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光学活性桃潜叶蛾性信息素的合成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了桃潜叶蛾的危害和防治措施,对桃潜叶蛾性信息素的有效成分14-甲基-1-十八碳烯的合成进行了考察。以2-甲基己酸、1,9-二溴壬烷、烯丙基氯等为原料,利用格氏偶联反应,合成了外消旋14-甲基-1-十八碳烯,全程产率38%。以奎宁拆分2-甲基己酸得到的(S)-2-甲基己酸为原料,经过相同的反应步骤合成了(S)-14-甲基-1-十八碳烯,全程产率31%。实验表明,20min的溴代烷/四氢呋喃溶液的滴加时间以及n(Li2CuCl4)/n(格氏试剂)=3%即可保证较高的反应收率。所得产品的结构经IR、MS和1H NMR进行了表征。  相似文献   

[目的]为谷斑皮蠹性信息素的立体选择性合成提供新思路。[方法]采用(R)-2-甲基丁醇为手性原料,结合常见试剂1,3-丙二醇及1,8-辛二醇,主要通过Mitsnobu反应、Julia烯基化反应、戴斯-马丁氧化、Corey-Fush反应、端基炔与碘代烷烃耦联、Linlar Pd催化加氢等反应,合成谷斑皮蠹信息素(R,Z)-14-甲基十六碳-8-烯-1-醛。[结果]立体合成谷斑皮蠹信息素(R,Z)-14-甲基十六碳-8-烯-1-醛,反应总收率为3.3%[以(R)-2-甲基-1-丁醇计]。  相似文献   

以天然产物中含有的大量组分油酸为初始原料合成了2种鳞翅目螟蛾科昆虫性信息素组分顺-9-十八碳烯-1-醇乙酸酯与顺-9-十八碳烯醛,并通过N M R、IR对中间体和目标化合物的结构进行了表征.结果表明,油酸经四氢铝锂还原后,再经乙酸酐酯化得到的顺-9-十八碳烯-1-醇乙酸酯和经氯铬酸吡啶盐(PCC)氧化得到的顺-9-十八...  相似文献   

鳞翅目斑蛾科昆虫为森林和果树的重要害虫,可利用昆虫性信息素进行斑蛾科害虫的种群预测和直接诱杀.以7-溴庚酸为起始原料,经过二氯亚砜酰氯化、仲丁醇酯化得到7-溴庚酸仲丁醇酯,再与三苯基膦反应得到膦盐,最后与正戊醛进行相转移催化的Wittig反应,合成了鳞翅目斑蛾科昆虫性信息素顺-7-十二碳烯酸仲丁醇酯(Z7-12:COO...  相似文献   

本文介绍了我国靖远松叶蜂性信息素的研究进展,主要包括松叶蜂性信息素的研究现状及性信息素人工合成等方面的研究进展,并介绍了作者在靖远松叶蜂性信息素人工合成方面的研究工作。  相似文献   

槐尺蠖性信息素的合成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘天麟  刘子平 《农药》1991,30(5):12-13
以丙炔醇为起始物经6~7步反应,成功地合成了槐尺蠖(Semiothisa cinerearia Bremer et Grey)性信息素组份化合物(Z,Z,Z)-3,6,9-十七碳三烯和Cis~3,4-环氧(Z,Z)-6,9-十七碳双烯。  相似文献   

夏丰 《农化新世纪》2004,(11):12-12
华北落叶松鞘蛾是我国华北地区落叶松栽植区的食叶害虫之一,仅山西省内林区年发生面积就在40万亩以上,经济损失非常在大。在系统研究了华北落叶松鞘蛾成虫的繁殖行为后,首次发现华北落叶松鞘蛾性引诱剂和性抑制剂的成分,成功实现性信息素的人工合成,经数年应用,表明其人工产品的效果及可操作性均优于传统监测手段,特别是在中、低虫口密度的林中,  相似文献   

