytic subunit. The study of the NEM inhibition of the translocase has provided evidence of the existence of two distinct areas in the protein that can behave independently, with conformational changes occurring during Glc-6-P binding to the transporter. The recent cloning of a human putative Glc-6-P carrier exhibiting homologies with bacterial phosphoester transporters, such as Escherichia coli UhpT (a Glc-6-P translocase), is compatible with the fact that two cysteine residues are important for the bacterial Glc-6-P transport.  相似文献   

Sugar-3-phosphates are related to aspects of diabetes which depend on protein glycosylation events. Sorbitol-3-phosphate and fructose-3-phosphate occur in normal and diabetic individuals, and glucose-3-phosphate is a potential intermediate in their biosynthesis. Almost nothing is known about enzyme pathways for their metabolic turnover. We have found that part of the phosphohydrolytic activity on glucose-3-phosphate in rat liver supernatants corresponds to a specific, Mg(2+)-dependent, glucose-3-phosphatase much less or not active on other phosphate esters, including glucose-1-phosphate, glucose-6-phosphate, fructose-1-phosphate, fructose-6-phosphate and p-nitrophenyl-phosphate. This finding opens a route to a better understanding of the metabolism and role of sugar-3-phosphates.  相似文献   

Ruscus aculeatus extract (the active principle of Cyclo 3 Fort) is used to increase venous tone in patients with venous disease. In these experiments, the effects of oral Cyclo 3 Fort on capillary permeability were studied in hamsters with moderate diabetes induced by two intraperitoneal injections of streptozotocin (40 mg/kg). Hamsters were treated with a placebo or Cyclo 3 Fort, 2, 10 or 50 mg/kg/day, for 4 weeks starting 3 days after induction of diabetes. Intravital microscopy of cheek pouch preparations was performed using fluorescein-labelled dextran (FITC-dextran) as a marker for plasma exudation (leak formation). Plasma levels of glucose were measured prior to experiments. Following preparation for intravital microscopy, each cheek pouch was subjected to two applications of histamine, 5 x 10(-6) M for 5 min at 30-minute intervals. Plasma exudation (number of leaks/cm2) was significantly reduced in animals receiving Cyclo 3 Fort at doses of 10 mg/kg or above. The mean number of leaks was 258 +/- 17 in the placebo group, compared with 253 +/- 12, 125 +/- 7 (p < 0.01) and 99 +/- 7 (p < 0.01) in animals receiving Cyclo 3 Fort, 2, 10 or 50 mg/kg, respectively. Blood glucose levels did not differ between groups. Thus, oral Cyclo 3 Fort inhibited histamine-induced plasma exudation in hamsters with mild diabetes without affecting the glycaemia.  相似文献   

By using a rapid procedure of isolation of microsomes, we have shown that the liver glucose-6-phosphatase activity was lowered by about 30% (p < 0.001) after refeeding for 360 min rats previously unfed for 48 h, whereas the amount of glucose-6-phosphatase protein was not lowered during the same time. The amount of the regulatory subunit (p85) and the catalytic activity of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) were higher by a factor of 2.6 and 2.4, respectively (p < 0.01), in microsomes from refed as compared with fasted rats. This resulted from a translocation process because the total amount of p85 was the same in the whole liver homogenates from fasted and refed rats. The amount of insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS1) was also higher by a factor of 2.6 in microsomes from refed rats (p < 0. 01). Microsome-bound IRS1 was only detected in p85 immunoprecipitates. These results strongly suggest that an insulin-triggered mechanism of translocation of PI3K onto microsomes occurs in the liver of rats during refeeding. This process, via the lipid products of PI3K, which are potent inhibitors of glucose-6-phosphatase (Mithieux, G., Danièle, N., Payrastre, B., and Zitoun, C. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 17-19), may account for the inhibition of the enzyme and participate to the inhibition of hepatic glucose production occurring in this situation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The goal of our study was to determine the effect of contrast material injection rate and patient demographic variables on vascular enhancement for abdominal CT angiography and compare test injection results with actual patterns of vascular enhancement. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: One hundred twenty-five patients underwent abdominal CT angiography. For each patient, CT attenuation values (Hounsfield units) of the aorta were determined before and after IV contrast administration, every 3 sec between 21 and 60 sec. A peak aortic enhancement value and the time needed to reach peak and aortic enhancement thresholds of 150 and 200 H were determined. All patients received 150 ml of nonionic contrast material at 3 ml/sec in 25 patients and 4 ml/sec in 100 patients. A test injection of 15 ml was used to compute a scan delay in 46 patients. Patient age, sex, weight, injection rate, and test injection results were compared with vascular enhancement patterns. RESULTS: For the 125 patients, the mean aortic enhancement at each time point was greater than 150 H. Patient weight was inversely correlated (r2 = -.62) with aortic enhancement. The test injection did not accurately predict actual aortic enhancement peak value or time. Test injection delay time was significantly correlated with time to reach aortic enhancement thresholds of 150 and 200 H. The 4 ml/sec rate resulted in a higher peak aortic enhancement (320+/-58 H versus 281+/-49 H) (mean +/- SD, p < .01) that was reached quicker than with the 3 ml/sec injection rate (45+/-5 sec versus 52+/-5 sec) (p < .01). Injecting at 4 ml/sec resulted in greater aortic enhancement values at 24-45 sec, whereas 3 ml/sec produced significantly better aortic enhancement at 54-60 sec. CONCLUSION: The test injection correlated better with time to reach specific aortic enhancement thresholds than with time to peak aortic enhancement. For a given amount of contrast material, faster injection rates resulted in greater vascular enhancement that occurred earlier.  相似文献   