亚洲玉米螟性信息素的合成新方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以10-羟基癸酸为起始原料,经过四氢铝锂还原、单边溴代、邻苯二甲酸二环乙酯(DHP)保护、格氏试剂偶联、脱DHP及乙酰化、臭氧化反应和Wittig反应,以17.9%的总收率合成了亚洲玉米螟性信息素(Z/E)-12-十四碳烯醇乙酸酯(1,2)和正十四碳醇乙酸酯(3)。与文献报道的方法相比,此方法更经济。  相似文献   

综述了家蝇信息素Z—9—廿三碳烯合成方法的最新进展。  相似文献   

The apple leafminer moth, Phyllonorycter ringoniella, is becoming a more serious insect pest on apple trees with four to five generations a year in Korea. In order to devise a forecasting method for more accurate estimation of their numbers and development timing, the sex attractant was studied. Various ratios, from 10:0 to 0:10, of the two components, (Z)-10-tetradecenyl acetate (Z10–14:Ac) and (E,Z)-4,10-tetradecadienyl acetate (E4,Z10–14:Ac), identified from the sex pheromone gland (Jung and Boo, 1997), were tested for attractivity in terms of behavioral response (taxis, approach, and landing) against P. ringoniella males in a wind tunnel. The lure with Z10–14:Ac/E4,Z10–14:Ac in a ratio of 4:6 elicited the highest response in two (taxis and approach) measurement categories. For eliciting landing behavior, the two blends of 5:5 and 4:6 were best. The single component, Z10–14:Ac, elicited taxis behavior, but a combination of two chemicals was needed for eliciting all three behaviors. In the field, male attraction to various lure mixtures in Pherocon IC traps was usually greater than attraction to virgin females. The best field activity was in the lure baited with a 4:6 ratio of Z10–14:Ac and E4,Z10–14:Ac. Similar results were obtained from tests conducted in a net house. This optimum ratio for attracting P. ringoniella males in Korea is different from those reported in Japan (10:3) or China (7:3 to 6:4). The isomer E10–14:Ac neither improved nor depressed the number of catches when added at up to 10% of the total mixture to lures of the two components in the 4:6 ratio. The attractivity of the lures increased with higher amounts of the pheromones, up to 10 g in the wind-tunnel experiment and 5 mg in the apple orchard. The number of males captured was not significantly different among traps installed at 0.3, 1.5, or 2 m above the ground, or among wing, delta, or water traps. A rubber septum dispenser impregnated with 1 mg of the 4:6 mixture maintained its field attractivity for up to eight weeks.  相似文献   

Coupled gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) of both gland extracts and effluvial collections from female blueberry leafminer, Caloptilia porphyretica Braun (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae), showed that females produced a single EAD-active compound. The amount of the compound collected from virgin female C. porphyretica was below GC and mass spectrometry (MS) detection thresholds, even with highly concentrated gland extracts (approximately 150 female equivalent). (E)-11-Hexadecenal (E11-16:Ald) was determined to be a sex pheromone component mainly by comparison of retention times with authentic standards on both polar and nonpolar capillary columns, microreaction-GC-EAD analyses, and field trapping tests. GC-EAD experiments showed that synthetic E11-16:Ald exhibited extraordinarily high electrophysiological activity, stimulating significant male antennal responses at as low as 10 fg. Traps baited with E11-16:Ald alone were attractive to males. Addition of 1 or 3% of its geometric isomer, Z11-16:Ald, to E11-16:Ald did not significantly increase trap captures, but an inhibitory effect was observed at the 10% level. The influence of two kinds of rubber septa on attraction was also evaluated. Male moth captures were higher in traps baited with red rubber septa than with gray rubber septa at 30-300-microg doses. Monitoring of adult flight activity with 3-microg doses of E11-16:Ald indicated at least three distinct flight periods throughout the 2003 season.  相似文献   

The sex pheromone of the female almond moth, Cadra cautella, constitutes a highly variable signal. Age and period of the L/D cycle had significant effects on the variation in titers of (Z,E)-9,12-tetradecadienyl acetate (Z9,E12-14:Ac) and (Z)-9-tetradecenyl acetate (Z9-14:Ac) and the ratio of Z9,E12-14:Ac to Z9-14:Ac. Across age classes, minimum and maximum mean titers (ng +/- SE) of Z9,E12-14:Ac and Z9-14:Ac ranged from 8.7 +/- 0.46 to 21 +/- 1.0 and from 2.0 +/- 0.14 to 2.9 +/- 0.15, respectively; the mean ratio of Z9,E12-14:Ac to Z9-14:Ac ranged from 5.2 +/- 0.21 to 11 +/- 0.40. The titers of Z9,E12-14:Ac and Z9-14:Ac and the ratio of Z9,E12-14:Ac to Z9-14:Ac were highest at the onset of the scotophase and lowest at the onset of the photophase. Similarly, the titer of Z9,E12-14:Ac and the ratio of Z9,E12-14:Ac to Z9-14:Ac were highest in females sampled 1 d postemergence and declined over all age classes. The titer of Z9-14:Ac increased from day 1 to day 2, and then declined to levels equivalent to day 1. Analysis of pupal and adult mass demonstrated a positive correlation (r = 0.874, P < 0.001); however, the titer of neither Z9,E12-14:Ac or Z9-14:Ac nor the ratio of Z9,E12-14:Ac to Z9-14:Ac were significantly correlated with pupal mass. Age-related variations in pheromone titer and ratios were heritable. The narrow-sense heritability of the observed variation in 1-d-old females, 1 hr into the scotophase is 1.2 +/- 0.32, 0.75 +/- 0.24, and 0.46 +/- 0.17 for the titer of Z9,E12-14:Ac and Z9-14:Ac and the ratio of Z9,E12-14:Ac to Z9-14:Ac, respectively. A significant additive genetic correlation was observed between that of Z9,E12-14:Ac and Z9-14:Ac, but not between that of either Z9,E12-14:Ac or Z9-14:Ac and the ratio of Z9,E12-14:Ac to Z9-14:Ac. The results of the genetic analyses suggest that the traits of titer of Z9,E12-14:Ac and Z9-14:Ac have a greater potential to respond to selection than the trait of ratio of Z9,E12-14:Ac to Z9-14:Ac.  相似文献   

By means of electroantennographic detection and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, the sex pheromone of Argyrotaenia sphaleropa was identified as a mixture of (Z)-11-tetradecenal, (Z)-11,13-tetradecadienal, (Z)-11-tetradecenyl acetate, and (Z)-11,13-tetradecadienyl acetate in the ratio of 1:4:10:40. Best trap catches were obtained with mixtures of (Z)-11-tetradecenal and (Z)-11,13-tetradecadienal in the ratio of 1:4 to 1:9.  相似文献   

(Z)-10,(Z)-12-Tetradecadienyl acetate (Z10,Z12–14:OAc) and (E)-10,(E)-12-tetradecadienyl acetate (E10,E12–14:OAc) are sex pheromone components of the apple blotch leafminer (ABLM), Phyllonorycter crataegella. Compounds extracted from female pheromone glands were identified by coupled gas chromatographic–electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) analyses, retention index calculations of EAD-active compounds, and by comparative GC-EAD analyses of female ABLM-produced and authentic (synthetic) compounds. In field experiments in apple Malus domestica orchards in Connecticut, Z10,Z12–14:OAc alone attracted ABLM males. Addition of E10,E12–14:OAc to Z10,Z12–14:OAc at 0.1:10 or 1:10 ratios enhanced attractiveness of the lure. Geometrical isomers Z10,E12- or E10,Z12–14:OAc at equivalent ratios were behaviorally benign and slightly inhibitory, respectively. In field experiments in British Columbia, Z10,Z12–14:OAc plus E10,E12–14:OAc did not attract Phyllonorycter moths, supporting the contention that ABLM is not present in the fruit growing regions of British Columbia. Z10,Z12–14:OAc added to P. mespilella pheromone, (E)-4,(E)-10-dodecadienyl acetate, strongly inhibited response by P. mespilella males. Recognition of the ABLM pheromone blend by allopatric P. mespilella males suggests a phylogenetic relationship and previous sympatry of these two Phyllonorycter spp. If pheromonal attraction of ABLM males were reciprocally inhibited by P. mespilella pheromone, a generic Phyllonorycter pheromone blend could be tested for pheromone-based mating disruption of the apple leaf-mining Phyllonorycter guild in North America.  相似文献   