Telomerase is an RNA-directed DNA polymerase, composed of RNA and protein subunits, that replicates the telomere ends of linear eukaryotic chromosomes. Using a genetic strategy described here, we identify the product of the EST2 gene, Est2p, as a subunit of telomerase in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Est2p is required for enzyme catalysis, as mutations in EST2 were found to result in the absence of telomerase activity. Immunochemical experiments show that Est2p is an integral subunit of the telomerase enzyme. Critical catalytic residues present in RNA-directed DNA polymerases are conserved in Est2p; mutation of one such residue abolishes telomerase activity, suggesting a direct catalytic role for Est2p.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV), a positive-strand RNA virus, is the major infectious agent responsible for causing chronic hepatitis. Currently, there is no vaccine for HCV infection, and the only therapy for chronic hepatitis C is largely ineffective. To investigate new genetic approaches to the management of HCV infection, six hammerhead ribozymes directed against a conserved region of the plus strand and minus strand of the HCV genome were isolated from a ribozyme library, characterized, and expressed from recombinant adenovirus vectors. The expressed ribozymes individually or in combination were efficient at reducing or eliminating the respective plus- or minus-strand HCV RNAs expressed in cultured cells and from primary human hepatocytes obtained from chronic HCV-infected patients. This study demonstrates the potential utility of ribozyme therapy as a strategy for the treatment of hepatitis C virus infection.  相似文献   

An unusual case of synovial chondromatosis of the cruciate ligaments is reported that resulted principally in a loss of function, secondary to a mechanical block to extension. Magnetic resonance imaging was useful in directing surgery, but not in making the formal diagnosis.  相似文献   

Measurement of hepatic glucose production (HGP) by standard isotope dilution reveals only the net release of glucose from the liver, not the flux across glucose-6-phosphatase ([G6Pase] or total hepatic glucose output), hepatic glucose cycling (HGC), irreversible glucose disposal into glycogen in the liver (hepatic Rd), or net hepatic glucose balance. We describe two independent isotopic techniques for measuring these parameters in vivo, both of which use secreted glucuronate (GlcUA). HGC can be quantified by measuring a correction factor for glucose label retained in hepatic glucose-6-phosphate (G6P), sampled as GlcUA. A complementary technique for measuring total hepatic glucose output is also described (reverse dilution), requiring administration of no labeled glucose but instead a labeled gluconeogenic precursor and unlabeled glucose. Hepatic Rd is calculated by multiplying the rate of appearance (Ra) of hepatic UDP-glucose ([UDP-glc] based on dilution of labeled galactose in GlcUA) times the direct entry of glucose into hepatic UDP-glc and the fraction of labeled UDP-glc retained in the liver. The sum of hepatic Rd plus HGC represents the total hepatic glucose phosphorylation rate. Rats received intravenous (i.v.) glucose infusions at a rate of 15 to 30 mg/kg/min after a 24-hour fast. Despite a suppression of net HGP more than 50%, total hepatic glucose output was not significantly decreased, because of increased HGC. Total hepatic glucose output calculated by reverse dilution yielded similar results during i.v. glucose infusions at 15 mg/kg/min, although values were higher than obtained by the correction-factor method at 30 mg/kg/min. The fraction of labeled UDP-glc released into blood glucose, representing a hepatic glycogen cycle, decreased from 35% (fasted) to nearly 0% (i.v. glucose 30 mg/kg/min). Hepatic Rd was 1.4, 4.6, and 7.5 mg/kg/min (fasted and i.v. glucose 15 and 30 mg/kg/min, respectively); total hepatic glucose phosphorylation increased substantially (from 4.2 to 8.5 to 12.7 mg/kg/min) and net hepatic glucose balance changed from negative to positive during i.v. glucose. In conclusion, hepatic G6Pase flux, glucose phosphorylation, HGC, disposal of glucose into glycogen, and net glucose balance can be measured noninvasively in vivo under various metabolic conditions by techniques involving the GlcUA probe.  相似文献   

Long-term amygdala kindling in rats produces increases in emotionality (Kalynchuk et al., Biol. Psychiatry, 41 (1997) 438-451). The present experiment was conducted to investigate whether this hyperemotionality is specific to amygdala kindling or whether it can be produced by kindling other structures. Rats received 99 convulsive or sham stimulations of either the amygdala, the hippocampus, or the caudate nucleus. One day after the stimulation phase, each rat's open-field activity and resistance to capture were assessed; the following day, each rat was tested on an elevated plus maze. The site of stimulation had a significant effect on the results of each of these tests. The amygdala-kindled and hippocampal-kindled rats explored less in the open field, were more resistant to capture from the open field, and engaged in a greater percentage of open-arm activity in the elevated plus maze than did the caudate-kindled rats or the sham-stimulated controls. The caudate-kindled rats were more active in the open field than their sham-stimulated controls, but they did not significantly differ from them in terms of the other measures. These results suggest that kindling-induced emotionality is produced by limbic kindling but not nonlimbic kindling.  相似文献   

People with the variants of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPD) deficiency common in the southern Chinese (Canton, B(-)Chinese, and Hong Kong-Pokfulam) have a moderate shortening of red-cell survival but no anaemia when they are in the steady state. With a cross-transfusion technique, primaquine, nitrofurantoin, and large doses of aspirin were found to aggravate the haemolysis while sulphamethoxazole did so only in some people. Individual differences in drug metabolism may be the reason for this. Many commonly used drugs reported to accentuate haemolysis in GPD deficiency did not shorten red-cell survival.  相似文献   

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