In 1996, the exotic white-spotted tussock moth (WSTM), Orgyia thyellina (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae), was discovered in Auckland, New Zealand. Because establishment of WSTM would threaten New Zealand's orchard industry and international trade, eradication of WSTM with microbial insecticide was initiated. To monitor and complement eradication of WSTM by capture of male moths in pheromone-baited traps, pheromone components of female WSTM needed to be identified. Coupled gas chromatographic–electroantennographic detection analysis of pheromone gland extract revealed several compounds that elicited responses from male moth antennae. Mass spectra of the two most EAD-active compounds suggested, and comparative GC-MS of authentic standards confirmed, that they were (Z)-6-heneicosen-11-one (Z6–11-one) and (Z)-6-heneicosen-9-one, the latter termed here thyellinone. In field experiments in Japan, Z6–11-one plus thyellinone at a 100:5 ratio attracted WSTM males, whereas either ketone alone failed to attract a single male moth. Addition of further candidate pheromone components did not enhance attractiveness of the binary blend. Through the 1997–1998 summer, 45,000 commercial trap lures baited with 2000 g of Z6–11-one and 100 g of thyellinone were deployed in Auckland towards eradication of the residual WSTM population.Dedicated to my dear mother in honor of her 75th birthday  相似文献   

This study describes the identification of a sex pheromone component of a cossid moth, Cossus insularis. Coupled gas chromatographic–electroantennographic detection (GC–EAD) analysis of solid-phase microextraction (SPME) collections of volatiles released by live female moths showed that two compounds elicited EAG responses from the antennae of male moths. These compounds were identified as (E)-3-tetradecenyl acetate (E3-14:Ac) and (Z)-3-tetradecenyl acetate (Z3-14:Ac) by mass spectral analysis and retention index comparisons with synthetic standards. The ratio of E3-14:Ac and Z3-14:Ac was 95:5 in the effluvia of a female. In field bioassays, sticky traps baited with blends of E3-14:Ac and Z3-14:Ac showed that E3-14:Ac is an essential component of the pheromone. However, the role of Z3-14:Ac is unclear, because E3-14:Ac as a single component was as attractive to male moths as blends of E3-14:Ac and Z3-14:Ac, including the 95:5 blend released by live female moths.  相似文献   

Sex Pheromone Components of Casuarina Moth, Lymantria xylina   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
cis-7,8-Epoxy-2-methyleicosane is a sex pheromone component of the Casuarina moth, Lymantria xylina Swinhoe. The compound was extracted from pheromone glands of female moths and was identified by coupled gas chromatographic–electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) and GC–mass spectrometry. In field experiments in Taiwan, traps baited with either or both of (7R,8S)-cis-7,8-epoxy-2-methyleicosane (>99% ee) [termed here (+)-xylinalure] and (7S,8R)-cis-7,8-epoxy-2-methyleicosane (>99% ee) [termed here (–)-xylinalure] captured male L. xylina. Addition of further candidate pheromone components to xylinalure did not enhance its attractiveness. Demonstration of whether or not female L. xylina produce both optical isomers of xylinalure, and determination of the ratio, will require pheromone extract analyses on a chiral, enantiomer-separating column (as yet unavailable) or derivatization of epoxides in accumulated gland extracts. Attraction of male L. xylina to either enantiomer of xylinalure contrasts with enantiospecific production of, and/or response to, epoxy pheromones in congeners. With no other nocturnal lymantriid moth known in Taiwan to utilize xylinalure for pheromonal communication, enantiospecific fine tuning of xylinalure, or evolution of a more complex pheromone blend, may not have been necessary for L. xylina to maintain specificity of sexual communication. Racemic xylinalure will be appropriate for pheromone-based detection surveys of L. xylina in North America.  相似文献   

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